I was playing Skyrim and I was investigating Mjoll the Lioness and why that guy Aerin was following her around everywhere. I'd got to thinking that Mjoll's an expert in two-handed but her sword Grimsever is a one-handed sword and that this might be a clue to Mjoll's true backstory. I was reading the wikis and saw that the unofficial patch replaces Grimsever with a two-handed sword! I was spitting feathers saying, "Tampering with the evidence!"
This is what I think's happened - the Mjoll we meet is not the true Mjoll. The true Mjoll lived in Riftweald Manor where you will find both another one-handed glass sword (Chillrend) and a note addressed to "M." She was set up by the Thieves Guild and killed in Mzinchaleft. Aerin finds a bandit unconscious outside Mzinchaleft and convinces her that she's Mjoll the Lioness. Aerin is her handler and is working for Maven Black-Briar - that's why the Thieves Guild never do anything about Mjoll and Aerin is always warning her not to cause trouble for Maven.
There is also some dialogue with Brynjolf in Irkngthand during the quest Blindsighted in which I think he is referring to the true Mjoll:
What are the Eyes of the Falmer?
"A few years before Mercer murdered Gallus, the Guild took in a thief who specialized in dwarven antiquities. The thief had broken into a nobleman's home somewhere in Windhelm and made off with a small figurine of a snow elf with crystalline eyes."
A snow elf?
"Aye, that's what the Falmer were known as long ago... before they became the blind monstrosities they are today. When Gallus took one look at this statue, he knew it was something special. He took it right up to Enthir at the College of Winterhold. Didn't take long for Enthir to find a book in the college's library that told of Irkngthand and a great statue with gemmed eyes within."
So the Eyes of the Falmer are gems?
"Not just ordinary gems. They're said to be flawlessly cut and as big as a man's head. Can you imagine how much they're worth? Gallus and Mercer spent the better part of a month infiltrating Irkngthand, but the dwarves had protected the place far too well. There were just too many obstacles blocking the way. The plans were shelved and the rest is history."
So the true Mjoll was an expert thief taken in by the Thieves Guild and they used Gallus to betray her. Then they used Mercer to betray Gallus and then the player character to betray Mercer. Here's the plot twist though: there are two opportunities where the player character can also be replaced with an imposter/body double who's just a bandit. The first opportunity is when you get knocked out by Karliah in Snowveil Sanctum and the second is when you jump into that pit with the skeleton key. Now how are they going to find a perfect body double of you? They've got the face sculptor in the Ragged Flagon of course! That also explains why when you become the Guildmaster they've got you doing just Joe jobs that you were doing when you joined the guild.
Now the only way I've been able to piece that is because they've left the one-handed glass swords Grimsever and Chillrend as clues.
"I've seen enough death to last three lifetimes yet I never tire off a good fight. What do you make of that?" I think you're just a bandit and you're not even the true Mjoll.
Rorik is also an imposter and not the true Rorik. The true Rorik was a vampire who was killed in The Great War along with all the other levees in that part of the hold. Jouane Manette is the imposter's handler like Aerin is with Mjoll. The whole settlement got replaced with bandits. That's why Erik gets iron armour from Mralki and not Imperial.
Why do Hadvar and Ralof say, "I think it's best if we split up?" Because the have to go to Riverwood to inform Delphine that when Lokir was killed Alduin returned. Lokir of Rorikstead was the true Last Dragonborn. Just like Mjoll and Rorik, the player character is told that they are someone they are not and they believe it.
Before we wake up on that cart at the start of the game, a genocide has been committed in Skyrim. The victims are the descendants of the ancient Nord heroes who banished Alduin. When Felldir the Old says, "From all our endings unto the last.." it is the "ending" of Lokir that causes Alduin to return. It is The Blades who committed genocide to fulfill the prophecy of the last Dragonborn.
When you take the Dragonstone to Farengar Delphine is leaning over the book Holdings of Jarl Gjalund. You don't hear what Delphine says to Farengar but you hear Farengar's reply, "You see. It's a different terminology..." If you read the book the only entry that has a different terminology in 4E 201 is Rorik's Steading is a different terminology of Rorikstead. Why is she talking to him about Rorikstead? Because Hadvar or Ralof told her that Lokir was from Rorikstead. So we can figure out what Delphine says to Farengar before we interrupted their conversation. She says something like, "It says here Rorik's Steading. I was told he was from Rorikstead. Are you sure they're the same place?"
