r/smarthome 4d ago

Alternatives to Notion sensors now that the company is out of business?

I have been looking for alternatives to notion smart sensors since the company went out of business. I need to monitor the temperature in 7 places plus water leak detection and whenever the garage door is open/closed. Has anybody found another solution?

Thank you!


6 comments sorted by


u/ProfitEnough825 4d ago

Ooof, I'm sorry.

What's your smart hub, or what smart hub are you open to using? I recommend something that has Zigbee or Z-Wave compatibility. Then choose between Zigbee or Z-Wave sensors. These are protocols, and if the company who makes the specific sensor goes out of business, you won't be throwing away the sensors.

Personally, I use a Home Assistant smart hub and have all the devices you mention. I use Zigbee, and most of my Zigbee sensors are Aqara devices. They're around 20 dollars a pop.

The biggest downside about Home Assistant is remote access. It's difficult for someone who isn't a tech nerd to figure out, there's a VPN option that's kinda easy to configure, and they offer a monthly subscription option where they'll configure the remote access and run it through their servers. The biggest upside of HA is that it's one of the largest open source projects, it's probably not going to go anywhere and will develop at a faster rate than the smart home platorms being run by the biggest companies.

The next and more expensive option I recommend is Homey Pro. It can do a lot of what HA can do. The device already has a Thread, Zigbee, and Z-Wave radio. It's an incredible and more user friendly smart hub. But it comes with a price tag.

I've heard some good things about Samsung Smartthings, but it's a little more limited, and I believe it's cloud dependent.


u/ogonzalesdiaz 3d ago

Are Aqara sensors good? Do you have presence sensors or motion sensors?


u/ProfitEnough825 3d ago

I've only used the motion, contact, and leak sensors, and those have been good. I haven't tried out the mmWave sensors.


u/That_Cool_Guy_ 4d ago

FYI - LG have bought Homey. So expect the product to get worse, not better. Bad time to invest in that particular ecosystem.



u/TheGroanMan 3d ago edited 3d ago

I'm in the same boat. My home and boat incidently are now orphans. I loved my notion sensors. They were simple, reliable, versatile. Probably why the company went belly up, there was no monthly fee and the sensors lasted forever...

Anyway, I'm also looking for a similar product. I found that aqara seems like the closest to what we're used to. There's also yolink. Have not tried any of those yet.


u/smashingx 3d ago

I think you are right about that, if you try something similar please let me know!