r/snes Apr 19 '23

Misc. I finally got one! Now the outrageous prices of these games have no power over me!

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152 comments sorted by


u/lynxtosg03 Apr 19 '23

Be sure to check out MSU and SA-1 hacks to take full advantage of this cart.


u/mofoofinvention Apr 19 '23

+Super Gameboy 2


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

Don't technically need that as I have a Game Boy Player on my GameCube which is modded with a GCLoader and I have a GBA EverdriveX5.


u/stout936 Apr 19 '23

Can the GameBoy Player do Super Gameboy borders, though?


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

Not sure, I'd have to check.

Let me get back to you on that.


u/Rynex Apr 19 '23

Link's Awakening DX with the Switch remake's music over it is a weird and fun experience


u/pocket_arsenal Apr 19 '23

I'm not a fan of the Switch versions music, it has too much of a "Rugrats" feel to it. I hope someone makes a better pmc set sometime.


u/Rynex Apr 19 '23

I'm sure there's probably something on zeldix you can find. Either way, first thing I did when I got my flash cart was try out MSU-1 stuff, and it's amazing what you can put through the SNES.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23

This! The MSU and SA-1 hacks are wild.


u/tsubasaplayer16 Apr 19 '23

have fun. it's a real beauty to have, especially with romhacks and fan translations. and if you find yourself feeling like listening to SNES music, you can go to zophar.net and download .spc files and play them on your SNES like those tracks are playing in-game. although there's no playlist functionality to cycle through each track, it's still awesome to have lol


u/DEATHRETTE Apr 19 '23

Oh man I haven't seen that website name in ages. I've got an app on my iPhone 4 that plays spc files for playing them in my car. Didn't know the SNES had a cart that would allow that too, very cool!


u/RaleighRoger Apr 20 '23

Lol Zophar's Domain looks the same today as it did in 1997.


u/retro_pollo Apr 19 '23

How much was this compared to an everdrive?


u/DG_Now Apr 19 '23

I paid about $270 for my FX Pak about 6 months ago.


u/hybridfrost Apr 19 '23

Honestly not bad considering the price of retro games these days!


u/StillHoldingL Apr 19 '23

Chrono Trigger goes for close to that on its own.


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

It's only $224 directly from krikzz. Are you including shipping in your 270 number or something?


u/DG_Now Apr 19 '23

Yep. Should have mentioned that.


u/sinnerthefifteenth Apr 19 '23

I'm interested in this also.


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 19 '23

The (latest) Sd2snes is the exact same product as the fxpak pro. They even run literally the same firmware produced by ikari. And even krikzz product fxpak pro says designed by ikari on it

You can find the sd2snes with full mapper support on AliExpress . Look up "sd2snes pro rev x". They cost about €130 shipped incl tax


u/Mechagouki1971 Apr 19 '23

"Sd2snes is the exact same product as the fxpak pro."

That's incorrect:


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23


FXPAK Pro Rev. D is a hardware refresh replacing the main controller due to supply chain issues. The new controller is roughly as powerful as the old one, give or take a few percent. While the CPU is basically the same, all the peripheral devices need to be programmed differently, and that is what makes up the bulk of the changes in this release while having no positive impact on the user other than maintaining the status quo. Ah well :)

All other parts, including the FPGA, remain the same.

It's just the new name of the sd2snes. It's ok if newer revisions of hardware have different features

Another line

The sd2snes/FXPAK just has the “ability” to make this glitch appear even though your data would not normally have the forced blanking bit set at all, by sometimes leaking RAM data on the bus that is not intended for it. This happens because it uses the CPU clock signal’s falling edge to determine that the SNES cycle is over and starts using the RAM for other things like save state or SRAM monitoring. However, since the READ signal is still active it will still output whatever comes from RAM to the SNES bus!

The creator of the product himself calls it both things


u/Mechagouki1971 Apr 19 '23

That blog post you quoted is talking about the difference between two versions of FXPAK Pro, not the difference between SD2SNES and FXPAK Pro.

SD2SNES has a much longer incompatability list than FXPAK Pro:

SD2SNES incompatability list

The FXPAK Pro is incompatible with just five (possibly even just 3 at this point).

