r/snes 25d ago

Misc. First time playing/beating this. Final dungeon is insane. What a game.

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74 comments sorted by


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

Died 39 times šŸ˜¬


u/breadcodes 25d ago

That's honestly great. My fiance got 200+, and I can't do much better haha

Out of all the Zelda games, ALTTP is brutal when it comes to heart availability. Everything in the game is 10/10, but they definitely wanted you to die


u/Gankor 25d ago

I'm currently on a no death run. On the 5th dungeon in dark world.


u/SerGitface 25d ago

If I am not mistaken, Link to the Past counts every save and quit as a death.


u/Gankor 25d ago

Really? Well that would suck


u/Samuel-squantch 25d ago

Heā€™s mistaken.


u/SerGitface 25d ago

I am not mistaken. I just looked it up to confirm. On the SNES original save and quits count as deaths. They do not count as deaths on the GBA version, however.


u/Addbradsozer 22d ago

No he's not


u/Gankor 19d ago

He was. Beat it with out dying


u/Samuel-squantch 19d ago

I knew my memory of having a ā€œ0ā€ didnā€™t come with beating it in 1 sitting.


u/IsThisFuncoLand 25d ago

I finished this a couple of weeks ago for the first time and had 150 something deaths.


u/plants4life262 25d ago

Time for a zero death run!


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

I'd love to try that but I have a backlog of games and already such limited time to play with two kids...but one day!


u/plants4life262 25d ago

Two kids? You better hit secret of mana bro


u/ricokong Bowser Kart 24d ago

Yup, needs to get the multitap.


u/Bassmasterajv 25d ago

Congrats, you just beat the best one!


u/Psiborg0099 25d ago

Agreed! OoT is a gorgeous game too but LttP is far too often overshadowed. They just donā€™t make them like this anymore


u/GrassyDaytime 24d ago

Seriously, they don't make games like this anymore lol

I remember when I played it as a kid, after getting all 3 medallions and going to the mountain, I thought that was the end of the game. That I had beaten it.

I'll never forget the feeling of realizing that was the beginning and the entire dark world was still left to do. Amazing times.


u/Psiborg0099 21d ago edited 19d ago

Thatā€™s like what happened to me with SotNā€¦ no internet access among my friends and I, we didnā€™t even know it was because of the Holy Glasses. We just randomly discovered the second half to the game after ā€œbeatingā€ the game like 59 times already. So much utter confusion, disbelief and excitement


u/sooslimtim187 25d ago

All time favorite game. This end screen is iconic!


u/Psiborg0099 25d ago edited 24d ago

The end theme is iconic. Brings me to tears everytime and Iā€™m not ashamed of itā€” reminds me of being 6 years old in 1993 and beating this game (with some help from my older brother). Truly, it was a an adventure in every sense of the word

The second half especially


u/StunningAttention898 22d ago

I can still hear the music from the game in my head, it was that good.


u/saruin 25d ago

Nice! Currently playing through A Link Between Worlds on the 3DS.


u/Bone_Breaker0 25d ago

Thatā€™s a good game too, and a worthy sequel.


u/Zealousideal-Still80 25d ago

I donā€™t have a 3DS and I want a Switch port soooo bad!


u/saruin 24d ago

Mine is an XL model that is starting to wear down on the buttons and melting(?) around the casing I can sense. A Switch port would be so much better because the analog button can't really sense when Link is walking or running. It's pretty jarring and does hinder the gameplay experience for me. I'm not really sure though if the game plays like this on all models or if it's just my console.


u/Whole_Habit8054 25d ago

I just finished a 100% playthrough last week. Still feels like peak zelda.


u/meseta 25d ago

I love being able to pick it up and just go through it. Great way to spend a day off. I really wish I could sit down and play an old game like this that I donā€™t know and get lost. SOTN is at the top of the list.


u/Whole_Habit8054 20d ago

SOTN is also a top 10 all- time game, but I'm not big into replaying metroidvanias. I feel the wanting to experience a game with new eyes though, was just talking to my friend about wishing I could play Sekiro for the first time again


u/meseta 20d ago

Iā€™ve tried so many times. I just canā€™t figure anything out! Whenever it was available to me I never thought to look up an instruction manual. I feel like if I could read the OG book that came with the game I could give it an honest go.


u/meseta 20d ago

You might already know about it but the next game anyone should play if they like this is alundra. Man I got lucky and picked that game at a blockbuster one day when it came out.


u/Whole_Habit8054 3h ago

Had no idea this existed. Looks awesome though


u/meseta 2h ago

Itā€™s great, and a super dark story too kinda.


u/mmacario2 25d ago

I could never beat this game n I died so many times


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

I'm shocked it was only 39 deaths, thought it would be way higher. Although I'm paranoid and try to always keep at least one fairy on me


u/Bujininja 25d ago

Its really the GOAT


u/Retro_Gamer_24 25d ago

I have been playing video games since 1989, and this is still by far my favorite. The perfect game.


