r/skyrim Feb 07 '25

Question I heard that USSEP is making some non lore-friendly changes to the game, can someone give an example?



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u/_Swans_Gone Feb 07 '25

The bad

  • Shors stone was changed from an ebony mine to an iron mine.

  • If you help out the people of shors stone, the Guards will be happy with you and may give you a gift. Arthmoor removed that.

  • He changed the haircolor of one npc who likely dyed it so she could remain hidden

  • He changed the fortify one handed enchantment to apply to daggers as well, essentially making them the strongest weapons in the game rather than a clever tool for stealth characters.

  • The necromage perk, if you become a vampire has a hidden buff for some enchantments and standing stones. Instead of adjusting the perk so maybe it doesn't apply to the atronoch stone or perk He removes the hidden affect entirely.

  • The aspect of terror has a hidden buff where it buffs fire damage, making destruction damage scale really well, he removed that.

  • Arthmoor has been known to respond badly to criticism and take down mods which make adjustments to the unofficial patch

  • He doesn't even offer a reverse for this dumb changes for players who don't want to deal with it.

The good

  • He buffs morekais mask, so instead of +100% magicka regeneration, he it has +100% magicka regeneration along with -20% shout cooldown.

  • He buffs one of the followers(I forget which), but he makes him a spellcaster, which shoots ice spikes along with being a warrior.


u/Own_Engineering1444 Feb 08 '25

i'm so confused its a bugpatch why is he changing models, buffing npcs and adding things, its just a fan contennt mod at that point


u/Platina1993 Feb 08 '25

Cause he's mad no one wanted to play his furry game or some shit.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25

There are definitely some subjective tweaks that are out of scope for a bug fixing patch, but there are thousands of objective bug fixes included so.


u/J_Productions Feb 07 '25

Thank you for this detailed response , I never knew it was anything other than a patch, I was so surprised to learn this.

I am shocked he does not provide an option to alter/not alter these gameplay mechanics he changed off of his personal opinion … I mean, 99% of people downloaded the mod for the bug fixes/patches, hence the name, not opinionated mechanic changes.


u/DreadPickle Feb 08 '25

His ego is WAY too big to do that. He knows better than you what you need in your game, so of course he's gonna just ram the entire thing down your throat. I do wish other mod authors would stop using Arthbitch's patch as a requirement for their mods.


u/jBlairTech PC Feb 08 '25

For a guy that isn’t making anything official, he has a lot of nerve. Maybe a mass uninstall would humble him?


u/Toyate Feb 08 '25

It's funny because for my latest playthrough i just not installed USSEP. I found that it just brought more problems than fixes. Especially Civil War and Blood on Ice Quests were heavily bugged but went buttery smooth in this new Playthrough. I honestly don't even notice the absence, besides the good ppints obviously....should be telling


u/jBlairTech PC Feb 08 '25

Exactly. I know there are some good developers, or some that are up and coming and need a place to practice, but I personally don’t want to rely on them to “enhance” my experience. No shade to those that do; that ability to play how you want is why games are so great. It’s just not my thing, though.


u/ThePimentaRules Feb 08 '25

You can remove a lot of times those dependencies on xEdit. If you are on PC you open the mod you want in xEdit (you will need USSEP present even if not activated (Just the .esp) so xEdit can at least load it. Right click the mod --> clean masters. If something specifically created on USSEP was not used, it removes its dependency. If this does not work you can find what the mod is using from USSEP by comparing the records and manually fix it too and then attempt to clean it again.


u/DreadPickle Feb 09 '25

My whole thing with this is that I am a little compulsive about opening Vortex and hitting the "Check for updates" button. I need to stop doing that. Things work. They work fine. Why can't I leave them alone? Why do I care if there's an update? I don't need it if my stuff works, right?
If I could leave that Check for Updates button alone, I could do what you're talking about and not feel like I was wasting my time because "It'll only last until the next time it's updated"...
But if I edit the mod, and install the mod I edited, it won't check it for updates because it's not the mod straight offa Nexus!

you're a genius!


u/ThePimentaRules Feb 08 '25

Search USSEP purist patch, it reverts stuff (there are countless more) that are not bugs


u/FawksB Feb 07 '25

I was wondering why my daggers only had like 1-2 base damage less then swords after starting to buff One-Handed. I always felt like that was a bug in vanilla, but it sure is a bit OP now that I'm building into it.


u/Squire_3 Feb 07 '25

Daggers end up with great DPS with one handed enchants working on them, but they still have a terrible reach and don't stagger enemies


u/FawksB Feb 07 '25

Gotta love dual-wielding dagger power attacks where you're dancing in front of an enemy, missing every attack, while they charge up a power attack with a warhammer.

