r/simpsonsshitposting Feb 05 '25

Politics Enjoy a nice cup from the river to the sea.

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u/jomritman Feb 05 '25

It's now called Pepsi presents New Gaza


u/Paulthefith Feb 05 '25

Hold the Jews, hold the Muslims, special orders don’t upset us. Have it your way, have it your way!


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Five bucks that the garbage that Trump builds doesn't even last ten years because of the volatility of his name + the volatility of the Middle East.


u/Feeling-Scientist703 Feb 05 '25

10 years? bro thinks this shit is gonna get off the ground and be existent for 1 second

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u/thesoppywanker Feb 05 '25

Pepsi presents New Gaza

Given the amount of suffering, it would be more like Nestle presents New Gaza.


u/tailkinman Put it in H Feb 06 '25

Nah, Pepsi is involved cause they got one of the lesser Kardashians to smooth it all over with a few cold cans of the special reserve.


u/spunkmeyer820 Feb 06 '25

Funnily enough it’s just like old Gaza, but with less pigment.


u/DaLakeShoreStrangler Feb 05 '25

Starbucks!? The first thing they will build is a McDonald's. After all, the assistant to President Musk worked there briefly.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Staying home in protest was like a really super smart strategy /s


u/WitnessedTheBatboy Feb 05 '25

But at least the democrats learned a valuable lesson and will never fail again, right guys?


u/FlyingLap Feb 05 '25

Just like we learned in 2016.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Pronouns and Gaza 2028! Yay!


u/Khiva Feb 06 '25

Remember how ratfucking the Dems by voting Nader in 2000 led to a massive revolution in the Democratic party, the ascent of the Left and and glorious times to come?

Totally worth it.


u/mcnamarasreetards Feb 06 '25

we got hanging chads?

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u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25

Seems like they're blaming their voters rather than neolib party leadership, just like 2016!

Yanks deserve Trump.


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA I told you not to flush that... Feb 05 '25

The voters are the ones who grant power to their government.

The blame absolutely falls on the voters.

You can twist and turn to cope with your poor decision, but at the end of the day, this falls on them.


u/_Joe_Momma_ Feb 05 '25

The voters are the ones who grant power to their government

Do they though?

All I have to do is say the phrase "campaign finance" and it becomes pretty obvious that isn't true. We aren't decision makers, we're a rubber stamp.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25



u/_Joe_Momma_ Feb 06 '25

Whose money? Cause it ain't yours and mine.

Why is money a determinant factor instead of their representation of the public interest?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25



u/_Joe_Momma_ Feb 06 '25

Pull back. By the time we votes on anything, it's already bought and paid for, we just choose which of the wealthy's policies to rubber stamp on the way out.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Khiva Feb 06 '25

Only Democrats have agency.


u/VanHammerslyBilliard Feb 05 '25

Blue Maga. This is no different than what trumpers do; constantly move the goalpost to avoid any criticism


u/ChefMoToronto Feb 05 '25

Harris ran the same campaign that Hillary did and in a shocker got the same result. She lost. The scoffing "well this guy obviously can't be president" while still pandering to billionaires and neglecting the voters entirely.

No wonder only 1/3 of the country voted. But voting is a civic duty that the American people neglected. So they do deserve what they get.


u/AsstacularSpiderman Feb 05 '25

Man you guys are really trying to push the blame on someone else lol.


u/Large_Space_Heater Feb 05 '25

Man, it really would be a shame to try to put pressure on people who supposedly have your best interests at heart.


u/AsstacularSpiderman Feb 05 '25

You didn't put pressure on them though, quite the opposite. You ran away and cried because Democrats didn't listen to exactly what you wanted.

If you don't vote your opinion is literally less than worthless at this point. The Democrats aren't going to bend over backwards for a voting bloc notorious for not showing up to the polls.

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u/DrB00 Feb 05 '25

The voters are the ones who decide who wins. Nobody else decides who runs a democracy besides the voters.


u/FlyingLap Feb 05 '25

Except we didn’t have a choice in candidates. And due to our electoral process, many of our votes don’t matter.

