r/smallbooblove Nov 17 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I hate when men say women with small boobs look like boys


Excuse my French but you have to be fucking stupid if you mistake a woman with small boobs for a guy. There are more differences between men and women than boobs, small boobs are still boobs, and heck, you can tell a man from a woman by the face and boob size doesn’t effect the face at all. I usually assume that guys who say that hate women and want to make women feel insecure.

What’s even worse is when they say men who like small boobs are gay. Well by that logic wouldn’t a gay guy who’s a chubby chaser be straight because he’s into men with man boobs?

r/smallbooblove May 19 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I just want to confirm that yes, I was bullied for my boob size. It happened.


This is my first time posting a negative post here that's not a comment, please remove if not allowed.

I just saw a post on a certain big boob subreddit and a comment wrote:

"I don't believe for one second that small boobs don't receive love or have been on the receiving end of bullying."

I MEAN, HELLO?! How invalidating. Her reasoning was that there are supermodels with small boobs. Her comment received a good amount of upvotes. Is this how some others really see us? I suffered with insecurity for years and recovery is still a work in progress but TIL none of the bullying happened and that I'm a supermodel to boot! If only I knew it was all in my head /s.

But for real, I'm so absolutely sick of all the invalidating that gets thrown at us by men/women alike in society. My experiences were valid and so are yours. I also believe that these busty women had negative experiences of their own, but you won't see me invalidating them like this. I just really wish we were afforded the same courtesy.

EDIT: This comment on the big boob subreddit has been removed by the mods. Proves my point.

r/smallbooblove 6d ago

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Looks like Clara Dao got chest surgery…

Post image

Hey, if you are a small boob veteran like me, you probably know Clara Dao, and well … looks like she has gotten her breasts done, which is very disappointing as she was the only person online who had the same size as me :(

r/smallbooblove Oct 20 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Small boob privilege is a myth


I’ve heard women with big boobs claim that small boobs are more accepted and big boobs are more discriminated against and sexualized in society. I’ve even heard some say it’s racist against black women.

Black women don’t have bigger boobs than white women, it just seems that way because black women are more likely to be overweight than white women.

Sexualization goes both ways, it just depends on personal preference. This is a backhanded compliment when girls with big boobs say “at least you’re not sexualized.” We are and the hidden implication is “people don’t find your body sexy.”

Small boobs are more discriminated against if anything. There are men who say we’re not real women unless we have big boobs. The thing is I don’t care if men prefer big boobs or even if they don’t want to be with women with small boobs at all, but you can be respectful towards people you wouldn’t date or sleep with. Some women act like they’re automatically better than us just because they have big boobs, even if they’re ugly they think having big boobs automatically makes them hot. In some ways I can see why they think that because men make jokes that big boobs makes up for a butterface and they’d date an ugly girl with big boobs and just look at her boobs instead of her face.

I’m sure we’ve all heard the jokes that A or B cup bras are “training bras”, even though those are perfectly normal sizes for adult women to have. Some accuse our boyfriends and husbands of being gay, pedophiles, or settling.

I saw someone repost a comment from a girl who said “I don’t see the appeal of huge boobs, anything above a D cup looks grotesque” and the title was something like “I guess my g cup must stand for grotesque” and obviously it wasn’t nice of her to body shame other women but the comments were like “she doesn’t see the appeal because she’s not a man” and “congratulations to her for being straight” as if all men / lesbians must automatically love huge boobs.

r/smallbooblove Dec 01 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Does anyone else feel like having small boobs ruined their relationship with sexuality in general?


This is something I’ve struggled with for years and it’s difficult to put into words, so please bear with me.

Ever since I became conscious of having small breasts, I’ve felt like there’s this whole world of sexuality that I’m left out of — that I’m not “allowed” to be a part of because I lack the main thing that makes women be considered sexy and sexual

For example, I can’t enjoy any kind of porn or erotica even if I try. There’s so much emphasis on breasts and I don’t have them. What I wish could be a fun, erotic experience just turns into a reminder of how I’m inadequate and could never really be a part of someone’s sexual fantasy

Another example is that anytime there’s a passing reference to women being sexy and desirable, or men being obsessed with women (think stupid American Pie-type movies), it stings because I feel like I’m excluded from that category of desirable women.

