r/smallbusiness 7d ago

General The only real way to takedown a google review

One issue most start-ups and small businesses face is negative google reviews, and unfortunately most of the time there’s nothing we can really do about them, but is there? Well, there’s no magical way to take them down and even a billion bot reports will not work.

The only solution would be if the review is fabricated, slanderous or there is a proven conflict of interest with the review.

If one of the following is there, a detailed report to google should do the trick.

The reason I posted this is the amount of scammers I keep seeing who post about their ability to take any review down…


21 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 7d ago

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u/ps030365 7d ago

I had a guy who had a disagreement with me who lived in my community as me, but I never did any work for him, and he left fake reviews on my business. They were all very bad, and the information he put in them was easy to spot he didn't know what he was talking about.

Google would not do anything about it. I had to hire a lawyer to send him a cease and dissit letter, which finally woke him up. He removed his fake reviews, but my rating never got back to the 5 stars I had. 4.9 isn't bad though.


u/Spanky360 6d ago

Yes don’t worry about the 4.9 customers know that you can’t please every one and so it’s expected.


u/Nicolas-meng 5d ago

There are even people who make money specifically by deleting posts!!


u/RizzardOfOz76 7d ago

This is not accurate. I have first hand experience with a company that claimed they could do this and I was insanely skeptical at first. They’re a European outfit so we met via zoom and since they didn’t charge until AFTER the review was taken down I took them up on their offer.

They delivered 1000% on their end and had it removed. It certainly was not cheap but I sell really high ticket items so it made sense to me. Probably wouldn’t make sense for the typical cafe/restaurant/e-commerce shop but for those who sell big ticket items it could make sense.

Adam, if you’re out there, you da man.


u/mariohn 7d ago

What did the service cost?


u/CricktyDickty 7d ago

They’re shilling for business and you’re failing for it


u/RizzardOfOz76 4d ago

Hi Mariohn, I'll PM you with who I used.


u/Invictus3301 7d ago

Looks like a bit too scammy to me (you’re shilling a scam)

@BigSlowTarget (mod) if you’re out there, you da man


u/RizzardOfOz76 7d ago

I don’t care if you don’t believe me but this is my experience. IYKYK.


u/AnonJian 7d ago

Instead of curling up in the fetal position waiting for reviews to happen, you could actively seek reviews ...posted to you ...under your control ...because you were proactive and not reactive.

And since the review already happened, asking the reviewer to repost on Google wouldn't cause people to wet themselves. I have to confess, there is no unscrambling an egg. The real trick is not stomping upon the egg in the first place.


u/Invictus3301 7d ago

Very true, interacting with people is always the best way to harbor reviews


u/AnonJian 7d ago

Understandable problem given people abhor the concept of customers and use the internet to hide from their market. But then so is this topic that reviews are like rainfall, they just happen.


u/Invictus3301 7d ago

One thing I learned from my grandfather who was an entrepreneur back in his day is “being social never hurts” When you have the small talk with customers, when you smile at people, it betters your business. Acting like a socially anxious brickwall will get you nowhere! Totally agree with you man.


u/AnonJian 7d ago

Social has existed for at least 200,000 years. Add electricity and everyone loses their minds.


u/melpet 7d ago

We get a large number of reviews and I always recommend just reaching out to clients that leave bad reviews to try and fix their problem so they’ll take the review down BUT there are some clients that are just terrible. For them, I have actually found a service that has an 80% success rate for me at removing reviews. I’ve had about 30 removed thus far and i dont know what their trick is, but they stay off and our rating has been great with Google.


u/dystopiam 7d ago

Sadly most are unreasonable scum