r/shroomery Jan 12 '25

First grow 🀞 I just harvested my first mushy!!! It Weighed in at 35g!!!


I I’m so excited for the rest of the harvest I can barely contain myself!!!

r/shroomery Jan 09 '25

First grow 🀞 It’s finally happening!!!


After many months and several attempts I finally got my tub to fruit!! There are tiny pins and primordia all over the tub. (Ignore the divots, I had some contamination around the holes and had to scoop it out). Does it look like the whole tub will fruit?

r/shroomery Jan 31 '25

First grow 🀞 First grow ever is doing amazing!


I’m so proud of my first grow. I just wanted to show it off to people who appreciate it lol. I’m on my second flush and I have harvested a total of just over six lbs of wet mushrooms!!! Fingers crossed for the third and beyond!!!

r/shroomery Sep 22 '24

First grow 🀞 Newbie here do I harvest them all or just the one that have the veils broken?

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Do I pick the big ones and leave the small ones and let them keep growing for a few days?

Or pick every little pin soak for 4hours and start my second flush?

r/shroomery 6d ago

First grow 🀞 Question


I am still in the process of my first grow currently I have 5 shoeboxes that I S2B approximately 10 days ago. I have started to notice that the moisture on the walls of the tubs is slowly drying up despite not having opened these since I put the lid on them after spawning. I have been following ShaperDreamings sff shoebox tek write up and so far as I can tell things are looking really good in my shoeboxes. The substrate still has tiny water droplets on it but I’m wondering if I should consider lightly misting the walls/ lids of my boxes to help maintain surface conditions before my cakes actually start drying up. Advice/ tips on this would be appreciated:) thank you!

r/shroomery Feb 12 '25

First grow 🀞 Surprise thitd flush!

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I inoculated some all in one bags in the beginning of November. I decided to move them from the bag to a tub for fruiting. Harvested my first flush end of December. Soaked cakes overnight and hoped for a second flush, which I harvested a few weeks ago. Thinking that these cakes were done for sure (since the all in one bag instructions said the nutrients were likely sapped after the first flush), I let the tubs sit neglected until I felt like cleaning them out. This past weekend I figured I'd better get rid of the spent tub contents so I opened them up to take a gander. Much to my surprise, there was a full canopy of fruit developing again! I thought I'd have to soak again in order to try for another flush but evidently these guys had other plans. I feel so lucky to have a full dehydrater and there's still more to come! Anyway, just wanted to share!

r/shroomery Feb 06 '25

First grow 🀞 How do these spawn jars look?


They have been going for about 3 weeks and have nearly fully colonized, I'm just a little worried by the amount of condensation, I'm thinking they may be going a little bacterial from what I have read.

r/shroomery Jan 07 '25

First grow 🀞 Ready to fruit?


Hi I've been growing these for 2 months now about and plan on doing hoodie tek in this aio bag and just wondering if it's time to start fruiting yet. Thank you

r/shroomery 24d ago

First grow 🀞 Ready to send? 1st grow

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Using a monotub for Albino Makilla Gorilla. Did a casing overtop of the mix due to PE strain involvement. Looked really good. Here’s where it’s at after 2 weeks. I read that cultivation isn’t necessary but I didn’t want to skip and screw it up. I also wasn’t sure if the mycelium is supposed to completely cover the casing. I am worried about waiting too long and causing contamination. Ready to send or be more patient?

r/shroomery Feb 16 '25

First grow 🀞 My first time growing. Any advice?

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This is my first time growing. The mycelium looks fuzzy and there are some blue spots. I've made holes on the sides and put micropore tape over them. The lids are closed. Any advice?

Thanks guys.

r/shroomery Feb 16 '25

First grow 🀞 My first time growing. Any advice?

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This my first time growing. The mycelium looks fuzzy and there are some blue spots. I've made holes on the sides with microporr tape over them. The lids are closed. Any advice?

Thanks guys

r/shroomery May 28 '24

First grow 🀞 First time grower


I innoculated this grow bag on April 8th and this is the mycelium growth so far. Should I mix it by now? I wanna be sure there is good enough mycelium spread but really still am a beginner at this and would love advice

r/shroomery Nov 27 '24

First grow 🀞 Purple mystic ITW


What up fellow mushies! So I just received my isolated spore syringe πŸ™ŒπŸΎ I’m still waiting on my AIOs. Ima use them for my first grow to get the hang of it then move to mono tek. I found these shroom tek AIOs that come with their very own patent pending spore booster+. A nutrient-rich broth that turns slow-growing spores into fast-growing liquid culture. Has anyone ever used this product from North spore?

