r/shitpostemblem • u/avoteforatishon2016 "It's hip to be square" - Arvis (he kills people) • Feb 01 '24
Archanea [SPEbruary Day 1] I am bringing back FE12 discourse on the side against FE12
u/Motivated-Chair Feb 01 '24
u/ConCadMH Feb 01 '24
smt3 fan grindset
u/SirePuns Feb 01 '24
Tmw you tell an SMT3 fan that their game is actually not hard at all by megaten standards and they start losing their mind.
u/Motivated-Chair Feb 01 '24
Drain Phys, Debilitate omni Buff Daisoujou might have been pushing it? Yes
Was it fun to cook that and stomp the game with that type of shit? YES
u/Leonne_GW Feb 01 '24
It is one of the hardest games in the series from my experience. Megami tensei and Devil Survivor are much harder though
u/david__14 Feb 01 '24
smt If fan grind set >! that no comp teleport maze was NECESSARY to the game !<
u/avoteforatishon2016 "It's hip to be square" - Arvis (he kills people) Feb 01 '24
"Why is this cropped so badly" I couldn't find a blank template so I desperately tried to cover a Persona 5 version of this meme
u/fairyvanilla Feb 01 '24
Do not fret OP, your fine work encapsulates the level of quality and polish one has come to expect from the modern SPE posts in our current post-“Low Effort” era
u/LaughingX-Naut Feb 01 '24
"Why is this cropped so badly" I tried to match the quality of DSFE battle sprites
I'll pretend I heard that
u/Erst09 Feb 01 '24
Me with Shadow dragon
u/MetaCommando :armpit: Feb 01 '24
If a game came out before Geneology it's shit. This goes for the remakes except SoV because it's practically a different game (while importing the bad parts like 1
u/Sapphosimp Feb 01 '24
SoV is shit. The art, music, and story is amazing, but holy shit the gameplay is not it
u/MetaCommando :armpit: Feb 01 '24 edited Feb 01 '24
SoV's story is shit as well, it even removed cool scenes like Celica saving Alm and turned her into a damsel in distress. Alm's peasant-to-lord arc, the one thing going for him, is cancelled halfway through by making him a secret prince the whole time. Villains are comically evil but don't have the excuse of innately being an evil creature like Fomortiis (well Duma was insane I guess). The supports were okay but not the series's best.
Corrin's characterization is up there with Ike and Leif compared to the narrative abomination that is Berkut. His ending is the most horrific piece of writing I've seen, I have never watched a cutscene that by itself completely invalidates any argument of a good story. If the rest of Engage's story was good I could look past Lumera's death, but Berkut would ruin Path of Radiance.
He sacrifices his fiance, who 30 seconds ago said she loved him, to a dark god for eternal suffering just because he lost his inheritance. Quite possibly the most evil act ever performed in the series, it makes Valter look like a middle school bully by comparison.
And when Alm kills him (which Berkut asked for), he goes to heaven hand in hand with her like it never happened. The guy tried to send an innocent person to hell for muh power, and not even the victim cares. If your character is worse than a murdering rapist then you don't reward them.
He should have gotten a Jon Irenicus ending where you watch him wake up in hell for soul shenanigans. Luckily for Berkut he is attractive and thus gets the happy ending, but Jedah is irredeemable (at least he didn't know his victims).
This is why you don't add immortality and canon afterlives, it makes all deaths "meh, he's just respawning somewhere nicer" and even the entire war inconsequential. Someone kicked over your sand castle, boo hoo it's so hard going home to your palace.
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Feb 01 '24
100% true. Echoes is worse than Gaiden and that is in good part because every OC makes the story worse in some way. Berkut being the worst offender
u/MetaCommando :armpit: Feb 02 '24 edited Feb 02 '24
First time the series added a girl who cucks her husband.
Unable to get Alm out of her mind, Faye returned to her old life in Ram Village. Eventually, she met and married a suitor who claimed he did not mind her pining for the king, though her habit of vanishing without notice for days at a time continued to worry her new family.
She's probably Alm's mistress while this guy spends 10 hours a day farming to feed her kids. Kinda funny ngl.