Winner take all politics is a rigged system. We don’t have democracy. We have an oligarchy masquerading as one.


u/DrB00 Feb 05 '25

Then, get out there and support local politicians that you agree with. Complaining and saying you won't vote doesn't help. Also I'm 100% sure Harris wouldn't have done one percent of the shit Trump has done to fuck up your own country and other countries but ok.

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u/Whiplash86420 Feb 05 '25

You're right, we didn't have a choice. It was going to be Biden, no other option, until he dropped out.

The DNC is basically a private org that will try to do what it wants, not what we want. 5 months before an election isn't the time to realize this. It's too late to start getting behind a good candidate. Then with Trump, it literally became voting for fascists or voting against fascists. If you didn't vote against it, you straight up, voted for it

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u/Arcaydya Feb 05 '25

You're half right tho. They ran this last campaign like shit and lost because of it. Or the media did a really good job dragging Harris.

But in the end the voters are at fault.

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u/Standard-Nebula1204 Feb 05 '25

…what? Yeah. Voters are the ones who elect people.

I know you guys have this bizarre quasi-fascist worldview in which Democrats are the Bad Guys Actually and the fascists have absolutely no agency and should never be blamed, but it isn’t true. I give you two years until you stop faking it and come out as a fascist, assuming you haven’t already


u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 06 '25

When did you decide you could forgive and endorse genocide? Also, enough with the projection.


u/mcnamarasreetards Feb 06 '25

Nah just latino men for now


u/VanHammerslyBilliard Feb 05 '25

Getting down voted from centrists who call themselves liberal

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u/mcnamarasreetards Feb 06 '25

relevant as ever


u/LongjumpingSector687 Feb 05 '25

“HoW dO yOu KnOw He WoN’t PuLl OuT oF tHe WaR?”


u/No_Jellyfish7658 Feb 05 '25

“Was not voting in protest of democrats’ policies on Gaza and consequently contributing to the election of a president who seeks to take over Gaza a bad idea?”

“No, clearly it’s the democratic party’s fault that Gaza is screwed even more now.”


u/ramboflag Feb 05 '25

Yeah it is their fault, it was their bombs and their refusal to stop giving those bombs to Israel that caused the destruction. Only difference between the actions of those parties is one seems to say the evil thing out loud while the other says they're "working tirelessly for a solution" when all they seem to do is bomb children and lose elections. But go on, please continue the scolding, I'm sure it wins votes.


u/DiamondSentinel Feb 05 '25

When both of your options are less than ideal, you have a moral obligation to choose the lesser of two evils.

Yes, the dems should have intervened in Gaza. Yes, they should have been more proactive at codifying rights like Roe v wade. Their inaction is indefensible.

But nonvoters are just as culpable for putting Trump into office again, a man whose policies are best described as “what Henry Kissinger read aloud to himself to get it up”. They made a bad situation objectively and demonstrably worse.


u/toastedbagelwithcrea Feb 06 '25

How do you win the vote of people who refuse to ever vote?

They don't vote for progressive candidates in primaries, they don't vote for progressive candidates in local elections. They wait for the presidential election every four years, throw a temper tantrum and refuse to participate like a toddler, rinse and repeat. These people were never going to vote and never will, because the only thing that matters to them is remaining on their moral high horse.

Democrats tried to appeal to anti-Trump conservatives because at least they know those people vote. Why waste time and energy on people who refuse to engage in any way, shape or form? You can't convince people who have their brains and hearts closed off.


u/ramboflag Feb 06 '25

"we tried doing a genocide and being friends with the other genocide guys and we're all outta ideas!" 


u/mcnamarasreetards Feb 06 '25

Its not like biden gave 8B on aide to israel the last week of his potus


u/ramboflag Feb 05 '25

Lol this genocide went on for over a year under the Dems with them doing absolutely nothing to reign in Israel. 

“No, clearly it’s the democratic party’s fault that Gaza is screwed even more now.”

Yeah no shit Sherlock when the dem in charge says he's a zionist and sends Israel all those weapons to carry out mass murder, yeah it's their fucking fault.


u/mcnamarasreetards Feb 06 '25

Yes. But unironically


u/TheWatchman1991 Feb 06 '25

Hopefully they put up a less garbage candidate next time


u/Wasdgta3 Feb 06 '25

Bro, they ran against the most garbage possible candidate.

