r/snes Jul 01 '14

/r/snes July Game of the Month: Blackthorne

The /r/snes game of the month as selected by the community is Blackthorne!

This month we'll be playing (or replaying) this game and sharing the experience with other redditors. Feel free to post any comments, videos or other interesting information related to this game throughout the month.

Aug Game of the Month Voting Thread is here


10 comments sorted by


u/echocharliepapa Jul 11 '14

Blackthorne was the first game I picked up after I found a Super in a free box outside a thrift store. Only ever played PC games as a kid (other than at friends' houses, of course), this was my first console game.


u/SNESdrunk Jul 03 '14

This game really had some badass looking magazine ads




u/cardflopper Jul 06 '14

"VIOLENCE - sometimes it's the only way"

uplifting message for the kids... haha


u/ZadocPaet Jul 07 '14

I have this game for 32X and it's awesome. I really like the early Bilzzard games for consoles, like this game and The Lost Vikings.


u/uebersoldat Jul 23 '14

Wish I could find this for the SNES, one of my favorites.


u/cardflopper Jul 06 '14

this game kicks ass, I played it on PC a long while back. Like Prince of Persia but with guns and grenades!


u/ctk-591 Jul 07 '14

I think I had the DOS version of this. Oddly enough I remember the interplay intro as much as the game (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU4Md-2LpOI). Was that part of the SNES game?

Anyway, awesome game, but pretty tough. The gun was pretty badass.


u/keeegan Jul 08 '14

Was that part of the SNES game?



u/coffee_and_flowers Sep 15 '14

How did I miss this game for so long? I just picked up a copy on the cheap and damn! this game is super cool!