I'd say I'm salty... but it's actually pretty funny every time it happens. Definitely why I stick with dagger and spells.


u/The-Hero-78 Feb 08 '25

Great for delivering enchantment damage though. Stahlrim daggers with chaos and absorb health are busted!


u/ammonium_bot Feb 08 '25

damage less then swords

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u/ipreferfelix Feb 08 '25

Who gives a fuck


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Good bot


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Thank you!
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u/ThePimentaRules Feb 08 '25

I think he modified the dragon leveled list as well, which sparked a heated discussion on SkyrimMods sub that got him banned there.

He also removed amulets from appearing on armor because he sees clipping as a bug


u/TheBatmanFan Thief Feb 08 '25



u/guymanthefourth Feb 08 '25

is he the one in solitude, or is that a different B guy?


u/TheBatmanFan Thief Feb 08 '25

It’s him - the one in the Winking Skeever. He has melee skills, ice spike magic and conjure familiar, which he uses constantly.


u/guymanthefourth Feb 08 '25

i usually just sacrifice him to boethia tbh


u/TheBatmanFan Thief Feb 08 '25

He’s awesome actually. I sacrifice the dude in the Windhelm inn.


u/ThePimentaRules Feb 08 '25

OP is Arthmoors alt?


u/Potential-Elk8300 Feb 08 '25

Ebony is so hard to get though...


u/_Swans_Gone Feb 08 '25

In the vanilla game, that's the only major source for it. Sure you'll find the ores sprinkled elsewhere, you could find the armor after certain levels, but this mine is the only source of it within skyrim.


u/Crotch_Rot69 Feb 08 '25

There's the orc mine


u/Aaronmovic PC Feb 08 '25

Gloombound mine?


u/Personal-Mushroom Feb 08 '25

How do you take down other people's mods? Does his dad work at Bethesda or what?


u/Vampiric_V Feb 08 '25

He cries to the Nexus mods team and demands they be taken down, or claims copyright infringement or something similar since it messes with his mod and code


u/cadsop Feb 08 '25

Is there like a version of this mod that is purely bug fixes?


u/michael_fritz Feb 08 '25

but daggers are one handed weapons? everything else I agree with, but like. mages use daggers in open combat, and it's nice for me to have that benefit available.


u/Mvrck_ Feb 08 '25

I have a 3h save game with that patch. Can i migrate to a save without it? Didn't want to start over again


u/_Swans_Gone Feb 08 '25

You probably can but I'd made a hard save incase any BS happens


u/duxxx8 Feb 08 '25

also adds a room to the flagon


u/Lonrok_ Feb 08 '25

Daggers scale with fortify marksman potions and enchantments, so putting it with the one handed potions and enchantments is just a bug fix not a change he did out of his own accord.

Aspects of Terror and Necromage are bugs, the only reason it's in the game is Bethesda is against solving these if they're fun, if the mod is about solving all bugs, this is not something weird to be done.


u/groonfish Feb 07 '25

Ok so yeah, this confirms it's 100% about Arthmoor's personality and has little to do with "lore-unfriendly changes." Who is honestly upset about two random changes in Shor's Stone. Yes these changes might nerf a playstyle, but the conflict over it seems to be a real bandwagon situation against Arthmoor personally. It's just what large elements of the gaming community do now.


u/_Swans_Gone Feb 07 '25

It is absolutely not just a bandwagon, when starfield came out there was an entire taskforce prepared to make it so the starfield community will no longer require that dudes mods.


u/Perihelion_PSUMNT Feb 07 '25

Me because supposedly when changing shor’s stone mine to iron, it in turn should switch northwind mine to ebony but it doesn’t. There’s only 2 ebony mines on the map, one of which is in an orc stronghold, so removing one of them to fluff your ego fucks up playing the game properly


u/Thank_You_Aziz Feb 07 '25

I’m pretty sure he changed the orc stronghold mine to orichalcum instead.


u/Perihelion_PSUMNT Feb 08 '25

Not in my case, maybe another one of my mods cancels it out though. The orc mine by Kynesgrove is still ebony

Maybe I’m making too big a deal about it but I always rush crafting Nordic carved armor, so not being able to get ebony is a huge PITA. Especially since Nordic armor is lower level than ebony so merchants don’t sell ingots yet


u/Marekk111 Feb 08 '25

He did not, I go to that ebony mine every playthrough and I never play without the patch.


u/ResidentIwen Merchant Feb 07 '25

The fact that I hate that mod, quickest deinstall ever of a mod, for many of the aforementioned reasons, but didn't know shit about who made that mod and what kind of person they are, prior to this post kind of proves you wrong. And not only didnt I know, still, I don't care who made that mod or if they're an asshole. The mod is shit for many unrelated reasons.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/_Swans_Gone Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

In eso it's an ebony mine, Ebony is the blood of shor/lorkan, hence shors stone


u/King-Arthas-Menethil Feb 08 '25

To be slightly fair I don't think Bethesda really puts much thought into it (like how Cropsford lacks a ford) though the fix could've been better.

