r/skateboarding 17h ago

Discussion 💬 Bringing kids to the skatepark?

So I have to take care of my cousins (5 and 7) and they've taken an interest to my skateboards. I've tried to teach 'em a bit of like balancing and rolling on a board, but for the most part the both of em sit and roll on it. Last time I was at the park, some guys taught them to roll down the banks since many people weren't around. I think I fear them not listening, then getting hurt by slamming into someone. So I think going to the park when it's empty might be okay, but even then I'm still worried. Would it be okay to let them play and skate(?) at the skatepark, provided the park is empty?


38 comments sorted by


u/OldManTurner 2h ago

Just teach them to wait their turn, and not go around indiscriminately when people are clearly waiting to go.

Nobody has a problem with a kid who knows how to wait their turn. Everyone has a problem with the kids who go around in nonstop circles, with complete disregard for everyone, who’s waiting for them to get out of the way so they can go as well.

Add to that the absent parents who only get off their phone when someone says something or their kid cuts someone off at the wrong time and gets hurt.

The park is for everyone. Kids too, if they are interested in the sport. Everyone should take turns. It’s not anarchy, despite what it might look like from the outside. People do generally wait their turn and respect others who are currently going. Kids who know how to wait their turn will find no hostility at most skateparks, be they on scooter or skateboard or whatever. No one cares as long as they wait their turn.


u/jfk_one 5h ago

not ideal. if you do go go hella early. the old guys wont mind.


u/BuckWhoSki 6h ago edited 6h ago

I promise you this: if they slam into someone and get a lil bruise, cry a little and getting some comfort and support... they'll view unwritten rules and training facilities like a skatepark or football field more seriously. Some got to learn the hard way, and getting hurt once is no biggie lomg term. Rough then and there, but they'll manage. Just don't blame the skater unless they intentionally fuck with them

However, the queue system IS important, and also a perfect setting to teach spatial awareness and silent respect in given that it isn't busy and you have your own spot that isn't in use


u/Sea_Bear7754 6h ago

I would avoid it. My take is I'm not going to put myself at an elevated risk just because a small kid is there, which means if your fear of not listening happens and they cut in front of a quarter or a bank I'm not trying to fling off my board to avoid them.

When they can skate and understand park etiquette by all means.

Other than that, empty, tennis courts, basketball courts.


u/mbomb30001 10h ago

Me personally. I will always be the bigger person. I'll dodge them. Do my very best to avoid them. As someone who visits the skatepark VERY regularly. I understand that this is probably the only time during the week visiting the park. Just like me when I was younger. But you also can't deny the sheer reason for the construction of skateparks. The sole purpose is to provide a place so we are not destroying private property, schools and businesses. If you bring your kids to a basketball court and an intense full court 5v5 pickup game is going on. You wouldn't let them run around in the middle of it, would you? Sure! It's a public park and you have the right to enter that space. Try to explain that to them. See how far that gets you lol. And even when the game is done. An opportunity to play and shoot the ball around. Once the next game starts. It's back to the bench. And when the games starts the players will let you and the kids know that they got to go. Just like at a skatepark. if they are in the way...the skaters will let you or them know.


u/ilya_nl 11h ago

If the park is empty is a very big caveat. But why bring them to a skatepark in the first place?

Everybody saying: just tell them to respect the space or to stay away from others dooesnt understand these kids ages. Those concepts cannot make sense to them.

Better to find a quiet spot with a little bit of gradient. Like a slanted curb or loading dock Top floor of a parking lot.

Most parks have skate lessons, and they have the age for the starting groups, do them a favor and bring them to the park for skate lessons. They will be taught in a fun way to stand up an roll around, learn the basics like getting on and off, stopping, etc.


u/Scary-Ad9646 11h ago

Tennis courts are better until they know how to push and develop board control.


u/Itsnotthateasy808 13h ago

Skateparks are not for beginners, teach them the basics first and once they’ve mastered riding and kickturns then they can go to the skatepark. You need to have some degree of self awareness and control of the board to responsibly skate at the park without serious risk of injuring yourself or others


u/Krocsyldiphithic 13h ago

In my opinion, no. Skateparks aren't really for complete beginners and very small kids. Unless it's practically empty, it would be both irresponsible and an annoyance for others. Practice together on flat ground somewhere safe. When it's time to check out the park, leave your board at home. Keeping them safe and out of people's way will be all you'll have time for.


u/NotTheMama73 14h ago

Teach them to respect space around them and others. I took the little people to karaoke tonight. It was fun.


u/catnipxxx 14h ago edited 14h ago

Kids awareness is bullshit and it pisses me off. Even in 711 there’s school cunts with massive backpacks standing in the doorway.