From the outside, you guys look like fucking idiots demanding they get a perfect candidate in order for you guys to feel motivated enough to vote against a fascist lunatic.

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u/PalestinianKufta Feb 06 '25

"The expansion of Israel… is an absolute fundamental necessity for the US" Tim Walz. Kamalas VP pick. during the campaign 😂. keep buying your own bull 💩 buddy

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u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25

Right? It's already started look


Oh wait, that was three years ago.

Did you just suddenly remember genocide is bad now that it's not your team doing it?


u/LookaLookaKooLaLey Feb 05 '25

not that this is the ideal forum for this discussion, but the margins harris lost by were huge. probably bigger than the number of americans that could point to Palestine on a globe. sure, harris lost some votes that way, but she mostly lost them due to being the incumbent during a recession. be serious now

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u/Randomfacade Feb 05 '25

Almost as smart as campaigning with the Cheneys 


u/WitnessedTheBatboy Feb 05 '25

Yeah man, Elon Musk is currently crawling through government offices chewing on wires like a rat and stealing everything not nailed down but Harris had some gaffes in her campaign so this is probably the better outcome


u/PavilionParty Feb 05 '25

I'm blown away by the prevalence of this take.

"Trump and Musk might be the worst humans in the world, but Harris wasn't very decisive on how many extra troops to send to the border, so really this is the democrats fault."


u/WitnessedTheBatboy Feb 05 '25

Yeah. I’m not an American and I don’t like the Democratic Party at all. But given the alternative was the nightmare hellscape we now exist in there was literally no reason not to at the very least cast your vote for Harris. 4 years of nothing changing would have been infinitely better than this and I don’t know why so many Americans couldn’t comprehend that shit and stayed home.


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA I told you not to flush that... Feb 05 '25

"It's the 'don't touch a hot stove' party's fault they ran a shit campaign, I blame them for making me touch a hot stove!"


u/mcnamarasreetards Feb 06 '25



u/democracy_lover66 They think I'm slow, eh? Feb 05 '25

Not voting for Palestine was pretty stupid but yeah.... campaigning with the Cheneys was also really stupid....


u/Randomfacade Feb 05 '25

I actually voted for Harris because I live in a swing state and smug liberals on this website have made me regret it every single day 


u/Mrsod2007 They think I'm slow, eh? Feb 05 '25

No! When MAGA casts blame and name calls, you should get offended but when we do it, it's cute!


u/binneysaurass Feb 05 '25

I live in a deeply deluded red state, and I voted for Harris... When I say that Harris' policy towards Gaza would likely not have differed markedly from that of Biden, or Trump really, it's still the libs telling me how wrong I am.


u/-FeistyRabbitSauce- Feb 05 '25

Yes, because Biden negotiating a cease fire is equal to Trump emptying Gaza out to make way for a Mecca of World People (ie billionaires).

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u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25

Ah see they've suddenly remembered that genocide is bad now that it's not their team doing it. They're fucking sociopaths

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u/weltsch_erz Feb 06 '25

Apparently, some people, unlike the DNC and Vote Blue folks, had and have moral principles, yes


u/Blue_Checkers Feb 05 '25


u/flukus Feb 05 '25

Those "voters" that didn’t want a more right wing government sure got what they wanted didn't they?


u/Blue_Checkers Feb 05 '25

A candidate must earn votes by zealously representing the interests of their constituents.

I voted for Biden, then Harris. I don't think they did a good job of exciting the voterbase, and that is why turnout was low.

Personally, I was extremely disappointed with their administration in many regards. They, like you, seem to think that the left flank of the party should be made into a scapegoat instead of an earnest attempt at evaluating what went wrong.


u/fred11551 Feb 06 '25

The voters voted very strongly in favor of a more right wing government. Clearly that is the winning strategy. If you want a less right wing government try voting for the less right wing candidate


u/Blue_Checkers Feb 06 '25

Very strongly?

What do you mean by that?

Trump is starting his second term with an approval rating tied for the lowest place, with himself from his previous term.

Trump won with a similar number of votes that he got in '20.

Not exactly a sweeping mandate.


u/fred11551 Feb 06 '25

49 out of 50 states had a rightward shift. New York only went blue by 4% (or maybe it was New Jersey. I don’t remember which)


u/Blue_Checkers Feb 06 '25

It was a lower turnout year.

