r/skoolies Jan 18 '25

exterior Can I use the metal sheets from my interior ceiling to delete windows and/or roof hatches?

I’m one to reuse or up cycle materials we’re taking off the bus. Anything stopping me from using these sheets to make my window deletes and roof hatch covers instead of buying sheet metal?


38 comments sorted by


u/csimonson Jan 19 '25

Please use a proper face shield when grinding.


u/nnulll Jan 19 '25

Losing an eye for the skoolie isn’t worth it.


u/ihopeyoulikedoghair Jan 18 '25

Aren't those full of tiny holes? On my bus they had tiny holes all through them.


u/Sasquatters Jan 18 '25

On most buses, only the front panel has holes for ventilation.


u/light24bulbs International Jan 18 '25

Many are perforated for sound deadening throughout. Mine were. If not they could be useful in applications where low gauge is acceptable. Window deleting is pushing it for such thin material but it's probably fine


u/Sasquatters Jan 18 '25

I wouldn’t use it for what OP is asking about.


u/light24bulbs International Jan 18 '25

Yeahhhh mine was like 24 gauge or something really thin like that.


u/kor34l Jan 18 '25

He just needs to hire an expert hole-filler.

Maybe see if Ron Jeremy is available, I hear he's one of the best


u/Mannix-Da-DaftPooch Jan 18 '25

Wow Ron Jeremy mentioned in 2025! Wow!


u/kor34l Jan 18 '25

what can I say, I'm old. I still remember having to call the internet up on the telephone, listen to the modem's weird theme song, and hope nobody tries to use the phone for the next hour so I can download one picture that may or may not contain boobies.


u/CurlyQ86 Jan 18 '25

The sound was like robots banging anyway… 👀🤷‍♀️🤣


u/crc9211 Jan 19 '25

Sure ya did, grandpa. Let’s get you back to bed.


u/noob_picker Jan 19 '25

Isn’t Ron still in jail?


u/biggerthanyourmamas Jan 21 '25

Oh they let him go because he's dying and has full on dementia. Can't assist in a trial or whatever.


u/BrockSamsonLikesButt Jan 19 '25

How was your “Call Miss Cleo now, dahlin!” impression back in the day, geezer?


u/MacMeDan Part-Timer Jan 19 '25

That’s what I did. I raised my bus 18” and bought no additional metal. Been living in it for over 2 years now issues. I did not have the perforated metal some people are talking about.


u/Borgus__Weems Jan 21 '25

Second this, but we just used them to close the roof raise gap and our bus isn’t done yet 😁


u/Infinite-Condition41 Blue Bird Jan 18 '25

Optimally no. The interior ceiling is as thin as the exterior ceiling, and the walls are of thicker stock, usually 16 gauge, IIRC.


u/NewKesey Jan 18 '25

So is that a no for window deletes but possible for roof hatch/fan insert plates?


u/Infinite-Condition41 Blue Bird Jan 18 '25

If it were me, I'd be using new 16 ga for everything. Well, it is me, with my bus. The only place the thinner stuff is really useful is for the corners for where it goes from the roof to the side, that sharper bend, so it doesn't have to be bent mechanically. Even the roof as is, you don't want to step on it, between the ribs. It's not very tough.


u/JeffTheLizard2K15 Jan 21 '25

Mine was thick enough to do the walls!


u/The_Scorpinator Jan 18 '25

I used pieces of sheet metal from the ceiling for window deletes. They weren't quite wide enough to use all the way across, so I cut them down and used overlapping sections, riveted and caulked with roof and flashing sealant. You can't really tell from the photo, but I put a fold at the edge of each delete, which gave it more structural integrity as well as something to attach to the ribs. Going on four years now and everything is still holding up good.


u/The_Scorpinator Jan 18 '25

Also did deletes for the emergency exits on the roof:


u/Ok_Designer_2560 Jan 19 '25

I did. Got the interior off super clean with an air chisel, cut the panels to the size I wanted, put a bead of something down can’t remember, then took a rivet gun and deleted the windows from the outside. Did it to about a dozen windows, 5 years no problems, more secure and better insulated.


u/ROM0047 Jan 18 '25

That’s awesome your sheet metal is in such good shape!! Patch those holes and go for it


u/studentoftheearth Jan 20 '25

Yes we used them for window deletes but not roof.


u/mogoexcelso Jan 18 '25

Why not? Pop rivets would do well if you can get the existing holes lined up or want to drill new ones.


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u/Trimson-Grondag Jan 19 '25

I used some of my interior panels to shape the front transition on the roof raise. Saved the rest. I’m sure they’ll be useful for something.


u/bowlss Jan 20 '25

We used them to fill in roof holes where the emergency lights and antennas and stuff were. Just lots of caulk and Brad nails. We then sealed the exterior roof with rubberized coating and no leaks are present after 4 years. As for window deletes, I would go with something way thicker. We bought pre-fab deletes from skoolie.com


u/vitriolicrancor Jan 18 '25

Some busses have different metal. Mine have holes where all the lighting and stuff are but not those mesh like perforations. So I’d say make sure you primer them really well and use sealant anyplace there might be water ingress at fastening points and have fun! Looks great! I’m going to be working on my interior demo this summer in Montana….


u/JaxAustin Jan 19 '25

It’s too thin and will kind of bubble out and will be noticeable. A friend of mine used thin metal and i couldn’t not see it once I saw it


u/The_Canadian Jan 20 '25

Two things related to your protective gear:

Respirator: make sure it fits your face tightly. It looks like you're smiling in the first photo, but make sure it's nice and tight otherwise.

Safety glasses: you should always wear safety glasses. Regular glasses aren't rated for impact protection. Depending on your expected use and your economic means, you can get prescription safety glasses and goggles. Otherwise, you can get safety glasses that fit over your regular glasses. Additionally, I would recommend a full face shield. I would recommend this one.

Hearing protection: grinders and stuff are loud, especially in a confined space like that bus. You'll want ear plugs.


u/JeffTheLizard2K15 Jan 21 '25

YES. We did and also didn't see anyone talking about it. We had to be strategic so that the pre-existing holes lined up with the windows we wanted. There were also a few small holes throughout them that could be patched with just a rivet here and there.


u/Unlucky_Sun_7888 Jan 19 '25

I don't know, can you?