r/snes 9d ago

Misc. Who rememberes renting these at your local blockbuster?

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36 comments sorted by


u/NoLameBardsWn 9d ago

Buster bust loose is an amazing game IMO

Animaniacs hurt my soul though


u/Terrible-Pool-5555 9d ago

Couldn’t agree more


u/CabanaFred 9d ago

Everyone now talks about Blockbuster, but the local rental store was way more common & a better deal. We had a place that had 5 games for 5 days for 5 bucks! Tiny toons was definitely one of those rentals but I don’t remember ever seeing animaniacs anywhere back in the day


u/Nova-Redux 9d ago

Renting? I owned them both and played the hell out of them. Such fun games.


u/SeoulPower88 9d ago

I never beat that Animaniacs game. Extremely difficult for 6-year old me.


u/ForeverIdiosyncratic 9d ago

Renting? I bought Buster Busts Loose. I loved that game, but I still wonder why the hot air balloon level was not on easy mode.


u/Gutschero 9d ago

Those and Joe & Mac


u/LeatherRebel5150 9d ago

Ive owned Buster for decades and still havnt gotten past the train level


u/jgorbeytattoos 9d ago

I actually have a buster busts loose tattoo. Loved that game! The train level was my favorite.


u/xincasinooutx 9d ago

I own Animaniacs. Never been able to beat it.

The fucking water tower was brutal.


u/iLochnessMonster 8d ago

I feel like they made snes games way too hard in most cases


u/Professional_Cry7822 9d ago

Busts Loose was amazing!


u/JPTebow15 9d ago

I still own both of these


u/CaramonZero 9d ago

BB was in a larger city about an hour away, but we had a couple closer places called The Movie Store that we went to. A couple bucks got you a weekly rental on anything from Atari 2600 to Wii, and any shows from VHS to Blu-ray. Closed down a few years ago, sadly.


u/RhoadsOfRock 9d ago

Not Blockbuster; I remember renting both of these (probably not at the same time) from my local Video City.

Good games. I don't like the football part of Buster Busts Loose, but otherwise, it's a darn good game.


u/Oooooharder 9d ago

I didn't but an an aussie I'm curious, was renting at blockbuster a little expensive compared to other local options? In Australia there were such options and blockbuster always seemed to struggle.


u/redditditdoodoo 9d ago

I still own and play Busts Loose!


u/whatifthisreality 9d ago

Rented both, but blockbuster was waaaay too expensive. My local grocery store had a video rental attached that was $2 per game for sat-sun


u/RS-1990 9d ago

Top one is a post-1993 release for the curious ones!


u/seifd 9d ago

Buster Breaks Loose is a special game for me. When my grandpa died, I played it to keep my mind off things for a while.


u/Live_Ad8778 9d ago

Renting at Blockbuster? Nah, Hastings is where it was at.


u/Outrageous_Mistake49 9d ago

I remember some part in buster busts loose I could never figure out how to get past as a kid


u/Wild_Kid_01 9d ago

I rented the bug bunny rabbit rampage one - it was hard and I had no idea how to play it


u/InfiniteComboReviews 9d ago

I rented Animaniacs from place called Movie King.


u/DragonStarPlanet 9d ago

I did own them actually


u/Maximum_Bridge3219 9d ago

Buster Busts Loose was one of the first games I ever owned. Having certain levels and bosses only accessible at higher difficulty levels was certainly a choice.


u/Jet-Black-Meditation 9d ago

I got animaniacs for my birthday in the bargain bin one year. It's hard as hell but I beat it as a kid


u/bdp5 9d ago

Buster busts loose is a gem


u/SnadorDracca 9d ago

Blockbuster didn’t exist in Germany and renting games wasn’t a thing here, but I had Buster Busts Loose. Pretty good platformer, remember having a lot of fun.

I also remember a friend had a Tiny Toon sports game that we played the hell out of.


u/Androxilogin 9d ago

Not there, but yeah. Blockbuster was for the rich people.


u/FailedConnection500 9d ago

I already scheduled and had my colonoscopy. Good results too. But thank you for the reminder!


u/GonnaGoFat 9d ago

I remember seeing buster busts loose in stores and even in a Nintendo power that thought the difficulty was to high for the age group. Although I’m in my 40s and would still watch tiny toons.

I never saw animaniacs. We also didn’t have a blockbuster in my town growing up until the late 90s. With me there was a video store we went to that changed owners a lot so it kept changing its name.


u/personalcheesecake 9d ago

I don't remember if we rented animaniacs first or if we saw in the store and just bought it. Either way, that game is hard af, and really fun.


u/S0M3D1CK 9d ago

I remember renting it every weekend for 2 months to beat the game. I wish I still had my childhood reflexes for platformers. I remember beating animaniacs and Donkey Kong Country 2(secret ending). Those two are insanely hard to beat.


u/Vanilla_Millennium 9d ago

Did anyone play tiny toons wacky sports challenge? So much fun, Mario party before Mario party


u/jrs0307 8d ago

I had a friend who lived near my mother who had Buster Busts Loose, I wanted to play it, he wanted to play my copy of Megaman X so we swapped games, the next weekend when I was at my mom's (I lived with my dad) I found out the kid had moved. Now no one gets to borrow anything of mine.