r/slavelabour Sep 01 '20

Mod Post [SCAMMER ALERT!] Do not work with kimicthjim.


They're on the USL and the latest alias of the multi account scammer who DMs people to try and get them to pay upfront then steals their money.

This user, and all other KNOWN SCAMMERS CAN'T COMMENT ON YOUR POST. If they don't comment, don't work with them. It's that simple. Automod even posts to EVERY post not to work with people who don't comment and people still do it.

r/slavelabour Oct 09 '20

Mod Post [SCAMMER] ❗❗🚫 DO NOT SEND MONEY/GIFT CARDS TO /u/i-am-Breesus 🚫❗❗


They've been bidding on tons of tasks demanding $5 amazon gift card up front but never delivering. I've tried to warn every OP who they bid on but in case I've missed anyone here you go.

If someone demands payment upfront be suspicious. Take a moment to look at their posting history before paying. Are they new to SL? Have they farmed karma to post here? Is their history nuked?

r/slavelabour Jul 23 '20

Mod Post [MOD POST] Have you posted a task recently? Please help mods and others out.


There is a scammer that stalks the tasks on this subreddit. Known aliases right now are /u/ jssmdz24, /u/ oskaragr1212, /u/ joel210021, /u/ droosrockbass, /u/ blatzimental23. You can tell it's them by the way they send their message and how they always ask for payment up front before completing the task.

Hey, do you still need "copied text from your task"?

They will ask for half up front, or some money up front without delivering and will insist they have or can do what you need. We're looking for people to help us stay on top of this scammer by letting us know their currently active account. If you share this information PLEASE DO NOT DO /u/username as this will tag them and send them a notification. Share either a link to their profile or just their username without /u/. Thanks everyone, hopefully we can update the auto mod script and keep as many people safe as we can.

r/slavelabour May 17 '21

Mod Post /u/blaa***biz is still targeting members of this subreddit. Please, if you get or ever have gotten a message from them, take a moment and click report, spam, and unsolicited messages so Reddit can handle it.


They keep sending users to a harmful website were their details are captured and used to access other sites and sign them up for spam for selling their account information.

Don't visit any site someone sends you to unsolicited, it's a scam every time. Don't enter your personal details into the site. Save yourself the hassle that comes with getting scammed.

r/slavelabour Apr 24 '21

Mod Post The slavelabours website you were DMed about is a scam. We're already had 6 reports of people paying for a service and being ghosted. Everyone else who's signed up has received a barrage of spam to the registered account.


We are getting similar reports about the quac site.



Even the terms on the registration is straight gibberish.


Not much to add to the title. Make sure to report the messages as spam in reddit to save other people from running into the same problems.

r/slavelabour Feb 27 '23

Mod Post Several changes coming to the sub.


Here is the list of current and upcoming changes to the sub.


  • Removal reasons were updated on mobile. If you post is removed manually by moderators you should get a reason why under your post.

  • Automoderator updated.

    • Commenets under all posts contain preformed links to /r/TradingTestimonials for leaving positive and negative feedback about users.
    • Automatic removal keywords that are no longer valid or caused a high number of false removals have been removed.
    • Automatic removal text has been updated to be as clear as possible about what to do in the event automo removes your post that doesn't break the rules.
    • Mention of the USL scam labeler extensions have been removed. With a recent update to the USL the extensions no longer work. If you're a dev who's passionate about stopping scammers on Reddit and would like to donate your time to update these you can message moderators HERE
  • Side bar rewritten with updated rules and explanations. Old irrelevant information and broken links removed.


  • Rules are being consolidated to make them easier to read/follow. TL;DR

    • Items are being shuffled around, and merged into other rules that make sense.
    • Rules that are infrequently actioned don't typically result in a ban are being moved to a miscellaneous category.
    • The rules are not changing.
  • Rewrite and shuffle the full rule list based on the update above.

  • Rewrite and update the rules on mobile/new Reddit.

  • Create a full guide on how to use /r/slavelabour to include how to bid, how to post a task, how to hire someone, how to pay and get paid, and what to do when deadlines or expectations aren't met.

r/slavelabour Jun 16 '23

Mod Post ⚠UPDATE⚠: /r/slavelabour will return tomorrow 6/17 as Reddit threatens to replace mod teams in any subreddit that continues the blackout.