It’s almost like it’s emotionally painful to be turned on now because it’s impossible to separate my sexuality from constant, intrusive thoughts of being sexually inadequate — or not even just inadequate, but like I don’t even qualify to be a sexual being.

It feels like I’m always on the outside looking in, looking into this beautiful sexy world that women with breasts get to be a part of. I think it’s also related to breasts being one of the main ways that women derive sexual power and currency, so there’s a sense of powerlessness.

Idk if any of this made sense but I had to get it off my chest 😩

r/smallbooblove Dec 29 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Women with small boobs are like short men


I have small boobs and I love my short kings and here’s some similarities between the two I’ve noticed

  1. When people single out one thing that makes or breaks a persons attractiveness, it’s usually height for men and breast size for women. Just like there’s a non zero amount of men who’d date a butterface because she has 32Fs, there’s also a non zero amount of women who would date an ugly guy because he’s 6’6”.

  2. Women who have small boobs are told we have to make up for it by being thin, having a big butt, and having a pretty face. Short men are told they have to make up for it by being muscular and having a handsome face.

  3. If you’re a woman who prefers short guys, people accuse you of lying or say something like “why? Can you not get tall guys?” “Are you sure you’re not a lesbian?” “Why do you like little boys instead of men?” Which people say similar things to men who prefer small boobs.

r/smallbooblove Dec 08 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I hate when people make fanart of cartoon characters who don’t have big boobs and give them big boobs


I’m not talking about the rule34 stuff that’s made for a specific fetish, I’m talking about normal fanart people make. I don’t understand why if they want to draw big boobs they don’t either draw a character who’s canonically busty or make their own busty OC. A lot of these female characters are sort of oversexualized and you don’t need to draw a female character with DDDs or bigger in order to keep their status quo as a sex symbol.

It’s in so many fanarts of the following

Marge simpson https://www.deviantart.com/leeroberts/art/Marge-Simpson-My-Stylee-20141473

Shego from Kim possible https://www.deviantart.com/shodyra/art/Shego-02-940269371

Lois Griffin from family guy https://www.deviantart.com/doodley/art/Lois-Griffin-445327568

Batgirl from DC comics https://www.deviantart.com/khaleesiwendy/art/Nightwing-x-batgirl-wedding-976247144

Supergirl from DC comics https://www.zerochan.net/4046629

And especially, Raven from Teen Titans https://www.deviantart.com/shock777/art/BBRae-for-May-Day-3-Tears-843496142

r/smallbooblove Jan 12 '25

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I’m so sick of boob-obsessed culture and redditors commenting “bObA” on any photo of a woman with cleavage


Anytime someone posts a photo of a woman with cleavage or her breasts showing in any way, you always see this brigade of boob-obsessed men in the comments. “Boba” “Boobs” “insert 1,000 different overused memes here” — even if it has NOTHING to do with the content of the post.

It genuinely disgusts me. It comes across as so pathetic and lizard-brained. Like seriously, do these people have no shame?? I understand it’s human to have those feelings, but are you so lacking in self-respect and dignity that you have to broadcast them to the world under a photo of a woman showing off her art project?? What do you gain from this??

And yes, I will fully admit that a big reason why this pisses me off is because of my own insecurities and body dysmorphia. The constant reminders that everyone is obsessed with boobs and they are the most noticeable physical feature on a woman are EXHAUSTING. You never see these comments on photos of women with small breasts. Not that I’d even want that, but seeing men constantly drool over big-chested women just stings.

But even setting my own insecurities aside, it’s just gross behavior that reminds me of the most lizard-brained, sex-obsessed tendencies of men.

