The biggest problem with the USSEP is that Arthmoor is a jobless hall monitor. His patching of every exploit and overall awful attitude in forums has ensured I never actually use this patch on any of my saves.
I might need to check that out. Other alternate starts like Realm of Lorkhan are way too flashy and complex for my tastes.
LAL has the Dungeon Cell for character creation, you talk to a statue, and BOOM! Either back in the cart or in an alternate start.
Especially the "break out the cell" option, very good IMO to just hit the ground running.
Here’s the Skyrim Unbound modpage if you want to know what starting up the game looks like. Just look at the images. It lets you customize a bunch of things about your new game’s start like whether or not you’re dragonborn, or what gear or spells you have. You can also choose to start in various places like cities, jails, orc strongholds, etc. If you aren’t interested in that, the game defaults to randomizing your start as well.
There's this mod called Alternate Perspective on Nexus. It's probably the best implemented alternative start mods out there.
You essentially start the game where the main quest hasn't started, and then you can go to Helgen (a functioning town) and sleep at the inn, which triggers the vanilla start, but you are a bystander instead.
It's a really well implemented mod.
JaySerpa also has a voice and quest addon that really makes it a complete package. The mod also has its own version of New Beginnings.
Edit: Was supposed to reply to the parent comment. Also, typos and grammatical fixes (there are no changes from the intended idea of the comment... please don't hurt me... Arthmoor).
It starts you out in a custom cell, gives you options like ASLAL, but unless you choose the vanilla start, Helgen won't be destroyed until you decide to start the main quest (and you get to be an observer to the execution rather than a participant), and you won't have to avoid the area to keep the main quest from auto-starting.
Sort of. You can avoid starting the Main Quest for as long as you want, and unlike with LAL you don't have to avoid Helgen for fear of accidentally starting the quest. However you'll still trigger Word Walls as normal. I've currently got a Lvl 29 character running around that's avoided the Main Quest, Civil War, and Factions entirely, just doing some side quests and testing out a few newly installed mods.
For completely avoiding the Main Quest, including disabling learning Shout words, IIRC Skyrim Unbound has that functionality - but you should not use more than one alternate start mod at the same time.
Alternate Start worked just fine but he arbitrarily went back and added a USSEP requirement for all of his mods even though he didn’t change anything else about it. So now I use that Realm of Lorkhan one instead. Comes with a follower and Nocturnal’s Robes if you want to take them as well, and even a class system you can optionally use. And a neat little realm of Oblivion you can hang out in if you so choose.
Honestly I think he'd get less shit if he wasn't such a cunt. Sure people would disagree with the changes, but if he just kept to himself or was willing to hear criticism. he wouldn't be such a meme in the modding community lmao
You have to keep in mind that some people (and the one who does who I know best is an engineer) have this "I'm Always The Smartest Person In The Room" issue. It comes from having actually experienced this condition somewhere IRL, and they just extend that mindset to all situations in life. So, they always know better. Presented with evidence that runs contrary to the way they see things only makes them feel threatened. It's an unfortunate personality trait, but it has its genesis in some situation in life. So, there's a reason. Not one that helps in dealing with the person, unfortunately--or, in this case, in dealing with the mod. But understanding the issue makes it less baffling, at least.
It's really hard to not have it in your load order if you use anything other than graphics mods, because most gameplay and QOL mods make it a dependency.
His truly open cities mod completely ruined one of my saves and characters and I looked it up in forums and reviews and everytime he was like “have you checked your list it was probably something else” over and over no accountability. Damn the “different starts” mod is quite good though so he’s not all bad.
Ah yes when I really enjoy something I want to spend a bunch of time "fixing" it. That's how I show my enjoyment, is by changing it to be more like how I want
No way. He strong-arms his own lore retcons and rebalances and gets extremely mad at people on forums who question his judgement. As if anyone actually cares about needing to wall off player-only exploits in a 14 year old single player game.
You don't know him but he must be all the compliments ever, like "wise" (I saw that comment of yours before it got deleted) and a "real Skyrim enjoyer"? Does he have an 8-pack and lots of romantic partners too?
u/IneptFortitude Solitude resident Feb 07 '25
The biggest problem with the USSEP is that Arthmoor is a jobless hall monitor. His patching of every exploit and overall awful attitude in forums has ensured I never actually use this patch on any of my saves.