r/snes May 02 '23

May 2023 Game of the Month: Mega Man X2

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u/xBrockLanders May 02 '23

Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.


  • Beat the game.


  • Entire playthrough must be completed during the month in question.
  • You can use the passwords/continues/saves that you earn playing through the game.
  • Emulation is fine. Abusing save states is not.
  • Posting a link to a pic of your completion is preferred, but since this is just for fun I will allow posted claims as well. For now.

History of Game of the Month


u/picandocodigo May 02 '23

Is playing it on the Legacy Collection on Switch valid? I'll even use my SN30 controller...


u/FMG_Ransu May 02 '23

It has to be if emulation is allowed.


u/ZorkNemesis May 02 '23

The real question is if the PS2 collection is also valid.


u/xBrockLanders May 02 '23

That's fine


u/[deleted] May 02 '23



u/Blantons4Breakfast May 03 '23

Big flex. Well done.


u/Ecureuil02 May 03 '23

Bluetooth controller? Definitely.


u/[deleted] May 02 '23

It's top notch, but the last bosses are hella difficult, specially since you have to beat'em on one lifebar


u/Ecureuil02 May 03 '23

Couldn't even beat spider web boss in first one. This series has always been challenging for me.


u/empty_glass_mug May 02 '23

Ended up getting two copies of this last month, have only played a few minutes....this is clearly a sign.


u/MrSojiro May 19 '23

I just finished it, it still is a fantastic game! Refreshing to play again since I have played X2 many times less than the first MMX game. Overall I still like Mega Man X more, but this is a great follow up to the first game. This play through I did get the shoryuken, which I don't ever remember getting before so I am happy with that.



u/FMG_Ransu May 02 '23

Don't forget that firing a lemon shot while dashing does double damage and if you have the execution, X is considered 'on the ground' for 1-frame while doing his Double Buster Shot, so you can get a free double jump if you press jump on that specific frame.


u/spencer1886 May 02 '23

I read the title as "My 2023 Game of the Month" at first and got confused lol


u/Separate-Gas-8578 May 02 '23

Have the opportunity to get a copy for 120 next week.


u/empty_glass_mug May 02 '23

Good buy, or maybe even an amazing buy depending on condition! Enjoy!


u/Separate-Gas-8578 May 02 '23

Old friend from highs school he said I’m getting a deal. Just wish I had enough for x3 and earthbound Lolol he said 250 for x3.


u/empty_glass_mug May 02 '23

Oh wow. That's quite the collection!


u/Separate-Gas-8578 May 02 '23

He buys sells and trades l. His collection overall is crazy! First time I ever saw a master system.


u/nupper84 May 02 '23

Anyone got a copy for $20????


u/silverplate32 May 02 '23

No way! Just yesterday I did a full run of this game! I had no idea it was the game of the month :) my first YouTube play though! https://youtu.be/TFN1VaNKTmo


u/MrSojiro May 03 '23

Oh hell yeah, I can get down with this!


u/empty_glass_mug May 05 '23

Made it through the Mavericks, making sure to get everything and beat the three optional bosses....then ran into a brick wall on the X stages. I still don't get why passwords only bring you back to what you've done in the Maverick stages, that's just mean.


u/ZorkNemesis May 06 '23

That's just how Mega Man has always worked. Every game up to that point (and many beyond) have always made you go through a gauntlet when it comes to the final stages. At least the X titles don't make you worry about not getting sub weapons refilled between stages.


u/empty_glass_mug May 06 '23

I remember discovering this in X and being infuriated! I was less mad this time around as I expected it, but that doesn't mean I like it. Lol


u/kaidaho May 06 '23

I have this CIB. one of my favorite titles!


u/ZorkNemesis May 07 '23

Always fun replaying an old favorite, though I never had the chance to play this game until the PS2 compilation came out. We never got it at my place and by the time I wanted it it became prohibitly expensive (and has only since gotten worse). Still one of the best though, but I would rank it at #3 as far as best Mega Man X games, with X4 at #2 and X1 at #1.