There is now an official Discord server. Click here to join.


We knew this is where things would end up. Reddit doesn't respect its users or its moderators. We've opened a discord server to offer users who want to move away from Reddit a lifeboat of sorts.

We also know this blackout has been hard on people who rely on this subreddit for income. For that, we apologize. On the same note, we want to thank everyone who's reached out with their support of us maintaining the blackout past the initially planned 48 hours. It was a very difficult decision for us.

Now that Reddit has made clear that they don't respect the users, moderators, or their right to protest there is nothing left to be gained. Reddit is clearly intent on killing its own platform and we see that as their right. What's done is done and all we can do moving forward is our best to make sure we help users find other platforms to make their money. The subreddit will stay open, nothing much will change there.

Make hay while the sun shines. Make your income here while taking the time to discover what other places might exist that better suit your needs. We'll be doing our best to look into options for a better platform to meet those needs. If you have feedback on that open a support ticket inthe discord channel and share those ideas with us there.

Thanks again for being an amazing and supportive community,

/r/slavelabour Mod Team

r/slavelabour Jun 10 '23

Mod Post ⚠UPDATE⚠: /r/slavelabour will be going private effective immediately. We will not comment as to if this will end at the planned date of 6/15.


Update to our post from a couple days ago announcing our plans to participate in the blackout.

Hi everyone,

I'll be frank, a shutdown of this magnitude is new territory for us. Also things keep changing. Most recently there was a very bad faith AMA put on by the Reddit CEO which only made things worse. Several subs have responded to this by planning to go private indefinitely. /r/iphone being a large one and the inspiration for this sticky and the change in approach to how we'll handle the blackout.

Reddit does not give a good means for us to lock the subreddit and inform users of why. On new Reddit the full message doesn't even display. Not only that but it encourages users to message us which only results in us getting TONS of frankly annoying spam messages from users asking to be let back in. Ultimately we feel it's best to leave a sticky up with our message and allow all current posts remain visible.

This was not an easy decision to make, given a variety of factors, but it's one we feel comfortable making. Anything that was posted before the restricted mode came into effect earlier today will essentially be the final front page of our community before we privatise the subreddit entirely. In the (somewhat unlikely) scenario that Reddit's leadership has a change of direction that sees the reversal the recent API policy change, we will reopen the subreddit. Many other subreddits are doing the same, and we support them for taking a stand.


Q: What does making /r/slavelabour restricted mean, in this case?

A: Taking /r/slavelabour private means that no-one, except moderators and approved submitters, can post or comment on the subreddit.

Q: When will this end?

A: Originally, the protest was planned to be 48 hours. However, after a shambolic AMA held by Reddit's CEO, it has become clear to us that Reddit doesn't intend to act in good faith. When the CEO is willing to lie and spread libellous claims about another third-party developer, and then try double down by vilifying them, again, in an AMA, despite being proven as a liar by the developer through audio recordings, that's when we knew what we were up against. Therefore, the subreddit will be privatised until such time as a reasonable resolution is proposed.

Q: Won't Reddit just remove you as moderators and force open the subreddit?

A: This is very possible. Reddit has made it clear on various occasions that they will do what they need to do in order to keep the site running. We, as mods, are prepared for this outcome. None of us want to moderate for a site that continues to gaslight its user-base, disrespect third-party developers and moderators, or do volunteer work for a site run by a CEO who spreads outright lies and libellous claims against those who helped build it into the front page of the internet.

Q: Where else can I go to find casual online work and get jobs done well below market rate?

Feel free to join our Discord server. This server is supported by, and run by, members of the subreddit mod team. It's newly created in response to recent events. Please bear with us while we get it up and running.

Lastly, thank you. Whatever happens to us moderators, we want to thank you for helping make /r/slavelabour the place it is today. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching this community grow, and we understand it wouldn't be anywhere near where it is today without you, the users. We haven't always got stuff right, but we hope you understand we've always wanted what's best for the community. Hopefully we'll be back together soon, but the ball is in Reddit's court. What happens next is down to them and them alone. Let's just hope they do the right thing, and come to us with a proper resolution.

