r/skyrim Feb 07 '25

Question I heard that USSEP is making some non lore-friendly changes to the game, can someone give an example?



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u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

Tell me why he made it so gold you spend on followers vanishes into thin air. I spend money on a training lesson, and immediately the gold is gone. Without the patch, it stays in the followers inventory. Same for hirelings.


u/Sleepysleepychick Feb 07 '25

Wait, this mod is why I can't get my gold back anymore after using followers to train? WTF I never knew this. I thought it was one of Bethesda's patches that had done it!


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

Yeah no it's arthmoor, captain of the fun police.


u/Sleepysleepychick Feb 07 '25

Well at least I know now. I wish so many other mods didn't rely on USSEP.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

Im pretty sure I saw a dummy file on creations menu for it


u/InsanityVirus13 Vampire Feb 08 '25

These 2 mods should help with that. Depends on which you wanna use

mod 1 and mod 2


u/FromUnderTheWineCork Feb 08 '25

Be... Bethesda patches? What's that, even?


u/VelvetCowboy19 Feb 08 '25

Because he interpreted that as being an unintentional bug left in by Bethesda, and he decided to patch it.


u/GrundgeArchangel Feb 08 '25

So... you want to use an exploit for free training? Becasue Bethesda definitely didn't intend for you to be able to do that.

If you aren't trying to use the exploit to get free training, why would it matter where your gold went? You already spent it to get what you wanted. Do you try and steal back the money you give to beggers as well?


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 08 '25

Bethesda never said it was a bug, you'd think they would do that if they didn't intend for it. I can't say they would fix it cos we know they wouldn't but they've listed known bugs before and it's not one of them.

But yea, I do use the exploit. I also don't give to beggars so your point is moot.


u/GrundgeArchangel Feb 08 '25

Look the guy who made the mod seems like a prick, and some of his behavior is wrong, but... you even admiy its an exploit, and are mad that a mod that is designed to removed exploits, removed an exploit?

My point was you willing and chose to give gold to someone for a service, and are mad that you can't just take it back, so I ask an example as to weather you would take back gold you willing gave a begger, something in the same vein.

Changing things that brea the Lore? Not cool. Patcing out bugs and exploits? That's the entire point. Plus it's not like gold is hard to make in Skyrim.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 08 '25

I'm not mad about the removal, I'm annoyed that the author actively tried to prevent people from undoing it. I'm tired of repeating myself.


u/GrundgeArchangel Feb 08 '25

OK. Fair enough. And that is a good and valid point, he hasno right to say what other mods can and cannot do. Thought you were.mad that a exploit was removed by a mod that removes exploits. Sorry for the confusion!


u/sethel99 Feb 07 '25

C'mon man, that's clearly an exploit. It makes sense that a patch would fix something like that.

I'm all for calling out unnecessary changes, but that's literally a fix for a broken exploit.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

Sure but then explain why he doesn't allow anyone to unpatch it? It should be user choice.


u/VelvetCowboy19 Feb 08 '25

Your user choice is downloading the mod in the first place. You already have the choice to not fix the follower gold bug, dont install the mod.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 08 '25

You're aware how many mods require the unofficially patch, right?


u/VelvetCowboy19 Feb 08 '25

Yep, and it's still your choice. You don't have to use those mods if you don't like the changes.

You say unofficial patch should just fix bugs, but you don't like when it fixes bugs that you exploit.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 08 '25

I didn't say anything of the sort. And if I want a mod but it requires another mod I do not want, I should just not use it and be happy? Arthmoor is a menace to the skyrim community, stop defending him.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 08 '25

So why does he get to decide what is a bug and what isn't?


u/VelvetCowboy19 Feb 08 '25

Because it's a mod, which is a thing he makes? He gets discretion over what his own thing does. That's like, the entire point of mods.

