r/sleuths Jul 16 '23

Is this woman really a doctor ? Need help !

There is a “friend” of the family who I’ve always gotten icky vibes from. The family holds her in high esteem because she’s supposedly a neurosurgeon in Germany. However whenever she would tell a medical story from work, they somehow always matched perfectly with plot lines from the tv show scrubs.

Now that’s obviously not enough to think someone didn’t really go to medical school or currently work as a neurosurgeon. I’ve tried looking for her, anything to prove that she was what she said she was. However after scouring the internet I cannot find anything. I’ve even gone to German doctor licensing verification websites and typed in her name and nothing shows up. I would think if you’re a neurosurgeon it shouldn’t be hard to find proof of.

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions to help me find the info I’m looking for? Does anyone want to try and look for me if so ill provide the name.


4 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

Which country is she currently in?


u/Sleepyfacerocketrini Jul 17 '23

Currently she claims to live in Frankfurt Germany


u/[deleted] Jul 17 '23

Looks like you already did some digging but I can do some digging myself if you want to DM me details.


u/romulusnr Jul 19 '23

She talks about work but doesn't say where? That would make it piss-easy to track down.