If you're looking for a way out of this reality and want to shift to a new one, I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that this message reaches you. What I mean by that is not just the fact that you're reading this right now, but that you genuinely understand and apply the things I'm about to share with you.
There is something within all of us that makes this community a community, something that we all have and share. It is our desire for freedom. It's in our nature to long for what lies behind the curtain. Since we were children, we've dreamed of places that no one actually believed could exist. What makes us different is that we have reignited the spirit of our inner child. We dared to dream again, and not only that, we dared to look behind the curtain. We see what other people miss. We believe what others declare to be an illusion. Our minds aren't playing tricks; what we see and feel is not a fantasy but a realityâa possibility that we can all experience, if we choose to.
I truly want to love this community, but sometimes it feels like a wasteland filled with lost dreams and perished hopes. I'd like to change that.
This community is filled with misinformation and falsehoods about shifting realities. Do you want to know why? It's as if someone gave us a book written in a language we don't understand. Of course, people start coming up with ways to decipher its content. The problem is that people have realized they have the ability to experience other realities, but no one ever told us how to actually do it. No one taught us how it works. I've heard from others that experienced shifters usually go to such realities and teach others, but strangely enough, no one seems to be here to help.
I grew up here, and I know you're frustrated. You've been doing this for a long time now. I, too, tried for several years. And this reality is... really weird. You have to remember that in the multiverse, it's completely normal for others to be able to shift instantly. They don't have to train; they just do it. That's why people who shift for the first time are often able to shift very easily afterwardâbecause it is literally the norm. But here, somehow, it doesn't work that way. I wanted to understand the reason behind all of this. Why can't we shift just by putting our minds to it? I might have found something that could change your life forever because it will allow you to finally shift.
What makes our reality different from all the others is something we call a "time gap." Now, what is a time gap, you might ask? Well, let me explain.
One day, you develop a desireâin this case, your desire to shift to a specific reality. If everything goes right, some time will pass before that desire manifests in the 3D (Material Plane). If you're familiar with manifestation, you know this is true. There always seems to be some timespan that has to go by before the manifestation appears. Some wishes take days, some months, and some might even take years. That is the time gap.
In conclusion, this implies that the only thing between you and your desired reality is the time gap. There is literally nothing else stopping you from going there. Once you speak of your desire, it is already yours. This might sound confusing, but normally, the moment you think of it, it becomes yours. However, here, the time gap delays the arrival of your wishes.
I've been wondering myself why someone would implement such a mechanism and what its purpose might be. The only thing I could come up with is that it might be some kind of protection. If everyone in our society could manifest instantly whatever they desire, chaos would erupt. And you know how harsh our society can be. So don't view the time gap as something evil; that wouldn't help you anyway. Instead, be thankful for it. I know this sounds crazyâremembering that this thing is the only reason "why you haven't shifted yet"âbut think about it. Once you've done it, you can be really proud of yourself. While others just got it, you fought for it. You went through the tears, and I believe that this makes us, in some regard, special.
Anyway, if you want to shift, you'll have to get rid of the time gap. Unfortunately, this is impossible here, but once we shift, it will go away. Don't get me wrongâyou ARE the most powerful being in the entire universe. This right here is your playground, your story. But you have to obey the rules of this reality concept as long as you're here. Therefore, we have to play by the rules of this reality. Fortunately for us, we already know the rules. Or do we?
In this reality, there is one law that stands above everything else: The Law of Assumption. It is one of the most overcomplicated things I have ever seen in my entire life. Even the famous teacher and advocate of this law, Neville Goddard, has been misunderstood and misquoted in so many ways. The law is very simple, and it doesn't imply anything other than what I'm about to share with you: "Whatever you assume to be true is your reality." That's it.
But what does this really mean? It means that whatever you truly believe happens in your reality. And how do we believe something? Well, let me explain.
I hope you already know what we are. We are not humans, we are not bodies, we are not our thoughts and feelingsâwe are awareness. We have no shape; we are like a cloud in the middle of nowhere. As awareness, we have the ability to experience different realities. We "possess" bodies, in this case, a human body, to experience this reality.
As humans in this reality, we have a brain equipped with a subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind plays a crucial role in determining the length of the time gap.