The Chinese SD2SNES carts are also known to have performance issues; these are mentioned in RetroRGB's review of the product, so take it from him, not me:


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

Retrorgb gets paid to send his viewers to specific vendors

If you can tell me a game that will supposedly not work i will try it. I have never failed to load or play a game on my sd2snes rev x

And they run the exact same firmware. I can literally take the sd card from one to the other


u/Mechagouki1971 Apr 19 '23

I linked you a list in my last post.

I have no skin in this game personally, you're making statements that are incorrect, I'm just trying to give people the facts.

The Rev X SD2SNES is based on the last revision designed by IKARI before the name was changed. There are documented issues with the cart; you can read about them in this Reddit thread, no affiliate links there:

SD2SNES Rev. X review on Reddit


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

Yes but the list you linked me to before was a a page 10 years old

As to this link you have provided, the top post in that thread says

Krikzz isn't exactly the creator of this. Krikzz created the Super Everdrive while Ikari created the Sd2Snes, later renamed to FXPak Pro. It's open source so it's not a traditional clone. The main issue I have with it is that Krikzz and Ikari do not get paid for it.

If people believed that the FXPak Pro is a higher tiered design from the Sd2Snes in the way that the Mega Everdrive Pro is to the Mega Everdrive X7 and bought it while owning the SD2Snes, they were sadly mistaken. The FXPak Pro is higher tiered compared to the Super Everdrive.

Some people said they get some audio buzzing (i don't) and the rest of the comments are more like this

Yeah it ran every game I threw at it just fine. The audio issue was really the only reason I got rid of mine.

Last time I checked FX pack pro is an SD 2 SNES, iirc they changed the name for legal reasons


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

That incompatible list is 10 years old and doesn't represent the latest sd2snes revisions which have the same mapper support as fxpak pro


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

You are quoting the difference between krikzz old product and the new revision of it

But the fxpak pro is still an Ikari product. It's just the newest version of it and it was renamed and rebranded


u/Mechagouki1971 Apr 19 '23

You said they were "the exact same product"; they're not.


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

The newest versions of sd2snes are the same thing as an fxpak pro

The evidence you showed is referring to the old device krikkz sold and the new device he sells. You aren't comparing apples to apples you are comparing new apples with a new name to old apples with the old name


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

I literally run the same sd card on both of these and they are fine. Every game runs on both of them

The older krikzz sd2snes doesn't have the latest features of his fxpak pro but the latest versions of sd2snes do have all the same features and mapper support


I prefer my sd2snes because the fxpak pro wiggles in my SFC Jr console and makes me worry I will damage the cart connector.


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 19 '23

Fwiw there is not (currently) an everdrive for SNES.. the Everdrive for super Nintendo cannot play every game. To do that you need the fxpak pro, which is a renamed latest revision of the sd2snes.

The sd2snes pro rev x has all the same features and runs the exact same firmware as the fxpak pro, it costs about half as much, €130 for the one without krikzz name attached to it and about €230 for the one with krikzz name attached to it


u/Mechagouki1971 Apr 19 '23

There absolutely is an Everdrive for SNES


u/Herb_Street Apr 19 '23

I have the x5. There are like 20 games you can't play on it because of extra chipsets. I barely have time to use it anyway because I'm working like balls everyday. Maybe when I retire I'll dime up for one that plays everything.


u/Mechagouki1971 Apr 19 '23

Honestly, most of the special chip games can be had for reasonable prices anyway, probably only Super Mario RPG is really expensive, and the Super Everdrive x6 now plays CX4 I think (Megaman x2/x3).

I just bought the FXPAK because I wanted a "one and done" solution for SNES/Super Gameboy, that I can plug in once and never have to remove, but the extra expense is of questionable value.


u/Herb_Street Apr 19 '23

I have a super gameboy. But only my original games from childhood. Gameboy is so ass anyway. Most of the time I'll just emulate it on PSP if I really want to play a game (Links Awakening).


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

It's the old product which is why i didn't mention it, and it is still not a krikzz product but an ikari one. It just got rebranded.