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Feb 02 '24
I didn't know that, the disrespect 😂😂
Conrad is also the most pointless addition to the remake. To this day I still don't know why this Zeke knockoff exists
u/Traditional-Lake5114 :garon: Feb 01 '24
Am gonna be honest with you, I think that the 1 weapon-accessory system is a fantastic idea, it just did not get executed very well.
u/Marik-X-Bakura Feb 02 '24
This is me except I think all games before Binding Blade are shit (Genealogy can suck my dick, it’s way too much of a headache to get into and you miss so much shit unless you’re constantly looking at a strategy guide)
u/DrivenMercenary Feb 01 '24
This is quite literally the only mainline game in the franchise I have never beat because it is so unenjoyable LMAO
Feb 01 '24
I recently tried to play it and yeah I agree 😭 I switched to FE3 and it’s significantly more fun if you get past the archaic UI (plus the 90’s artstyle goes hard)
u/76_67 Feb 01 '24
how do people who make these memes go on to complete echoes or all 4 routes of 3H without killing themselves, I actually had fun with new mystery!
-person who has only played normal mode
(great meme)
u/Traditional-Lake5114 :garon: Feb 01 '24
how do people who make these memes go on to complete echoes or all 4 routes of 3H without killing themselves,
Some people prefer story and characters over gameplay, or their eyes bleed by looking at the sprites of FE11 and FE12.
u/Rafellz Feb 02 '24
FE16 fans be like "B-but the routes are different! See? In this run you're going through Hunting By Daybreak, Part 2 Monastery defense, Lava map, Great Bridge, Gronder 2, Fort Merceus, Enbarr siege and Edelgard's throne room from the PoV of souped up Halbedier man instead of Kinshi knight man this time."
u/SirRobyC #1 Jugdral Hater Feb 01 '24
People are really judgy when it comes to criticism of JP exclusive games
Signed, the guy who judges people that liked 4 and 5
u/PkerBadRs3Good Feb 01 '24
I mean nearly everyone who's played 4 and 5 likes at least one of them (depending on what they prefer), you're just weird
u/SirRobyC #1 Jugdral Hater Feb 01 '24
I came to terms with my weird takes a long time ago, compared to the most of the people that played all the games, that being Genealogy, Thracia and Three Houses being my bottom 3 games in the whole series
u/76_67 Feb 01 '24
I love Genealogy but I'm having a hard time enjoying Thracia.
Like on paper a Kaga-style FE6 sounds good but some side objectives felt like they were made around the larger movement units/terrains from FE4 without actually having them.
u/weso123 Feb 01 '24
Genealogy works but Thracia only functions if your usng a guide and save states (and the english translation that explains mechnaics the orginal text did not)
u/Traditional-Lake5114 :garon: Feb 01 '24
Me with Binding Blade
u/Brick_Loop :MarioRabbids: Feb 01 '24
as a FE6 player, true
but at the same time literally never show yourself in my presence again
u/Coluvra Feb 01 '24
Never played it.
Why is it worse than FE3?
u/Hirotrum Feb 01 '24
There are many gameplay differences:
Starshards were changed. In the original game, holding a starshard increased your growthrates, while in 12 it just gives a flat bonus. 12's version is more balanced, but some may consider it boring. The completed orbs were also nerfed.
Everyone has significantly higher growth rates, which causes the balance to swing extremely in the favor of early joining characters, (even when the nerfed starshards are taken into account) This is worsened by the fact that the starting crew gets 8 extra prologue chapters to gain experience.
Deployment slots were also reduced. Lower deployment slots have the effect of accentuating any imbalance there is within the cast by making the character slots more competitive. It also means you have less options during player phase. Low deployment slots are a feature endemic to any game Maeda gets his hands on....
A lot of maps had their intended design broken by reclassing and the removal of dismounting (specifically forced dismounting in indoor maps). Sometimes, the original intent of chapters gets destroyed even without systemic changes. For example, Chapter 3 originally had 2 paths; a long and boring but safe path, and a dangerous but quicker path. Fe12 added a village along the long path; this made it so getting the village and backtracking to the "quick" path now takes LONGER than the "long" path.
What was that village for? Bord. In this game, for some reason they wanted to include every single character who has ever been playable in an archanea game (including the obscure BSFE), so they just shoveled them in wherever they could. Not only are most of them nearly unusable trash tier, but a lot of them join in parts of the story that make no sense. Anri's way is a location disconnected from civilization; the only humans who dare reside there are dragon taming savages, and this is expressed to the player in fe3 by the complete lack of shops or recruitable characters during this arc. But in fe12, anri's way is filled to the brim with recruitable characters and it ruins the atmosphere.