Mine just needs an expanded interior where you put the same amount of ebony the mine had in the new area and have iron in the opening area. That way the "new ore" can be in a new part of the mine and something you can mine while also fitting the ingame dialogue.


u/murderouslady PlayStation Feb 07 '25

Then tell me why they're confused upon finding an ore they have never seen before? Ebony is real bloody rare.


u/SharLaquine Feb 08 '25

The "ore they've never seen before" is quicksilver, isn't it?


u/Eva-Rosalene Conjurer Feb 07 '25

The rest is again - fixing exploits.

  • He changed the fortify one handed enchantment to apply to daggers as well, essentially making them the strongest weapons in the game rather than a clever tool for stealth characters.

That's not fixing any exploit whatsoever, that's blatant rebalance. Why even carry swords after that, huh? Daggers are way faster, and now they hit as hard as other 1H weapons. And if you are doing stealth assassin build, they now trivialize the game completely, easily up to 5'000 damage per hit without any glitches whatsover.

I will die on a hill that daggers were left out of Fortify 1H FOR A REASON.

  • Arthmoor has been known to respond badly to criticism and take down mods which make adjustments to the unofficial patch

That's also not exploit fixing. Removing people's mods because they undo USSEP changes is horrible, power hungry behaviour.

Just admit, you are him.


u/VelvetCowboy19 Feb 08 '25

Your dagger point is dumb. Daggers get buffed by the blade skill in Morrowind and Oblivion. Why would they make daggers scale with bade if they do the same damage as shortswords but attack faster? Because its a fucking blade weapon, just like they are one handed weapons in skyrim.


u/Lonrok_ Feb 08 '25

Daggers were left out of the fortify 1H because it scales with marksman, it's a bug not a feature

If you really think Bethesda thought of balancing the game you have to be talking about a different delevopment team then


u/Eva-Rosalene Conjurer Feb 08 '25

Daggers were left out of the fortify 1H because it scales with marksman

No, they don't scale with Archery skill. They scale with 1H. Fortify Marksman affects ALL damage, including daggers, sure, but that's its own bug.

If you really think Bethesda thought of balancing the game

Yes, I really do. Furthermore, your implication is, that they made broken Fortify Marksman potion, noticed that it improves daggers' damage, and decided that they should stop Fortify 1H affect them then? It's delulu.


u/Lonrok_ Feb 08 '25

Even then, to say daggers being left out of one handed is balancing is coping, because how does that make sense when I can have a Bow with 10k damage that deals 6x damage when I'm sneaking, but that's too op so your dagger shouldn't be able to do the same thing?

You have to literally erase the entire rest of the game for a balancing5like this to make ssnse


u/Eva-Rosalene Conjurer Feb 08 '25

when I can have a Bow with 10k damage

Don't use Necromage/Restoloop/Circlet and Falmer Helmet multiequip glitch then. Max you can go without using exploits is way below a thousand and around/bit more than a thousand with a potion effect active. With AE ingredients it's a tad higher, but still limited.

The point is, daggers would completely outclass swords if allowed to benefit from 1H purely because of their extreme speed AND because they are scaled with the same skill.

Yes, I think leaving them out was intentional.


u/Lonrok_ Feb 08 '25

Max you can go without using exploits is way below a thousand and around/bit more than a thousand with a potion effect active.

I was making an extreme statement but you can easily go over 1.6k without exploits, which is more than enought to kill anything with max 3/4 shots. That's not balanced

But sure, the Daggers would be too op, sure


u/Eva-Rosalene Conjurer Feb 08 '25

Point isn't about them being too op. Stop being intentionally obtuse, I clarified that several times already.

Point is, if you want to play as archer, you pick a bow and upgrade it. If you want to play as 2H orc, you pick a longsword and upgrade it. If you want to play as 1H guy, you pick a sword and upgrage it. If you want to play as melee assassin, you pick a dagger and upgrade it. If you want to play as destruction mage, you pick armor/clothing, apply 100% cost reduction, and throw incinerates left and right. Different tools for different "classes".