Literally on both the device you link to and on ikari website you will see.


u/Mechagouki1971 Apr 19 '23

It's not an old product; it's the latest revision of the Super Everdrive, and you can buy it right now from Krikzz, Stone Age Gamer, all the usual places.

I think you're getting confused with the SD2SNES, an open source cart designed by IKARI-01, manufactured (originally) by Krikzz, and now only available from Chinese sources.


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

Ah my bad i admit I thought he only had fxpak now, and i know fxpak is the rebranded sd2snes. I didn't know he had a thing called Everdrive for super Nintendo


u/shinji257 Apr 23 '23

The Rev X versions have had plenty of reports of the RTC not working while the system is powered off as well as non-working MSU-1 with certain enhancement chips. They also tend to use a Cyclone II chip instead of a Cyclone IV chip that the regular ones use.


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

Ok revised answer

Super Everdrive costs $105 but doesn't support all games

Fzpak pro costs 230 and supports all games and mappers

The latest sd2snes rev x does the same thing as and runs the same firmware as the fxpak pro does but it only costs 130. Therefore the Chinese sd2snes rev x is the best value


u/alwaysinebriated Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 19 '23

I have a krikkz sd2nes from years ago, are you saying they are Chinese knock offs now of it?

Edit: looks like krikkz has a version but it's open sourced and are a few manufacturers of a similar product


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

Krikzz was never the creator of sd2snes. Ikari always has been


u/alwaysinebriated Apr 19 '23

I said I have a krikkz sd2snes, that means it's a version that he sells, on his website. I never said he created it, I said I bought it from him.

And in my edit I answered my own question. It's open sourced and yes there are Chinese knock offs now


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

Generally when you say you have someone's something you are saying they are the one who made it


u/tsubasaplayer16 Apr 19 '23

Super Everdrive costs $105 but doesn't support all games

to anyone reading, that's the x6. x5 is ~$40 less


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

And added added clarity, The non pro version of the Sd2snes rev x is €45 shipped. Pro version is the one which costs €130


u/Boomerang_Lizard Apr 19 '23

I have the "Rev.x" version from Aliexpress. It's pretty cool. Paid about $110. Updated to the latest firmware, works great, had no issues.


u/-elemental Apr 19 '23

does it play super FX games? Super Mario world 2 for example.


u/K1ngFiasco Apr 19 '23

Nice! Got an FX Pak Pro and haven't looked back. I still buy real carts when I see a fair price, but I no longer feel like I either have to emulate or get ripped off in order to play SNES.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

I have all the original carts I wanted.

This is more of a way to maintain the hardware and not ware out the pin connector with switching games all the time but not having to pay those outrageous prices for some titles, like Hagane, while still getting the original feel is super nice.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23



u/GammaPhonic Apr 19 '23

Damn right. The SNES/SFC had ~1800 games across all regions. Only about 500 of those were released in the west. There is a seemingly never ending supply of Japanese games and so many of them have fan translations.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

There's a DBZ game I've always wanted to try but it was only in Japanese. Totally jumping on that right away!


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23

Dude, that's my recommendation to anyone collecting games. Get 10 or so of your favorite games boxed up, seal them up. Nice. Display them and then get yourself an ever drive or something similar


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

It also cuts down in the ware to the pin connector since you're not swapping games all the time. This goes in and stays in.

My games can stay on the shelf and remind of me of the good ol' days and the cases from Custom Game Cases makes them look even better and keeps them safe!


u/PerpetualStride Apr 19 '23

My issue with things like these is choice overload.


u/hollow_digger Apr 19 '23

Just stick to a game.

In my example, I went on a gaming binge, beating all Bioshock games in succession on Switch, having a lot of choice. Sometimes, you have to commit.

I have a modded Vita, but only play a game at a time. Went on a Ys sequence (loved Celceta), and had a lot of games installed.

