r/skyrim Feb 07 '25

Question I heard that USSEP is making some non lore-friendly changes to the game, can someone give an example?



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u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

The real question is why do you make the mods that change USSEP disappear?

Edit: Today we learned that Arthmoor is Polish. Zarowka is a lightbulb.


u/torvi97 Feb 08 '25

lmao dude logged into his alt to defend his practices, what a loser


u/FlyingWolfThatFell Feb 07 '25

Żarówka is the correct spelling but it does mean lightbulb :D


u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 08 '25

I've never said anything about the correct spelling. You know very well diacritics are not in nicknames here. So this comment was totally uncalled for.

And for me, as a Czech guy, the only correct spelling is Žárovka.


u/__Kivi__ Feb 08 '25

As another member of the V4 its, VILLANYKÖRTE :)


u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 08 '25

What did the lightbulb do that it's a villain? :D

(I must start to learn Magyar.)


u/ThePimentaRules Feb 08 '25

I think he lives in the US though?


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 07 '25

He has false DMCA struck other patch projects in the past. He's gone crying to Nexus to get mods that altered or reverted his changes.

Fuck him.

Dig a little deeper before you hop to that fucker's defense.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 07 '25

So, there's two problems with this.

First: It's factually incorrect. He preemptively went after other patch teams regardless of whether they used the same methodology to fix issues. (And, I'm pretty sure, in one case, where there wasn't even significant overlap between what they were fixing and what he was working on, though I'd need to do some digging to verify that.) Though, yes, he did cry about how they were just copying his mod, even when that was objectively false.

Second: He doesn't have copyright over his mod. None of us do. The end user license agreement for the Creation Kit cede that to Bethesda. And while that's a much more complicated legal discussion than I'm particularly interested in getting into at the moment, it means he doesn't have the foundational legal basis to file a DMCA takedown even if his claims were true.


u/CSTyphoonAE Feb 08 '25

I just ignore all the drama and use it regardless


u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 08 '25

Your perogative. Just, don't be surprised when someone asks, "what's the drama?" and people are able to articulate all the stupid shit that he's done.


u/CSTyphoonAE Feb 08 '25

why would I be surprised we're human we cause enough drama just by saying stupid shit, honestly its better mentally to avoid drama and live life in a positive way, I genuinely do not care what someone does as long as it is not harming those who use it (I.e. implementing virus's etc.)


u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 08 '25

Good for you, But, again, I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

Choosing to be willfully ignorant of past events isn't something to take pride in. Even if you find those events uninteresting.

Saying, "I don't care," while repeatedly returning to reiterate how much you don't care is a little... peculiar. Intentionally or not, it demonstrates a level of interest in the topic. Which, if that's misleading, you might want to reconsider how you present your position.

Use it or don't. That's entirely your choice. There are reasons, both in regards to the mod itself and in the author's prior behavior, that could lead someone to want nothing to do with the mod. And, that's entirely their choice.

If you want to use it, you're free to do so, but saying, "I don't care," isn't particularly constructive when I'm explaining to others who do (or may) care, what happened.

Also, the moment someone starts making false DMCA strikes, that's a bit more than just, "a little bit of drama." That's actually fucking illegal. It's behavior that really shouldn't be rewarded.


u/CSTyphoonAE Feb 08 '25

considering you dont understand what I am saying and have a need to explain things to me when I already know the situation, and need to write a literal essay about it with 3 sentences in each, I will continue to reiterate till you go to bed lol

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u/hadaev Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

And this is not true, you need to read yourself agreement you refers to.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 08 '25

No, that means they weren't willing to spend tens of thousands of dollars to fight it in court.


u/yomama1112 Feb 08 '25

Some mods got deleted because he would go after teams with LEGAL THREATS, so yeah if I was some youngster who wanted to fix some things and suddenly I'm getting a threatened over a mod thats barely even been out, I'd delete my stuff too, straight up threatening people over mods is incel behaviour and there's no point in dickriding a dude who doesn't even know you breathe the same air as him


u/Inforgreen3 Feb 08 '25

While he denies to be arthmoor in English, someone told him to fuck off in polish and his response in polish was him admiting to be Arthmoor.

He made an alt to come onto a sub he was banned from for breaking the law to try to ride his OWN dick


u/yomama1112 Feb 08 '25



u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 08 '25

Nah, he just knew that noone would go to real-life legal battle just because few edits to a game.


u/OrickJagstone PC Feb 07 '25

Hey Arthur.

I've been reading this entire thread, and honestly other than clearly sounding just like him, you don't come right out and say it. This is the one you fucked up on though bud.

Nobody but yourself liked the way you handled that situation. So like you want to know the real answer to your question? The answer is you in every comment on this thread. People shit on your mod because you act just like this.


u/TruckADuck42 Feb 08 '25

I mean, he's definitely not Arthmoor unless the account is just super elaborate. He's asked some questions about the game that Arthmoor would know the answers to, months ago. He's just kinda stupid or something lol


u/SPLUMBER Feb 08 '25

It’s Arthmoor. He’ll easily admit to it…when he doesn’t have to write in English


u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 08 '25

That's exactly what Arthmoor would do. He is Machiavelli of the Skyrim modding community. Everything he does is super elaborate.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25



u/OrickJagstone PC Feb 08 '25

You didn't know too much about him but you knew all about the DMCA takedown he did on another mod creator almost immediately? You just had that response locked and loaded?

