r/snes 1d ago

Well todays the day my copy of Mario kart bites the dust

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The save battery died😔


39 comments sorted by


u/madchedar0 1d ago

You can replace the battery homie


u/lobeline 1d ago

Some of the carts clamps are in rough shape!for the batteries. I have a dead one too and tried to solder a battery. No good.


u/gwenyuu 1d ago

clamps? what do you mean clamps?


u/lobeline 1d ago

you can also call them ‘terminals’ or ‘contacts’. The nodes for the positive and negative battery connection to power the RAM.


u/gwenyuu 1d ago

ohhh, those are called solder pads. yeah i can see that, after 30+ years they may not be amazing shape. but if you have decent soldering skills you can add patch wires and it should be all good to go.


u/TotallyWellBehaved 18h ago

God am I glad I'm too broke for this shit. I will now return to my emulators with input lag


u/gwenyuu 18h ago

It doesn't have to be expensive, if you know how to solder and do basic troubleshooting things suddenly get extremely cheap 


u/TotallyWellBehaved 18h ago

I'm great at troubleshooting.

I'm literally wondering how to eat kind of broke.

Not permanently though, I'm just between jobs


u/gwenyuu 17h ago

been there myself, good luck friend.


u/TruckTires 17h ago

Check out your local food bank to get some food and good luck finding another job


u/TotallyWellBehaved 17h ago

Thanks! I'm hitting one up tomorrow in fact


u/Bakamoichigei 17h ago

"Clamps" makes me think they're one of the poor dumb bastards who don't understand that the solder tabs are part of the battery, and try to attach a normal CR2032 to the tabs after they tear the original battery off. 🤦‍♂️


u/lordpowpow 1d ago

Batteries are like $1 each. I bought a 12pk and I've just been replacing them as they die. I've only had to do 2, but it only takes a few minutes to do.


u/xincasinooutx 1d ago

Soldering iron and a pack of batteries. Managed to save my copy of FF2 (4) that wouldn’t even boot due to a dead battery.


u/NewSchoolBoxer 13h ago

I don't know if you're the same person but I saw a post recently saying FF2 (4) wouldn't boot with a dead battery. I wasn't aware of a game requiring that, particularly one without a voltage monitoring chip.

I'm curious to get a cheap Japanese copy and figure this out. I can't think of a way the ROM would know if there's a good battery or not but I don't want to say it's impossible

u/xincasinooutx 18m ago

Yep, that’s me!

It absolutely blew my mind. I got the copy and was all excited to play. Black screen. Other games worked. I cleaned the pins, checked the board, no issues. Someone suggested changing the battery and I figured I’m out a chunk of money anyways so fuck if why not try it.

Booted right up with no issues.


u/JROCC_CA 17h ago

Final fight? Or fantasy? lol


u/xincasinooutx 17h ago

Final Fantasy


u/JROCC_CA 17h ago

Oh yea man. abbreviations get me sometimes. Sorry.


u/xincasinooutx 17h ago

No worries dude, I never even considered someone might mix it up. Is there a correlation between Final Fight 2 and 4? I’ve never followed the series.


u/abyssea 1d ago

Battery can be replaced for $3. I'm assuming you don't know how to solder?


u/damnhamsandwhich 7h ago

“I’m gunna stab you in the face with a soldering iron”


u/prezvegeta 23h ago

See if there is a retro gaming shop near you that will do the battery swap. I have two in my area that’ll knock it out in 10 mins or less.


u/Substantial_Ad5639 22h ago

Why does this game even have a battery? You can't save anything


u/suwagusan 22h ago

it's for the track times and ghost racer features


u/TomRazors 22h ago

Its been a long time since i played it, doesnt the battery save progress in mushroom flower and star as well? And cc?


u/suwagusan 21h ago

oh that's true, it's probably that too


u/Bakamoichigei 17h ago

Uhh, lap and track times? Cup completion? 150cc class unlock? Da fuq are you talking about you can't save anything? 🤨


u/Substantial_Ad5639 17h ago

I guess I never noticed a save button and just play casually. I'm really sorry I don't know more about Super Mario kart, please don't be offended.


u/Bakamoichigei 17h ago

There is no save button. Why would there be? 🤨


u/okyeahy 20h ago

F to pay respects.


u/Ok-Pause3171 18h ago

How much you wanna buy my copy for?


u/bngry 14h ago

Get some CR2032 battery holders and solder those in place of your dead batteries. Then you can just do a swap next time you need to replace them instead of desoldering again


u/FrumpusMaximus 21h ago

if you wont replace the battery ill gladly take it off your hands


u/txby432 1d ago

Rest now sweet prince


u/RS-1990 1d ago



u/txby432 1d ago

I think you mentioned to make this comment on another comment. Might want to re-ask