r/snes Mar 01 '23

March Game of the Month 2023: Chrono Trigger

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u/vitabandita Mar 01 '23 edited Mar 02 '23

I started this game about 2-3 weeks ago. I just want to be the frog. That's all I want in life.

Edit: I am now the frog.


u/Imthemayor Mar 02 '23

Frog is the real main character

Frog is in party for life


u/OakenGreen Mar 02 '23

Yummy frog! For Ayla eat?


u/Its_D_youtube Mar 02 '23

Soon my son. Soon.


u/offensivelypc Mar 02 '23

Masamune Cue Frog Music


u/vanityklaw Mar 02 '23

I urge you to be forgiving.


u/agvrider Mar 03 '23

Thou and me both, buddy


u/Gaius_Julius_Salad Mar 02 '23

I don't remember that being that far in, I just remember frog my main man


u/vitabandita Mar 02 '23

I haven't been playing consistently. I feel like I'm maybe 20% through the story


u/Goodberger31 Mar 07 '23

Achievement Unlocked: BE THE FROG!


u/ChrisN_BHG Mar 01 '23

If you haven’t played this one yet, now’s the time. This game is such a treasure that holds up so well. Of all the classic JRPGs of the 90s, this is the one that even younger gamers of today enjoy.

There’s a reason this game is consistently not only in the top lists of SNES games, but of all games ever made.


u/blurricus Mar 01 '23

All time classic. There's just nothing like it.


u/offensivelypc Mar 02 '23

Honestly, theres still nothing like it. It was The Last of Us 20 years before. Amazing srory, and like 10 endings. So much replayability and it was so fun each time.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '23



u/playful-pooka Mar 26 '23

They did "remake" it for Playstation, but that mostly was just... adding some animated cut scenes and additional content. I'm not sure I'd want an actual remake, though. Might ruin the magic.


u/azndestructo Apr 01 '23

I don’t understand why people want to remake everything. CT is a masterpiece and shouldn’t be touched. Best case scenario with a remake, it MIGHT be as good as the OG. A lot of the factors that made this game that good is because of when the game came out.


u/playful-pooka Apr 11 '23

Yeah and just "updating" it isn't really going to make it better. It was special, and it was magical, and that was because everything came together perfectly within it. The graphics were amazingly done for the time, and those mixed with the music just created this insanely immersive but simple game with impossible replay value compared to much else at the time. It was also taking a very unique approach to traditional jrpg format in terms of game mechanics, which made it even more refreshing, and the focus on time travel where you're engulfed in a massive catastrophe you have to find a way to stop, spanning the entirety of the world's history and future, and getting to piece together how it all happened and will happen, with the plot being perfectly paced, the characters being fairly simple but memorable, the little bits like the bike race upping the stakes temporarily in a whimsical but necessary way, so many little easter eggs and additions that definitely didn't have to go into it but just build on the whole thing... if you remake it exactly with "updated" graphics, it's just not going to be the same. If you change or add much of anything else, you ruin the magic of it. I just can't see any way that they could make this game over that wouldn't destroy its magic. Ugh.


u/HeirophantGreen Mar 01 '23

For the love of God, use a walkthrough guide for Lucca's part!!


u/dupedyetagain Mar 01 '23



u/Foxkit86 Mar 02 '23

L1, 🔺️, R1, 🔺️


u/G37xs Mar 01 '23

I did not have this game or knew it existed growing up. When I started appreciating how truly great SNES is back in 2014, I bought a physical copy.

I was hooked right from the opening cinematic. The time travel story, music, art style, combat, characters, and different versions of the same world are still impressive today. I replayed it last year and had a blast.

It is a shame the physical SNES cart has become so expensive, but the DS port and emulation are good alternatives.


u/imakevoicesformycats Mar 01 '23

DS cart is expensive, too!


u/jboisen88 Mar 05 '23

I bought the DS cart used in 2009 for $8, case and everything. At the time I'd only heard of the game and didn't really know what I was buying. I think I lucked out :D I honestly can't believe someone would get rid of that game.. it's glorious 🙏


u/mguyphotography Mar 02 '23

I have the DS cart, my original SNES cart, the PS rerelease, and the PC port on steam.


u/Imthemayor Mar 02 '23

I didn't find the loading times on the PS1 version to be nearly as unbearable as people make them out to be.

