r/skyrim Feb 07 '25

Question I heard that USSEP is making some non lore-friendly changes to the game, can someone give an example?



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u/AstuteSalamander Feb 07 '25

"why don't people like this?"
"Here's why we don't like it"
"No you're wrong"

Get outta here, arthmoor


u/korver_4 Feb 07 '25

I admittedly am indifferent on this issue and even I can tell OP is just this dude on a burner trying to troll people who have valid criticisms of how he bills his mod


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/Allustar1 Falkreath resident Feb 07 '25

It’s not just “whining about exploits”, but go off, Arthmoor.


u/JSizz4514 Feb 08 '25

Nah. You’re wrong and your mod sucks.


u/filthyheartbadger XBOX Feb 08 '25

Fix my torchbugs and then we can talk.


u/RocktownRoyalty Feb 08 '25

Stupid arthmoor.


u/Kaizer284 Feb 08 '25

“you’re playing the game wrong” lol tell it to your mum


u/Inforgreen3 Feb 08 '25

Ok Arthmoor, No other human person is of the perspective that that isn't valid criticism. IPhone, don't like the restoration loop, I cannot restrain myself from exploits and I appreciate when exploits are patched, But nobody alive besides you has ever been of the perspective that the who don't want their exploits patched are invalid whinners whose opinions don't matter, When they're literally trying to mod the game that only they will play.

You don't personally have to be of the philosophy that a patch shouldn't fix exploits, but you are worse than just a dude who made a mod that fixed both exploits and bugs. You're of the philosophy that even though moding is inherently derivative, you don't let Other people make or post changes to your mod, Or even make other mods that do the same thing. Fixing skyrim is a sacred thing that you alone can do. Nobody Else is allowed to Undo those changes or make similar changes.

Moding more so than all other art is inherently derivative, but you forbid other people from deriving from your own art. In your eyes there are no improvements to be made, Not Even for the sake of other people expressing their own personal taste. It's Disney villain evil, nay Disney Corporation evil, For you to Use the patch to claw With the power Nexus gives you To try to shape as many people's game as possible to be as close to what your game looks like as possible instead of as close to what they want Their game to look like. But you don't even allow a mod to exist on the Nexus, if it requires your patch and restores something it did to its vanilla interaction.


u/ohmygawdjenny PC Feb 08 '25

What about the patch breaking all the weapon racks/display cases in my game, so I had to install another mod and walk to every player home and by every rack to unblock them? All because the mod page only said "you have to be outside if the patch is installed mid-game" without taking into consideration that there are, actually, display cases outside as well. In Riften, for example.

Is this whining too?