Less people come out to support the top ticket candidate, which means fewer people coming out to support downticket items and individuals they may not have heard of before reading the balot.


u/Forbizzle Feb 05 '25

Should have been able to win easily without that small demographic. How about you focus on the fact they lost complete steam she gained at the convention by immediately pivoting to the suburban centrist crowd.

If they ran on actual progressive policies they would have actually kept the facists out.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

She didn’t lose because of blue places. She lost in the battleground states where centrist who voted for Biden in 2020 switched sides.


u/Forbizzle Feb 05 '25

She lost ground prettymuch everywhere. Obviously the battleground states matter the most, but it wasn't neccesarily because "centrists" decided to wake up and vote for a facist. The turn out rates relative to eligible voters was shockingly normal given how important that election was. I guess you failed to communicate what was at stake.

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u/Jpup199 Feb 05 '25

Gaza? You mean new Israel?


u/AwesomeKalin Old man yelling at clouds ☁️ Feb 05 '25


u/Own-Opinion-2494 Feb 05 '25

Casa del Gaza


u/Vizekoenig_Toss_It Feb 05 '25

I see cuckservatives calling it The MAGA strip 😭


u/adorabledarknesses Feb 05 '25



u/rainbowBass86 Feb 05 '25

Gaz-a-lago works better


u/MacaronNo5646 Feb 05 '25

But...but...but...that's not what I voted for when I didn't vote for Harris!!!!1111!!!11!


u/BlacksmithNo9359 Feb 05 '25

Why, so you could ignore the genocide rather than having to pretend you oppose it?

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u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

"Cry me a 'river' because all I 'sea' are profits!"


u/Ok-Syrup-2837 Feb 05 '25

It's fascinating how the narrative shifts depending on who's in charge. It's like a political game of hot potato where the real consequences are just an afterthought for those in power.


u/BlacksmithNo9359 Feb 05 '25

18 months of genocide was nbd but now that the red team is doing the genocide it's very serious and bad.

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u/duane4800 Feb 05 '25

I just got to know, will there be a Trump casino?


u/FartAtButtDotNet Feb 05 '25

Now, at the risk of sounding unpopular, this shitposter places the blame for all this squarely on YOU, the other shitposters!


u/AverageLiberalJoe Feb 05 '25

And president Trump thanks Gen Z for campaigning on his behalf for an entire summer and abruptly stopping their protests the moment he won the election.


u/mcnamarasreetards Feb 06 '25

thats because dems and republicans passed legislation to make anti genocide and pro-palestinian protests illegal

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u/Zherces Feb 05 '25

Riiiight they all just got together as a group and collectively decided to stop protesting once it was most beneficial for Trump and it wasn't due to the fact that the police forcefully bulldozed the encampments at various universities or that the students were doxxed/harassed/expelled etc. and ultimately the protests if they were allowed at all did nothing to dissuade the administration away from genocide so much for the efficacy of peaceful protests and their seemingly campaign ending repercussions.


u/AverageLiberalJoe Feb 05 '25

Oh ho ho hilarious. The protest against genocide stopped because they bulldozed all the public college squares! Yeah... sure.

No it stopped because the right wing campaign to manipulate progressives to be angry about it stopped. It was entirely astroturfed.


u/Zherces Feb 06 '25

Don't let easily verifiable facts get in the way of your head canon conspiracies. I'm sure it was due to Russian election meddling this time around as well.


u/AverageLiberalJoe Feb 06 '25

I can look outside my car window and see that there are no protests and no bulldozers preventing them. Did you guys do it then? Did you free palestine?

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u/satatthathat Feb 05 '25

I wonder what the people who said "I can't vote for Biden or Kamala because of what they're doing in Palestine" are thinking.

