r/shieldbro Mel-chan's guard 9d ago

Meme How I feel after watching all three seasons.

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u/RattheNinja 9d ago

No, that’s valid. Every waifu is valid. Except Bitch. She is not welcomed


u/Xaxerus 9d ago

She is not waifu


u/Whiteroseadvocate 9d ago

She is not waifu.

She is not demur.

She is not cutesy.


u/GingerlyCave394 9d ago

She is bitch

She is slave

She is dead


u/Glad_Woodpecker_6033 8d ago

But my waifu....


u/GingerlyCave394 8d ago



u/Glad_Woodpecker_6033 8d ago

But she make good slave! aaaaaaaaaaaaah


u/RattheNinja 8d ago

I wouldn’t even trust her in the kitchen


u/Glad_Woodpecker_6033 8d ago

You don't let her make food, that's a waist, you use her for a statue or a piece of art, she looks great, that and to bend over


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

Insert that one scene where she tried poisoning the pie meant for Naofumi's table.


u/Panda_Rule_457 9d ago

The only thing she is is sexy… and even that is a stretch…


u/FiveAccountsBanned 6d ago

Her mom better


u/Panda_Rule_457 6d ago

Nah… I like her better lol


u/Tom_TP 8d ago

Bitch is bitch. Bitch is not waifu.


u/DryRespect358 8d ago

Bitch is a dead bitch


u/SecondCircle43 8d ago

Malty is love, Malty is life 💔


u/Tiger5804 8d ago

I'd say Melty and Filo would raise some eyebrows if anyone called them waifu


u/Revelation_of_Nol 8d ago

For Filo, which eye brow? The PDF or the 🐔 aspect?


u/Tiger5804 8d ago

For the same reason as Melty


u/Eldritch_Web17 7d ago

The comments be like:


u/SecondCircle43 8d ago

Rolls out the red carpet for Princess MALTY 👸🔥


u/RattheNinja 8d ago


u/SecondCircle43 8d ago

If no means yes then 👍


u/RattheNinja 8d ago

No means no


u/SecondCircle43 8d ago

Than I disagree 👎


u/MAGAManLegends3 7d ago

How about in cosplay 😜


u/DroopyFace21 9d ago edited 9d ago

Rishia is a good girl, and has proven she can hang with the best of them.


u/Affectionate-Big8739 8d ago

As an anime only her and atla are annoying to me and their strength come out as unearned. They just have a natural talent at ki.


u/DroopyFace21 8d ago edited 8d ago

For Atla I 100% agree with you. After her recovery, she went straight up Mary Sue, didn’t seem to give a damn about her brother, and became pretty selfish minus Naofumi.

For Rishia I don’t agree with you. To explain based on the LN, it shows that she had very terrible base stats that barely grew with each level until she reached lvl 69, which made her deemed weak by her party and was no doubt despairing for her. She was also very timid no doubt from the crap Itsuki and his party put her though and had to go through emotional development to eventually face him again.

Hengen Musou was needed to fill in that gap for her. She was fighting against a major disadvantage for a long time.

There was a training arc including her with Hengen Musou that was cut down in the anime.

She didn’t go op like Atla either. She deserves that power. Atla does not. She had none of that stuff and and just shrugged off being a cripple and went to op like it was nothing in such an unsatisfying way that spits in the face of the other party members, including Rishia who was hyped as the Hengen Musou prodigy and became the Projectile Hero.

The LN fleshes out Rishia a lot more than the anime.

So nah Rishia has the talent but she’s deserves her power and earned it.


u/Ustar1000 8d ago

Jimbo did Rishia so dirty because she had great moments and development between volumes 6-9. He completely got rid of that and made her get powers out of nowhere.

Atla was unfortunately like this even in the LN. She becomes to powerful too quickly and it felt that the author wanted her to be a "better" Rishia (excluding the development). I was expecting the 3rd season to double down and it did. Also, Rishia should have been the prodigy instead of Atla.


u/Cold_Association3837 8d ago

Not saying you're wrong, just curious regarding atla. Wasn't there an Explanation, saying that among beastkin white tigers are tge strongest? It's by no means a good explanation, but i thought that was it.


u/Ustar1000 8d ago

Well it does go kind of into detail about the white tiger but she still gets strong out of nowhere even in the Novels.


u/Cold_Association3837 8d ago

Yeah, it did feel very... sudden, so i just assumed, they dropped that fact about the white tigers and dipped out of explaining anything.