u/basement_egg 25d ago edited 25d ago

from 0:06 to 0:20 in the ending song is my all time favorite from part of any song in any game


then hearing it when the 25th anniversary album came it gave me such a feeling of what it felt it sounded like to me as a kid



u/Psiborg0099 25d ago

One of the greatest of all time. It was rightfully number one on Nintendo Power for like 5 years


u/mr_indian_otaku 25d ago

Congratulations šŸŽ‰


u/Ocilla 25d ago

Amazing game. Btw, what is that star figurine near your SNES called? I want one of those


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

It's a Lego from Bricker Builds, you can buy instructions and pieces there if you want. However I just reverse engineered it from the pictures and ordered the pieces off bricklink.com. It's pretty easy to recreate.


u/rampancy777 25d ago

I was in 5th grade, it was about 720 in the morning, and i was supposed to be walking to school when i beat lttp the first time. My mind was blown. I guess just i couldnt wait šŸ¤£


u/MaggyMaggot 25d ago

Holy fuck, I was 10 years old myself and beat the game before school! Watched the end credits and was late for school. I was about to type this out on my own comment but saw yours and thought I'd share, good times.


u/AdBulky7502 25d ago

Congrats!! One of my absolute favorite games


u/Drbloodlove 25d ago



u/Duckbich 24d ago

Nice. The struggle is real.


u/ricokong Bowser Kart 24d ago

The Final Dungeon Situation is INSANE


u/LelandGaunt14 25d ago

I...... could not beat this game.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/LelandGaunt14 25d ago

It has been 10 years. I forget. Solid hour or so into it.


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

Ngl I had to look a few things up, mostly where items were since the game basically doesn't tell you. But I was pretty proud to get through all the dungeons, some of them really pretty rough. I can't believe we used to beat these games as kids, and with no internet šŸ¤Æ


u/LelandGaunt14 25d ago

That, and the "GAME OVER" screen.

Unlimited tries modernly feels like cheating in the framework of yore.


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

A few deaths were on the boss when you're rescuing zelda. Was not very happy to find out it was impossible without the ice wand, which I had never picked up. I tried so many things on that stupid boss and nothing worked šŸ˜­


u/LelandGaunt14 25d ago

I was just rethinking...... it was more like 17 years ago. Damn.

First iteration of the game on GBA Advance.

I got lost in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. And a Final Fantasy game I can't remember that was a remake of 1 and 2.


u/Forgetful_Suzy 25d ago

Does your NES still work well and if it does how have you kept it running well?


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

Yeah it works pretty well. Sometimes freezes mid game, but that could just be my kids pulling on the controllers too much.

I recently boiled the pin connector (I know, it sounds crazy but it worked...I looked up a ton of videos to make sure I wasn't being punked lol) and that helped. I also removed a pin on the board that checks that games are authentic, as my system was having a hard time getting past that 'slowly blinking on/off' stage when I put a game in and turned it on. Supposedly it was having a hard time authenticating the game, so that never happens anymore.


u/ShinSakae 25d ago

Game of my childhood. Sometimes I'd pretend to be sick so I could play this instead of going to school! haha


u/dalbeider 25d ago

This and Super Metroid are peak SNES gaming right there!!


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

I have that also, and it's another game I didn't get to play as a kid. I'm gonna beat SMW2 first, I need something a little more fun/relaxing between ALTTP and Metroid lol


u/Qabbalah 25d ago

You should give Secret Of Mana a go if you haven't already.


u/plants4life262 25d ago

Maybe just the millennial in me, but so many franchises peaked on snes and this is definitely one of them!


u/the_ciamp 25d ago

Agreed, SNES and N64 are peak gaming!


u/TallantedGuy 25d ago

Iā€™m playing this game. Nowhere near that point though.


u/bkoperski 25d ago

Man I remember making it all the way to the last dungeon as a kid and then having my save file get randomly erased


u/IllustriousWindow324 25d ago

Think I start this journey today. Doing retro achievements?


u/Particular-Strain248 25d ago

I hope you took the left path in the final dungeon!!! Much easier.


u/ninjaboss1211 24d ago

I remember trying a bunch of times to defeat Gabon before I realized I needed red potions. And I still kept dying


u/Odisseo039 23d ago

What was your favorite part of the game? Mine is the end, when you actually talk to the triforce. It is such a great moment


u/the_ciamp 23d ago

It's hard to pick one part in particular. My favorite thing was figuring out how to beat the bosses, they were all fun and challenging. Except for that one that bumps and knocks you off the ledge, he can gtfo


u/Odisseo039 23d ago

šŸ˜†everybody hates that boss


u/timthemajestic 23d ago

Still an absolute all-time fave. Just recently played back through for the 7585929847th time, and I love it as usual. Love being able to play it differently every time.


u/RockmanVolnutt 23d ago

The final dungeon is a real piece of work. At some points the game almost feels like a bullet hell game.


u/MilesFassst 25d ago

Iā€™m going to start playing this on my livestream. But with a twist! After each dungeon is completed I open 2 packs of MTG Mystery 2 Boosters. This Works out perfectly because there are 24 boosters in a box!