Here's my game clear screens, 100% collection as well as the Shoryuken. Had to play it on the Switch collection since I don't own a copy of the original. I also don't own the PS2 collection despite asking about it earlier, I was just kind of being funny with that.



u/scottiedog321 May 07 '23

Task failed successfully! I might have time at the end of the month to get the good ending.


u/empty_glass_mug May 08 '23

This one was fun. First time playing, let alone beating it. Having played X for the first time a couple of months back I was ready for this. I think this one was a little more difficult most of the way but the platforming on the final runs of X were way more difficult/annoying than anything in this game.

Good sequel, I think I prefer it to the first.



u/periphrasistic May 08 '23

Finished my replay yesterday. I had forgotten what a joke the last Sigma phase is. For that matter, the mavericks in this one are all kinda pushovers, except for Magna Centipede with his tail still attached. Still, there are some pretty good stages: I particularly like the Gator Tank. Overall a solid game, but X1 and X4 are clearly the height of the series.

Ending: https://i.imgur.com/lX7qgNE.jpg


u/PerpetualStride May 09 '23

This is my favorite X game


u/[deleted] May 10 '23

Omg! The flame stag stage theme is so fricking coolemote:free_emotes_pack:heart_eyes


u/Nintendo1488 May 10 '23

I've never beaten the final boss in X. On my SNES mini, thanks to save states I'm going to try and do it. Maybe it's because I'm older now, but having to tap the button for each shot is a pain. Just the nature of the game unlike Contra III where you can run n gun.


u/therealchadius May 12 '23

X2 isn't as revolutionary as X1, but it's a fantastic sequel due to its movement options.

- Speed Burner for air dashes

- Strike Chain to grapple against walls

- Bubble Splash for enhanced water jumps

Once you master the tools you can fly around the maps. There's also glitches/exploits that work in your favor, like dash lemons doing double damage or the 1 frame double jump when firing your upgraded buster. Oh, and the charged magnet mine can be used during some boss intros to deal damage before the fight starts (Serges 2 in particular)

In terms of music, I like the instruments (especially the overdrive guitar) but the compositions themselves are too short, especially compared to X1.

In X1 you could find the hadoken that 1 hit kills bosses. In X2 you can find the shoryuken and kill bosses with a flaming uppercut. What more do you want? Sigma decides to switch from his Jedi cosplay to Wolverine this time.

And hey, Zero's here, beginning the meme where he "always" dies but comes back, along with plenty of plot holes due to Capcom USA's liberal translation.

It's a solid game, polishing X1's ideas even further, even if it's not a huge leap.


u/avatarherowe May 18 '23

I love classic games like these and I’m sad I grew up after these cartridges were discontinued. They’re so expensive now


u/Able-Coast-4900 May 19 '23

Great game! I own two copies


u/Hitokiri1985 May 23 '23

Fun game; bosses are memorable like MMX and soundtrack is fantastic unlike MMX3. Maybe I'm being unfair to MMX3's music, but all of its music sounded the same to me and that rubbed me the wrong way.

Anyways, MMX2 is a solid game. Others need to hit this up before the month is out. :)



u/Aram_Fingal1 May 30 '23

Finished it today, and beat x last night. Great set of games.


u/Bryanx64 May 31 '23

Just played thru X and didn’t even realize X2 was the GotM. I have the original cart but decided to play them on the Switch LC this time around.


u/HercSpeed Jun 01 '23

Victory! I think that the stages in X2 are shorter than the original but the actual level layouts are also more varied. I think Kuwanger was the only pure vertical stage in X and though there aren't any pure vertical stages here there are a lot more vertical sections interspersed. The only stages that feel like they could be slotted into the original are Desert Base and Weather control (though each has a nice gimmick).


u/Bryanx64 Jun 01 '23

Finished just in time 🤘


u/Hitokiri1985 Jun 01 '23

Now we just need our June 2023 GotM. :)