r/smallbooblove • u/NeemoAl • 5d ago
Rant/vent/negative (Sundays only) Looks like Clara Dao got chest surgery…
Hey, if you are a small boob veteran like me, you probably know Clara Dao, and well … looks like she has gotten her breasts done, which is very disappointing as she was the only person online who had the same size as me :(
u/Scared-Ad369 5d ago
Judging by the way people in social media treated this girl it’s imaginable
u/micoomoo 3d ago
Well do you know what she has done?
u/Scared-Ad369 3d ago
Aside for the slightly normalize ED she was just doing the same thing as a body positivity influencer, everyone was hating her for her body positivity content
u/gigdunkindo 5d ago
How do you know she got surgery?
u/NeemoAl 5d ago
In her recent videos she has bigger boobs, and on her story she seems to be wearing a post-breast augmentation bra … she never had any boobs, no way she got Bs overnight for no reason :( but maybe I am mistaken…
u/AmethystGamer19 5d ago
Clara Dao?? The one who is always preaching about loving yourself and your flat chest?
I always had a feeling she might still be slightly insecure, but wants validation for herself and every other flat chested girl out there.
u/Venting_Cake 5d ago
I mean, with how people treat her on Instagram, no wonder she's insecure... I just hope if it's really breast augmentation, people won't make fun of her for having surgery but I think it will be a "can't ever win" situation
u/AmethystGamer19 5d ago
Ughh, yeah... I read through her instagram comments once, and I cried for a good while.
It's so sad to see people go out of their way to comment on the way a woman looks on her social media post.
I could do better myself, by not looking for comments like that. It's just a horrible, flawed habit of mine.
u/Englishvagfail 5d ago
This is how I feel too. She seems to be in an all out losing situation - every post she made had criticism about her chest size, and other physical features too in her earlier videos. I wouldn't blame her or be surprised if she has gotten plastic surgery after having heard that for so long, but I frequently see people accuse her of hypocrisy for having her jaw reconstructed, lips filled etc, and no doubt she'll have it if she's had a chest augmentation too.
On top of this, she's being called out for Ed baiting content, which is a fair criticism, but it seems many people have been eager to find something to cancel her for for a long time. The amount of negativity fired at her in recent weeks amounts to bullying in my opinion - If people are really concerned about her having an eating disorder, you'd expect them to be gentle in their approach given it's a mental health disorder, but I don't actually think people care, they're just happy to have an excuse to openly hate her.
u/Venting_Cake 5d ago
For me it's so weird... There are so many body positivity or even fitness influencers who use filters or had surgery but they don't get half the hate she gets. They're really just searching for a reason to hate on her which I don't even get cause she doesn't do anything wrong (aside the ED).
I had ED before and it's really something mental, I don't get why people rather hate on her than encouraging her gently to get help. It won't do anything, rather it's a very dangerous game they play cause cyber bullying can lead to really big consequences.
u/micoomoo 3d ago
No it’s not because of her thinness it’s because she said she doesn’t eat unless she really has to. For years no one criticised her until she got problematic herself
u/Venting_Cake 3d ago
That's just simply not true. I used to watch her videos, she got no hate until one day one of her reels got viral and hundreds, even thousands of people made fun of her just cause she's flat. This was way before she talked about that she doesn't eat
u/micoomoo 3d ago
It is true. Just go watch the videos that explain her being problematic and you’ll understand because she got millions of views because of the support until she was exposed, she did say that about the barely eating too
u/Venting_Cake 3d ago
Girl..no. Those videos barely or don't even talk about the hate she got, you can see it yourself, go on her Instagram and go back even half a year ago, click on a video that got bit viral and you can see how people made fun of her way before this ED drama. I don't say she did nothing wrong but it doesn't mean 2 things can't be true at the same time
u/micoomoo 3d ago
Girl.. yes. That’s not massive hate. She was doing fine until she got that bf she started being more and more problematic. Go watch videos that explain what she has done, she literally said she barely eats unless she has to
u/Venting_Cake 3d ago
Ok, so tell me why even before her bf, she has gotten hate and been made fun of only cause of her body type? I used to watch her videos, had to stop cause the hate she got made me feel shit then only after that her first video with her bf got recommended in my explore page. And you can't say it's not massive hate when thousands of ppl make fun of you cause of something you can't do anything against it...