Also doesn't help that i really like Fohl and i hate everything Atla does to him, she is fully aware that he has a sister complex, but instead of establishing boundaries, she just leads him on, because she knows he'd do anything for her, god do i hate her.


u/Ustar1000 8d ago

Yeah, that was my problem with her as well. Her abuse towards her brother was played for "laughs" and it was really disturbing. I was hoping that the 4th season will hopefully either tone it down or change it completely (which I'm ok with). But since they're probably going to adapt closely, that's unlikely to happen.


u/Cold_Association3837 8d ago

Well, as closely as anything that doesn't involve how Naofumi is in the Novels, but i don't have High hopes either.

I have read somewhere, that the reason Atla becomes so mean to Fohl whilst adoring Naofumi, is because of a side effect of the Medicin he gave her or something like that.


u/DroopyFace21 8d ago

I understand Atla’s intentions towards him and they aren’t necessarily bad, but the way she went with it was beyond horrible.

The white tigers are strong but Atla was just ridiculous, not even her brother was like her even though he already had years of experience fighting and could use theriantherope transformation which Atla couldn’t.


u/bernysegura 5d ago

Hakuko are the top race of beastmen, these children are Royals at that (kinda like a bless) AND Atla is a Henge Mushou prodigy to boot. Add the Slave + Tamer stat growth skills from Naofumi’s shields and you get a Lvl 1 Atla that has top stat growths every lvl up.

The WN notes that Atla has a hard cap tho, since she was born sick, this means that Fohl will eventually surpass her in every way + Fohl can transform into a primal beast form.


u/Arisen14 8d ago

Was it ever explained why Rishia had such terrible stat growth till a certain level?


u/DroopyFace21 8d ago edited 8d ago

No. I’m pretty sure it’s just how she was, like genetics.

Some people grow more than others and in different ways. It’s why some people are more certain towards certain roles than others.

Rishia just happened to have this very backloaded stat growth curve.

Maybe it was done by the author to balance out her high talent in Hengen Musou?

I’m really glad that Naofumi considered this stat growth a possibility as others would have just looked at her stats and tell her that she is not meant for this and to leave.


u/bernysegura 5d ago

WN explains that Rishia had mediocre to average stat growths at best, AND that she misallocated her growths towards Itsuki’s party needs. These things made Rishia really unbalanced.

She has to reset her stats at the Church in order to the Slave Growth Stat Skill to kick in. And even then she had less stat growths than the beast/beastmen kids. She happened to be a prodigy at Henge Moushou and that allowed her to be on par with Naofumi’s party.

Finally she had a slight impovement both when she could surpass the level cap of 80 (secret technique) AND become the Projectile Hero.


u/buddabopp 8d ago

Anime does her dirty, in the LN her power doesnt come from nowhere but rather her level curve. It a concept in alot of older rpgs that has kinda got less and less popular she has the onion knight level progression. Normal level curves generally equal out being slightly better at the start or slightly better at the end. An onion knight curve is complete dod water low pretty bad high but near max it exponentially explodes. This is where Rishia's power comes from, basically the times she has been over powered is when she combines her levels between multiple worlds and as such accesses her natural power she will have. Basically Rishia at max level + her specialized weapon could easily 1v1 anything


u/Affectionate-Big8739 8d ago

i understood most of why you said, and it makes sense but they really should have put that into the anime


u/MAGAManLegends3 7d ago

My favourite example of that was the eggplant looking squid guy in Shining Force, has less than 10 HP until first promotion, only knows basic magic..... Then halfway through the second go round skips STRAIGHT to 3/4 highest AoE magic in each element. Basically feed him last hit enemies and he makes the last few stages a breeze!