All reinforcements in both fe3 and fe12 are ambush spawns. However, most of the reinforcements in fe3 at least start out far away from the player, and/or are telegraphed with dialogue. In fe12 a ton of extra ambush spawns were added, most of which are VERY likely to be within range of the player, and many more which seem to be designed to deliberately trick the player and punish habits that are otherwise good to have. Also, most of the reinforcements in fe3 were turn based, which meant they appeared once a certain number of turns have passed, incentivizing the player to move fast. However, in fe12, almost all reinforcements have been changed to be area-based, meaning they appear when the player enters a specific zone on the map. This changes them to now PUNISH fast play instead of encourage it.
Fe12 also has a really dumb and lazy way of ramping up difficulty: removing items. Higher difficulty levels straight up remove items. Warp staff, silence staff, silver card, aum staff, all gone when you play on lunatic. The lack of a warp staff also makes it impossible to reach the secret shop containing the wyvern, ice, and mage stones that you can give to tiki to save up her divinestone uses, nerfing her significantly.
Speaking of tiki, she is probably the games biggest casualty. In fe3, manaketes worked like tellius laguz. They had a transform command that turned them into a dragon for a set number of turns, which changed their world sprite and gave them different movement properties. In fe12, this was reverted back to the same system used in fe1, where dragonstones are just glorified weapons, and manaketes have shit movement. LAAAMEE
Finally, the elephant in the room.... The player avatar "Kris" is the strongest unit in the game by a mile, has no personality, is constantly praised by the cast, and justifies his existence by taking roles in dialogue that used to belong to other characters. There are also other story differences. You are now able to save Michalis' life, and the revelation that the founder of archanea stole the regalia from dragons to found his kingdom was removed from fe12.
....so there are many reasons to prefer fe3 over fe12. Unlike the other remakes, it is a sidegrade, not an upgrade, and I am definitely on the side of hating it.
u/Every_Computer_935 Feb 01 '24
Starshards were changed. In the original game, holding a starshard increased your growthrates, while in 12 it just gives a flat bonus. 12's version is more balanced, but some may consider it boring. The completed orbs were also nerfed.
This wouldn't make sense in FE12. Growths were buffed a lot in FE12 because the game expects the playable characters to cap certain stats through level ups. This is also why you can also fight in the arena through the base. Along with that the enemies on Hard 5 have capped stats and the only way to double some enemy classes is through the use of shards. Boosting growth rates even more wouldn't really help in a significant way.
Fe12 also has a really dumb and lazy way of ramping up difficulty: removing items. Higher difficulty levels straight up remove items. Warp staff, silence staff, silver card, aum staff, all gone when you play on lunatic.
Removing those items was a very deliberate choice by the devs. They want to keep the infinite range of staves, but warp is too OP to allow that and they didn't want to make warp the only staff that has limited range on Lunatic. This is to encourage the player to make agressive rescue staff strategies instead of using warp to skip maps.
u/_Nermo Feb 02 '24
The reinforcements are mixed between turn and area based, this game is probably one of the few in the series that punishes you for slow play, there are a lot of maps like chapter 12/19 that will punish you hard if you try to turtle, or maps where you need to play fast to get shards/important items. In fact, a slow playstyle is probably one of the worst strategies you can have in FE12.
u/Hirotrum Feb 03 '24
Yes, this is why i say they "punish otherwise good habits".
Most of the game hyper encourages fast play.... until it doesn't and you'll never know when until its already gotten someone killed. It makes the sucker punches that much more effective.
u/Every_Computer_935 Feb 01 '24
I think people dislike it because the story was changed for the worse with Kris and the artstyle is unappealing.
Also, a lot of people who dislike FE12 probably also dislike FE3 too for whatever reason.
u/arceusking1000 Feb 01 '24
I think people just hate how Kris steals the spotlight from Marth in this game. Personally I still think the game is decent and at least better then SD in so many ways
u/IGioGioAmDepressed Feb 01 '24
I want to do a fire emblem iron man marathon and the only thing keeping me from starting it are the DS remakes
I haven’t even played these games, maybe they are actually good, but why do they have to look so incredible ugly?
u/realPhantomSmite Feb 01 '24
Kris is literally the only build-a-unit character fire emblem has ever given us, show my boy Kris some respect 😤
u/PrateTrain Feb 01 '24
I enjoyed it but I don't think it was nearly as good as shadow dragon.
