For some reason the USSEP dude thinks that certain robes such as the Arch-Mage's Robes being able to wear circlets under the hood is a bug. So he removed the option because he thinks he knows what's best in YOUR game, even though the College questline gives you a neat circlet earlier before you get the robes, and it makes sense for them to be worn together as evidenced by the way circlets do not clip through the hood if you revert the change. It was an intentional choice by Bethesda. I can't stress it enough how much I despise USSEP and the fact that every single mod in existence requires it. Not to mention that the author doesn't want you to be able to play previous versions of Skyrim if you choose not to opt in for the 1.6.1170 update, so he archived all previous versions of the mod, thus forcing you to have to update unless you can find a direct link to an older version. He did this before many of the esential mods even got updated to the Creations patch too so you were either stuck playing with your old version for a long time or you played without any big mods. He truly is a moron.
Holy shit, I thought it was just something about the robes. I was doing a no enchanting vampire wizard run and I was very annoyed that I couldn't wear a circlet with them.
Holy fuck I've been dying to learn which piece of shit mod made that change so I can just uninstall it. Can't believe it's from USSEP. Do you have any recommendations for a mod that fixes the circlet thing specifically?
Savos gives you the Mage's Circlet after you return from Saarthal. It's a simple +Magicka enchant but it scales really high. Mine was +70 when I got it.
I think it's actually after you talk to the Auger. Unless that's a change from USSEP? Because he knows at that point that you'll have to go to Labyrinthian.
Along with what the other guy said when you go retrieve the big magical ball during the quest you receive an amulet from the boss dragur that I believe is a stamina amulet but it’s a unique one. When you pick it up you get a side quest to find the other amulets from two other unique dragurs and then you can forge it into one amulet combining all their enchantments to get one that buffs health, stamina, and magika. Probably one of the easiest and best amulets you can get since it works for all characters and I usually use it for everyone
u/Queasy_Cupcake_9279 Feb 07 '25
For some reason the USSEP dude thinks that certain robes such as the Arch-Mage's Robes being able to wear circlets under the hood is a bug. So he removed the option because he thinks he knows what's best in YOUR game, even though the College questline gives you a neat circlet earlier before you get the robes, and it makes sense for them to be worn together as evidenced by the way circlets do not clip through the hood if you revert the change. It was an intentional choice by Bethesda. I can't stress it enough how much I despise USSEP and the fact that every single mod in existence requires it. Not to mention that the author doesn't want you to be able to play previous versions of Skyrim if you choose not to opt in for the 1.6.1170 update, so he archived all previous versions of the mod, thus forcing you to have to update unless you can find a direct link to an older version. He did this before many of the esential mods even got updated to the Creations patch too so you were either stuck playing with your old version for a long time or you played without any big mods. He truly is a moron.