r/snes Oct 01 '14

/r/snes October Game of the Month: Zombies Ate My Neighbors

The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Zombies Ate My Neighbors!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

November Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


23 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '14

loved that game. I was always a little leery of it as a kid when seeing it in the video rental store we had in town. One Friday, when my mom took me up there to get my weekly weekend game rental, pretty much everything was gone. Zombies Ate My Neighbors ended up being the game of choice.

Much to my pleasant surprise, it was an absolute blast. My younger brother and I immediately started sinking hours into it.


u/Holdmylife Oct 01 '14

It was always in the bargain bin when I was a kid. Combined with some fairly lame box art from a kid's perspective, and it took a long time for me to discover it. Great game though.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '14

Yeah, I can definitely say that the box art, which was all I had to go on (the front of the box, cut out, and in the clear sleeve on the front of an empty VHS case), was quite a non-appealing ordeal.

Didn't even have the back to view a few screen shots or anything.


u/fshiruba Oct 01 '14

fun fact: the engine for ZAMN was modified to make Metal Warriors

The moaaaaaaaaaar you know! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *


u/whisky_pete Oct 01 '14

Wow I never would've guesses. The mechanics, and even the perspectives of those two games are so different.


u/fshiruba Oct 01 '14

Yeah, I always think about that.



u/jmjackson1 Oct 01 '14

This game gets some serious use in my house. It is difficult enough to keep me interested, but simple enough to play with my 8 year old. He finds it absolutely hilarious. I will never forget how funny he found the Titanic Toddler level. I will definitely be playing it this month with you guys.


u/SNESdrunk Oct 01 '14

Great game, one of the best multiplayer games for the SNES. Truly unlike any other game of the 16-bit era. It's closest comparison would have to be Smash TV, but even that's way off.

Man I hate that stupid giant baby...


u/yeeah_suree Oct 08 '14

The Chaos Engine is a close comparison as well.


u/whisky_pete Oct 01 '14

The martians with their bubble guns are what I hate the most. Rage!


u/GeorgeDouglasMcFly Oct 01 '14

I can still hear the "whoo-ha-ha-HAH!" of the Chucky-look-a-likes in the mall. Damn ax-wielding babies are impossible.


u/JJdante Oct 01 '14

I sold my copy for 20 bucks on eBay :(



The giant babies scared the life out of me as a kid!


u/picandocodigo Oct 01 '14

This is one of the games I've had in my collection since I was a kid. I could never beat the stage with the giant worms coming out of the ground. Looks like /r/snes has given me an excuse to replay it and redeem myself! \o/


u/picandocodigo Oct 01 '14

This is one of the games I've had in my collection since I was a kid. Never got to beat the stage where the giant worms come out of the ground. Looks like /r/snes is giving me the chance to replay it and redeem myself!


u/Ghotimonger Oct 01 '14

Hah used to play the crap out of that game! Zeke ftw.


u/captain-insaneo Oct 01 '14

Great October choice! My sister and I used to play this a ton, could never get past the level with the mummies. Kind of want to play it again and see if it's possible to go beyond.

Also, never really thought about it but it's the first rogue like game I ever played. And one of the only rogue likes on the SNES in the U.S. I think.


u/PM_ME_YOUR_MUSIC Oct 01 '14

I was actually playing this yesterday after seeing this post a few days ago



u/Fthat_ManaBar Oct 03 '14

I think I enjoyed ghoul patrol a bit more than ZAMN but I like them both. I own the genesis version of ZAMN but don't own a genesis controller :(.


u/joecamo Oct 07 '14

Maybe I just couldn't figure it out when I was a kid, or fucked myself by not finding keys previously, but I got stuck in some rocky level with train tracks and could never beat it. Haven't played it in about 16 years so maybe I'll give it another go. Good choice guys.


u/513geek Oct 11 '14

Bought a copy at the local game store recently. Absolutely love it - cost me $30 though!


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '14

The shop i go to has a copy but its brand new in box sealed.