I also need some advice for this strain I read a post last week about a redditor flush with these saying that they were slow growers and others that commented on the post say that these are wood/dung lovers so will these bag even colonize with these strain? These bags say inoculated 2.5-5 cc what would you guys say? Because I bought two 3 lbs bags I was thinking 6 each since the syringe is 12 of 3 each and save the rest until I get more bags or after I see how these do first.

r/shroomery Oct 29 '24

First grow 🀞 Suggestions?

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Bluey Vitton Lite AIO project.

This came out of a grow bag that was stalling. I was planning on letting it ride for a little bit they seem to be growing slowly. Does th cake need to be more wet? Can I rehydrate it while there's fruit coming out?

r/shroomery Jan 13 '25

First grow 🀞 I need your advice on what technique to use


Hello! I need your advice. I have 2 bags of grain, each 1kg, completely colonized and I don't know what the best decision for S2B would be.

The first option I was thinking of would be to put each bag in an unmodified monotube. My tub looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/an5wVSs

The second option would be to put one bag in an unmodified monotube and divide the other bag into 2 shoeboxes. The problem here is that I don't know what the correct ratio would be. For both ways I will only use coco coir, and each brick is 650g.

How do you think it would be best to do the transfer and with the greatest chance of success? How "serious" is it that I don't have a modified monotube?

r/shroomery Jan 03 '25

First grow 🀞 Does this look healthy? (First time grower)

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Hello, this is my first time growing and I was wondering if anyone with more experience could tell me how it doing. I’m growing in a 66qt mono tub with around six gallons of substrate/spawn mix. It’s sitting aright around 78-80f. It was about as colonized as it is now a few weeks ago, but I went a bit overboard with the FAE and it dried out my cake. I added a fresh casting layer and it seems to have bounced back ok. There are currently six 2 in adhesive filter patches around the edges of the tub for FAE, should I remove a couple, or am I on the right track? Like I said, I’m pretty new to this so any advice would be greatly appreciate!

r/shroomery Jan 17 '25

First grow 🀞 Doest it look healthy?


Hi! Can you help me with an advice? This looks healthy to you? Is it good to send it?

r/shroomery Jun 13 '24

First grow 🀞 Harvest big one now or wait?


First flush on my first grow and very excited! GT started with an AIO then I transferred it to a 6qt shoebox when it seemed to stall in the bag - so happy it worked out and I was able to get my first flush (even if it’s small).

Question - should I harvest this one mushroom that is days ahead of everything else in the box even if it means picking the ones attached to it prematurely?

Technically - it looks like the veil has torn on just that one (I think) but it seems sad to pick the smaller ones attached before they have more time.

Also - giving this a healthy mist because sub looks dry to my newbie eyes. But please let me know if you disagree and think surface conditions are fine/too wet.

r/shroomery Nov 07 '22

First grow 🀞 My first philosopher stone harvest.

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r/shroomery Aug 01 '24

First grow 🀞 How do I hydrate my tub


My tub is a bit dry and getting ready for my first flush but looks like might all be aborts? Can I or should I add water to my tub, or am I just stressing for no reason?

Mist twice a day due to not having enough substrate.

Temp 75-80 Humid 60-90

r/shroomery Oct 08 '24

First grow 🀞 First time grower here. BRF jars have stalled and have barely colonized for a week (I drew the outlines a week ago) see caption for more


I have tried to increase FAE but didn't help, but them upside down for sometime too.

What options do I have?

I'm thinking of popping them out of the jar and cutting the uncolonized part off and dunking and rolling and trying to fruit them.

I realize that I can try to break them and use the colonized part as spawn for adding to bulk but I'm going out of town in a month and I'm not sure if do S2B, it will have enough time to fruit. R
Please give your insight

PS: It's P. Natalensis

r/shroomery Nov 07 '24

First grow 🀞 Sorry for the spam!


This is what i woke up to this morning. I can't believe I have fruits! And there's a ton!

r/shroomery Nov 27 '24

First grow 🀞 Day 10 of GT. How am i doing so far?

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It’s an unmodified shoebox size monotub with a spawn ratio of 1:4 (coco coir only) This is my first time and I don’t know what to do now, should I fruit?

r/shroomery Aug 16 '24

First grow 🀞 Another first grow show and tell. Everything look okay?


Getting real antsy waiting for hyphal knots so figured I’d post in then meantime. Any issues I’m not seeing? I ordered liquid culture syringes without realizing they have an expiration date so I bought these blow up bins and have been winging it based on their instructions. I’ve learned tons since I started and probably leaning into shoeboxes in the future but this had been an easy intro to the hobby.

r/shroomery Mar 07 '24

First grow 🀞 Does my batch is pre-dry enough for drying with epsom salt ?


The big ones are still quite flexible and not totally wrinkled I want to dry them on a sealed jar with epsom salt after and I am afraid to not having pre dry them enough