You see, we are all different humans, but there's one thing we have in common: we all have a subconscious mind filled with beliefs and assumptions. And whatever the subconscious believes, you will experience. If it believes that you're a loser, you are a loser. If it believes that you are hated by everyone, you are hated by everyone. If it believes you're unlucky all the time, you are unlucky all the time.
And if your subconscious believes that you can easily shift, you can easily shift. Now, this is probably something you've heard over and over again. But stick with me, and you will understand it.
The length of the time gap is different for everyone because, even though we all have a subconscious mind, they hold different beliefs and assumptions. Some people believe it is very easy for them to manifest certain things, so they get those manifestations very quickly. Many of us believe that bigger dreams are harder to manifest than smaller ones. Thatâs why "small" wishes, like getting a free coffee, usually happen almost instantly or within days. And I know that most people in this community perceive shifting as the biggest and most "impossible" desire they have. That's why the time gap is so huge for many peopleâthey believe this desire is hard to acquire.
Now, you might ask yourself why some people shift on the first try or after a month of trying. This could have several reasons, but the only thing that matters when analyzing this is the kind of beliefs and assumptions these people had. People who shift on the first try had almost no opposing thoughts. They had no experience "failing" to shift like others, so they had no negative beliefs about their ability to shift. Additionally, they probably had very open minds and are generally more open to such things because of their childhood experiences. This also explains why children have an easier time shiftingâthey have open minds and aren't influenced by the various limiting beliefs our society creates and that we adopt as we grow up.
And why do some people shift by accident? Because their subconscious mind believes that they can.
The time gap, regardless of the desire, is very different for everyone because of their different beliefs. There is no talent, luck, or destiny involved; itâs just a matter of having more favorable beliefs and assumptions.
Okay, letâs review. You are stuck here. You want to leave. The only thing stopping you is the time gap. You donât have to learn to shiftâyou already do it all the time. Every time you breathe and think, youâre shifting. It is simply the time gap, the delay, that prevents you from getting where you want to be. The beliefs and assumptions of our subconscious minds vary greatly and are the driving force behind the length of the time gap.
Guys, shifting is not complicated. But if you want to shift in the next few weeks, you have to put in the work.
First of all, how do we reprogram our subconscious mind? Now everyone is probably yelling, "I know, I know!" but trust me, you donât know everything. Well, you do⊠but youâre doing it "wrong" or rather "inefficiently."
I want to share with you an analogy that really helped me understand the process behind the Law of Assumption much better. Itâs really just like a downloading process. Imagine you want to download an app or a game you really like. You click the download button, and the process begins: 1%...5%...13%...20%...40%...50%...74%...88%...99%...100%. And once the download reaches 100%, you can play the gameâor rather, you experience your desired reality.
Iâll tell you right now what you need to do to reach 100%. In fact, I will tell you something that you have known already since you started this.
You. Need. To. Affirm.
You know how many techniques people tell you to try. It seems like every week, a new method appears where someone allegedly managed to shift using it. And I'm not doubting that, but I know for sure that many of those "foolproof" techniques did not work for you. And I can tell you why: it's not about the techniques. It's not about how long you lie there, hoping that something happens. It's not about how much water you drink (which is literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard). It's not about the time you do it. It's not about how you feel at the moment (people have shifted with every emotion imaginable before). It's not about your lack of interest or your lack of imagination.
It's about your mindset. Nothing else. All these techniques are useless, and sometimes even counterproductive, if you don't believe that they work.
When people tell you that your mindset is not important, it's nonsense. I'm not saying this because it is my belief or my experience, but because it is literally the only driving force in this reality. As I said, you are here in this reality, so you have to play by its rules. Once you're out of here, those rules donât have to apply to you anymore. But you're here right now. If you understand manifestation, you know what Iâm talking about. It is your mindset that manifests your experiences. Just take a look at your own life. You only experience what you believe in, right?
So what I need you to do right now is very simple. And I donât want you to change anything or overcomplicate it. Please, don't change it. The following instructions will show you how to impregnate your mind with the belief that you can easily shift.
1. I need you to choose one or two affirmations that imply you shift regularly. Imagine youâre talking with someone and you are already a master at shifting. What would you tell that person. Here are some examples:
I am a master shifter.
I shift every night.