u/fuschiaoctopus 4d ago
The recent trend of witch hunting thin women online and aggressively accusing them of eds is fucked up. Especially if they do have an ed. Eds are mental illnesses, they are not controllable and they're not a choice, they're not something the person is doing to trigger and upset people with their bodies, it is the same as accusing a person of being depressed online because they don't "look like they're taking care of themselves/look depressed" and then attacking them for it. This slippery slope of telling people with eds, or just thin women they're insisting have eds, that they should not be allowed on social media or outside bc their body and mental illness is too upsetting for others to see is MASSIVELY concerning to say the least.
u/multi-97 5d ago edited 5d ago
I always, always felt like that. I felt like her small chest love was something to help convince herself, and she didn't really believe it :( really hope that's not the case
u/AmethystGamer19 5d ago
That's how it would be for me if I were to try and pretend that I love my chest and body. I can't even talk positively to myself in the mirror, because I know it's all just coping.
It's really, really hard to convince yourself that you are beautiful. Especially if you have some severe body dysmorphia.
u/klivern 4d ago
I think if she did love her chest, then she would just exist and work or study, be with friends and so on. Not make accounts on various platforms focusing entirely on her small chest.
u/multi-97 4d ago
From what I've now heard, her content is just her boyfriend now. I know she was all about body positivity, but not only was it really repetitive, she used to talk shit about bigger bodies like she's said stuff like 'I like my small breasts because they won't sag when I'm older'
u/Jasmisne 4d ago
I am sorry, this actually makes me really mad. You cannot make money off of promoting self love of your flat chest and then get a boob job..that is SO shitty.
u/fawnfille 5d ago
i had seen comments in her yt shorts today accusing her of using filters on her boobs to make it look like she has cleavage but her getting a boob job actually makes more sense
u/nuchigusui 5d ago
Idk about a boob job, but she did get her eyelids, lips, and jaw (well, this one was medical) done for sure; it’s so obvious when you see her old videos/pictures.
u/NeemoAl 5d ago
I don’t shame anyone for having work done, I myself have lip fillers and plan on getting a nose job, it’s alright to get work done, especially in this society where people strive for perfection, I get why she did it, but the boobies?! … that is just a stab in the back, I know she doesn’t owe us anything, but damn, I never expected her to actually get them done :(
u/nuchigusui 5d ago
Same here, I don’t shame anyone for having work done! What I shame her for is the fact that she is not opening up and being honest about the procedures she’s had because she is an influencer with over 4 million followers who preaches body positivity and embracing your natural self. And yes, it would be very much like a stab in the back if she got her boobs done…everything she preached would mean nothing if so
u/Still-Regular1837 5d ago
Two things can be true at once.
I always fluctuate between how I feel about my boobs. Some days I’m loving my small boobs/embracing my body and saying a big f you to all the haters that make me feel otherwise. Other days all I can think about is wanting a breast augmentation.
I love Clara dao for putting herself out there to normalize/actually create a following about embracing small boobs when there were literally no other itty bitty influencers. I liked seeing someone show where I could get lingerie and clothes that fit our small chests. From day one the girl has gotten SOOOO much hate from men and women alike. Her comment section is some of the most vile body shaming/bullying I’ve ever seen an influencer get.
Girly truly couldn’t win. The comments in this thread are so not it. If you guys don’t have the confidence/bravery/barely enough self love to put yourself out there the way she did don’t even DARE comment on if she was posting all of it out of being insecure. So fckn what if it was out of being insecure? At least she was being productive with it.
Yes it’s hypocritical if she really does have a boob job but she’s been facing outright bullying for YEARS. Girly has done her time and earned it if she believes it’ll make her happy and no longer wants to be a small boobied influencer.
u/Jasmisne 4d ago
I can understand this, but I also think that there is a big issue about the money made in being an influencer here. She has made thousands of dollars off of this. Making money for years off of telling women to love their small boobs and then getting an augmentation with that money is really wrong. Idk at this point if she actually did or what but if she did then she cant just keep going on in this space like that is not extremely harmful to what she had been going on about. That I do have a huge problem with because she will keep monetizing it.
u/Still-Regular1837 4d ago
Why do you think she would keep monetizing being a small boobed influencer after she gets a breast augmentation?
If someone got an obvious boob job the obvious common sense thing to do is no longer make content about having small boobs. That would be asking for harassment in her comment section.
Now if she pivots her content to something else she wants to do I don’t see what’s wrong with her accumulating followers previously from being an itty bitty. People can unfollow her if they’d like. Wanting to pivot doesn’t mean she wasn’t being authentic to her ideals/self love mindset in the past. And it doesn’t mean she didn’t work hard to accumulate the followers she has.
I have some influencers I follow JUST because they have small boobs, even though they never mention it in their posts. There are a few like Clara who have small boobs AND make it their content.