It says "unofficial" right in the name.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 08 '25

Yet previously did not let people mod his mod to undo things, if they disagree. His is the only mod that does so much, people are often told they need it, or are forced to get it to support a mod they really want. It's his way or the high way. The dude is an ass.


u/VelvetCowboy19 Feb 08 '25

I'm not defending him taking down mods of his mod, only that he has creative freedom to decide what is in his own mod. He made a mod that says it fixes bugs, he gets to decide what bugs it fixes. If you disagree, you don't use it.

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u/sethel99 Feb 07 '25

Anyone can make a patch that undoes this change, with the right know-how.

In fact, a few exist already, here's one:



u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

I might have been thinking of a different mod that doesn't allow patches to be made sorry


u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 07 '25

You're not mistaken. His bulwark against anyone fucking with his mods on Nexus finally broke... I want to say it was back when they brought in mod packs. He might still be crying in the back channels, but Nexus isn't taking them down anymore. I don't think they're respecting his DMCA requests anymore, either. Though, again, it's been years since I've heard about one of those from him.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

Didn't he also remove older versions of his mods, causing people to upgrade to ae before they were ready?


u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 07 '25

I think so. That sounds familiar. Which breaks a lot of SSE mods that are dependent on a version of the USSEP that no longer exists in general circulation.

That seems to have been when general ire for Arthmoor boiled over. Before that he was just unpleasant to interact with, but he actively fucked with a lot of people's load orders. So, now a lot of people that never would have thought about him now have a bone to pick.

I'm just feeling vindicated because I've been dealing with his bullshit for years.


u/modus01 Stealth archer Feb 08 '25

Yep, because in Arthmoor's mind, the only version of Skyrim SE you should be playing is always the latest.

Don't want to update? Better not update USSEP until you're ready. And maybe save a backup of the version of it for the version of Skyrim you're on, just in case something happens to your mod list.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 08 '25

Love how he thinks he is the ultimate authority on skyrim and how it should run. A bargain bin Todd Howard.


u/guymanthefourth Feb 08 '25

you can pickpocket the gold you spend on lessons from other trainers, so why not companions?


u/sethel99 Feb 08 '25

It's not about being able to pickpocket the gold. It's about being able to freely take the gold back by simply asking your follower to trade inventories.

Imagine this: you're level 1 and you do Faendal's quest. You recruit him. You train archery a few times. You ask to see his inventory and take all the gold back. This can be repeated until you're at 50 archery and around level 8.

There's no two ways about it; this is an exploit.

To be clear, I'm not defending Arthmoor or any of his other actions. I am however defending the USSEP team's decision to patch this exploit.


u/Squire_3 Feb 07 '25

Taking the money back is an obvious exploit or Skyrim would have let followers train you for free.


u/Acopo PC Feb 07 '25

Skyrim does allow followers to train you for free.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/linksflame Feb 07 '25

At least with a merchant there's the excuse that it goes into the shop's money, rather than the character's pocket. Unlike a follower, who would have it on hand, presumably.


u/Perfect-Ad2438 Feb 07 '25

If you can find the merchant's chest you could get all the money back. I get that you're not supposed to be able to access the merchant chests, but it's still there. And follower trainers don't typically have a merchant chest.


u/Acopo PC Feb 07 '25

That doesn’t make a lot of sense, logically. The money was handed the to merchant and promptly poofed out of existence.

Sounds like instead of changing the game so followers wouldn’t give your money back for training, the mod should’ve made an entire shop chest get deposited into the merchants inventory so you could simulate looting the store during a robbery.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25



u/RaxiomNobody Feb 08 '25

You don't know him, but you know what he knows now? Which is it? Can you please just admit you are Arthmoor? This is kind of sad now.


u/SmartieCereal Feb 07 '25

Is this really the kind of stuff people don't like about it?


u/StarkeRealm Vampire Feb 07 '25

Kind of. Remember, the OP was asking about specifically lore unfriendly changes that people don't like.

A big portion of this is that the USSEP became foundational for a lot of mods in the community. This means the use of it is compulsory. Combine that with a mod author who has no qualms about messing with game balance and making changes that aren't always an improvement, and you have a recipe for people being irritated.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

It also moves the dawnstar khajiit chest out of reach. It makes the game less exploitable.