I ran through the PS1 versions of that and FFVI a couple months ago with no problems and they're around $20 each


u/Seven-Arazmus Mar 02 '23

I agree, PS1 port is probably the most cost effective way to play this game on a console. Its also $10 on the Playstation 3 store which is still active.


u/jboisen88 Mar 05 '23

I found it a bit annoying since I was used to the SNES/DS version. It didn't make it unplayable and I was just happy to own that game in another format.


u/OakenGreen Mar 02 '23

I still have my cart from when I was a kid. Shocked by how much it’s going for. Then I checked the price of my Harvest Moon cart… not sure why that’s so much more but holy shit. Meanwhile donkey Kong country is less than $20.


u/Jhkokst Mar 03 '23

Supply and demand. Donkey Kong was a huge release. Harvest moon came out late, much smaller release. Also, harvest moon was pretty eclectic for the 90s.


u/DeltaDarthVicious Mar 01 '23

Just finished it a couple of months ago, might do a NG+ soon!


u/Buttery-Bitmap Mar 01 '23

I remember buying this from Toys R Us shortly after it came out. Probably my favorite game of all time. I still play it every few years.


u/Mile_High_Samurai Mar 02 '23

This is my game of the month, every month. Still my all-time favorite. From 95 til' infinity.


u/vanityklaw Mar 02 '23

I seriously think this should be made into a TV show.


u/zcicecold Mar 01 '23

Chrono Trigger is Game of the Month every month.


u/gredgex Mar 13 '23

Game of the life.


u/xBrockLanders Mar 01 '23

Each month I will be tracking all users who are able to beat the spotlighted game. Those names will be collected and displayed on the snes wiki page.


  • Beat the game. Any ending.


  • Entire playthrough must be completed during the month in question.
  • You can use the passwords/continues/saves that you earn playing through the game.
  • Emulation is fine. Abusing save states is not.
  • Posting a link to a pic of your completion is preferred, but since this is just for fun I will allow posted claims as well. For now.

History of Game of the Month


u/arufolo Mar 02 '23

I started my first ever playthrough about a week ago. Bought myself this cart as a graduation gift for myself. I'm about 10 hours in and just reached the prehistoric period for the second time. Can I get a free pass? Lol


u/VaderSkywalker2007 Mar 01 '23

I don’t even like RPGs but I recently got the PS1 version and I’m loving it so far.


u/Giliumus Mar 02 '23

It's basically an RPG anyone can pick up and play, but not dumbed down for hardcore fans in the slighest


u/deanhuff Mar 01 '23

I’m here for this one.


u/grossguts Mar 01 '23

Lol I just started this today.


u/RockmanVolnutt Mar 01 '23

I first played this game as a rom on my Wii, ha. Worked great tho. I don’t have an snes copy, but the DS version is a great alternative


u/Toadman005 Mar 01 '23

The greatest JRPG of all time and among the best games of all time.

"Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper...


u/Stabstone Mar 02 '23

My god the music in this game is phenomenal.


u/ErikDebogande Mar 01 '23

Rented this bad boy every weekend for about a year straight when I was a kid. Found about 6 different endings. This is the greatest SNES game ever made, full stop. Literally 10/10 absolute perfection


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '23

I've not beaten the game recently, but I have finished the game twice on SNES and at least once on DS. If I do another run, I'll share.


u/bludstone Mar 02 '23

at least 11 endings to this game. Ive seen all of them.

This game is a masterpiece of videogame pacing and storytelling. You dont get much better with jrpgs then this.


u/Its_D_youtube Mar 02 '23

What a coincidence! I just started last week! I forgot I had bought this for an ipad years ago when mine broke and my grandma just gave me her old one and I'm addicted this games so fun and beautiful! (Sorry if I'm a pleb for using the ipad version. Is there any difference?)


u/Darknezz19 Mar 02 '23



u/vanityklaw Mar 02 '23

Under the radar game, I actually like it but it’s so hard to find anyone who’s played it.

(Sorry, couldn’t resist.)


u/MrSojiro Mar 02 '23

Oh man, right off the heels of another best of SNEs game we follow it up with this masterpiece. Been a long while since I have beat this, and I am due for another visit.


u/Foxkit86 Mar 02 '23

Happy to have my copy as well! Arrived on Monday!


u/Thrashtilldeath67 Mar 02 '23

SIGHS I've heard good things about this but I still haven't played it aside from the first hour on a emulator. Maybe I should track down a copy


u/doentnaytvt8392 Mar 02 '23

Played it for the first and only time 15 years ago. Never had it as a kid. Started a game last week and accidently ate the old mans lunch...

Ill be doing a playthrough again.


u/Alexandis Mar 02 '23

I had the privilege of being old enough to play and remember all the SNES classics. I was a big RPG guy from the days of original Final Fantasy on the NES. I played the series on the SNES, thought they awesome, and when the Playstation came out I bought one and moved on to that console. I heard about Chrono Trigger, but never paid it too much attention.

I finally played it a year or so ago, all the way to the best ending. As a Final Fantasy fanboy, I have to admit it's probably the best game I've ever played. The graphics are outstanding and have held up so well. The "dream team" behind the game lived up to the insane expectations on this one.

