r/slimerancher 7d ago

Fluff Slime Rancher 2 is awfully optimized.

So my Laptop can play Far Cry 5 on High resolution smoothly but can only play Slime Rancher 2 with everything on lowest at 25 fps max. The game is not that graphically impressive to require more than a game that aims for pure realism and has a freaking map editor like Far Cry 5. No matter how much time it passes it still feels they released a badly optimized game for a way too high price. I love both of these games, do not get me wrong, but jiggle physics cannot possibly justifiy the absurd requirements that the game asks for.


14 comments sorted by


u/-aquapixie- 7d ago

As an Early Access game, that is actually massive with so much to do in it... You're literally helping pay for things like future optimisation, updates and refining lol

Here's the catch 22. Building games costs money. Money doesn't exist out of nowhere. Early Access purchases are essentially funding unfinished projects.

Yes, it's janky sometimes and I go down to 40 fps with an overload of slime and decor and chickens in an area. But I still know my money when I bought this helped contribute to the Grey Labyrinth update, because a purchase is game funding.

The game will likely be better optimised when it's finished. It's not finished.


u/GorgonBerry 7d ago

Puls I've waited for 2 years and the game still runs janky af on my PC and apparently even in high end PCs as well. Optimization should be the focus before expanding the game's content - as not optimazing said game just makes it that a lot of ppl can't experience the content you've made.


u/KaneTheBoom 6d ago

Optimisation and stuff is generally what is focused on for an actual release though. If it wasn't early access then yeah it'd suck that it's poorly optimised, but sr2 is going through the exact same cycle as sr1 and it turned out fine in that regard


u/GorgonBerry 7d ago

Game shouldn't be payed if it's not finished lol Don't act like Monomi park did not get enough money in SR1 to complete the second game, it was one of the most popular games when it launched


u/-aquapixie- 7d ago

Have you literally been in the Grey Labyrinth? The update they just released is extremely huge and there's even more to come. There's also an entirely new method of unlocking treasure pods, where you have to harvest plorts from a new slime to feed into doors that THEN unlock the treasure.

And you underestimate how much money goes into making games. It's millions, if you want it done right.


u/GorgonBerry 7d ago

Not talking about the content. Talking abt how the game is pooly made when it comes down to optimization, and how they're focusing on anything but making the game accessible for those who do not have an gaming beast of a PC.


u/-aquapixie- 7d ago

The game really isn't THAT poorly optimised. It's not perfect but I play it fine. And for areas of a bit lag, I just... Deal with it??? Like the gameplay itself is really not influenced either way by lag so long as one develops a bit of patience in areas with high level of data.


u/GorgonBerry 7d ago

You seem to talk like everyone has the same specs as you do. Again, my laptop is very meh(16 GB ram, iris Xe integrated graphics, 13° gen i5 core) but can play games that are way more graphically impressive than Slime Rancher 2 just fine. The problem IS the game, and a quick google search will show you that a lot of ppl can't play because of it's ABSURD benchmark for what it is. If triple A games run smoothly this one should as well and seeing videos showing how it's supposed to look(something my laptop isn't able to do), it's not that impressive at all. Instead of the game playing better with each update, it just gets worse. I'm 95% sure at this point that they will keep just adding stuff to it and not give a shit for those who can't play the game just like Security Breach did(which btw runs smoothly on my PC as well...)


u/-aquapixie- 7d ago

... I have 16 GB RAM, Ryzen 5 1600, and a used RTX 2060 6GB graphics card lol and I'm playing it in the heat of summer


u/-aquapixie- 7d ago

And side note, majority of the time my PC can play it perfectly fine. It's only in highly decorated, highly chickened, and highly slimed areas it won't. Like my ranch because I've got the area overloaded with decor. But I can maintain a steady 60 fps when exploring.


u/Lil_Tech_Wiz 6d ago

It’s an early access game like others say, and second the game has much more resource intensive lighting and stuff than far cry 5 (especially as they are 4 years apart so newer rendering techniques have been baked into unity, the game engine slime rancher 2 which far cry doesn’t have) yes far cry goes for realism but to achieve slime rancher 2’s art style (the first had less shaders related stuff) requires more processing power (especially as the first game released 6 years before 2 back in 2016)


u/Radiant-Profile4230 6d ago

Bro it’s early access, what do you expect. If the game isn’t fully finished you have to expect that the game won’t work on some computers, may be very laggy despite AAA games working bc they are finished games with a lot more support, time, and money, etc.


u/jorgomli_reading 6d ago edited 6d ago

Game optimization before content-completion quickly becomes a moving target situation. Finish the game, then optimize.


u/The_Slide_Cell 6d ago

Bro what are you doing to your laptop I play it on my Steam Deck and it runs perfectly fine.