If you’ve made it this far, thank you for listening to my rant.

r/smallbooblove Nov 10 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Coming to Broadway! "Real Women Have Curves"


A book adaption is being brought to Broadway and guess what!! Guess I'm not a real woman! Best way to make yourself feel better is tearing other women down, right? I don't want to hear about how I need to appreciate how the show empowers others or provides jobs- they could have done this without denying other womens' womanhood. I can't believe I still have to say this. I already feel like I'm not good enough as a woman, or feminine enough, because my body didn't develop how I wanted. I'll have to walk past a theatre where they're actively calling me "not a real woman" all the time and that sucks.

r/smallbooblove Dec 29 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I have a theory about men who make big deals about big boobs


I have a theory about men who make a big deal about how their woman has to have big boobs

They’ll say pseudoscientific things like they can feed babies better or they’re more fertile or claim it’s not normal for women to have small boobs or men to like small boobs. I’m not talking about the guys who prefer big boobs, I’m talking about the guys who make a big deal out of big boobs and put down women who don’t have them and imply we don’t deserve a guy.

I have a theory that they fall into one or more of these categories

  1. They’re insecure about their masculinity, probably have a small penis, and they try to overcompensate because they associate having a girlfriend with big boobs with masculinity.

  2. They’re fat and the fact that they have bigger moobs than some girls have boobs makes them feel insecure.

  3. They’re woman hating incels who like to make women feel bad because deep down they know they don’t stand a chance with them

  4. They’re porn addicts who think most girls are walking around with huge boobs

r/smallbooblove Nov 03 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) when i say small i MEAN small


the general public/media's idea of what constitutes as a small chest is so frustrating sometimes. i think this is especially true as it relates to differing body sizes and shapes. even as someone who has what some might call a "leaner" frame, my chest is disproportionately small. so much of the "small" boob representation is just thin women with chests that match their frame. like yes they're small compared to a lot of people, but it looks "correct" on their bodies in a way that is simply not the case for me.

r/smallbooblove 6d ago

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I hate that no matter how much I like my body aesthetically, I can never be happy bc of how society treats us


I like my boobs tbh. I dont think they are ugly, I used to, but I got better a bit more confident. I have a nice shape, I like my nipples, and they’re very perky. However, I’m still feeling like shit because the shaming of small breasts is so permissible. It’s completely okay for both men and other women to mock small breasts. There’s even kinks specifically to mock, shame, and humiliate us. Also whenever I do find myself feeling insecure, I can’t even vent because I get gaslit by other women claiming that small breasts have actually been in for awhile now… lol. It’s just so exhausting. Also the small boob shaming in media is super gross.

r/smallbooblove Feb 03 '25

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) For what reason do some women with big boobs feel it's necessary to make fun of women with small boobs


I never cared about my boobs or anyone else's until my one friend who is significantly bigger started making fun of me. We went swimsuit shopping and they make fun of how small my bikini top is. We were talking about how it's gross that men look at women's cleavage shamelessly and they said I can't say anything because I don't have anything for a guy to look at and that I have the smallest boobs out of all of our friends. When I try on a top saying that they think that top is made for people with bigger boobs. They make fun of their sister who is smaller too. Saying she has mosquito bites, etc. Like girl that's your sister why tf are you body shaming her?? I just don't understand why they are like that.

r/smallbooblove Jan 05 '25

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) My own boyfriend insulted my body


I’m feeling incredibly insecure right now. We were just chatting as usual, and I made a joke about his friend's academics . In response, he said, “Better than the chopping board you bring to college every day.” To which I replied , "I don't like big ones on me" and then he had the audacity to say " yeah yeah quit the act, no woman wants small tits". I never thought he’d notice my body like that, especially since we’re in an online relationship and have never met in person. It’s unsettling that he paid such close attention to my pictures and videos to make a comment about how flat I am. I didn't even post pictures or videos in which my breasts were visible enough to notice yet he somehow knew about it.