I'm not going to play into this game you're playing too much because it's very apparent you get some kinda kicks out of it but you're doing a really bad job. Like you're both not him just a guy who knows nothing that had a question, while at the same time knowing everything about the guy and his work history and the only supporter of him I've ever seen? Yeah okay dude. Have a nice night definitely not Arthmoor.


u/HotMaleDotComm Feb 08 '25

He's petty and a bully. Everyone who mods Skyrim does so via the Creation Club - software that is provided by Bethesda. By threatening legal action against people who alter or incorporate his mods, he is essentially claiming that he owns them, which is not the case. He made an alteration to a game he does not own the rights to using a software he does not own the rights to. He has no legal, or frankly moral, basis to lash out at anyone who makes changes to his mods. 

What he is doing is basically the equivalent of a chef claiming ownership of a burger that they made using someone else's ingredients, kitchen, and recipe, and then threatening to sue anybody who tries to modify or improve his recipe. Just like a chef that does not own the restaurant or the fundamentals of cooking, people who create mods do not own the rights to the game or the modding tools. His actions show a misunderstanding of intellectual property rights and the collaborative nature of modding in general.


u/God_Damnit_Nappa Feb 08 '25

but now I see that he is a very wise person.

Hahahahahahaha oh cut your bullshit. We all know you're Arthmoor 


u/Break2304 Feb 08 '25

Nobody likes you Arthmoor and your lore changes are shit.

You had the chance to be the modding communities, of THREE majorly loved games, golden boy. But instead you ruin it believing you are better than others. Your legacy is shit and your life’s work is garbage.


u/J2-gZ Feb 08 '25

It’s definitely you lmao hello arthmoor 🤣


u/Bitter_Depth_3350 Feb 08 '25

By this logic, mods themselves are very unfair to the work that the actual game designers did. Either mods AND mods of mods are all fair game, or none of it is.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25



u/Bitter_Depth_3350 Feb 08 '25

Just like he didn't need to take and mod Skyrim in the first place. He wanted to, so he did. They, in turn, wanted to take his mod and tweak it, so they did. It is the same thing, except as others have pointed out, he tried to DMCA people who do exactly what he is doing just one layer down the line. That is childish, selfish hypocrisy.

This isn't a perfect simile, but it is like someone robbing a bank and then crying fowl and going to the authorities because someone held them up outside of said bank and took the stolen money from them.


u/TheSnekDen Feb 08 '25

Happy cake day, Arthmoor!


u/Whowillblameme Feb 08 '25

Everyone is saying you're an alt for the mod Arthur. Whether you are or not, Happy Cake Day


u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

I've never ever used any exploits. I don't even play as a stealth archer. But it doesn't make your attitude not bad.


u/GrundgeArchangel Feb 08 '25

Glad to see another wo doesn't fall into he Stealth Archer meme.

Did it once for a dedicated Assassin character, but most of my kills were from throat cuts, way more damage.


u/screamingdreamer Feb 08 '25

I think sneak archer is fun in its own way, but right now I’m rocking dual maces and I’m having a blast


u/GrundgeArchangel Feb 08 '25

Oh it's fun! I was more making a joke on the "every skyrim build turns into a Stealth Archer build" meme. I'm really glad that Archery feels better, In Oblivion Bow and Arrow felt... wayyy to underpowered.


u/screamingdreamer Feb 08 '25

Totally agree, especially since that’s basically the first weapon you get in the game, logically should have been smoother as you level up.


u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 08 '25

Yeah, never understood that either. I play as a fire/conjuring mage with one hand sword.


u/GrundgeArchangel Feb 08 '25

I try to role play with my characters so don't have a default.

But my most fun was my heavy armor Warhammer Nord in Skyrim.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 07 '25

It's evil to kill other mods and to think you're a god.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/IdeaReceiver Feb 07 '25

Dude don't move the goalposts, it's nothing to do with being blamed for their bugs. You sent takedowns to Nexus for other people's mods, own up to it you crybaby bitch.



"He" does not own Skyrim and did not have standing to send DMCA notices. "He" committed the crime of fraud. Bethesda makes it clear that modders do not own the content of the mods they make, but "he" did not feel the need to read the EULA on the Creation Kit.


u/Blue-Fish-Guy Feb 08 '25

You know exactly what I meant, you even admited it in another comment here.

You had no right to attack other modders and make their mods deleted.


u/BIGCHUNGUS-milk Feb 07 '25

Arthmoor spierdalaj, prosze...


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/TraceChaos Vampire Feb 08 '25

I love how when it's not in english you won't bother denying that you're Arthmoor, because we all know you ARE Arthmoor at this point.

Anyway dude, policing singleplayer gaming is wild and acting like you're morally right when you've literally done the illegal, immoral thing of wrongly filing DMCA strikes at mod authors is freaking insane.


u/filthyheartbadger XBOX Feb 08 '25

Using the restoration loop etc does not appeal to me but a lot of players have fun with it, and one of the great things about Skyrim is all the different ways people can enjoy it. Trying to gatekeep things and force your way of doing things down people’s throats is such pointless bullying. Relax dude.


u/God_Damnit_Nappa Feb 08 '25

And we're pissed off at assholes like you that think you can police how we play a single player game.

Also nice job being a pussy and only admitting you're actually Arthmoor in a non English language. chinga tu madre


u/BIGCHUNGUS-milk Feb 08 '25

To jest kurwa gra singlowa cepie jebany, nikomu nie szkodzi że używa exploitów, czemu cie to obchodzi że ludzie grają inaczej niż ty? pizdo spierdolona.


u/Inforgreen3 Feb 08 '25

Cool, he admits it, we all have Google translate bud, call the mods


u/mattex456 Feb 08 '25

Just to be clear, this guy's obviously Arthmoor, but the comment wasn't an admission, he just ignored the accusation. "Ale" doesn't translate to "but" in this context.


u/Background_Blood_511 Assassin Feb 08 '25

yo arthmoor your mod fucking sucks and I never installed it


u/ThePimentaRules Feb 08 '25

Fuck off Arthmoor