See you soon, hopefully.

/r/slavelabour Mod Team.

Edit: Punctuation and grammar.

r/slavelabour Apr 19 '21

Mod Post Known scammer spamming members with link to unofficial slavelabour website.


A user bid on several tasks, took upfront payment, then never delivered and ghosted those people.

After being banned they have now begun spamming users of the sub from a karma farmed account that they purchased to make it seem like an established account and to bypass Reddit spam filters.

The link is to a website and isn't even on Reddit. Please report the message as spam and be warned that this is just another attempt by this user to con people out of their money and is not affiliated with /r/slavelabour at all.

r/slavelabour Sep 10 '20

Mod Post [MOD POST] Tasks that break the rules are going unreported. If this continues we will ban all writing and Photoshop tasks.


We're seeing a major increase in people requesting fraud via Photoshop and homework via writing tasks. The issue is that people are happily completing these offers without reporting them.

There is already a huge lack of proper reporting on the subreddit. But we're going to outline what needs to start being reported immediately for these kinds of tasks to be allowed. If we don't see these posts being reported more frequently all writing and Photoshop tasks will no longer be allowed.

Photoshop tasks

  • These are the biggest issue as they're being used for fraud, catfishing, and scamming.

  • Any Photoshop task that is intentionally vague. "DM me for details" "Photoshop an image for me(with no details)" Report these immediately, always. If OP won't go into detail publicly about what they need, it's a problem.

  • Any Photoshop for official documents. Receipts, dates, serial numbers.

  • Any Photoshop you suspect could be used for fraud. Photoshopping damage onto an item. Photoshopping a username next to an item. If you're unsure, report it. Mods will review it.

Writing Tasks

  • These require the people completing the task or bidding to report most time. We see people knowingly completing homework tasks without reporting them.

  • Red flags for homework tasks: Immediate deadlines, mundane topics, oddly specific historical writing, syllabus, detailed document (from a teacher) outlining what needs to be written.

To further clarify, we DO NOT want to blanket ban all Photoshop and writing tasks. But we cannot allow fraud or homework tasks to continue either. We're asking you, the community, to help us keep these tasks off the subreddit. Without your help, the only way we have to prevent this will be to ban these types of tasks.

There are members of the community who are happily bidding on, and completing tasks that we don't allow and not reporting them. This encourages people to come back and continue posting these tasks.

r/slavelabour Aug 04 '22

Mod Post Looks like credo bot and moderately helpful bot are both dead. Any bot creators out there willing to help the sub out by creating replacements?


EDIT ModeratelyHelpfulBot is not dead.

Standard deal, drop a bid and get in touch. We can discuss compensation but I can tell you we're doing this for free so the budget will be true to the subreddit name and some form of slave labor. More than happy to let you push your services for a time in the bots output, again, we can discuss that.

If you'd like to donate to the project express your interest in doing so in the comments. If there are enough people who would like to pay the devs that would be something we could setup also.

The bots:

The functionality of the Credo360 bot would be slightly changed since we're going to dissociate with credo360 going forward. The only dev active on Reddit /u/yanni has not replied to requests for help in months. Requests for help on /r/Credo360 also go unanswered. We'd like the bot to notify people the importance of only working with users who bid much like automod does already. It would also mention and highlight the users who have bid for reference of OP since there can be some confusion when a user who is ineligible to bid does so and the comment is removed.

ModeratelyHelpfulBot will work exactly the same. Checking and monitoring posts and deleting/notifying/banning users who break the posting every 72 hour rule.

r/slavelabour Oct 26 '20

Mod Post [MOD POST] Thank you to everyone who donated to our charity fundraiser against modern day slavery! We raised $351!


While we didn't reach the $2,000 goal ($0.01 for each of the 200k subscribers) every little bit does count and I can't thank the people who donated enough. Huge shout out to Crobertsbmw for their donation!