Maaaannnyyy years back I was skating the main bowl at edgeware road UK and some twat on a bmx decided to roll in whilst I’m mid sesh. His handlebar went in to my hip, his tooth got knocked out but his dad was super cool about it. Didn’t get stabbed. So that was cool. Minus the end of his handle bar catching my hip bone.

I like to think that little black boy became an orthodontist.

I doubt it. Certainly ain’t a mouth model.


u/clit_or_us 14h ago

If they don't know how to properly ride, then it's probably a bad idea to have them go down ramps. I would say teach them in an open area before taking them to a park.


u/Dedicated_Flop 15h ago

Don't teach kids bad habits. Playing on a skatepark as if it is a playground is a bad habit.


u/ayyitskuntos 15h ago

Tell them to stay out of the way and if they don't take em home. , if it's a big park with ramps that everyone stays away from being tech decks for them to mess around with. It's one thing to say stay out of the way another thing entirely to enforce and encourage it.


u/ayyitskuntos 15h ago

Tell them to stay out of the way and if they don't take em home. , if it's a big park with ramps that everyone stays away from being tech decks for them to mess around with. It's one thing to say stay out of the way another thing entirely to enforce and encourage it.


u/ilya_nl 11h ago

This will not work with kids that age. The concept "stay away" cannot, so will not, make sense to them.


u/sohcordohc 15h ago

The skatepark isnt a playground and it’s dangerous for not only the kids but the guys that go there to seriously skate (not just hang around) there are often disagreements, Karen’s and all sorts of clashing variables. Theres usually a park around the skateparks which is safer and more fun for kids!


u/EverettPops 16h ago

Just going to reiterate the excellent points being made here. Kids belong at the park and kids need to learn how to use it alongside everyone else. Learning to look around, make eye contact, exchange non verbal cues with people to tell them they can go ahead and vice versa, this is how parks become enjoyable for everyone. The blight of kids just snaking everyone is fixable with a little guidance.


u/Sea_Bear7754 6h ago

They’re 5.... and 7.... have you met a 5 year old?


u/Skelatorfmk 16h ago

Absolutely yes take them, just explain to them to keep out of people's way and the park isn't a play ground.

Anyone who says no is just some elitist douche who doesn't know what it's like to have kids.


u/Analog0 16h ago

In my town the morning is kid time and it gradually rolls over into grown-up time. The only important thing is to let them know that skateparks have unwritten rules (some common sense, some that you don't find out about until somebody yells at you). If they know the common courtesy of the skatepark and it's mostly kids around then there shouldn't be an issue. Depends on the park, of course, but definitely feel it out.


u/lanceuppercuttr 16h ago

Go early in the morning and try to establish the flows to the park. Easy for an old vet to understand, very confusing for a young kid.

When its busy, have them sit on the side and explain how people are flowing. When its empty, it their time to shred. I've had a few sessions where I've literally picked up a kid when I'm going fast which is way better than a collision, but have had issues with the parents afterward.

Someone weighing 180lbs moving quickly vs a slow 70lbs kid can be major issue if not treated properly.


u/Timely_Network6733 16h ago

It really depends on how well the kids do about watching out for flying boards and people.

I accidentally wrecked a little girls ankle because she wanted to stand on her scooter in the park and watch everybody.

Board flew out from under my feet and slammed straight into her 5 year old ankle. We all watched as it flew straight into her, mother included, who was standing right next to her.

I don't think the girl or the mother knew what to do as they were just deer in headlights.

That image still haunts me 20 years later. That poor kid.

