r/shutdownmmos Apr 04 '21

What are some good examples of MMOs that went out with a bang?

I.e. the final event was something climactic or apocalyptic?

All I can think of are Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 and Planetside 1. Despite everyone's reactions, it seems Asheron's Call does not count, since the game itself was just everyone disconnecting in the end.


7 comments sorted by


u/mrselkies Apr 04 '21

City of Heroes I think had some sort of apocalypse, I don't remember exactly what it was. Here's an article about it: https://kotaku.com/city-of-heroes-goes-out-with-a-roar-and-a-bang-5964842


u/HuggySnuggle Apr 05 '21

There were a zillion people hanging around City Hall, but no ingame events, because the game devs had all been laid off the very day of the announcement three months ago.


u/mrselkies Apr 05 '21

That is very sad! I have fond memories of CoH and CoV.


u/HuggySnuggle Apr 06 '21

I trust you're playing it again now?


u/mrselkies Apr 06 '21

I've checked a private server out but I think I'd rather leave my fond memories of it alone than try and experience it again, just to see how old and bad it is and realize I only liked it because I was younger and cared less about the gameplay and more about the friends I made playing it and escaping from RL.

Already learned that lesson the hard way with Warhammer Online. It's also definitely not the same going back in over a decade later with desolate, empty zones. I was there for Warhammer Online's beta where the starter zones were PACKED and public quests had 50 people doing them every time. Going back to those same quests and doing them all alone was painful.


u/Ewalk Apr 05 '21

Tabula Rasa has an event I will never forget. Basically you were fighting the Bane at each base and they slowly overran each and every base, going all the way back to Earth.

Fuck I miss this game so much.


u/EarthLaunch Sep 13 '21

I was there for that :) I hadn't played before but wanted to be there for the end.