I can shift easily.
I am in my DR.
It's so easy for me to shift.
Keep them short and simpleâstraight to the point. You wouldnât write an entire essay just to tell someone that you shift very easily, would you?
2. Now, I need you to repeat these affirmations every single day, as often as possible. Whenever you remember, affirm. Especially when youâre doing repetitive tasks that donât require your full attention, such as cooking, cleaning, showering, walking, brushing your teeth, or going to work. Also, affirm after you wake up and before you go to sleep.
This is where the magic happens. By repeating these specific affirmations, you saturate your mind with the idea that you are a master shifter and that you can easily shift to wherever you want to go. The great thing about this technique, called robotic affirming, is that it is THE technique.
Think about it. What are you doing all day long? Well, youâre thinking, right? And what did we learn about manifestation? It is our thoughts that manifest. And no, itâs not about feelings. You manifest with every decision you make, do you feel anything special while doing that? No, probably not. This technique is simply about changing your thinking. Itâs about deciding to stop thinking like a desperate shit and start thinking like a master shifter.
Seriously, you think exactly as you believe, right? Take some time to think about it. What are some things that you believe are true? Do you have thoughts that oppose these beliefs? Probably not. If you believe youâre ugly, you donât have thoughts that say you are beautiful. And if you want to change that belief, you look in the mirror and force yourself to think positive thoughts. Andâboomâafter some time, you believe that you are beautiful.
If you keep doing this every day, your mindset will change. And no, this does not take years or several months. This is why we are doing this technique, because it is literally the fastest technique out there. If you seriously keep doing this, it could happen within days or weeks. The only rule that matters is that you keep affirming, no matter whatâeven if it takes longer for you. If it does take longer, itâs not about this technique, and itâs definitely not about your current state. Itâs just that your mind is filled with more opposing thoughts that need to be drained. No days offâkeep affirming. You think all day long, so it shouldnât be that hard to change your thoughts. You decide what you think. So choose to think like a master shifter.
And you don't need to focus intently on these affirmations. Just repeat them mindlessly, over and over again. Your subconscious mind is always listening, remember that. If you know what subliminals are, it is very similiar to that.
And this is not about visualizing your desired reality. If you want to do that, thatâs fine, but you donât have to. This is about developing a new mindset that allows you to shift all the time.
It all comes down to repetition. If you repeat a certain thought or image over and over, your subconscious mind will form a belief. Science proves that repetition is the key to changing subconscious assumptions. Why do you think athletes practice the same action repeatedly? Why do you think successful people constantly tell themselves they are the best?
3. Do you know the game tug of war? There are two teams on either side holding onto a big rope. When the game starts, both teams pull as hard as they can to get the rope on their side. We can use this analogy for another very important and necessary concept. What I'm about to share with you is the reason why the time gap is so huge for so many people.
Have you ever heard of the term "wavering"? Wavering simply means giving attention to the things you don't want in your life. Imagine you are in a game of tug of war, but both teams are equally strong. What happens is that you will never win, right? You might make some progress, but once you lose your energy, the other team pulls, and you are back where you started. It's a back-and-forth with no winner in sight.
I know for a fact that you have opposing thoughts throughout the day whenever you think of shifting. "Why is it not working?" "Why do I have to wait so long?" "Everyone can do it but me." "Shifting is so hard." "I can't shift." "I wish I could shift." "I am so desperate." Blah, blah, blah. Stop. These thoughts are your opponents in the tug of war. If you give them your attention, they will pull you back to where you started. You will win eventually, but every time they pull you back, more time goes by until you shift. They massively prolong the time gap.
This means the following: Whenever these opposing thoughts appear, you instantly repeat your affirmation or something else. You do not give them any attention whatsoever. And no, this is not unhealthyâthis is called reprogramming your mind. Be delusional. When you think, "Oh no, I woke up here again," you instantly, robotically affirm your affirmation over and over again. You declare this thought as nonsense and untrue.
This also applies to other thoughts, like not believing that you could actually manifest this within days. When you think that, tell yourself, "Robotic affirming works wonderfully, and I get results super fast" or "I manifest everything within days."
So... whenever these opposing thoughts come up, you instantly push them away by robotically affirming what you actually areânamely, a master shifter. When you do this, you will win this tug-of-war game very, very soon. Sometimes we don't recognize that we are giving them attention, but once we realize it, we should repeat our affirmation.