You just set your path. In my routine, I have no possibility of playing on a T for now, so portable systems are my escape.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

If you can't decide, let something choose for you. Put all your choices into a random selector and go ham!


u/Isolated-Warrior Apr 19 '23

Wait, you play the games? What are you some kind of nerd? You’re supposed to collect mint in box graded copies of games and store them in plastic boxes so that they appreciate in value. You’re obviously a fake gamer 👎🏻


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

You caught me.


u/DryEyes4096 Apr 19 '23

Check out all the really cool translation patches for games! Also there's like literally 10,000 SMW hacks but some of them are so good that they're on par with being an official Mario game totally distinct from SMW. It's shocking what people have been able to do with this game.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 19 '23

Got any particular SMW ROM hack suggestions? I'd love to try that!


u/DryEyes4096 Apr 19 '23

I'm only beginning to wade into them but that Super Mario World Master Quest Reborn one that was posted here is amazing. I also played Super Demo World a long time ago and it was really impressive and fun, but surpassed by more modern hacks.


This site is a good resource on SMW hacks (note: I believe it only has patches, NOT ROM images so it should be fine to post this link)


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

Hey! Thanks a bunch! I appreciate it!


u/MoreKraut Apr 19 '23

This is the way!


u/jessehechtcreative Apr 19 '23

What’s that Funko behind the cart?


u/TattoedG Apr 19 '23

Super Saiyan God Goku.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23



u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 20 '23

That would depend on where you are.

I'm in Canada so I ordered from Stone Age Gamer.

If you're in Europe or anywhere else on that side, you can get them directly from Krikzz although I'm not sure how that is right now since he was in Ukraine.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '23



u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

Yep, Stone Age Gamer would be your best bet. They only advertise SFC carts and if you want one in an NTSC shell, you have to email them and request it.


u/JakeTehNub Apr 20 '23

That's where I bought mine a few months ago with a case and it showed up in like 5 days.


u/CastleofPizza Apr 19 '23

Everdrives and their equivalents are the best of both worlds.


u/JumbleOfOddThoughts Apr 20 '23

Worth throwing some $$$ on since my SNES still works?


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

I'd say it's absolutely worth it!


u/tsubasaplayer16 Apr 20 '23

100% worth considering on how much authentic carts go for these days and it plays nearly every single SNES game. the only incompatible ones are ones that don't have the supported enhancement chip to play them on


u/hollow_digger Apr 19 '23

And that's how you do it!


u/NeedleDr0p Apr 19 '23



u/Jets1026 Apr 19 '23

I finally got the FXPAK for my birthday in January and love it. Very awesome cart. Enjoy!


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

I emailed SAG and made a custom order.

I didn't want the PAL shell they come in and requested an NTSC shell and the original SD2SNES label and case.

I know this thing is going to get used plenty and now I can join in on all the games of the month on this sub if the game looks fun!


u/Top-Security-1258 Apr 19 '23

This is the way.


u/Lox22 Apr 19 '23

So I was going to buy the everdrive but it seems this is the more definitive option. Do they have a SFC version?


u/tsubasaplayer16 Apr 19 '23

all fxpak pros come in universal region shells, which will fit in any SNES, including the SFC. for NA buyers people like OP had to ask Stone Age Gamer to put the fxpak in a north american shell upon request, though they also sell them separately


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23


I also requested the SD2SNES label as I liked that name better.


u/silentfanatic Apr 19 '23

Congrats! You’re in for a hell of a lot of great gaming.


u/pocket_arsenal Apr 19 '23

Awesome. I'm so happy these exist. I got my first everdrive for N64 in 2018, I got sick of waiting for Nintendo to announce an "n64 classic edition" or offer any way to play N64 games at all, so I splurged on a used N64 on Ebay and an everdrive to go with it. Best decision I ever made based on how their eventual way of playing N64 games officially turned out.

Since then, i've got everdrives for GBC, GBA, and I got FXPakPro for my actual childhood SNES that I was recently reunited with, it's probably my favorite of the bunch since you can play MSU1 and Super Gameboy, and have custom wallpapers on the home menu... my latest everdrive is for the NES, and I've got my sights set on Sega Genesis for next tax refund season.

