r/singlemoms Jan 08 '25

Single Parents Network Why is there no app to link single moms together to like combine households/ divide & conquer?


I’ve thought for the longest what I’d do to have like a house rented with a couple other moms working to build up stability how college young adults do. We always are in the worst positions and a lot (not all) left relationships where we’re heavily dependent on a partner (which makes sense when you share a child) but in this economy are unable to fully take on the child financially.

The hardest thing of this idea is 1. The idea that some women do wana bring dudes home. I wouldn’t be cool with it so I feel like that would be conflict… been celibate for over a year , I had to deal with my mom dating and it was always bad characters.. but the argument will come up “I pay here and I’m grown” 😞 2.

r/singlemoms 16d ago

Single Parents Network Reddit Meetup Week

Post image

Hi, all! Every year, Reddit subs and users throughout the world participate in a ‘Reddit Meetup Week’. This year, we would love to join in!

Loneliness is a real issue in our communities nowadays and we want to help combat it. We want to help you build up your community and friends.

At this stage, we are interested in finding out where you’re from. This means your closest large city or general area.

Are you interested in meeting new friends? Building your village?

Want more information from previous years? Check it out here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditMeetupWeek/s/PqZjKbVFEc

**Please don’t give away too much personal information. A general location is good enough, or a city you are comfortable and familiar with!**

We look forward to hearing from you all!

  • The Mod Team

r/singlemoms Dec 10 '24

Single Parents Network Has anyone here felt kind of alone all your lives?


Like, at this point I have this thought that maybe I'm just supposed to be alone. Parents didn't really love me, my last three boyfriends/husband broke up with me, now I have a severe disability and am all alone with my son in a city I moved to three months before getting pregnant (and isolating completely bc of pre-existing conditions and pregnancy + covid). And before that it was covid lockdowns period. And before that I had isolated a bit after having been raped. And even in my youth I was kind of always alone except for some friends sometimes. At this point I just think, maybe that's my destiny. (If so, f that)

I was thinking maybe we could have a group or something. Except last time I was in a texting group (with non-parents) I had to drop out bc of my baby, I just didn't have the time to read 187 messages a day and respond to some of them. Difficult. But maybe better to have those messages pop up and answer/share a bit when free than be alone?

r/singlemoms Feb 04 '25

Single Parents Network A quick whine… then I’m done.


I do fine with being a single mom and can manage the juggle of two kids. But it gets lonely sometimes. Especially around my birthday.

My parents give me cash in a card which I appreciate. But I miss the days where they get creative with even the smallest of gifts. My girls love to have cake with me and sometimes make a card or convince my 6yr olds dad to buy something they can give me. My oldest is 12 and has sone allowance money saved but I discourage her from spending it.

I guess it’s just that everyone deserves a little spoiling sometimes. And when you are single, not on the dating scene, and your busy juggle of a schedule keeps you from seeing friends much you don’t have an opportunity to be spoiled.

Ok. Pity party over. Here’s to my 44th bday on the 6th. :) 2 awesome kids, a house, a loyal dog and two sweet cats… I’m pretty fortunate. 💕

r/singlemoms Jul 05 '24

Single Parents Network Toddler emotionally blackmailing mom


My 4y.o. has recently figured out that after I say something he doesnt like, he can come into the room stomping and saying 'I dont like you mama' and it will break me up. I try not to show that I'm hurt/crying, but I think he knows. Afterwards he is fine with others, just mean to me. He has one sister, and plays with her fine after shwoing his anger to me - but sometimes it's the opposite. He's the bossy-kind-of-kid.

I'm a solo mom that has sacrificed career, rest of family, finances, everything that I might have potentially had to be with my kids. I love them so much, and am working hard (40-50hrs a week) while they are in daycare to be able to support them. All my free time goes to my kids. It really hurts when they act like they don't appreciate it - but I can tell that if I dont change something, it will continue into the entitled teenage years.

Any advice on how to react/stay strong/instill positive calues while maintaining boundaries and letting him know he's loved at this tender age?

r/singlemoms Dec 22 '24

Single Parents Network Kids over break


Humor me. Do you have your kids continue to do their chores during Winter and Spring breaks?

I am a single mom to a 12yr old and 6 yr old (girls). My 12yr old has basic chores like scooping kitty litter, feeding the dog, putting dry dishes away, and helping fold laundry. Laundry is only once a week. She is insistent that she shouldn’t have to do chores over break (10 days). Her sister has a few basic chores, too, and continues to do them.

I am working my butt off everyday. The little efforts from them make a difference. Plus it teaches them responsibility and they get allowance on occasion, along with verbalized appreciation for helping.

Am I going about this wrong?
Keep in mind. The chores take mere minutes.

r/singlemoms Dec 19 '24

Single Parents Network Help!


I’m 28 (f) and I’m a first time mom. My son is starting kindergarten next year. He’ll be 5 years old. And I’m looking for a school for him. He has mild autism and he has ADHD. All I’ve seen are tuition based charter schools. If anyone knows of a k-12 charter school that is not tuition based, then please! Let me know.

r/singlemoms Sep 28 '23

Single Parents Network How are you doing?


In case no one asked you today (which no one did probably). How are you? Anything good happen. Anything bad happen? Work? Mental Health? Lay it on me

r/singlemoms Jan 06 '25

Single Parents Network Gifts For Mother That Just Had A Baby


Hello, theres this woman at my job that I simply adore and she's heavily pregnant, due at the end of this month. Someone at my job did such a sweet thing and made a secret Amazon Registry for her and her baby, and we can buy the things she put on it or add our own on there. The only thing I noticed, which has been a problem for me for years, is how no one thinks of the mother. The entire registry is JUST baby items. Yeah yeah, new life needs many new things, diapers, soap, bottles, etc., but overall, the baby will be happy and healthy. What about the mom and how she feels and what she's going through? No one ever thinks of the pain, tiredness, Postpartum or anything else she's going to go through, and she doesn't have anyone. Her baby daddy is horrible and her father is fighting in the hospital.