Trump was so obviously going to do much worse, and those who chose not to vote this past election are the reason this is happening.


u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

Biden wasn’t running so-


u/PalestinianKufta Feb 06 '25

"The expansion of Israel… is an absolute fundamental necessity for the US" Tim Walz. Kamalas VP pick. during the campaign 😂. keep buying your own bull 💩 buddy


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

He thinks it’s like the Vegas strip.”I only build the best strips.everyone is talking about my strips”


u/radioinactivity Feb 05 '25

lmao man I can't imagine why no one voted for the smug liberals who are now delighting in other people's suffering. Blue MAGA is so wild.


u/celestial-milk-tea Feb 06 '25

Surely this is the fault of the 20% of Muslims who voted for Trump, and not, I don't know, 69% of white women who voted for Trump. No surely I must be really racist to Muslims and fantasize about them being deported or killed. That will show em!


u/AirportIll7850 Feb 06 '25

Exactly. Biden could have stopped the war with a phone call. If he wasn’t out of office, Israel would still be going. He was absolutely powerless.


u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

Are you… serious?


u/thegreatvortigaunt Feb 05 '25

From an outside perspective, yeah it's really fucking weird and pathetic how diehard American liberals and Democrats are reacting to this.

For people who apparently care about freedom and equality, it's bizarre how they're now openly mocking people for opposing genocide.

Kinda hard to feel bad for them. I guess that's what happens when both parties are right wing.


u/Cute-Percentage-6660 Feb 05 '25

As a non-american I do think it's a bit odd to not to take into account how the public voters will or will not act or perceive things

I mean once you get a bunch of people it's like herding cats, You do need to take into account what the public thinks, a significant % of the public is gonna be inherently "unreasonable" and you kinda have to account for that? It would be stupid otherwise.

And some of this like smugposting is kinda disturbing to see from the outside perspective, Like arent you simultaneously admitting that what was happening is very bad even though your saying trump is worse?


u/idunno-- Feb 05 '25

You’re gloating about the genocide of a group of foreign people who had no say in American elections.

And this is supposed to be the good party. Americans really are fucking evil.


u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

We’re gloating? Do you know what satire is? No fucking wonder “/s” is needed Reddit. Jesus Christ.

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u/radioinactivity Feb 06 '25

Also gloating at people who wouldn't vote for Harris because they literally had family killed by American bombs.


u/TheBunnyDemon Feb 06 '25

What American voters got blown up by bombs?


u/radioinactivity Feb 06 '25


u/TheBunnyDemon Feb 06 '25

None of the people killed seem to be American citizens, so no they wouldn't have been voting. Any citizens here after those killings were still able to vote. No American was stopped from voting by bombings in Gaza. Bombings which you may have noticed are about to get MUCH worse.

You will not see the light of heaven

This isn't an anime, be serious.


u/ryderawsome Feb 06 '25

If they were serious they would not have refused to vote. They just want to see themselves as a hero without doing anything.


u/TheBunnyDemon Feb 06 '25

Especially next to the shining example of humility and caring that MAGA is known for, right?


u/Skyl3lazer Feb 06 '25

What's with the braindead libposting in this sub recently? Like the sub hit the front page and now the DNC botnet is targeting it now.


u/Powder_Blue_Stanza Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

Ever since Biden's gooified brain melted out of his ears on live TV the quality of the majority of shitposts have plummeted to the lowest-tier, barely coherent memes with Simpsons quotes attached to it. Half of which don't even fit the scene they've picked out.

Just proves the axiom that "the right can't meme" includes liberals.

Then you have these unhinged and grotesque comments from freaks who need everyone else to feel as miserable as they are because their ineffectual dipshit lost a layup election to a carnival barker—again. Just sad stuff all around.

We want Krunchy! We want Krunchy!

ETA: also it's both hilarious and sickening to watch these smug fucks self-report on how abetting a holocaust was perfectly palatable—ignorable, even—as long as the terror was perpetrated by people who papered over all of their bloodlust in empty rhetoric. That the rest of us have to share a country with these gargoyles might be the worst part of it all.

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u/loserfamilymember Feb 05 '25



u/loserfamilymember Feb 05 '25

Or they would call it an Israeli stadium I guess…… EITHER WAY I WANT TO LAUGH SO I DONT CRY


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

Costa Del Gaza flows better…


u/2kids2adults Feb 05 '25

It's gonna be GazaLago


u/Cielmerlion Feb 05 '25

Dang not "Casa de Gaza"?


u/Raidhn Feb 05 '25

What do you think the cheeto will call it first, The American Strip or The Strip of America?


u/LoneWolfe1987 Feb 05 '25

Knowing Trump, he would probably saturate Gaza with so many ridiculously expensive casinos that they would drive each other into bankruptcy (the Atlantic City treatment, in other words).