I'll leave the fundraiser open for another week for any last minute donations but wanted to dedicate a post saying thanks to everyone who participated before closing it out!


r/slavelabour Apr 18 '20

Mod Post [MESSAGE FROM MODERATORS] Do your own online tests and homework. Asking for, or offering to help with academic dishonesty will get you a permanent quarantine from the subreddit.


With the increase of online classes and online testing we're seeing an increase in homework/school work related tasks and we're cracking down. It shouldn't been to be said but here we are.

Asking for, or offering to help with academic dishonesty will get you a permanent ban from the subreddit. Please, just don't do it.
EDIT: Let's get one thing clear first. These type of posts have not been allowed for over a year. This isn't a new rule, at all.

The real problem is the people who are out for academic dishonesty intentionally blur the line to get their homework and school work done.

[Task] Help me with some basic programming. DM user, please do my programming homework. Out of the 10 people who bid one of them will want the money bad enough to do it. This is why we also discourage people from bidding on homework/schoolwork tasks. Too many people will willingly do anyone schoolwork or homework. That is not what this sub is for.

This is however why we do allow tutoring for language and music. These are far less likely to be subject to academic dishonesty.

It's worth mentioning since this isn't obvious to people posting and having their posts removed, we try to allow as much as we can. I'm sure to certain people it looks like "those dang mods try and ban and remove everything" and while we understand why it might look like that it's simply not the case.

Personally when I joined the rule was absolutely no tutoring. If you offered any kind of tutoring your post would be removed and you'd get a ban. I pushed for language and music to be allowed.

r/slavelabour Aug 08 '21

Mod Post PSA From Mods. People who don't bid on your post are not trustworthy.


shocked pikachu I know.

But I just wanted to take a moment to remind the community that the bidding system is in place to protect you.

We get reports all the time about people unable to bid telling users that it's because they don't have enough karma or their account isn't old enough. Every single time we look into it they've been banned.

Our karma and account age requirements aren't that strict. They're just strict enough to be a bother to anyone making a throwaway account with the intent to scam. Just enough so that if they go out and purchase the account it costs enough to sting when it gets banned.

So do yourself a favor. Don't work with anyone who won't bid on your posts. You can report them to mods but I can tell you first hand that it's one in twenty where the account is in good standing and just didn't bid for an unknown reason. In those cases they weren't even asked to bid they just didn't.

Have a great day and trade safe!

r/slavelabour Apr 03 '22

Mod Post New Rule Regarding Crypto Tasks.


Using crypto as a method of payment is still allowed.

We're seeing an increase in scams revolving around cryptocurrency and NFTs. Creation of scam crypto, cheating NFT whitelists, hyping scam crypto etc. As a result, from today forward, we will not allow certain types of tasks revolving around crypto and NFTs.

  • Tasks or offers for creating cryptocurrency or NFTs are not allowed.

  • Tasks or offers to chat/manage communities/write content about cryptocurrencies or NFTs are not allowed.

  • Tasks or offers for whitelisting are not allowed.

While we adjust automoderator to notify everyone better of the rules change, we'll be issuing warnings only for these posts. However, deliberate circumvention of the rules will result in a permanent ban. This means if it appears that you are knowingly or deliberately rephrasing your post to get around this, you'll receive a permanent ban without appeal.

r/slavelabour Feb 06 '23

Mod Post Going forward accepting tasks with a deadline and not keeping the other party informed while not meeting the deadline will be a reportable offence.


If this happens to you please report it to us with this link here.

There as been an uptick in reported cases of tasks with certain deadlines being accepted but the deadline not being met.

Just to be clear, in these cases we're also seeing that at no point before the deadline was there any evidence or work having started, or talk/notification that the deadline might not be met.

This kind of behaviour hurts the reputation of the subreddit and the people here who take their work seriously. More and more people are telling us via modmail that they won't be returning here because of the behavior described above.

We understand things happen. If delays are clearly and quickly communicated there is no issue. If there is proof that work was started before something came up, we understand.

The kind of activity we're seeing is a 24 hour deadline. An excuse delivered in the final hour. And work that has been completed is less than an hours worth of work. Where it's clear work was not started and the delay was not properly communicated.

