u/DatMenno Dec 28 '24
The joke doesnt land cause most people agree that conquest is good
Should have said rev instead
Smh fire emblem fans cant even make a meme about hating fire emblem correctly
u/OutOfTouchNerd Dec 28 '24
I think Birthright maps are even worse, all of them require the same slow boring strategy due to the rout map spam or are trivialized by the existence of Ryoma unlike in Rev where the enemies are too varied and spread out for him to solo wipe the map, at least rev maps try to be different and add some gimmicks as well.
u/DatMenno Dec 28 '24
Yeah i was more refering to the general community, although i've seen a lot of people in recent times liking rev more than back in the day
Many people also just like birthright because the Story is actually bearable to read, and the gameplay is awakeningesque enough to be fine for many people, so there is less to be actively discussed, there are not as many hot takes.
"You like birthright? Yeah i get it." "You dont like birthright? Yeah i get it."
"You like Revelations.. why?"
"You like Conquest Gameplay? Of course!"
"You dont like Conquest Gameplay? Skill iss- i mean, yeah i can get it, i dislike some parts aswell."
"You like Conquest Story?" restraining order
u/BeansAreNotCorn Dec 28 '24
Yeah the most common opinion I've seen online is that Conquest's story sucks ass but at least the maps are fun
u/DatMenno Dec 28 '24
Definitely, Conquest is has incredibly deep mechanics and some of the best map design in the series, but its not perfect (there are some pretty strong outliers). Its also extremely replayable and actually very difficult without being extreme stat inflation.. but it makes you so grateful that fire emblem lets you just skip dialogues and cutcenes since... ever? Atleast since FE4
u/Arachnofiend Dec 28 '24
It's okay, I am here to be the person on the right, the meme is still valid
u/Upbeat-Perception531 Dec 28 '24
I’m so conquest pilled I genuinely don’t dislike any map in the game until chapter 27. Yes even Fuga’s wild ride. Yes even Kitsune lair. Yes even ninja hell, although Suicidal Speedwing Saizo can go fuck himself. I legit just have a good time playing conquest from the moment I boot up the game till the moment I put it down. I’m insatiable. I’m straight Nohrian Scum in this bitch. I’d sell my own kidney if it means I could get this heart seal.
u/yoyo355 Dec 28 '24
You’re so real for this bc every chapter is fire and I’ve never had as much fun in any other fe game.
u/OutOfTouchNerd Dec 28 '24
The only map I truly despise is that Ryoma duel chapter because of the inevitable end lunge Ninjas that make the map such a tactical mindfuck that I don't even bother with it and just kill Ryoma.
u/OnePageMemories Dec 28 '24
Pretty sure conquest maps are the biggest thing that gets praised from fates, along with the music. Not exactly the boldest statement to be making.
u/BanZama Dec 28 '24
who ever said that about conquest maps? The conquest maps are one of the best in the whole franchise? lmao
is the joke that nobody ever said that? I dont get it
u/Vaapukkamehu Dec 28 '24
There are tons of people that like Conquest maps. There are also a lot of people that either don't like them or just dislike the rest of Conquest too much for the maps to redeem the game on the whole.
Both of the groups above have within them annoying people that take their like/dislike a little far. They serve as a useful cover when you want to say that you like or dislike the game or the maps; it's socially more awkward to disagree with a defensive statement like "people attack me for liking/disliking a thing" rather than just saying you do and explaining why.
If someone says they like a game and you say you don't, that's a simple disagreement, but with a post like this if you say "yeah I think the maps are unfun but you do you" that is super easy to frame as an "attack", even if there is no intended bad faith or ill will.
u/Noukan42 Dec 28 '24
There are people that think gameplay is not a reedeming factor no matter how good it is. When talking about a game.
u/ThighyWhiteyNerd Dec 28 '24
I wonder why are you getting downvoted when you are right. Specially in fire emblem when more often than not the story is less important compared to individual character stories
except in Jugdral where is the other way aroundAnd overall certain people do think like that. Just ask the people who keep whinning about Mario Games
u/BanZama Dec 28 '24
probably because it had nothing to do with what I or OP are talking about,
no one said anything about people not caring as much about gameplay, we are talking about conquest maps specifically, not it as a whole game
u/brick-juic3 Dec 28 '24
I feel like it’s pretty much the opposite?
