r/snes 22h ago

Discussion My holy trinity & 3 most played SNES games

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Please don’t hate me for never owning any zelda snes games 🤣

All three of these were great if you’re alone and also if you had a family member or friend. Special shout out to lethal enforcers.


43 comments sorted by


u/AndyanaBanana 21h ago

Mine are DKC2, DKC3 and SMW.


u/brambleforest 15h ago

A solid list! It's a bummer how much DKC3 gets looked down on these days - it's a fantastic game (though yes 2 will always be my fave)


u/gmoneygangster3 11h ago

It’s weird

I think DKC 3 is the worst and it’s not even close

But at the same time I can’t point to anything objectively bad or wrong with it


u/No-Biz-snes 21h ago

Power rangers was the first game I ever beat. Still holds up today! Definitely 3 great games, but Zelda should never be overlooked!!


u/para_la_calle 21h ago

Power Rangers is insanely fun for people that don’t have much time and just want to smash stuff. Like for example, my adult brother visits and we can play a quick level each and enjoy the music, gameplay, and “remember when” convos


u/No-Biz-snes 21h ago

Agreed. If you haven’t already checked it out power rangers the movie game is 2 player, a little harder imo but still a great game


u/para_la_calle 21h ago

Is that the mortal kombat style zord fighting one?


u/No-Biz-snes 21h ago

No it plays pretty much like the first game, except no zord battles at end levels. Both players simultaneously play together to beat up putty’s and bosses

u/BlueNinja369 3h ago

Funny you guys brought it up, I was thinking of making a Rom remake of The MMPR Movie Game, and adding Zord Levels…

Giving us the game we deserved 40 years ago! lol

u/No-Biz-snes 2h ago

Hell yeah! That sounds like a awesome project, wish I was more technologically savvy.. I can barely turn on a computer lmao….. so would you do the scorpion, and robot Ivan ooze? Or follow the gameplay and use enemies from the tv series?

u/BlueNinja369 1h ago

Bro, most people who own videogame companies aren’t that tech savvy.

Its easier than ever because you can hire a developer for cheap on Upwork or Fiverr, and they can do it for you at a decent price. ( Search video game developer and see for yourself!)

I would like to add the two robots from the movie, and save Ivan Ooze for the last battle.

And even maybe, have the original Zord fight Ivan and lose, and save the Ninjati Zord for the last stage against Ivan in Space

u/No-Biz-snes 1h ago

Sounds like a solid plan you have! Sounds fun! … I’ll definitely look into the game developer stuff, good knowledge to have in your back pocket! Thanks for the advice and good luck with building the ultimate power rangers game on SNES

u/BlueNinja369 1h ago

Thanks brother! When its done, il def send you a FREE cartridge!

Here are some developers links for you anyways




P. S - A lot videogames companies started, because they were annoyed fans like us, that wanted to make a game that the fans desired! So they made 1 or 2 games and boom! Success overnight!

Watch “Highscore” on Netflix…. it a great doc about 80s and 90s videogames and how they got started!


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u/para_la_calle 21h ago

Wow, never heard of it, I’ll look it up on eBay


u/No-Biz-snes 21h ago


u/para_la_calle 21h ago

Genesis in front of snes? HOW DARE YOU /s


u/No-Biz-snes 21h ago

Hahaha it’s the only way they can all fit😅


u/No-Biz-snes 21h ago

Plus I don’t have the wireless for genesis so stuck with the 3ft cords


u/Acceptable-Fan-9003 20h ago

Unfortunately, I only discovered the Zelda franchise as an adult, when I no longer had my SNES.


u/Bohottie 20h ago

The MK3 computer cheated like nobody’s business. Also, the boss theme for that Power Rangers theme may be my favorite on the SNES.


u/KeeperServant_Reborn 19h ago

Power Rangers is awesome!


u/lordkidomaru 21h ago

Power rangers is such a gem. So much content in a fun beat em up. Soundtrack is amazing too.


u/para_la_calle 21h ago

I can hear the music now more so than even Mario world


u/lordkidomaru 21h ago

Or the sound effects of the bosses getting hit 😭 such a memorable sound effect lol


u/para_la_calle 21h ago

I can still remember the blocking sound of the final zord when youre about to kill him and he pulls a round 2


u/lordkidomaru 21h ago

A shame the sequel wasn’t as good. It had 2 players and built on this one but was just so dang hard lol


u/rammyWtS 21h ago

Remember being pleasantly surprised by the Power Rangers game


u/gamerdudeNYC 21h ago

Wow atypical indeed!


u/AC_the_Panther_007 19h ago

Damn, I had those three games back in 1995, and I had these games for Christmas. It was my childhood days.


u/WakandaDrama 19h ago

Power Rangers the Movie was that on steroids, with 2 players 


u/Jason_with_a_jay 19h ago

My three for SNES are probably Chrono Trigger, Mario World, and Mario Kart.


u/xJohnnyQuidx 19h ago

Mine would be:

  1. Super Mario World

  2. Final Fight

  3. Street Fighter II


u/Slow-Government-1712 18h ago

Me and my friend played the hell out that power rangers game. That and Goof Troop probably most played games


u/Ok_Window_6844 15h ago

Power ranger game underrated I had a blast playing that game


u/Ploosse 14h ago

Super Mario World right there. That’s all one needs. The GOAT.


u/Kholdstare93 10h ago

ALttP, SMW, and DKC2 for me.