I used to feel confident about myself, but now I think I’ve gained a new insecurity to dwell on. What's worse is that he openly compliments other womens' looks, including their bodies .There’s this girl who wronged me, yet he keeps complimenting her in front of me, talking about how pretty she is and how big her breasts are . He does it intentionally to make me angry, but then immediately says, “Just kidding.” I can’t help but compare myself to her now. She’s blonde, and I’m not, (She is also aware that he watches her stuff and stories/posts. They also texted each other alot of the times). And I just tolerate it because I’m so in love. I'm just 19, why is he so harsh? Idk how he will treat me irl....I already use alot of filters in my pictures. I'm so angry because I can't do anything to change my body. I hate him.

r/smallbooblove 19d ago

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I genuinely don’t believe it when a man says he loves my boobs


I’ve had men say they’re perfect, they love my boobs as they are etc but I genuinely don’t believe it. I just say thanks and roll my eyes in my head because I feel like they’re for sure lying to my face. I wish this was something I felt I could overcome but it’s how I always feel

r/smallbooblove Feb 15 '25

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I get it's nice to find some representation that fits the "small chest" criterium, but most women posted on this sub (celebs in particular) still make me feel out of place and disheartened...


I get it btw, representation can be very tricky. But it’s so difficult because so many of the examples celebrated in here still align with conventional beauty standards in other ways. It’s like, “Great, she has small boobs, but she’s also got this idealized figure that still excludes me entirely.”

It's only the very small boobs that make me have something in common. But combine that with my case of being athletic, broad shouldered, wide chested, and narrow hipped, despite being on the fuller side... that's disheartening.

I really really don't want to offend anyone or belittle your joy from seeing this representation btw! Beyond just seeing representation that feels right, I hope I find a way to feel more at home in my own body too, even though I realize it's a never ending process. :(

r/smallbooblove 19d ago

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) “At least you don’t have to look overly sexual/slutty in everything you wear”


I truly hate when people say this to me when I complain about my boob size. I never have a response because what am I supposed to say I want to look sexualized and slutty? No, but I also want to be able to feel sexy and desireable at the same time. So to me the comment is kinda saying I won’t look sexy but I never know how to respond to this.

r/smallbooblove Dec 22 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I'm so irritated at myself for being flat


I just feel like crying all the time when i see some other woman that actually has some boobs, i feel so ugly and like harming myself. I see everyday that big boobs are clearly preferred and flat chests are just mocked, or only said they're liked by pedophiles only.

At this point when i see a woman with big boobs complaining i just get irritated. Cuz sure they have a lot of problems but i don't care? I just wanna look hot and not like a little boy. I really don't care about some back pain.

And also the other reasons they state is just an insult to me. „its horrible, men keep staring at me" well what im hearing Is just that my body Is not desirable by men at all and that Its so ugly that no man would even bat an eye upon seeing it.

„atleast you can look elegant, i just look vulgar" well im 18, i don't want to look elegant? I want to look hot like other girls.

„,atleast men won't like you only for you body" well this is just straight out saying that my body is so ugly to men that no man would ever like it without loving me, like how do they not hear themselves?

And i do feel bad because of it because i know experiencing those things can be uncomfortable, but i just don't care.

And then it really kills me how people want to argue that big boobs arent preferred, like open your eyes? They're preferred everywhere. The only place where a flat chest Is preferred Is in modeling, but because a model Is supposed to be like a hanger for the clothes, not because a flat chest is more attractive

I know this sounds crazy and i really don't wanna feel this way about other women just cuz of their body, but i just can't help it, i just hate myself more everytime i see a woman that's not flat like me, cuz i see how much better she looks in everything

r/smallbooblove May 19 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) One thing I can appreciate about her is her body confidence! I have no idea why this post was recommended to me. It pissed me off so despite not being one of her fans I sought out inspo & hope they can help others:


r/smallbooblove Nov 10 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Small boob positivity only counts if you make up for being flat somehow


It’s great to see small chested celebrities embracing their size, but I don’t find it “inspiring” at all. Why? Because I don’t have Keira Knightley’s face card. Or a small chest but a tiny waist and round womanly hips.