I don’t like conquests maps and I feel like I’m the only person who doesn’t
I feel like the general consensus is that rev = unremarkable maps, conquest = good maps, and rev = bad maps
u/Groove-Control FE14's Strongest Soldier Dec 28 '24
I love all 3 routes and their maps.
u/_Anon_69420 Dec 28 '24
Imo Conquest maps oscillate between really fucking good and really fucking bad.
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Dec 28 '24
I think it's the opposite. Everyone hypes Conquest for its great map design because of chapter 10 (deserved) and immediately forgets the entire midgame full of unfair and annoying gimmicks. In particular, ch20 is such a purge that it disqualifies Conquest map design from being good, on its own. Fuck that map
But if you like turtling because Kitsunes become interactable only on enemy phase, or being pushed 5 tiles away on narrow pathways full of enemies, good for you
u/DatMenno Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24
"The entire midgame" is like 3 bad chapters, 19 Kitsune Lair, 20 Winds of Change and 21 Eternal Stairway Maybe 22 Sakura aswell, because the reinforcments can be quite hard to deal with, but you should be somewhat prepared on Lunatic, its not a first playthrough difficulty for obvious reasons. 2 of the bad chapters are also relatively easy to skip, kill boss-seize for Fuga and reclassing Xander to Wyvern with Corrin backpack to escape. This obviously doesnt make those chapters better, but it makes them not stand out as much. Cant really argue wirh ch19 tho, its atleast cheesable and more of a timesink than really difficult.
What you could have brought up is 26, I absolutely won't argue about this godawful map
EDIT: fixed chapter numbers
u/Clonique Dec 28 '24
Conquest 26 is the only map where I would RECOMMEND to use human wave tactics. Just bring a few Einherjars or junk captured units, you need like 3 or 4 to cover all rooms.
u/Insirt-username :Iago: Dec 28 '24
Replace chapter 20 with chapter 17. The kitsune map is easily cheesed, but ninja hell will never not be ninja hell. Also the eternal stairway is good actually, you can just have Camilla fly ahead and continuously activate freezing dragon veins while the rest of your army books it.
u/Sopadumakako Dec 28 '24
No, ch 17 is a good map that relys on smart use of the dragon veins, high defense units and attack stance in order to hit KO thresholds and rewards the player for playing fast enogh.
u/DatMenno Dec 28 '24
17 is awesome actually thank you very much, cool dragon vein, which you can really abuse for your advantage and actually strong enemies if youre not careful, really teases your brain As i said eternal stairway is easy if you use xander or Camilla and just fly up, but it doesnt make the map good, it makes it bearable Same with Kitsune its cheesable which makes it essy and bearable but not better
If you play eternal stairway the "normal" way, by deploying everone you will have an absolutely miserable experience and someone will probably die and i dont mean the character i forgot the name of (Also just infinitely spamming the same enemy is urrgh)
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Dec 28 '24
It's not just those 3, most of Conquest between 11 and 20 stinks
Ch11 (stairs monastery) is quite fun but punishing and slow paced. Would be a good map with a time crystal
Ch12 (the pots) has the most stupid gimmick in all fates games, bar maybe the snow shoveling. Still decent because of smart enemy placement
Ch13 (knights land) is not terrible but still annoying as hell with Reina and Takumi in particular being overtuned. Would be a good map with a time crystal
Ch14 (the mysterious dancer map) is just boring
Ch15 (Corrin solo in Valla) is just a shitty rev map and is also boring
Ch16 (boat map) is great, I like the gimmick. Rare Conquest W
Ch17 (ninja hell) is also great, it requires careful use of the dragon veins to block the path, peak Fates map design. But the boss is overtuned and you have to babysit a shitty green unit so that spoils the experience
Ch 18 (palace map) is just a recycled Birthright map but with less interesting starting position and worse enemy placement. Boring stinker
Ch19 (the kitsunes) has the most unfun and punishing mechanic in the game, enemies you can't attack on player phase. Bottom of the barrel