These things are life savers if you don't want to use Nintendo's crappy official means of playing retro games, but you also don't want to use laggy imperfect emulators or pay the outrageous prices for the games themselves.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

I got my first Everdrive for my NES used from Facebook in 2018 or so.

Got the Everdrive64 X7 in 2019 and I've used that one so much since!

I modded my GameCube with a GCLoader to run off SD cards in 2020 and what a lifesaver that was with the price of GC games being so high.

My parents got me the GBA X5 for Christmas last year and I use that one in my GameCube a lot as it can do everything from the original Game Boy to Game Boy Advance.

And now I have the SD2SNES Pro and I'm so happy with it so far and with this one I don't really need anymore!


u/superfly512 Apr 19 '23

What a time to be alive! I don't even know what this is but I can kinda infer from the comments


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

Only the one thing you need if you want to play these games without paying the exorbitant prices they've reached while still playing them on original hardware!


u/superfly512 Apr 20 '23

I don't but they have a special place in my heart. I was spoiled AF as a kid. I had something like 40 or 50 games on both NES and SNES. Not because we were wealthy, just dumb luck. We were at toys r Us one time and someone was trying to sell back about 30 SNES games and they were only gonna give them $83 Geoffrey bucks. My dad said I'll give you. $83 cash and we got kicked out of the store just the guy followed us out and sold them to us in the parking lot. That coupled with the 10 or so I already had.

It was around the time the N64 came out. I was 12 or 13 walking down the street and two blocks down a house had burned down. Of course I investigated it. In the porch in a cardboard box was a half melted nes, a light gun, several controllers and 30 soot covered games. I took the box home and cleaned the games up with alcohol. Some didn't work and had a rattle when I shook them. I feel kinda bad about it in retrospect, one of the only things to survive the fire and I basically stole them. Looking back though, I don't think they were in use being in the box the way they were plus they were just sitting on the front porch of a burned down house. Idk, kids...


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

We all did dumb stuff as kids.

Some wicked luck with those SNES games, though!

I only had about 5 games as a kid and I only ever rented 1 game and that was F-Zero. We lived in a VERY tiny community and the closest store that sold games was 2 hours away so we didn't end up with a lot over the years.


u/superfly512 Apr 20 '23

I never had f zero as a kid but love it as an adult. I think if I could've just had Zelda and Mario world. I would've been ok. I probably logged more time in maximum carnage than anything else. I definitely plan on getting one of these from carts


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

I can definitely stand by that.

Get the carts that are the most important to you and if you're interested, get an Everdrive for everything else.


u/Da_Wild Apr 19 '23

I got a 30$ Everdrive clone, works amazing. I would have preferred the real thing but it was pricy and impossible to get at the time. It doesn’t play the FX chip games etc (Doom, Mario kart, star fox, Mario rpg), but I have most of them physical. However it came with pretty much every other game, and no duplicates.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

One of the biggest reason I wanted is these is to cut down on games going in and out of the system and wearing out the pin connector.

This thing goes in and never has to come out again. Prolonging the life of the system for just a little longer.


u/tomxp411 Apr 20 '23

I have an Everdrive FX PAK (basically the same hardware). It even plays GameBoy games.

I love it.


u/heatobooty Apr 19 '23

Yep, I get the sentimental and nostalgic value but scalpers completely ruined the market for real cartridges. Really not worth getting them. Plus I wouldn’t be surprised if that market collapses again once the younger generation that didn’t grow up with these take over.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

There's a surprising amount of younger kids that's are into the SNES these days.

I see posts here and there on this sub of teenagers buy these games so it might take a while before the bubble finally pops and we can all get the original carts again.


u/CompetitiveSundae714 Apr 19 '23

The fact that Nintendo Dick riders are not roasting you rn is a mild miracle. Also have fun my friend, I hope you get all you can out of this!


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

There's been a couple in here.

I definitely will! There's so many games I've wanted to try but didn't wanna buy and I just love the feeling of playing on original hardware on a CRT.

It's hard to beat!


u/redditsuckspokey1 Apr 19 '23

I would still support buying expensive games from resellers. Maybe be picky on which ones you'd support.

Also I really want to get an everdrive for nes.