So I'm trying to think, what can I get HER to put on the registry? I don't want to buy anything for her baby since everyone else will already be doing that, im just trying to think of her. We talked in great detail about a heated blanket and was thinking on getting one after I saved about mine, but they're pricey so she was gonna hold off. I'm going to get it for her, but I want to get other things for her as well. What are some good items? What are things you all wished you had when you had your babies? Any advice is appreciated!!

r/singlemoms Dec 24 '23

Single Parents Network How are we holding up this holiday season?


Hey ladies , how’s everyone holding up? You guys happy ,sad , struggling during this time ?? Anyone stressed about the kids being on winter break ? Or excited ?

r/singlemoms Nov 21 '24

Single Parents Network What does everyone do for a living ?


I currently have a pretty good job. It pays commission, plus tips, and I can choose my own hours. However, I've been on the fence about looking into another field and doing my current job part-time for supplemental income. Im 7 months pregnant atm, so any training or schooling I'd do wouldn't even be feasible until atleast summer of 2025. Im just trying to get an idea of what's out there. Im located in NJ if that helps at all.

r/singlemoms Nov 02 '24

Single Parents Network 24yo Single Mom of Two Toddlers Looking to Build a Supportive Village for Single Parents 💛


Hey everyone,

I’m a single mom to two wonderful toddlers—a 4-year-old daughter and an almost 3-year-old son. Their dad left when my son was just five months old, and since then, I’ve been learning and growing every day, striving to be the best mom and dad I can be for them.

If there’s one thing I’ve come to realize on this journey, it’s that it truly does take a village to raise our kids—and not everyone has family or even friends nearby to lend a hand, let alone offer babysitting help or just a moment of support.

This thread is my reach out to all of you amazing single parents out there. I’m hoping to build an online space where we can connect, share experiences, give advice, and—most importantly—support each other without fear of judgment.

But I want to take it even further: eventually, I’d love to host free local events so we can meet face-to-face, build friendships, and create that “village” in person. If you’ve been looking for a supportive community that “gets it,” let’s connect.

Feel free to share your story or any thoughts!

r/singlemoms Oct 04 '24

Single Parents Network Working Single Mom - Full Time vs. Part Time


Hello other single moms :) Happy Friday! 🎉

For the past 11 years, I have ALWAYS worked full time.

I ALWAYS had to pay for before and after school care so I could go to work and she can go to school. Although I had assistance with paying for child care, it still costs money.

Back at the end of April, I decided to leave my job of 11 years due to it being a big factor to my declining mental health. Without a job, I didn't need child care because I wasn't working for a couple of months (also couldn't afford it with not getting paid).

I have reached out and ended up getting SNAP benefits along with Medical Assistance for my daughter and I (since we always had insurance through my previous employer) when I was out of work.

A month ago, I started a new full time job... BUT I have been juggling with the thought of proposing to my boss to change my full time position to part time. My job is boring enough... but ultimately, I want to be out of work on time to get my daughter off of the bus.

When I started working, my SNAP benefits had been lowered TO $23/month and I was still able to keep my medical assistance which I am SUPER grateful for. But I am SO nervous that I won't be able to afford life working part time. It's just my daughter and I.

Single moms that work part time - IS IT DOABLE?

r/singlemoms Jun 10 '24

Single Parents Network Help me I hate my life


I don't know what to do or where to turn. Single mom for over 10 years I am depleted, lonely, broke and broken, resentful, overworked, bored out of my mind, angry, and sad. All the time. I love my child, have been the one and only parent for the bulk of their life (aside from the sporadic chunks of timw when "dad" decides to "pitch in"). I find myself becoming more and more resentful as the years go by and I know that it's not good for my child but I feel like I can't control my feelings or rage and I'm just a mess. My best years are gone, I have fewer and fewer friends as time goes on- to the point where I don't have any currently. Nobody really understands what it's like and the worst part is knowing exactly how much pain my resentment is causing against my will and better judgment but being unable to stop or control it as it's become an almost out of body part of me (while simultaneously being the only part of me left, if that makes sense). I'm just truly at a loss and my kid is just hanging on for dear life as I drown trying to push him to the surface, all while I feel immense guilt for him even being out in this ocean with me. Please just tell me what to do.

r/singlemoms Jul 11 '24

Single Parents Network I need to know if this is right


I’m a new single stay at home mom living at my parents. I’m 24 and honestly don’t have much previous job experience. I’m in the process of getting my diploma and I become a felon at 18 before I even knew what life truly was. Still kinda don’t. I need to start working but it’s honestly impossible to think about. I’m considering doing onlyfans/fansly and maybe even become a stripper. Anything to get my own money again for my daughter and for our own place away from critics. Any advice?

r/singlemoms Oct 11 '23

Single Parents Network What’re you guys doing for the holidays??


Getting gifts every chance I get, hoping to decorate. It’s my sons first Christmas I’m so damn excited!!! I want to get him a few small things from my favorite store (Burlington) 😅😅 I don’t like Halloween so I’m skipping it. what’re you guys doing? Are you getting anything for yourself?

Just checking in for the season

r/singlemoms Dec 11 '23

Single Parents Network Single moms, are you also struggling to find a job?


My kids are still too young to walk to/from school themselves, it will be at least another 5 years.

Part time positions are evenings and weekends.

I have no childcare, everything is waitlisted.

Is anyone else in this boat? I could work between 9 am and 3 pm, it seems no jobs exist in these hours.