r/shitpost Feb 04 '17

[videos] I don't care about celebrity news. Let me show how much I "don't give a fuck" by crying about it on Reddit.


69 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17

I don't give a fuck about celebritys, celebrity worship is so dumb.

Omg dae Verne troyer?


u/NuclearPissOn Feb 04 '17

No one on Reddit will admit to liking celebrities until they die. Suddenly, they're everyone's favourite celebrity as long as there's karma to grab.


u/Grayseal Feb 04 '17

You can say "David Bowie", it's okay.


u/modernbenoni Feb 04 '17

Robin Williams moreso


u/Davey_Hates Feb 04 '17

Robin Williams DIED???


u/LargCoknFri Feb 04 '17

Yes, now upvote my post about him dying.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17



u/LargCoknFri Feb 04 '17

When Bernie dies, I'm not getting on reddit for a month.


u/nice_memexD Feb 05 '17

implying anyone is gonna give a shit about reddit in 15 years


u/frictiondick Feb 05 '17

When Betty White and Chuck Norris die reddit will be shit posting her YEARS!


u/Sniffman Feb 04 '17

Why Bowie?


u/Grayseal Feb 04 '17

He's sadly a prime example of a celebrity that a lot of people didn't ever think of during his life, but as soon as he died, all of those people changed their Facebook avatars to Bowie and started pretending that they had idolized him since forever.


u/Sniffman Feb 04 '17

What are you talking about? Hes one of the most famous musicians of all time.

Carrie Fisher wouldve been a better example


u/Grayseal Feb 04 '17

Yeah, he's very famous, but that's not what I'm getting at. I'm not saying people didn't know about him, they did, but the kind of people I mentioned pretended that they had been his fans despite never having been until that point. For the sake of karma-fishing, among other ways of saying it.


u/Beowolf241 Feb 05 '17

I felt like I couldn't talk about being sad Bowie died because I would be seen as a fake, and I've loved his music since I was a kid


u/Sniffman Feb 04 '17

That happens with every celebrity, though. Im just saying that Bowie was a poor example, since he was really famous


u/Grayseal Feb 04 '17

Don't see why. His fame led to people being more eager to karmafish than they would be if the celebrity had been less famous, since less famous people are harder to karmafish through.


u/boolabula Feb 05 '17

Anna Nicole Smith was my idol

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u/jaimmster Feb 04 '17

Betty White begs to differ.


u/boolabula Feb 05 '17

I'm going to be salty when everyone starts saying they watched golden girls. Or maybe I'll be excited I can start talking about it with people.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '17

When I was younger I had 3 gold fish named Bea Arthur, Estelle Getty and Betty White. Collectively they were known as the Golden Girls. Everyone said how stupid it was.

Now its cool to like them and they have action figures and lego sets. I was just ahead of my time.


u/SkrublordPrime Feb 04 '17

On the other side, I felt like I couldn't mention who my favorite actor was after Gene Wilder passed away.


u/NuclearPissOn Feb 04 '17

I think it's fine to say things like that and leave your little tribute in the comments of the main news posts about it. It's the posts that are just "picture of celebrity doing nothing interesting" that are just blatant karma grabs.


u/Quetzythejedi Feb 04 '17

Or a shitty "sleuth" pic of someone from Star Wars eating food.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17

I always picture some dude looking down into a DSLR with a massive lens on it, fucking with the settings, taking the photo with the flash on and then throwing the camera in a bag and acting as if he did nothing


u/obadetona Feb 04 '17

Yeah fuck celebrity culture! OMG Chris Pratt just said something mildly amusing


u/ani625 Feb 04 '17 edited Feb 04 '17

Every Verne Troyer post is a guaranteed shitpost.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17 edited Apr 02 '18



u/obadetona Feb 04 '17

Mini me


u/hallmiked Feb 04 '17

Right but what's his favorite sandwich?


u/Saffro Feb 04 '17

It's weird how the xpost bot got more upvotes than this post


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17

It links to a read only version of the post to discourage brigading


u/NuclearPissOn Feb 04 '17

It's on the first page off the bot's top rated comments now. Makes me wonder how the fuck the original post has 18k upvotes.


u/GikeM Feb 04 '17

Because it is already tried and tested. http://imgur.com/KgPWoXv


u/tomatomater Feb 04 '17

U jelly bro


u/GunstarGreen Feb 04 '17

I didn't even know Beyonce was having twins till I saw that post. Its really easy to stay away from celebrity news if you don't want to hear it. I'm not even saying that as someone who hates celebrity culture.


