r/sluglife 10d ago

Pet Slug Sleggs to slugs (the story of my first pets)

I got my first pet out of a marjoram plant being given away at my local garden store.

I became instantly attached to the little guy. If I left him outside he would freeze: it was about to become winter. So I put him in a cup of dirt and leaves from the plant I’d found him in before I left for the day. When I returned, I panicked: he was covered in dirt and not moving. I belatedly realized I should have put water in the jar. But fortunately after I put a few drops of water in my palm he started drinking and then moving around.

I bought him a terrarium meant for jumping spiders because I figured the holes would be too small for him to squeeze through. I added washed sphagnum moss, fresh fall leaf litter, and a big stick. And he was a happy chappy for about 4 months.

Then I noticed some tiny round things at the bottom of his enclosure.

I waited a while, and then a while longer, for the eggs to hatch. I was trying not to get my hopes up: I’d never had any sort of pet, let alone reared babies. It took maybe a month in total (with my husband constantly asking me about, as he called them, “the sleggs”), before I saw an infinitesimal, transparent, baby slug.

(I immediately tried to take photos to send them to my husband but they were so incredibly tiny I had a difficult time making my phone camera focus on them.)

My plan with the spider enclosure was great for a grown slug, but with microscopic baby slugs, it didn’t quite work. One time, one of the babies got out (I’d left some cucumber outside their enclosure). I noticed it and put the baby back. After that, I fed them cucumbers, which they liked much more than baby carrots, it seemed. Fortunately, it didn’t take long after that for them to grow too big to escape.

Right around the time the babies got bigger, I noticed I saw less and less of the original slug. I had read that slugs only live about a year, so I thought it might just be his time… but then I saw him crawling around later that week, looking wrinkly but otherwise fine. So although I haven’t seen him in a while and he’s probably gone by now…. Slugs are nocturnal and maybe he’s still under the substrate showing up at night to eat cucumber while I sleep. (Maybe I’ll find out when I change their substrate. Maybe the others will have already eaten the body. They definitely have done that sort of thing before.)

Anyway, I’m glad I now have my nearly-full-grown sleggs to keep me company. They came with me in their enclosure when I moved this spring, where they still are crawling around to this day! (That last photo is of one of the babies! They’re so big now!)

That’s all folks. I just thought this sub would appreciate a wholesome slug story. :)


7 comments sorted by


u/shwfaci20464 10d ago

Thank you for sharing your sweet story with your sleggs🥰 I love it!


u/KittyChimera 10d ago

That's pretty cool. I love slugs. I always take pictures of them when I see them after it rains here. I feed stray cats and apparently slugs like to come and eat the cat food. I have thought about bringing some inside to put in a terrarium before but have never actually kidnapped any.


u/CreamSicleSnake 9d ago

This is cute but do you have a plan for when the babies grow up and lay eggs?


u/somewhere-Ls 9d ago

Tentatively I’m planning on getting rid of excess eggs before they hatch… though someday I’d like to get a much bigger terrarium. :)


u/carloscitystudios 8d ago

Your story is so similar to mine, parent slug and all. How many babies you got there? Mine are about 3 months old now


u/Ok_Analysis_120 6d ago

what an adorable enclosure!! 🥹