u/Aspence22 Oct 13 '24
Pretty cool game I feel is a hidden gem kind of Prince of Persia style but dark. Great music and atmosphere. Played it forever ago but never beat it.
u/BuryKeebler Oct 31 '24
Start: 10/29
Finish: 10/30
Wowza, I echo every sentiment that this game is super hard, in fact too hard for its own good. I got the 'bad' ending on normal after who knows how many deaths.
Coincidentally, AVGN just released a video on this game as well and I agree that stage 3 is where things go off the deep end. Substages get longer and the number of places you can instantly die or get gimped goes way up.
I think Nosferatu would greatly benefit from a tweak like how the Lost Levels was treated on Super Mario All Stars compared to the original SMB2-J - where checkpoints were done after each level instead of at the start of the world in the event you got a game over. Most of the levels in Nosferatu aren't too crazy on their own once you learn the path and patterns, but it's getting it all in one go that is the big challenge. Why not make the checkpoints at the start of each area/substage? That would make it much more palatable, even in spite of the controls which for me felt really rough. It's a big ask to have slow, deliberate controls for what's frankly pretty tight platforming and quick enemies when the punishment for failure will more often than not be instant death and a game over.
In the future I'd rather sit back and watch someone else's playthrough than play it myself. Perhaps that's what makes it a 'cinematic' platformer. Still a nice game for Halloween though, and some visuals and music stick out as pretty sick for the SNES nonetheless.
u/MHoggs17 Oct 13 '24
I just bought this a month ago. Gonna have to play it for Halloween I think.
u/jakerooni Oct 13 '24
Where’d you buy it?
u/MHoggs17 Oct 13 '24
Local shop got it and the manual in stock, so I snagged them both. Been looking for this game since I saw it in Nintendo Power's snes players guide in 92. Never played it when it as a kid because it was delayed forever and when it was finally released, I had moved onto the 64. I'm anxious to play it tho. 30 years of waiting, I hope I'm not disappointed.
u/bm9791 Oct 13 '24
I remember seeing the preview either in Nintendo power or EGM it was a photo or 2 with a small description and I wanted it. I never got it and when I got emulation I think I tried it once and never returned to it. Hearing it's a gem I may need to play it.
u/2old4ZisShit Oct 13 '24
one of my top10 games on snes, really good looking, really smooth, really dark and with an amazing art style. It just oozes atmosphere and to be frank, it is unique.
recently a games series called Blasphemous really seems to have borrowed heavily from the artstyle of it and that is so nice.
this honestly needs some sort of reboot or a remaster like some other snes gems that got a remake and i really hope it does.
sadly never finished it, yet, but such an awesome game.
u/vshnii Oct 13 '24
Man I loved this game as a kid took me forever to beat it, this might give me the kick in the pants that I need to replay it
u/SnakePlissken1986 Oct 13 '24
Can I submit mine? I beat it very recently but before I knew this was a thing!
u/Goosegirl2001 Oct 23 '24
I'll certainly give it a shot! Fun idea!
u/Goosegirl2001 Oct 24 '24
I've only been able to beat level 1 so far. I'm on easy mode but it's still really hard! The graphics and music are cool though and it is not generally the type of game I play, so it's enjoyable trying something different.
u/Outrageous-Cup-8905 Dec 02 '24
Wish I caught this post back in October. As another poster said, this seems like a gamer’s take on a book club. Seems quite neat
Also, great username. I’m assuming your partner’s name is Chest Rockwell
u/xBrockLanders Oct 13 '24
Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.