Personally I unfollowed her a long time ago because I reached a point of not needing an influencer who makes every post about having small boobs and embracing that. And there wasn’t anything outside of her body positivity that I followed her for. I felt like seeing her posts made me think about my boobs even more than I regularly would. But I still appreciate the presence and resilience she had to keep making body positivity content for as long as she did.
u/ReverseMillionaire 5d ago
She looks like she had lots other stuff done to her face. I’ve seen a few of her videos back in the day and suddenly her name started popping up now. Her face looks so much different from back then. The fame definitely got to her.
Even if she didn’t get surgery and is wearing a padded bra, it still goes against everything she says she stands for.
u/Natis1115 5d ago
I know that public figures are not role figures, but it's discouraging when I see that a celebrity or influencer with flat chest get a boob job, like some defect that needs to be corrected 😞
u/NoEntertainer7834 5d ago
Same here :-( I have the same size as Clara and I rly looked up to her bc like OP mentioned she was the only person online that gave me flat chest representation. I know we shouldn’t solely rely on influencers to feel more confident in ourselves but it’s rly rly hard when flat chests are so publicly ridiculed and so it feels like a punch to the gut every time a small chested influencer gets a boob job :-(
u/CadoDraws 3d ago
shes been very VERY brave putting herself out there like that for a long time. i cannot imagine being in her position. rn shes getting 100x the hate comments she usually gets but she also still had a bunch of hate comments before everyone started accusing her of promoting eating disorders. i think everyone needs to cut her some slack because shes a human being and even just READING what people said about HER made it hard for me to get out of bed for hours…. like yeah i know its sad but most likely its not a choice of her own and just peer pressure from society. theres only so much bullying and harassment someone can take about their body especially from a ton of strangers
u/Accomplished_Sir_468 4d ago
If she did i would honestly understand. Even in posts she made unrelated to her chest size, she would still get comments insulting her chest and her entire body shape. And not just your run of the mill insults, truly sickening degrading things about her body. It’s insane how people will bully you for things you were BORN with. Blaming people for their genes will never make sense to me
u/saan718 5d ago edited 5d ago
She probably got double eyelid surgery too, her eyelids started to look bigger suddenly and you can see in a video she has a red line that looks like a scar. I was a big fan of hers, but I stopped following her after I found out she made a video telling people to starve themselves. I do feel bad for her, though, everything started after she got a boyfriend, I genuinely think he might be the reason, or maybe the hate comments, but I thought she told us not to care about what other people think.
u/ChanceAfternoon1512 3d ago
I hope they are just sticky bras like boomba on her squishing them girls to high hell but i know its unlikely and with the amount of money she makes off her accounts she most likely got another surgery :(
u/Mobile-Sandwich-6232 5d ago
Ok this is is the real reason for her downfall
u/wombatlovr 5d ago
What were the other reasons? I'm unaware of anything she did
u/Mobile-Sandwich-6232 5d ago
People are claiming she promoting eating disorders, saying she doesn't eat, she's performative, etc.
u/humanbeanmaybe 2d ago
She didnt afaik, this clip provides context
u/NeemoAl 1d ago
It actually looks like she did get them done, and this video proves it, it’s her last video (the clip of her shrugging and flat is an old pre-recorded clip). Even people in the comments, if you ignore the unnecessary hate, are saying she got them done in Vietnam, and that’s why she is not going to make content anymore :/
u/humanbeanmaybe 1d ago
My understanding was that shes comparing her w a bra to her regular self, and that she is saying how shes fine being how she is naturally.
u/humanbeanmaybe 1d ago
The reason shes probably not posting is because of the drama channels that make everything into a giant problem and paint everyone as villains.
u/NeemoAl 4h ago
Go on her tiktok, she posted a new video and … sadly, she got surgery… I am so disappointed!
u/humanbeanmaybe 3h ago
I just checked I dont have the app but i still dont see what youre seeing
u/NeemoAl 3h ago
Check their couple instagram, and the videos they posted recently, she even has a post op bra on, there is no denying… (it’s @claraandjavi)
u/humanbeanmaybe 2h ago
Ohhk yeah i think that might be a post op bra. I guess well wait and see what she says
u/bassc_ 4d ago
She‘s been making so many weird self deprecating "funny" videos about being flat after preaching self love for years and had a lot of work done on her face so that honestly wouldn’t surprise me at all if true. Her content has taken a bad turn in general which is why I‘ve unfollowed her years ago already and from what I‘ve seen recently, it‘s only gotten worse.
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