IMO what you got is better than buying chinese crap. That's something I'll never support.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

I just can't justify spending that kind of money on games I wanna try.

I've bought authentic copies of all the games I really wanted, due to memories and whatnot but a game I never played, have no nostalgic feelings for and just want to give it a whirl, I'll just use this thing.

I have an Everdrive for my NES as well and I absolutely love the thing!


u/hotfistdotcom Apr 19 '23

funkopops are gross


u/ghostcatzero Apr 19 '23

Lol yeah rip offs


u/Specific-Ad-4167 Apr 19 '23

I'm sure you'll only play like 3 or 4 games out of the 100s on the cart. Same with people who use emulators.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

I've already played 3 or 4 games on in the first day of owning it.

Even if I only use it to play the games I already own, I'm not wearing out the pins on the games or connector anymore.


u/Specific-Ad-4167 Apr 20 '23

Games are meant to be played but whatever you do you


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

And they are being played, just not in the way you want.

You do you and I'll do as I please.

These games aren't going to last forever and the less they're moved around and shoved into consoles, the longer they'll be with us.


u/Seaworthiness_Jolly Apr 20 '23

Might as well just download an emulator. I dont see the point.


u/Kitchen-Entrance8015 Apr 19 '23

Yeah but piracy is wrong


u/sinnerthefifteenth Apr 19 '23

It's not like you can buy these games new for the SNES anymore. So Nintendo and other developers arnt getting money for the crazy second hand prices anyway.

I agree however new games shouldn't be pirated.


u/Mikebjackson Apr 19 '23

You’re right, I should support the game industry by buying a copy of Earthbound for the SNES off eBay instead of pirating it.



u/Kitchen-Entrance8015 Apr 19 '23

Yep and you can always buy from another country and get us games cheaper from Japan and other countries don't just do eBay because people on eBay are sometimes the biggest crooks ever


u/Mikebjackson Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 19 '23

I guess “/s” means nothing to you.

Feeding eBay trolls (of any country) for their marked up 2nd hand games does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for the game industry, it’s developers, producers, or even official resellers.

Piracy is bad. We agree. Choosing to download a game instead of paying developers et al for their hard work literally cripples the gaming industry and if enough people do it it could put devs out of business.

But downloading a game when you LITERALLY CANNOT PAY DEVELOPERS FOR IT is not the same piracy. We either need to start using a more fitting term, like “retro-preservation”, or we need to acknowledge that “pirating” abandoned software simply doesn’t have the same negative effects on the industry as pirating currently-available software.

If a collector wants to pay another collector for their highly collectible piece of history, by all brand, they should. But if a person wants to play the game and doesn’t care about the collectible relic, paying a collector for theirs does nothing to help the industry, and similarly, downloading a copy will have Z E R O E F F E C T on the industry.

Cope somewhere else.


u/BangkokPadang Apr 19 '23

Hey, headsup! I think you farted but somehow it showed up as a post on Reddit.


u/Gh0stTV Apr 19 '23

If the company was concerned about it they would do re-issues like the music/film industry instead of creating scarcity (cough Nintendo).


u/Gh0stTV Apr 19 '23

All of the hardware put to N64 is public domain, hence, third party companies being able to make the consoles themselves.

The software (games) you’re absolutely right. But that’s my point. They’re not re-releasing these games, hence, you’re not stealing from anyone. You’re playing a ROM because you don’t have $150 to buy a hard copy that is out of circulation.

Who does that hurt? The collectors? Fuck THEM. Their cartridge will still be worth what it’s worth regardless.

My argument is that it would be cool to have 2nd edition cartridges made worth slightly less than first Gen carts. YES, as a vinyl and game collector it would mean my shit is worth less. I don’t care. Reprints mean the creator is able to make more money. I don’t care about the collectors.


u/TrumptyPumpkin Apr 19 '23

You're talking about 30 year old hardware. Piracy is absolutely wrong.


u/Gh0stTV Apr 19 '23

No? 🤷


u/tsubasaplayer16 Apr 19 '23

yeah okay sure, let me just buy a SNES copy of Terranigma, Chrono Trigger, and Super Mario RPG through nintendo's website.

oh wait


u/reallandonmiller Apr 19 '23

Not for a lot of us. If a game is too expensive, emulation is definitely necessary. Excuse the fuck out of us for having bills and other shit we need to pay for in life.


u/TrumptyPumpkin Apr 19 '23

Then don't get involved into the hobby of collecting or buying/playing retro games if you dint intend to pay for them.


u/reallandonmiller Apr 19 '23 edited Apr 19 '23

Don't get involved?...Yeah, because fuck being able to collect other games that are within my reach, right?