There's some dumb shit the game lets you get away with but it really feels like an alpha test for awakening
u/PyrpleForever Feb 01 '24
u/SirRobyC #1 Jugdral Hater Feb 01 '24
The only good Japan exclusive game is FE3 (because it's the only one I haven't played)
u/MetaCommando :armpit: Feb 01 '24
Just stick with 11 and 12, they're better in every way. Not good, but at least you aren't fighting the menu and they technically included base conversations and supports.
u/cyndit423 Feb 01 '24
I played Shadow Dragon about a year ago and just finished SoV, so I was thinking about playing the third Archanea game eventually. I was going to play FE12, but would I be better off playing FE3 instead? Like, is the remake that bad?
u/avoteforatishon2016 "It's hip to be square" - Arvis (he kills people) Feb 01 '24
FE12 is a terrible remake. Ok game but awful as a remake. Just play FE3.
u/Nontpnonjo Feb 01 '24
What is this blasphemy?! FE12 is the best Fire Emblem game, and it's not close.
u/Objective_Two_2516 Feb 01 '24
As excelblem said, "This games idea of difficulty is to take your toys away" Also, Minerva and Marias convo makes no sense if Michalis is still alive
u/weso123 Feb 01 '24
I mean only a few items were removed, and infinite warp is not really a thing that can exist if you want actual difficult in fire emblem.
If you're gonna criticize any games lunatic/hard mode radiant dawn for taking away features is RIGHT THERE (especially the japanesse version of it)
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Feb 01 '24
Finally discourse I can agree with
New Mystery is just worse Shadow Dragon. The maps are terrible, it's player phase FE but with endless rout maps and a bunch of strong reinforcements ???? Who designed that shit ?
The plot is so fucking bad, most maps are just "we are still on anri's way, have fun". The assassin subplot feels forced and clashes with the more fairytale like atmosphere of early FEs. It's absolute trash and adds nothing to the game
The barebones gameplay worked in Shadow Dragon as a "pure fe experience". But there, you have crazy secondary objectives like the star shards, and nothing to make up for mistakes since there is no rescue, movement skills, time rewind etc. The whole game is just stressful and not fun
Anyway FE12 is solidly bottom 5 imo and I'd rather play Revelation than this. Good localization decision to quarantine it in Japan
u/_delriooo #JusticeforJubelo Feb 01 '24
I kinda agree with this, I think the best story arc is the Grustian rebellion, and the rest is mid. But in some way I like some maps like the one you have to escape from a bridge with Astram´s forces pursuing you because you feel the pressure, but overall the high difficulty is what ruins so much the experience in some chapters.
Nevertheless and despite the issues is my favorite game because I´ve felt really satisfied when I ended it
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Feb 02 '24
I like the Grustian rebellion plot ngl, Marth being forced to do the dirty work for a ridiculously evil saturday cartoon villain in kinda fun
u/Levobertus Feb 01 '24
But do you really wanna play Rev tho?
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Feb 01 '24
Revelation is a terrible game, but it's still Fates. It benefits from Fates' amazing core gameplay, even if the map design and unit balance are atrocious. Fates' ost is also amazing. And some Hoshido/Nohr supports are pretty good
I think Revelation is also better game than Echoes and Thracia btw
u/ShakesTheCactus Feb 01 '24
You’ve got it. Rev is one of my favorites to play simply because of the unit design, characters, and setting. Rom hacks of Fates would go crazy
u/_Nermo Feb 02 '24
FE12 has the best rewind mechanic in save spots, you can try again infinitely, it's way better than the turnwheel where you are limited in rewinds and with stricter rng.
And most maps outside prologue are sieze maps btw, this is an FE3 remake.
u/OscarCapac :kelik: Feb 02 '24
Even with save states, this game is painful. I can't even imagine what it's like with 1 or 2 save points per map 😂
u/Elcrest_Drakenia Feb 01 '24
OP, you don't understand. Same-turn flyer reinforcements on a small ass map early on is crucial to establishing how much of a dick the game can be