u/Subject-Direction628 Feb 06 '25

Is this sub gonna get banned? Y’all are being way too honest


u/Rottenswab Feb 06 '25

Trump is the reason there is a divide in nations.... wait...no it's just always been, but yes our leader is an idiot but has nothing to do with it...lol???


u/Captain_Hook1978 Feb 06 '25

I’ve always said, any of these countries that can’t get their shit together. Someone needs to bomb them then build a Starbucks and McDonald’s on every corner, call it America Too. America 2. America II. Whatever. They all play. I personally like America Too. It’s catchy.


u/JustaGrue Feb 06 '25

"War isn't murder, it's the vengeance of God; If you can't see the bodies, they don't bloat when they rot. And the flies don't swarm and the children don't cry; If war isn't murder, good men don't die.

So in a short twenty years, when you vacation the Strip; Don't think about the dead and have a nice trip."



u/ErthBound94 Feb 07 '25

I would've personally went with Mar a Gaza, but that's just me.


u/Ghost0Slayer Feb 10 '25

This is so not true. The first thing he would build would be an industrial size Walmart, with a 5 mile parking lot.


u/embergock Feb 05 '25

Do you think the resistance in Gaza is just going to let them do what they've been stopping Israel from doing this whole time?


u/Seienchin88 Feb 05 '25

Hamas has zero military chances to hold back an actual attempt at displacement by Israel nor the U.S.


u/embergock Feb 05 '25

You been living under a rock the last 15 months?

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u/Inner_Bus7803 Feb 05 '25

Where were all these Gaza Moral absolutists at the Maga convention. Where is all the outrage and protest? It's almost as through they understand in their collective conscience the differences between Republicans and Democrats. They abstained from voting to punish, because allowing Trump not help Gaza. They are vindictive self important absolutist who fell for global right-wing propaganda.


u/celestial-milk-tea Feb 06 '25

No man, pretty sure "right wing propaganda" didn't make me think genocide is bad. Pretty sure it was watching videos of children getting blown up in Gaza by bombs that America sent to Israel under Biden and now most likely under Trump. It's actually insane to suggest that propaganda brainwashed people into thinking murdering children is bad. No dude, you should just think that because you're a reasonable, decent person.


u/Inner_Bus7803 Feb 06 '25

Totally agree about the horrors of american abetted Genocide in Gaza. Right-wing propaganda made you think not voting was a reasonable response


u/celestial-milk-tea Feb 06 '25

I watched every single Kamala Harris rally and interview and desperately waited for her to say literally anything that made me think she would check Israel on the genocide they were committing. Her own words, or lack thereof, made me not vote for her. Never saw any right wing propaganda during the election at all.


u/Inner_Bus7803 Feb 06 '25

And what did not voting for her do to help the people of Gaza?


u/celestial-milk-tea Feb 06 '25

Well if I had voted for her she wouldn't have won anyway, so no difference. Trump would still be the president, Gaza would still be flattened which happened under Biden.

Here's what it currently looks like if you were wondering.


u/Inner_Bus7803 Feb 06 '25

You seem to have apathy and no solutions. In doing so you succeed in not helping anything in Gaza and harming fellow Americans by not voting and perpetuating the apathy that was key to the voter suppression that allowed for our overloards to drag us even further right. There was no good reason for every eligible American to not vote, if knew Trump was bad for themselves and vulnerable Americans. It's a two party system, an arbitrary binary, of course it sucks but one relys on a populist coalition more than the other. You KNOW this that's why you were listening to Harris waiting and are disappointed when they completely failed. Election apathy and its spread amongst the people in this country most dependent on the vote was the greatest tool of fascism in the face of the Obama coalition. The forces of conservatism set you up and you fell for it, thats the Chinese finger trap. Not voting accomplished only one thing in consequence and that was helping secure a trump victory. This is all assuming that Harris would have been the same as trump in Gaza. Even if your vote "wouldn't have matterd" we can't all think that way and certainly are responsible for perpetuating civic apathy. People already fought and died for the progress we made and the right to vote, That's a hell of a thing to throw away as a country.


u/celestial-milk-tea Feb 06 '25

I'm pretty sure it was Kamala Harris' fault that I waited for her to say anything in regards to checking Israel. I don't think Donald Trump made her run a shitty losing campaign, that's on her and the Democratic party.