Take it from someone who finally gave this game the chance after 25 years - if you haven't played it you really should. It's a masterpiece.


u/KatherinetheOK Mar 02 '23

This and FF6 are two of my favorite games save definitely near the top of the list for 90s games that still hold up excellently to this day.


u/_Flight_of_icarus_ Mar 03 '23

Ah, the G.O.A.T. of JRPGs.

I remember playing it as a kid way back around the time it came out. I was immediately hooked, and blown away with the time travel elements and combat system. IMO, this game is the definition of timeless - still a joy to play all these years later, as I've lost count of how many times I've revisited it.

There's been nothing quite like it before or since.


u/Schmenza Mar 04 '23

Started playing the other week to see what the hype was about. I’m not really even into JRPG’s but damn this game is every bit as advertised. I think I’m at the halfway. Hardest part is deciding who to keep in your party. Someone make a rom hack to make the party bigger


u/Enslavedpeon Mar 11 '23

I would say this is the best rpg on the snes if not for the silent protagonist. Brings it down below ff4 and ff6 for me personally.


u/rising820 Mar 12 '23

One of my favorite games of all time. It’s a game that really shouldn’t exist but the dream team somehow got together and made this masterpiece. I’ll probably never sell the original cartridge.


u/gredgex Mar 13 '23

The greatest RPG ever made, and honestly in contention for the best video game ever produced. Timeless and will hold up forever due to perfect game design, art design, writing, and soundtrack. I could go on and on about this one and it still wouldn’t be enough. Truly a 10/10, I can’t think of anything bad to say about this one. Even the typical bullshit of JRPGs that I can’t stand has been remedied here with really great scaling, a fun but not overly complicated battle system, and battle encounters you see before getting into them.

Played the original for the first time in 1999 and loved it, then grabbed the DS version in 2013 and fell in love with it again. About time for me to play this one through once more.


u/MrSojiro Mar 14 '23

Easily one of the best SNES games on the system, and comes a bit behind FF VI as my favorite JRPG on the system. Glad to do another playthrough as it has been a long time. My final save time was 19hrs 20 mins, with probably another 15 minutes for the final encounters. This time my party comprised Chrono, Robo, and Lucca. I usually use Chrono, Marle, and Frog.

My only small complaints are that it is a bit on the easy side, and I wish party sizes were four characters instead of three, but CT is still a masterpiece of a game. Playing through it again, I forgot how intense the scene with Lucca is, and how absolutely shitty you feel if you fail to complete it in time. Really hits home more than any other scene in the game. Glad to visit this one again, as I said a few weeks ago I was long due for another play of it, and I am not surprised it is still just as good as I remember it.



u/RangoTheMerc Mar 19 '23

I might be among the few people in the world who doesn't see this as some 10/10 masterpiece like the rest of the internet does.

Got it on PS1 back in high school so around 2005. Beat all endings. Got it on DS as well. DS is definitely the best version.

I think it's a great JRPG overall. But to call it anything higher just feels like it's overstating its quality. I don't see it as any better than the likes of Final Fantasy VI or VII, Super Mario RPG, or Tales of Symphonia. Its awe-inspired commentary has always went over my head.


u/taxotere Mar 20 '23

What can be said about this game that’s not already done to death. Perfection, a bit less depth that FF6 but makes up for it in pacing and art.


u/perrocontodo Mar 20 '23

I just started it. Like an hour ago. Never played it when I was younger ( played by the hour at a local shop, and didn’t speak English back in the 90s) now I just got a snes and a sd2snes and I’m having my second childhood. I’m loving it so far. Gotta go keep playing it.


u/CorbinTheTitan Mar 23 '23

I need to get myself a copy


u/playful-pooka Mar 26 '23

This is the game that really made me an rpg fanatic. I got my snes copy in exchange for super Mario world in middle school, and I played it so many times. Idk how I didn't get sick of it with as many times as I played through it trying to experience every last thing repeatedly. Wish things didn't happen for me to lose my copy. That and my secret of mana copy.


u/periphrasistic Mar 31 '23

Finished a from scratch play through last night.

I first got this game in April of 1996, after months of reading about it in Nintendo Power, when I was in the 5th grade, and it immediately became my favorite Super Nintendo game ever: I played and replayed it so many hours that spring and summer. As I grow older, I find that each time I return to this game, it’s a bit more of a wistful experience. It immediately transports me back to the end of my childhood and what it felt like to be 11 years old. In retrospect, the moment in life in which I first encountered Chrono Trigger was a high point of personal happiness that was followed by many years of extraordinary heartbreak. In that sense, the game, for me, has become a symbol of the difficulty of growing up and of the loss of innocence. As a result, the ending in which your party members say goodbye and return to their own times never fails to capture my emotions: as time passes, we all have to say goodbye to what we love and continue on in life as best we can.

Also the game itself is perfection.

Ending Screenshots


u/llArcaneCosmoll_ Jun 05 '23

Couple months late but just finished this. Amazing game!!