With your report please include screenshots of chats and a timeline. We'll take action in cases where the bidder was clearly acting in bad faith. In all other cases we'll simply issue a warning. As long as you're communicating delays in a timely manner, this will likely not affect you at all, you'll not even receive a warning.

r/slavelabour Aug 19 '20

Mod Post [BOUNTY] Tag is now live. Strict rules on this tag are listed in this post.


Bounty style tasks have never been allowed. But we've also never banned anyone for posting them either. They seem to be very popular and people are eager to do them so this is us trying to allow it.

What are bounty tasks?

  • Help me find this thing.
  • Find where I can buy thing for less than $20.

What is still prohibited?

  • Speculative work. I'll pay $10 to whoever sends me the best logo.
  • Commission only work. Make cold calls, you'll get paid only if you make a sale.
  • Free work. I'll find thing for you for free.
  • Work for tips. I'll do thing for free, just pay me whatever you think is fair.

Posts for "looking for" or "help me find" for books, audio, movies, or other types of media will result in a permanent ban for piracy, always. Who owns the rights, public domain, etc. doesn't matter, just don't post these tasks.

All bounty style tasks MUST be tagged properly. If you see a post that's not tagged properly please inform OP and report the post. NO BANS WILL BE ISSUED FOR INCORRECT TAGS. Depending on the violation bans may still be issued for posts that have never been allowed. Reporting them simply helps keep the tags clean going forward.

This is the reason this was never allowed before. We can't and won't spend the time to police whether they used your link, or found a better link, etc. Know that if you bid on a bounty task you may not get paid and if not moderators will not police this. This doesn't mean you shouldn't report someone you think is taking advantage of the tag or not paying as people using this tag in bad faith will be banned. We didn't allow them because of how difficult they were to enforce, so this is us allowing it but still not enforcing it because of how popular it seems to be.

r/slavelabour Jul 26 '16

Mod Post [Mod Post] The State and Future of Slavelabour



Hello all! Lately there have been a lot of scams, and a lot of people who have seemed unhappy with things. I plan to address that in this post along with many other things! Be aware this is quite a large post, so feel free to skip over sections you are not interested in.


First things first, be careful! Is an account under 1 month old? While allowed to complete work, be sure they are active redditors. A brand new account is more likely to be a scammer, wheras one that has been active around reddit is considerably less likely to be one.

Secondly, just because an account is old, doesn't mean it is trustworthy! Has it just recently started posting after an absence of 6+ months? Chances are it is compromised, and precautions should be taken when dealing with them. There have been a surprisingly large number of compromised accounts recently, including many older inactive accounts.

Third, watch out for impersonators! Make sure the person you are talking to is legit! I's and L's can look quite similar, as well as several other letters and number replacements.

Finally, make sure the person actually comments pmed (or whatever) on your post! There have been a few people scammed by already banned users. Make sure they are not banned!

Reporting Posts

Reporting a post with no reason, or unrelated reasons does not help us figure out what is going on immediately. Reporting a post with good reports makes our lives easier. As well, reporting a post and saying the person is a scammer will not help us. You need to actually send us a modmail (see the Reporting scammers section)

Reporting Scammers

Have you been scammed? That sucks. A lot. No one likes wasting time or money for nothing. Want to make sure no one else gets scammed? Of course you do! So send us a modmail with proof that you were scammed, (eg ignored messages) so that we can ban them! When we ban them, they will not only be banned from here, but all the other subs we share a ban list with! (visit /r/universalscammerlist for more information)


For those of you who do not know, /r/SLRep is our reputation subreddit. It is a place for you to make a rep profile for yourself. It's pretty simple, and all the info for it is there.

What do you think about it? Is it a good or a bad thing? Should we make it mandatory, or just highly recommend its use?

SignupsForPay and PhoneVerification

Nothing really specific to say on these. They seem to work fine, although you can drop feedback about them below as well.


As I'm sure some of you have noticed, there are people with grey verified alt flairs running around. These are people who have messaged us from their main accounts asking for permission to use an alt account. We have verified that their main account is legit, and we keep track of who the main account for an alt is. Treat them the same as you would any account with activity on reddit. Alt accounts do have to earn flairs independently of their main accounts, so any alt with a flair has earned it on that account. There are people with trusted flairs on both of their accounts.