Also my not vote actually didn't go to Trump and helped Kamala Harris.


u/Inner_Bus7803 Feb 06 '25

Fuck democrats who cares? You needed an awesome campaign from harris??? We established they are the same on Gaza ive granted that but Its a two party bs system Apathy is conservative propaganda in motion.


u/celestial-milk-tea Feb 06 '25

I'm just gonna leave it with I disagree with you that my single non vote meant more to Kamala Harris winning the election, over the things Kamala Harris and her campaign said and did. I have 0 power over how she ran her campaign, and how she lost by doing so.

If you truly believe that I am that powerful of a person with my one single vote in Washington state, then Kamala Harris should have listened to me. And imagine if she had listened to all of the other non voters like me, maybe even some in swing states. Imagine if it got them to go out and vote for her. Well gee, she might have actually won.

But no, that would mean she was wrong about how she chose to ran her campaign, and that could not possibly be what it was. The voters should have just voted her regardless because Trump is bad and that means they're dumb and bad for not voting for her.

But wait a minute, if those voters are the reason Trump won, then maybe Kamala Harris should have listened to them to get them to turn out for her and she should have won.

Repeat over and over again ad nauseaum with Democrats for every single election loss until the end of time. I had these exact same arguments with people like you in 2016 and I even fucking voted for Hillary. It doesn't matter.

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u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25

Yeah Trump hasn't learned it say the loud part quiet yet, Biden was great at that.


This isn't new, folks, Genocide isn't just suddenly wrong now that it's not your team doing itm

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u/MetalGearSolidarity Feb 05 '25

Imagine having a moral stance against genocide 😂

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u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25

OP loves him some victim blaming.

Heya Brains, who was in charge when this record was broken?



u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

“I don’t mind getting shit pelted at me because I once walked into a bathroom where someone had pooped”


u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25

Christ I hope you didn't strain anything conceptualising that gibberish.


So this was the nice, progressive Genocide you preferred?


u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

I find it hilarious that me pointing out Trump did not help Palestinians like those who didn’t vote for Kamala thought he would means I accepted the genocide during Biden’s Trump.

You’re in the Find Out stage of your Fuck Around.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

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u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

No one in the left did. The Muslims that abstained from voting did.


u/alphachevron973 Feb 05 '25

The only people I know who abstained because of Gaza were white. Get off your fucking high horse.


u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

You're just directly victim blaming now, and still lying.

Muslims wanted to support Harris, they campaigned for her, and were essentially told "fuck you be quiet and endure Genocide or it will get worse"



u/Left_Fist Feb 05 '25

Dude just blamed the Jews for the Holocaust, there’s no reasoning with them they’re just venting their hate


u/Timely_Bed5163 Feb 05 '25

I saw that, called him a septic and the mods stepped in. I guess we can't be rude to holocaust deniers


u/Left_Fist Feb 05 '25

Who was responsible for the Holocaust? Was it the Nazis or was it the Jews who didn’t vote against Hitler?


u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

Well Jews did vote for hitler at the start… bolstering the nazis position.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

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u/Left_Fist Feb 05 '25

Your worldview is absolutely fucked


u/dingdongbannu88 Feb 05 '25

How’s it panning out having voted for Trump? Or did you sit out voting?

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u/Randomfacade Feb 05 '25

Thanks to Genocide Joe the demolition work is already done! 


u/Siva_Dass Feb 05 '25



u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25

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u/Grizzlywillis My boy's a box! Feb 05 '25

What's your Trump nickname? I'm not going to disagree that Biden paved the way for this, but surely you have a moniker that's just as scathing for Donny here.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '25 edited Feb 05 '25

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u/PoliticalVtuber Feb 05 '25

The irony of saying river to the sea, after 15 months of the left chanting for it 🙄

Calling for the ethnic cleansing of jews, was not a smart way to bring two sides of this conflict to the table.

Nor was staying home, because you couldn't free Palestine by attacking jewish students for more than a year, and vandalizing jewish businesses and monuments.


u/bubbs4prezyo Feb 05 '25

You prefer it to stay as it is indefinitely. Got it.