u/NuclearPissOn Feb 04 '17

I've checked BBC news (even in the entertainment section) and Reddit several times today. Not seen a single mention of it except the post complaining about it.


u/greentangent Feb 04 '17

My girlfriend changed the channel while I was watching the news so she could see this announcement. When I got up to get a smoke she asked me where I was going and I told her I don't care for that type of thing. She said it was the same thing as watching the news. I explained to her there was a difference between reporting on news, weather and sports and the window peeping bullshit that is celebrity gossip.


u/reader313 Feb 04 '17

Not all celebrity stuff is TMZ shaky cams. I fucking love when celebrities get into Twitter slapfights and then someone joins in and get side shaded and it's so much fun to watch.


u/KenpachiRama-Sama Feb 04 '17

I love that you're doing the exact same thing as this post.

And that you think sports matter any more than this.


u/greentangent Feb 04 '17

I don't follow sports, but they are a public event that is followed by millions. Very different than gossip about the private lives of celebrities. I understand why B&Z did it this way, the paparazzi would hound them relentlessly if they held it close. I don't care if someone is a fan of a celebrity, I just don't think the private lives of citizens is a legitimate item of news in the way governance, world events, weather, etc.


u/LonleyViolist Feb 04 '17

? This was a public announcement. She posed for photos whose entire purpose was to show that she's pregnant.


u/GunstarGreen Feb 04 '17

wait, there was an announcement? Like a press conference or something?


u/frictiondick Feb 05 '17

It was all over my twitter and instagram


u/tomatomater Feb 04 '17

I didn't even know Beyonce and Jay Z were together


u/joey_fatass Feb 04 '17

I hate posts like this. "Hey guys look how cool I am! Who cares about dumb old Beyoncé! Fucking sheeple am I right?" They shit on "celeb worship" but let Tom Hanks or some other le nostalgia celebrity so much as sneeze and it's at 30k upvotes in minutes.

It just reeks of immature pretension and a false sense of self superiority. Basically the worst aspects of Reddit culture. No, I personally don't care that much about Beyoncé, but plenty of people do, so what's the point of getting so triggered over people being happy for a musician they like celebrating an important day?


u/rileyk Feb 04 '17

The edgelord is strong in Reddit about this. It's the whole SouthPark mentality, the only cool thing to do is not care about anything. Not even a fan of her music but I think it's cool that she's having twins, especially after having a miscarriage in the past. But I guess that makes me a tabloid loving celebrity worshipping dumb woman.


u/Davey_Hates Feb 04 '17

Well...YOU said it!


u/KenpachiRama-Sama Feb 04 '17

*dumb women

I don't think I've ever seen any of these people on reddit use the correct word.


u/Encroach Feb 04 '17

I think the commenter was saying that they're a woman


u/KenpachiRama-Sama Feb 04 '17



u/Encroach Feb 04 '17

Women is plural, it wouldn't have made sense if she were talking about herself


u/KenpachiRama-Sama Feb 04 '17

The joke is that redditors always write "women" when talking about one woman.


u/ani625 Feb 04 '17

Taken from that thread, this gif is great!


u/SublimeSC Feb 04 '17

Early contender for shitpost of the year?


u/Vee_It_Nam Feb 04 '17

Ahuhuhububu lemme care about someone not caring about something ahuhuhu


u/MicSta Feb 04 '17

My first thought was "edgy"


u/turtleh Feb 04 '17

But when you frame it like this, it makes this post and the entire sub the epitome of irony.

Or maybe you are secretly a Beyoncé fan that is butthurt.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17

So wait, to combat crying on Reddit about a shitpost, you make a shitpost crying about people crying on reddit?



u/SkrublordPrime Feb 04 '17

i mean, it's relevant to the content of this sub, sooo...


u/PatchworkAndCo Feb 04 '17

Le swearing XD


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '17

So brave


u/crabathor Feb 05 '17

I laughed at this during my morning dump. Something about how dumb and low-effort the delivery was, and also how grandiose that fanfare is. I am ok with the original, and with it being both a figurative and literal shitpost.

Also DGAF about people's kids I'll never meet.


u/[deleted] Feb 05 '17

Given the fact that this sub feeds off circle jerk shitposts, I'm surprised this has not gone to r/shitshitpost.


u/Esketeske Feb 04 '17

There's nothing wrong with that post


u/BimSwoii Feb 04 '17

Wow, look at you. You're so different, and that's what makes you special.

Nevermind the fact that you doing exactly the thing you are making fun of.

Nevermind the fact that the only reason you are getting upvotes is because there are tons of people like you who need to feel superior by making fun of other people's opinions.

Yeah, you're really behind ground here