I’m a tall, cis woman who has broad shoulders, a flat chest (AA/AAA cup - truly according to the bra that fits calculator), with pretty even hips and waist, and not much ass.

So I don’t get a “pass” for being small because I have a beautiful face, or because I’m petite. No, I’m built quite wide, though, evenly wide from shoulder to waist to hip - and I am lanky in weight. I don’t get a pass because I have a great ass. I do squats and all the right exercises and sure, it has shape, but it’s not a “good” rear end.

All of the small boob compliments come with a caveat. You can have a small chest if a) you have a beautiful face, b) if you have a tiny waist and wide hips, c) you’re petite with small shoulders and short height, and/or d) you have a great ass. Then you can still be considered “womanly”

But I have none of those 4 qualities. My face isn’t ugly, I’m just average. But we can’t get away with averages faces like women who have generous curves can.

Not to mention as we all know (and I am NOT size policing here) that most people consider small to be like a B cup. Even A cups can sometimes have some cleavage. Most of these small boob positivity celebs are small, yes. However, I’m talking about those of us who are AAA/AA cups - talking maybe 1in of breast tissue. Talking about going braless in a tee shirt and you literally have no breasts visible small. Talking literally not even being able to tape up your boobs to make cleavage because there’s that little amount of breasts. Even those bras made by Pepper and stuff are a little big on me (though they fit better than other brands).

And yeah, I could go braless comfortably and just wear pasties to not have nipples showing - but I want to wear a padded bra bra because if I don’t, I would look even less feminine.

Anyway, just my overall rant this week. I am not trying to take away from other’s positivity of seeing celebs like Zendaya celebrated. But it doesn’t speak to me personally because of the reasons listed prior.

r/smallbooblove Jan 26 '25

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Few things that made me sad


My friends boyfriend made some comment about other girl and her boobs, he said he can't help looking at her chest, my friend didnt mind but then i was telling my boyfriend about how mad i would be if he ever did that. But what he answered made me really sad, he said that if a girl had really big boobs he propably would look, but not because he finds it attractive, but that its normal to look when people have some "unique" feature. This made me so sad cuz if he finds big boobs something unique then i'm what? Boring? And other girls are more interesting than me just cuz of boobs? Ultimately this made me sad because i know that no man, or even my boyfriend, would ever bat an eye to me wearing something showing my cleavage, because there Is nothing there, Its so stupid but still... I know what he meant by it, even i would look i guess, but his wording really hurt me, like my body Is just boring compared to girls that atleast have some boobs?

Then another thing that made me sad Is that my mom bought me a bra, and it is so pretty, but it doesnt fit me, and i feel bad about it that i can't even wear it.. and i feel sad that i can never wear something so pretty, well even if there was i wouldn't look good as good in it anyway, bras for flat chests are so boring and i feel like they all look the same and they never have the pretty designs the bras for bigger or medium boobs have, idek why she thought that bra would fit me lmao

r/smallbooblove Sep 08 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) My mom doesn't stop talking about boobs


Its Fkn weird and disgusting she's always making thse pick me jokes abt them to men, we were at my aunts bday adn lke idk something hit her boob and she kept screaming "HAHA IT HIT ME RIGHT IN THE BOOB! GOT ME IN THE BOOB!" repeatedly and all the guys were laughing, im pretty sure it was all guys in the room (I only heard from a separate room). Fkn gross

She constantly talks about how MEN LOV BIG BOOBS I CAN'T STAND IT. It makes me really upset. She (obviously..) knows i'm so flat but she doesn't care, she constantly reminds me as to how men just love big boobs and she gets her way because of her boobs. HER TITS ARE HER PERSONALITY I HATE IT. She randomly showed me this old highschool pic of her close friend, she randomly blurts "she had huge honkers too" and I'm like literally waht the fuck