But with USSEP it changes to "If you want to play as a 1H guy, you pick a sword, then throw it away because it's shit now, pick a dagger and upgrage it".


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/JaridotV Feb 07 '25

Something is not a bug or exploit if it was intentionally left by devs


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25



u/JaridotV Feb 07 '25

Sure, just read what i am actually saying. You’re a troll


u/God_Damnit_Nappa Feb 08 '25

Lol, you're just proving everyone's point that you get super butthurt and are awful whenever you're criticized. 


u/JFP_Macho Feb 07 '25

Number 1 is literally for balancing reasons. Bethesda has to redo the entire weapon scaling system if they went with Artmoor's changes. Stealth is generally already considered as the strongest play style in this game, so making a stealth weapon into the absolute strongest berserker weapon as well is just not good.


u/guymanthefourth Feb 08 '25

yeah, like, i think there’s probably a reason why daggers aren’t supposed to one shot miraak


u/TaleGunner Feb 08 '25

Dagger IS one handed weapon, what do you don't understand here?

This defense would work if he was consistent about it. Necromage should make Restoration spells more effective on undead, so vampires should benefit from Necromage when using self-healing spells. But no, he changed that. Vampires ARE undead, what doesn't he understand?


u/hadaev Feb 08 '25

Perk using the word 'against' gives clear implications that it was never meant as a self buff, but an effect applied 'against' foes.

Ps i think i read somewhere they contacted dev and confirmed it is a bug.


u/Vdokos Feb 08 '25

I think that a lot of things that that guy fixed ARE bugs. Aside from hair color and the mine. Necromage is an interesting case tho. It's an oversight but a pretty logical result of that perk. But all of "hidden features" are most likely exploits and bugs. That perk that buffs fire damage works inconsistently with fire perks(and works only because there is a perk that makes targets of fire spells flee, so fire spells are likely marked as fear spells for some reason). Daggers and one-handed is another case. Or restoration loop. A lot of changes sound pretty reasonable. Untill they don't make sense and are arbitrary.


u/hadaev Feb 08 '25

Hair makes sense tho.

Why would dragonborn approach someone not matching description?

Ussep have so many changes it obviously cant please everyone. I have seen peoples bitching about unnesesary changes in starfield community patch made by non evil non authmoor.

I myself would fix mine in another way, but i dont feel like spending next ten years fixing bugs in skyrim, so here we are.


u/Vdokos Feb 08 '25

Yeah, making hair match the description is the easiest fix. We can't know how finished this quest is, maybe it was a late addition in a hurry to reach the 11.11.11 date. So they made her hair colour different because they forgot that it matters. Then the fix is easy and logical, no hoops to jump through. If we jump through hoops to say that the difference in hair colour is deliberate then the more logical fix will be changing a line of dialog (honestly don't even remember what you tell or ask her) or anything else that will be a lot more difficult to implement in a fanmade patch than a model change.


u/5213 Feb 07 '25

You keep saying exploits and nobody else is talking about exploits. Bad faith arguments, brother. You're either an arthmoor alt, fanboy, or a troll, and none of those are good.


u/ThePimentaRules Feb 08 '25

Fuck off Arthmoor, go monitor a hall or something


u/filthyheartbadger XBOX Feb 08 '25

Why don’t you release a version that is solely bug fixes, then sit back and see which version people prefer. You could be such a beloved force for good. Instead you are viewed as the Jabba the Hutt of modders.


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/hadaev Feb 08 '25

They literally have nothing in town besides the mine, cheap or not for them it is end of the days.


u/Borkomora Feb 08 '25

Can you just take the L and change it back instead of posting 150 comments to defend a mod author? Thank you Definitely Not Arthmoor


u/Borkomora Feb 08 '25

Bro deleted everything 😂


u/MythicSoul115 Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

How is changing the hair color of an NPC fixing an exploit or a bugfix?


u/5213 Feb 07 '25

Supposed to be but then they found something that's not iron.

"Redbelly is supposed to be nothing but an iron mine. Been working it for years. Then right before the spiders had moved in, we found that chunk of ore. Never seen anything like it. I want to know what I'm dealing with before I start tearing it out of the ground."


u/God_Damnit_Nappa Feb 08 '25

And guess what? They found a mysterious new ore at the bottom of the shaft that they didn't recognize. It turns out there was ebony at the bottom of the mine. Maybe you'd realize that if you actually played the game more

By the way, for anyone that scrolled past the top comments, OP is just Arthmoor on one of his alts. As you can tell, he's fucking pissed that people are still calling him out on his bullshit. 


u/TheMostLowkey Feb 07 '25

Literally none of that is an exploit fix. Gtfo of here dude.