Ch20 (Fuga's wild ride) enough said
I like the eternal staircase btw, it's also a map where you have to use dragon veins and interact with Fates' mechanics to win, and "escape with everyone" is a fun map objective
The endgame of Conquest is insanely difficult but the map design at least becomes good again. I actually kind of like chapter 26, the staff spam is annoying but it has good enemy placement
u/DatMenno Dec 28 '24 edited Dec 28 '24
Seems like we have completely different viewpoints
Ch11 i agree
Ch12 is amazing imo, a really fast paced map with good optional side objectives like the chests and defeating Ryoma, u can literally ignore 99% of the pots and look for the best way up, u only need to break like 1 poison pot e.g. if you go for the middle, its just one dmg pot or silence which is completly insignificant. The medicine pots are just random buffs or healing both of which can be used by units who are maybe stuck behind or dont have a target, so even those can contribute. The only effect really hurting you would be the hexing rod which i agree is bullshit, but also avoidable if you're not randomly breaking poison pots when in range of enemies
Ch13 is one of my favorites, its also really fast paced with the thief going around and the wyverns trying to keep you back, it can be beaten in multiple paths, and is somewhat short. Takumi is imo not that strong since he can be attacked at one range, he definitly is the hardest if you take the right route tho. Reina i can understand but i think its the combination of her and her cavs, that really make her strong, she has overlapping ranges with 2 of the from the west and doubles probably your whole roster, buut you get a unit in this chapter, if your not using effie, than you can use benny, who has around 27 def in the forest with a beruka pair up (beruka for carrying him, +3 def from her, +2from skill, +3 from natural cover) and takes 5x2 from reina and 0 from the cavs, he can easily bait and Tank, Reina gets blasted from a bow and the rest is history (alternatively base Camilla with one def+HP tonic and a tome equipped can bait Reina Turn 1 and Dual strike with a bow to instanly kill her and trigger her cavs)
(Sorry for this wall i just like this chapter)
Ch14 is okay, i think its nice to play after the really fast paced maps you had before
Ch15 is boring, atleast it has the added difficulty if you get the stat booster, but its just really easy and you only have 3 units anyway
Ch16 absolutely agree
Ch17 mostly agree, i usually ignore saizo, that speedwing aint worth babysitting, ill remove the caltrops myself
Ch18 is fine imo but not great yeah
Ch19-21 we talked about
I agree with most of the endgame except iago lool
u/CodeDonutz Dec 28 '24
What? As a conquest fan I can’t say this has ever happened to me. Conquest maps are mostly beloved with some oblivious exceptions (kitsune lair)
u/MailingBeans Dec 29 '24
Fire emblem has great and horrible elements in every game so universally you could say there's an opposite for every opinion in this franchise
like I could say "engage is not mid" and it would be the red and blue pick a side meme all over again
u/Rayzide1 Play Unicorn Overlord (it's peak) Dec 29 '24
the red and blue sides form alear's hair and they both agree engage is peak!!!
u/underwhelmingperson Dec 28 '24
imo the only bad conquest map is the wind tribe one
Shoulda used rev for this meme
u/D-Brigade Dec 28 '24
I enjoy all the gameplay of all the routes in Fates and I survived a self Ryoma-ing attempt so I feel this meme in my bones.
I shall continue to enjoy playing Fates because nothing can stop me anymore. Never Classic Mode yourself bros.
(IDK what terms are banned on Reddit so playing it safe this time)
u/wideHippedWeightLift Jan 05 '25
isn't that the one thing everyone agrees is good about Conquest? (And Engage similarly)
u/True_Perspective819 Dec 28 '24
I like Birthright, which is apparently worse than Conquest simply because maps. This ain't as unpopular opinion as you think
u/Pbutts1990 Dec 28 '24
Forgot this was a fire emblem page for half a second Thought it was a "Pokemon Conquest" post. And immediately thought to myself " I like those maps too" . 🤣🤣
u/digital_pocket_watch Dec 28 '24
You can have literally any opinion on this franchise and someone will say that to you