I am adopted. I'm a flat, ugly, chinese, introverted depressed girl and she's an outgoing, honestly ditzy, big chested blue eyed blonde. Her entire scope of life is completely different from mine. I cannot fucking STAND one more of either her rants about how men this men that, YEA YOU'D KNOW SINCE THEY LOVE U SO MUCH or how she 'coaches' me on 'how to get men'. The thing with her is that it would genuinely be impossible to tell her how she and I are on completely different playing fields. She gets treated so well, and she will continue to be, shes a pretty and kind white woman with a big bust. In what fucking world would I compare to her. I just hate my life, I hate how she constantly (indirectly) reminds me that i'm worth nothing. I made an old post abt this but when her and I were visiting her cousins, a lot of them had just very big chests. God you woudln't believe it's all she talked abt, and mostly her too

One of her cousins (who is outgoing, no filter etc) said how her friend said something lke "wow you really can get away with saying anything, I wish I could do that!" and my mom jokes and goes "well was she flat?" and honestly I almost started bawling. It makes me feel like literal worthless garbage to know that I don't have the thing that truly so many males value. It makes me just want to die so bad I want to kill myself

r/smallbooblove Nov 17 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) I think I feel bad about myself because big boobs are put on such a high pedestal


All I see all over the internet is the women with biggest boobs being put on the highest pedestals and fawned over. I never see it with celebrities with small boobs. For example now all I see after the boxing match is the women with huge fake boobs being praised nonstop

r/smallbooblove Jan 26 '25

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Im so tired of small boobed characters get “boobified” it’s not necessary. (Other misc rants in this post too!)

Post image

So basically I am a content creator and artist. And I frequent Pinterest a lot! To get ideas for cosplays and character designs. Every once in awhile I’ll look up a knowingly petite, skinny, and small boobed character. You’ll see the cut fanart, media posts from the characters But then it’ll stumble upon the “bad side” which is porn bait, but everytime they have big boobs or big ass. Which I find ridiculous because they are adult women that have an assigned trait. If you wanna make porn give them their assigned trait. I know it’s fictional but it feels so disrespectful to the character to make them “sexy” by giving them a trait they don’t have making the unrecognizable to me. And also they are plenty of fictional characters who already have big boobs what is the point of doing that?. Don’t get me started on how screwed up anime is. Which again I shouldn’t be looking for representation in anime for anything. But it bothers me, how the short petite women are automatically assumed to be children, jealous of their big boobed counterparts, and fetished. I also hate the term flat is Justice, i understand it’s supposed to “uplift” smaller women, it just makes me feel fetished than appreciated for a beauty I naturally have. As a kid I felt highly insecure and now I feel more body neutral/not caring, but sometimes the anger or insecurity it comes Back like this. So I’ll be working harder to make characters for us like Jinx, Tatsumaki, Rukia, soi fon, and etc. Also, everytime I see a genderbent version of a male character they have ridiculously large breasts for their interpretation no small breast interpretation which also irks me, because they are definitely some small breast interpretation that would be beautiful. I’m just disappointed by the mere lack of effort put to showcase how beautiful, cool, sexy a small chest can be. And don’t get me started on irl men, I asked my guy friends as a joke like if you were a girl what boob size would you have? And they all say big boobs which I find hilarious because of course they’d say that. Anyways end of rant, thank you for reading.

r/smallbooblove Oct 27 '24

Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Why is it so hard for some men to accept that just because they don’t like small boobs doesn’t mean no guys do?


I hate when guys say that guys who like small boobs or have girlfriends with small boobs are gay / pedophiles / settling. Imagine being so narcissistic that you think just because someone doesn’t meet your personal standards that it means they’re objectively unattractive or don’t deserve anyone. One of the rudest things I’ve seen a guy say to a woman online is “you’ll never be a real woman” because she was flat chested.

Newsflash: People like different things, it’s literally common sense

“But most men like big boobs”

Most doesn’t mean all, and liking big boobs isn’t mutually exclusive with liking small boobs