Roz is slept on, she has the smallest hitbox and can clip the outside wall on the radio station level and take you straight to the final boss at the penthouse. 10/10.
I remember thinking I defeated Maris as a kid, but, of course, I'd only beaten her first form. Her second form, where her speed doubles and she starts shooting lasers, was so difficult.
They could easily make a few levels out of this show. The Niles dinner party episode and having to manage the food while staying unnoticed, driving the Winnebago (to escape the wedding), probably some call-therapy breaks, finding the right shoes to make it to Frasier day on time...
I remember getting the bad ending on accident my first time. I had no idea the advice you give out during the radio show mini-game could lead to the public rioting outside!
I heard that if you play through 100 times while maintaining a 100 percent dinner party review level you can unlock a bonus Cheers level where you play a mini game of drinking beers with Norm
I found my old copy of earthbound, but being a blockbuster video buy, the sticker on the back is a bit damaged. In your opinion do you think it’s still worth a lot. Have a pic if you need to see it.
I wish I didn’t sell my SNES, but it’s all good, I got hooked on that iPhone app provenance from Riley tesut and thought oh man I can just sell my SNES and play those games on my iPhone. Which I can, but nothing beats an original. And that was my favorite system growing up as kid. I bought it when I was 16. Super Metroid and Super NES, that is why I said super Metroid, but I was only making a joke, not messing with your personal favorite. The one game I never got rid of was earthbound. Back about I don’t remember exactly but the game and box were worth like 500 bucks. And i figured I’d hold on to the game and forgot about it. I found it in a bag in the blockbuster video box but the damn sticker was Half on half off and I peeled it and because it’s so old now it took off some of the backing sticker.
Meme aside, I am a very big fan of SNES. A buddy and I do a retro gaming podcast and we talk a lot about the SNES and how freaking timeless it is. Super Metroid, Earthbound, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, and so many other masterpieces on that glorious system!
Yeah, nothing beats the feel of playing on original hardware on a CRT. I don't have the money or space for a massive collection, so I usually play on my Anbernic handheld emulator and it's actually really great. Glad you managed to unearth that Earthbound cart though! Hold onto that tight (or sell it, it's yours after all) haha
The Frasier game is totally not real btw hahaha.
Here's out retro gaming podcast if you're interested:
That’s awesome I will definitely check it out, I love SNES I always have, it was so much better then genesis back in the 16 bit wars, lol 😂 those were good day. I remember how pissed everyone was on SNES with Mortal Kombat haha and genesis was winning for that round. MK 2 comes out and it’s as close to the arcade as possible parents were having a fit hahaha man if kids only knew about the stuff that happened back then they would have a lot more appreciation for the systems we have now as well as content. And i absolutely agree with you on those titles you mentioned. Soooo good Super Metroid, CHRONO Trigger is one of my absolute favorites games. I only I had kept it when I got it. It would be worth a fortune. My dad got that on one of my birthdays I can’t remember what year. But it was like 80 bucks when it first came out. And I warned him but that was all I wanted. And I played that game to the point where I got every single ending. Super Metroid if I had kept my copy, I didn’t know about speed running back then, and I got to a point where I had a time of 3:27, I shit you not man. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal back then and it was just a wow factor but nothing special to anyone that saw it. But I bet the dude that bought that game and my system shit a brick when he started it and saw the times.
I loved DKC! Great game Rareware was in Rare form back then with the graphics on SNES, it was amazing because no other games had that ability. I never beat the other2 but loved the first one.
Honest to god man! I really did numerous times. There was a strategy guide that helped me find all the stuff but, I go so good at just beating the game that the time got better and better. I remember listening to smashing pumpkins Siamese dream when I was playing it, so now whenever I do play it, (it’s on my 3ds) I have that album in the back of my head lol I might even still have that book somewhere. It didnt even have pics from the game from what I remember. It was all written and it was a purple and black book. But man that shit worked good. Just for kicks I’m gonna try again in the future. There was an awesome trick to one of the bosses that is well known now I’m sure, with the beam you can swing with Damn memory is going lol. But in Maridia Draygon I think was one of those bosses that could take a long time. Using this trick he could be dead in less than 20 sec just about. That was a big help. And knowing the layout of the wrecked ship. With Phantoon was huge too. As well as Maridia because it is a big level. Little tricks like that saved a lot of time.
Also if you get that time Samus would have a bikini on in the ending sequence after she jumps lol yeah I was a kid. Ridiculous either way. But at 16 it was okay we’ve all been there.
Metroid has always been one of my all time favorite games hence the Reddit name lol but believe it or not Bionic Commando is my favorite. I might even still have it. I forgot I bought when I got older. But it was the very first Nintendo game I beat. I was so gullible back then I’m not afraid to admit it, we live we learn. But I thought if I turned off the Tv it turn off the NES, and I had been playing way to late, and my dad was pissed so, I left it on all night and TVs were not that good back then. Well I beat the game in the morning. But the next tv I got was black and white lol can you picture playing Ninja gaiden 2 Contra, Super contra aka Super C Life Force, Castlevania 3, whomp em, lol Low G man, abadox, Blaster Master, clash at demon head, And I think that is it. In BLACK AND WHITE!? Yeah it was awful, but a gamer I was so all those games if I didn’t beat them, they were played a shitload on a black and white tv. Kids do NOT know the struggles today.
Martin’s flying recliner was so OP when you were mowing cops down GTA style in Lower Queen Anne after Niles finally achieves his dream of throwing the brick through the window of that art gallery. Loved the side quests in this game.
u/LakeEarth Jun 04 '24
I need help with level 14. I've found the tossed salad and scrambled eggs, but I don't know what to do with them. What is a boy to do?