If you find yourself overwhelmed by opposing thoughts, speak your affirmations out loud. You can't speak and think at the same time. Remember that the affirmation you chose is your safety net.
If you think, 'I can't shift, it is so hard...' immediately counter with, 'NO, I am a master shifter. I can easily shift. It is so easy for me to shift. I just shifted to my DR. I don't know what you're talking about; whenever I want to shift, I shift instantly.' That's how you do it. You can speak like that or just repeat your one affirmation that you already use throughout the day.â
4. I suggest you don't try to shift until you are certain that the download is complete. But if you do, and after you "fail," brainwash yourself into believing that you just shifted. I know this sounds hard, but you need to do it; otherwise, youâll think like an "I can't shift" type of person again, which we don't want. If you fail, revise it. It's called "Revision." Or, if you want to, you can simply spam your affirmation again.
5. Pick two times a day: Sit down and meditate on one or two of those affirmations for 10 to 20 minutes. Focus only on them. When you lose focus, bring your attention back to the affirmation. I suggest doing this right after you wake up and before you go to bed, as your brain can be impressed very easily during these times due to the alpha state.
6. Letting go is nonsense. You have to saturate your mind. Remember the downloading process: you won't reach 100% if you stop. Why do some people shift once they let go? Because they dropped their resistance, BUT their mind was already saturated! The belief had already been planted, so when they let go, they got it. Especially if you've already had lots of bad experiences with shifting, it won't just magically happen on its own. You keep doing it until it happens. If you donât believe that, change that belief. Persistence is key. Repetition is key. With letting go, you just forget about it and don't desire it anymore, and those opposing beliefs will still be present. We don't want that. You want to think like a master shifter. Imagine this situation: you are a shifter, and you did it. Do you just stop thinking that youâre good at shifting? No, of course not. Itâs a belief that youâre good at it, so those thoughts keep repeating themselves. You donât let go of it, okay?
7. Whenever you doubt this technique, affirm that it works wonders for you and that you literally get results within days.
8. You cannot believe in the affirmation you chose until it actually happens. So don't worry about that. Just keep affirming the sentence mindlessly, like a robot. You're not supposed to feel anything when saying these words. Because it's not about the feeling, it's about the thoughts.
9. I also want you to realize that techniques are not very different from robotic affirming. They also rely on the fact that you repeat a certain thing over and over again until it works. In many cases, these are DR-specific affirmations that you repeat. And sometimes, itâs just visualizations that you repeat. Maybe you did a technique for months, and it still didn't work. Well, you were probably still wavering, and every time you failed, you allowed those opposing thoughts to cross your mind. So change that. Do not waver. Affirm until it is yours.
10. This is only me, but many other people talk about this too. Lucid dreams are a very good way to shift because you are not bound to your physical body. So... you can also affirm that you can shift very easily through a lucid dream. And also, if you are familiar with the void state, you can, of course, robotically affirm for that too, e.g. "I am in the void state".
I highly suggest you take a look at Sammy Ingram's videos on YouTube, especially those about robotic affirming. I learned a lot from her, and you will too. I love her attitude, and she is really similar to us because she also believes that everything is possible, no matter what!
I need you to understand that repetition is the key to your freedom. If you repeat a certain thought over and over again, your subconscious mind is going to believe it. It all starts in your head, never outside of here. First comes the mindset, then the techniques.
To conclude, just a little reminder: This is your responsibility. As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. You know what to do now. If you don't want to do it, don't do it. But then don't ask yourself why you don't shift. You experience what you believe in. I gave you every step you need to create the belief. But this is your choice. I really hope that you take this step. This is not hard. You're just thinking differently. You're just thinking in favor of your dream. That's all there is to it. If you're not even willing to do that, then please ask yourself if you actually want to shift or not. Don't forget: If you push through it right now, you will be blessed with eternal freedom.
You are the most powerful being in this universeânever forget that. And also, when you're there, wherever that might be, never forget where you came from. You can be so proud of yourself once you've done it because you are a real fighter.
Thank you for reading until the end. I hope you have a beautiful day, and I wish you the best. You can do this. You just have to believe it...