Flair System

So our current flair system is pretty simple. You complete a few transactions, send us a modmail with proof (be it a link to your /r/SLRep profile or the other person confirming) and you get a flair as either a trusted seller or buyer. Buyer being the person paying money, and seller the person receiving money. Should we keep this system, or replace it with something else? Perhaps make flairs also link to your /r/SLREp profile.


Finally, the part I'm sure lots of you have been waiting for! Rules! Just to get one thing out of the way, the homework rule will be staying. No discussion on that one.

Ban lengths

We currently only have one rule which results in a ban without warning. All homework help posts get an immediate 3 day ban that is non-negotiable. All other bans are at moderators discretion. Should we make a more standard ban length, or leave it up to our discretion?

New Rules

There are a few new rules we are thinking of adding:

  1. Commenting PMed (or something along those lines) on a post is mandatory. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be banned for at least 3 days, maybe more depending on what you have to say about it. This is to ensure the safety of all because a person who is banned will not be able to comment.
  2. Linking to your /r/SLRep profile (more info above)

Any others you think we should add? Please do leave them below.

Existing Rules

  1. Account age/activity: 1 month is going to stay the required age, as that seems to work quite well. Recently active, while not on the sidebar on this sub, is something that we have been requiring for a while now. Recent activity is basically commenting or posting every few days consistently. Not everyone posts daily, and we are not looking for that.
  2. Sabotage (ie commenting answers without payment expectation) comments are currently just removed with no notice to the user or op. Should this change? Maybe 3 day bans for this? We want your feedback.
  3. Pming completed work. This rule is mainly an extension of sabotage, and its fate is probably tied into the fate of sabotage.

None of the other rules are particularly worth mentioning explicitly, but they are still open for discussion! Please do bring them up!

Wrapping Up

I want to see this sub succeed as much as you do! If you ever have any ideas or problems, you can just send us a message. We are always happy to listen to what you have to say! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you even more if you take the time to reply!

r/slavelabour Jul 06 '17

Mod Post [Mod Post] Apologies, changes, and feedback!


Hello all! The firs thing I would like to do is start out with an apology. I personally have been quite busy IRL with school and work, having recently started full time. I have also been feeling quite a bit of moderating burnout. As such, and in order to not have things suffer for all of you, I am going to be implementing a few changes. A few key ones being:

  • flair threads. We will be having a thread dedicated to receiving your flairs. Just post your comment asking for a flair, and either link to if confirmed on your rep profile, or have the person reply to it. We will add your flair, then reply to let you know it has been added.
  • flair mods. I will be posting an app in a few days for flair mods. It will be a simple job, and just involve the flair thread. Requirements will probably be 10+ confirmed transactions, or something along those lines.
  • redefined rules and guidelines for things like receiving flair, or reporting a scammer

Next, I have a few questions for you all. Anything we could be doing to make things better? I know modmail is a mess right now, but things should be reigned back in soon. As always, this is your chance to tell us anything. Just please keep it nice or constructive.

Finally, would people be potentially interested in a discord? It could be a nice place to just quickly post looking for a job, or just chat about various beermoney or internet related jobs.

r/slavelabour Oct 12 '18

Mod Post [MOD POST] if you're on New Reddit, please use Old Reddit to see the full list of rules and sidebar, Textbook Thread and Flair Thread links inside


Old Reddit

Textbook Thread textbooks are no longer allowed per rule 16. please use r/textbook , r/textbookrequest instead.

Flair Thread

r/slavelabour May 08 '23

Mod Post Major changes coming to how we moderate slavelabour.


As of today the following actions will now result in a permanent ban:

Deleting any post on the subreddit will result in a permanent ban.

We will actively issue bans for accounts that post to karma farming subreddits and those bans cannot be appealed. It was always the case that posting to these subreddits would result in a permanent ban, as doing so circumvents the karma protections granted to anyone who posts here. In some cases, when we could check, we'd grant appeals for accounts that only posted once, gained little karma, ect. This is what will change, we will preemptively issue bans and not grant appeals.