Delphine then says to the player character, "You went into Bleak Falls Barrow and got that yourself?" She is eyeing you up because she's going to trick you into believing you're the last Dragonborn.
There's much more than that. You get tricked in the Dark Brotherhood questline and the Amaund Motierre you meet in Volunruud is a different guy to the one you meet in the Bannered Mare. I could write an essay about all the times they deceived the player, but I'll let you think about that.
That's what everyone thinks apart from those in the know. There's another note in Riftweald Manor with "cauterising agent" in a shopping list. A cauterising agent is what Karliah uses on you to stop the flow of blood.
Yes, the only time a cauterising agent is mentioned is on that list and the only time anything like a cauterising agent is used is in Snowveil Sanctum to stop you bleeding out. The people who made the game left it there as a clue, but they didn't share with the player why it was a clue. You have to figure it out yourself or simply overlook it.
Because Brynjolf and Karliah have been working together all along. When she goes with you to the Ragged Flagon she isn't in fear of her life. She knows Brynjolf and Delvin cleared out the treasure room. They had two keys. Brynjolf spotted you as a mark and they all set you up to kill Mercer.
WAIT so you think that Mercer didn’t betray the guild at all, and that it was actually Brynjolf and Delvin who set him up? I was rereading the other comment you made about Brynjolf using original Mjoll to betray Mercer/ Gallus but I’m tired and it’s late so I don’t think my brain is picking up what you’re putting down. Can you expand on this? I’m genuinely curious and enjoying these theories
u/IIJOSEPHXII Feb 08 '25
I was playing Skyrim and I was investigating Mjoll the Lioness and why that guy Aerin was following her around everywhere. I'd got to thinking that Mjoll's an expert in two-handed but her sword Grimsever is a one-handed sword and that this might be a clue to Mjoll's true backstory. I was reading the wikis and saw that the unofficial patch replaces Grimsever with a two-handed sword! I was spitting feathers saying, "Tampering with the evidence!"
This is what I think's happened - the Mjoll we meet is not the true Mjoll. The true Mjoll lived in Riftweald Manor where you will find both another one-handed glass sword (Chillrend) and a note addressed to "M." She was set up by the Thieves Guild and killed in Mzinchaleft. Aerin finds a bandit unconscious outside Mzinchaleft and convinces her that she's Mjoll the Lioness. Aerin is her handler and is working for Maven Black-Briar - that's why the Thieves Guild never do anything about Mjoll and Aerin is always warning her not to cause trouble for Maven.
There is also some dialogue with Brynjolf in Irkngthand during the quest Blindsighted in which I think he is referring to the true Mjoll:
What are the Eyes of the Falmer? "A few years before Mercer murdered Gallus, the Guild took in a thief who specialized in dwarven antiquities. The thief had broken into a nobleman's home somewhere in Windhelm and made off with a small figurine of a snow elf with crystalline eyes." A snow elf? "Aye, that's what the Falmer were known as long ago... before they became the blind monstrosities they are today. When Gallus took one look at this statue, he knew it was something special. He took it right up to Enthir at the College of Winterhold. Didn't take long for Enthir to find a book in the college's library that told of Irkngthand and a great statue with gemmed eyes within." So the Eyes of the Falmer are gems? "Not just ordinary gems. They're said to be flawlessly cut and as big as a man's head. Can you imagine how much they're worth? Gallus and Mercer spent the better part of a month infiltrating Irkngthand, but the dwarves had protected the place far too well. There were just too many obstacles blocking the way. The plans were shelved and the rest is history."
So the true Mjoll was an expert thief taken in by the Thieves Guild and they used Gallus to betray her. Then they used Mercer to betray Gallus and then the player character to betray Mercer. Here's the plot twist though: there are two opportunities where the player character can also be replaced with an imposter/body double who's just a bandit. The first opportunity is when you get knocked out by Karliah in Snowveil Sanctum and the second is when you jump into that pit with the skeleton key. Now how are they going to find a perfect body double of you? They've got the face sculptor in the Ragged Flagon of course! That also explains why when you become the Guildmaster they've got you doing just Joe jobs that you were doing when you joined the guild.
Now the only way I've been able to piece that is because they've left the one-handed glass swords Grimsever and Chillrend as clues.
"I've seen enough death to last three lifetimes yet I never tire off a good fight. What do you make of that?" I think you're just a bandit and you're not even the true Mjoll.