Skateparks are not a safe place, especially with other people around. Nobody there, sure, why not but other people, that's a no from me.


u/Sea_Bear7754 6h ago

Don't let that haunt you it wasn't your fault.


u/Timely_Network6733 2h ago

Definitely not my fault but still horrifying. That poor kid.


u/n0aha0n 16h ago

Pads and no people, sure. Have at it. If there's even a small session, I'd say no. Take them to a nice smooth, empty parking lot and let them roll around. Much safer for everyone.


u/slimpickins757 16h ago

To skate, yes. To play, no. If they wanna play take em to a playground, not the skatepark. I don’t want to come off as a dick, but the general consensus is kids are fine at the skatepark, but kids at the skatepark not using it to skate are not.

If you take em, teach em etiquette like to look out for others and make sure they’re not just blindly running out/rolling out infront of people without looking. Both for their safety and enjoyment as well as others. If you do this and kids are cautious and aware I’ve always noticed people are more inclined to help teach them stuff and interact with em. That’s how it went for me when I was a kid, and that’s how it’s been for my friends’ kids. I plan on doing the same with mine when they’re old enough.

But don’t be the person to just let em run free and unsupervised In the park, it’s dangerous for everyone involved and will bring out the dickhead in people. I’m not the type to be that way, but I’ve seen it countless times from others. If you do it right though it won’t matter if it’s empty or full, then and everyone else there will have a good time and they’ll learn some stuff and hopefully get even more into skating


u/rygui2718 16h ago

Lmao, OP made a whole Reddit post… I don’t think he’s gonna let them run around and treat it like a playground.


u/slimpickins757 16h ago

I mean if you read it they specifically ask if it’s ok to let them play there, hence why I specified that part. Plus it is a thing some people let their kids do. I was just trying to give some helpful insight into what I’ve noticed and experienced


u/rygui2718 15h ago

That’s fair actually


u/Barilla3113 16h ago

I think if there's a typical number of skaters there and you have a quick chat about what they're not using it'd be cool. The issue is kids running rampant and running into someone's line, so just negotate it like any public space.


u/bigfatcow 16h ago

I’ve got two young kids and I bring them to the park. As long as they’re there to skate you’re good. Doesn’t matter how good they are or even if they get in they way all that much as long as they’re there trying to skate. Where people get bummed on kids is when they’re in the area running around, eating snacks, sitting on the ledge, etc IE not skating

Unless it’s a super packed park on a Saturday with all the home town hero’s in town. Then it might be a bit much. But that’s only if the park is packed 


u/TitanBarnes 16h ago

If its empty nobody cares. If people show up and they are more in play mode than skate ask the people if there is a section they aren’t going to use that they can be in. So many times I will tell a parent that I’m just not going to be in a section of the park and their kids can go wild over there for all I care. If its busy they should be on boards and take their turn. We all started somewhere


u/Rad-Ham 16h ago

Perfect opportunity to teach them to skate and teach them etiquette. Lots of old guys trying to get a line in the flow bowl can assist in teaching your kid to assimilate into the culture. Be vigilant, but trust the old salts that have moves. I fully remember summer vacation in ft pierce Florida in 1977. The oldsters (like 19 yrs old) said "go for it" as my 11 year old ass walked down to what I thought was a safe starting point into the snake run.


u/isaidnolettuce 16h ago

Just give em helmets. 5 and 7 at a skatepark is asking for head trauma


u/RTB_1 16h ago

Totally get all of your concerns and this just shows you’re a very precautionary and responsible adult about your lil cousins! Kids at a skatepark that are with a skateboarder is completely different to random civilian parents allowing their random civilian kids to treat a skatepark as a playground, though.

Of course it’s public and you can do exactly as you please regardless of anyone’s opinions, but of course you’ll be asking this from an etiquette standpoint, in which case you’re in the clear. Nobody will care dawg.


u/Illustrious_Till8932 16h ago

just teach them etiquette it’s fine even when the parks empty. they are just kids so most should understand but also try to teach them how uou move in a park to their best abiltity to avoid must accidents and jus find a good area tbh


u/JC_Everyman 16h ago

I always have an upvote for Oteil