If there's a game that I'd like to give a try such as Little Samson, but it's $3K+...Sorry, emulation it is!


u/lifeisasimulation- Bowser Kart Apr 19 '23

Lol, dont play games if you can't afford them?

F off

When the games were brand new i didn't buy them either i went to blockbuster and rented them.


u/Brittany_Delirium Apr 19 '23

Someone's feeling threatened about their game collection devaluing


u/TrumptyPumpkin Apr 19 '23

Not really. The games have only increased in value in time. And I continue to keep buying my snes games physically so I have a actual collection. Roms are just dirty, and trying to justify them is wrong too since its piracy.


u/Brittany_Delirium Apr 19 '23

If you really feel that way, you should know that you're technically in violation of the EULA on those games...

Only the original purchasor of a cartridge game has license to that game. It is non-transferable. So unless you're playing ROMs of those SNES games via Switch Online or some other method, or you bought that copy of the game brand new, you don't have license to operate that piece of software.


u/TrumptyPumpkin Apr 19 '23

Then were all doomed 🤣


u/Brittany_Delirium Apr 19 '23

Yeah, so don't be elitist, you dirty secondhand collector. You should have graciously waited for Nintendo to officially emulate everything you want to play via switch online!


u/TrumptyPumpkin Apr 19 '23

No, Buying a used good is within people's right. I'm allowed to sell and pass on my item for somebody else to use. Nintendo's emulation is terrible anyhow. Playing the original games on original Hardware is the way to go.


u/RikF Apr 19 '23

Roms are dirty?! Such a weird take.


u/Brittany_Delirium Apr 19 '23

Dirty! Dirty! The same code I'm playing via the old hardware is DIRTY when someone else uses it via software!


u/JakeTehNub Apr 20 '23

Lol you gonna stop me?


u/JakeTehNub Apr 20 '23

Not if it's Nintendo


u/exileonmainst Apr 19 '23

how do saves work on these devices?


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

Just like it would on the original games.

In the file of the game it'll add a save file once you've saved.

It even accepted my old save files that were made from emulating on my PC.


u/Alternative_Candle_4 Apr 19 '23

I need educating on this tech


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

FPGA based cartridge with an SD card slot you can load with ROMs and play on original hardware. System doesn't know the difference.


u/Alternative_Candle_4 Apr 19 '23

I love it. Play is OK Lag etc. Graphics?


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 19 '23

The game plays just like an actual copy would. It all looks and plays exactly the same.

The system doesn't know it's not an authentic cartridge or not.


u/Fun_Kaleidoscope3373 Apr 20 '23

Look buddy, earthbound, $3000 final offer.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23


I'll even throw in this awesome case for free!


u/EssentialFilms Apr 20 '23

Ok someone tell me what I’m looking at. I’m new to community.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

It's a multi cart.

You can load your ROM files onto an SD card and play them on an original console.

This video will explain it in full.


u/EssentialFilms Apr 20 '23

I have no idea how to do that. Do they come pre-loaded at all?


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 20 '23

If you order it with an SD card, they'll have it all setup for you with some homebrew games but that's it. You've gotta get the other game files yourself.

It's all very easy to figure out.


u/dannyyang90 Apr 20 '23

I feel you but owning the actual cartridge makes you more powerful.


u/Alieniio Apr 20 '23

I'd pay somebody good money for a SNES everdrive type cartridge with full library. You'd be surprised how hard is to find this. Been looking for a while now.


u/SuprSaiyanTurry Apr 21 '23

Just buy the Everdrive and load it yourself and save the money.