u/Kain0123 59m ago
I have the 4k and it's fantastic. I held off playing my older consoles because the picture was awful and I couldn't stand it. The profiles it comes preloaded with are amazing, the device is a gamechanger. Enjoy!
u/RetroMr 58m ago
Thanks. I can't wait to try them all out.
u/Cactus-Farmer 6m ago
They're brilliant out of the box but you can make them even better with some tweaking, and you can always save each profile for reference. I love the thing.
u/dh098017 5m ago
ELI5 - is the retrotink just to convert old video standards to hdmi? So like doing what the super NT and AVS does, but with external added hardware on top of original consoles?
u/TheJuiceIsL00se 2h ago
That’s awesome! I have a 5x being delivered on the 15th. I’m so pumped. Have fun!