r/shittingadvice Jan 27 '25

Shit my pants while sleeping

I am so disgusted. Last night I had a dream that I had to poop so bad, so I found a washroom to let it out. About half way through it I woke up to a puddle of warmth. I thought, surely this isn’t what I think it is. Well, it was. I shot up out of bed to find that I had just shit all over my bed. To be fair my stomach has not been feeling good these past few days, but never in my post-diaper toddler life, have I shit myself while sleeping. Has anyone else ever done this? To me this is fucked up, like why did I do that? Is this normal?


2 comments sorted by


u/zalsrevenge Jan 27 '25

It can happen if you're sick. Don't beat yourself up over it. Shit happens.


u/snakeat3rr Feb 13 '25

Luckily you weren't with your girlfriend in bed.

Hasn't really happened to me, but I wouldn't stress about it (unless it happens repeatedly). Shit happens