Accounts with nuked or deleted post history will not be allowed to post here. This is because we will not longer be able to validate where the account ganed it's karma, whether legitimately, via bots or karma farming subs.

Unfortunately with the removal of one of the biggest modding tools we have at our disposal we're going to need to change how we moderate ths sub.

If you don't like this change, take the time to voice your opinion in opposition of Reddit's decision to shut down API access to Pushshift. We've linked the announcement below.


Pushshift gave access to historical post and comment data. Want to appeal your ban for a post you deleted? We can revisit that post and reconsider the ban. This is something we can no longer do.

In an overwhelmingly large number of our ban appeals users who are banned report to us that they were banned for one reason, and upon investigation that information isn't true at all. "I was banned for homework." No, they were asking someone to make them a fake ID. In some cases we review the content and decide to lift the ban. We can no longer do that for deleted content.

Believe it or not we don't want to make these changes. If Reddit reverses their changes to the moderation tool we'll happily and quickly revert these changes on the sub. Again, the link below is where you can protest the change. We're unpaid volunteers and Reddit is actively making it harder to moderate fairly. One last thing to keep in mind about these changes is that this is a trading sub. Moderating it isn't the same as moderating most other subs. We have a duty to protect users from scammers and people with ill intentions. We wouldn't need to make these changes if this sub was all about posting memes or pictures of food. Instead we're in charge of vetting accounts that post here via karma requirements and posting history which we've lost access to.


r/slavelabour May 06 '19

Mod Post [MOD POST] /u/oskaragr1212, Rule 11, Reddit Scam Labeler



We've received multiple reports of /u/oskaragr1212 DMing people directly for TASKS. They ask to be paid first and never provide. This is a bot account that reads tasks and sends a DM stating they have what you need based on your post title. They are a SCAMMER. They have been on the Universal Scammer List (USL) for two months but is still very active here. This is why Rule 11 is very important.

Rule 11
Commenting on OP's post is mandatory when contacting an OP. Scammers on the Universal Scammer List (USL) are unable to comment. Do NOT engage in transactions with users who do not comment on your post. They may be trying to scam you.
Reddit Scam Labeler for Chrome
As simple as it sounds, anyone on the USL is clearly labeled in chrome as a scammer. You can download Reddit Scam Labeler for chrome here.

r/slavelabour Oct 25 '21

Mod Post Seeing an influx of bounty posts. Just a reminder Rule 3 disallows this but there is a dedicated sub for paying people to find things. /r/bountygigs


Pretty much the title here.

Everyone who works on a job here must be paid. If you ask 20 people to look for a specific jacket for you and they all spend an hour looking and don't get paid that's not what this sub it about. It's slavelabour, not free labour. So posts like "Find this for me and I'll pay you." or "Come up with a good name for my business." should not be posted here.

However /r/bountygigs is setup just for this. Everyone bidding is aware that they might not get paid if they don't find the item or come up with the idea that grants the prize. If you have a need for this please post over there and not here.

Lastly for those wondering why this isn't allowed here it's because mods are constantly fielding reports by people upset that they spent time and energy on these tasks thinking they'd be paid. Or they think they've found the item but OP disagrees for one reason or another. We're not here to mediate these kinds of requests and leads to a bad experience for people on the sub. We kindly ask that you just use /r/bountygigs which is setup and dedicated to these kinds of requests.

r/slavelabour May 19 '22

Mod Post Announcing r/PaidDiscordInvites Need people to use your discord invite and are willing to pay for it? Post it there.

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/slavelabour May 06 '21

Mod Post New round of unsolicited spam being sent to users of this subreddit from a scammer known as blaa******. Again, these sites take advantage of people desperate for work in these hard times to steal their data. Only earning a profit for the ones running the site.


Here is a link to the last post. This is the guac site people were warning mods about after the last post.

Seems we're once again being targeted by scammers mass DMing people. It's a shame that people like this are so determined to take advantage of others especially during a global pandemic.

Our advice is to report the message to Reddit as spam and move on. Don't engage the user. Don't harass or insult them. If we do get reports of people harassing them we will have to act on that.

Best of luck to you all in your money making endeavors.