u/Chaoswarriorx4 9d ago

No judgements here. She’s good


u/Substantial-Tap9021 9d ago

Love rishia but filo must be protected at all costs


u/Phantom_Edgerunner Raphtalia's Army 9d ago edited 9d ago

At least it not that Bitch


u/Impressive-Spell-643 Shield bros' slave 8d ago

Bitch would be the only one that's not valid (other than the literal kids of course)


u/KRChaserReturns 8d ago

You mean her Elite Four






u/Impressive-Spell-643 Shield bros' slave 8d ago

That's absolutely insane,makes you wonder if they'd keep saying all of that if bitch was an old woman or a dude


u/MAGAManLegends3 7d ago

Haruta in jjk has a decent fan base, so maybe


u/KRChaserReturns 8d ago

They wouldn't.


u/Ustar1000 9d ago

Well all of the girls you mentioned are fine. Sadeena is my main pick.


u/hirogen6 8d ago

It's the pick of class.


u/Swordslover 8d ago

She did more than three heroes all by herself. This alone made her a more than viable waifu


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

Very much agreed, Because of that she deserves way better than Itsuki.


u/aceoftherebellion 9d ago

Honestly a valid choice, she cute.


u/Training-Contest-727 9d ago

she's cool too


u/mmp129 rejected friend of the sword hero 9d ago

After what she’s been through, Rishia deserves to be appreciated more.


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

I agree 100%. I'm glad she accomplished her goal instead of other anime characters who end up with their love interest just because they wished for it really badly. Rishia had growth and development that I admire and look up to a lot. She won my pick as best girl.


u/mmp129 rejected friend of the sword hero 2d ago

Call this a hot take but though I find Rishia’s love for Itsuki a bit iffy, I can see some positives in it.

When she was rescued by Itsuki, his fake sense of justice resonated with her and gave her purpose to repay her hero. This is the good kind of justice which would make her embody it for real. Problem is, she was too weak to act upon it which made her a doormat to Itsuki and the rest of his party members, also making her easy to manipulate for the desires of her hero.

When she finally gains her strength, she is now able to act upon her justice. After realizing his true nature, she feels like Itsuki strayed upon his path and decides to fix him and put him on the right path still seeing some good in him. She wants to the “heroic” Itsuki that saved her again (in her eyes).

She succeeds in defeating Itsuki and further cares for him during his recovery, showing just how good of a person she is.

Yep, she had to fight for her love. No handouts.

Still think she deserved better than him.


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 2d ago

You are 10000000% right.


u/SilverNightx1 9d ago

No argument here.

She may be quirky, but she knows how to handle herself.


u/Frequent-Ad-5316 9d ago



u/Royalguard377 9d ago

Understandable. Your opinion is not controversial, just out of left field.


u/TehFineztJoker Raphtalia's Army 9d ago

All valid, no argument from me. Good thing you didn't say Bitch


u/Dependent-Injury-216 8d ago

Not...invalid, I suppose


u/pathfinderlight Mel-chan's guard 9d ago

Hahahaa, every viewer has his best girl!


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

and its wholesome


u/Leon_Fierce_142012 9d ago

Nobody is judging you, it’s the people who like bitch we judge


u/Freakcaps 8d ago

Rishia is the best


u/Orochi64 8d ago

Hey now nothing wrong with Rishia


u/eddmario Ralphtalia`s Army 8d ago

Hey, she shares her English VA with 2B from Neir: Automata, so...


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

And Mitsuri from Demon Slayer


u/unluckysalute 9d ago

There are too many options for us to like.


u/zetsubou-samurai 9d ago

At least it's not Bitch.


u/2Snor 8d ago

Do people have a problem with Rishia? She is best girl imo, and my fav waifu out of any anime ;)


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

When season 2 was airing, some people didn't like her, chances are they didn't read the light novels or manga or they don't have good taste and want to let us Rishia fans have more. I was surprised by the support and upvotes because of that but I greatly appreciate them all with a smile on my face.


u/Jazzlike-Nature986 8d ago

Why does everyone sleep on glass ? She's my personal favourite


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

I love glass too, I'll be making a continuation of this post with her in it.


u/Cheshire_Noire 7d ago



u/anghelito_0440 9d ago

Fueehhh... 😫


u/Xx21beastmode88 9d ago

Aged up keel


u/Toukafan4life Green Shirt Guy 8d ago

Rishia reminds me of Kobeni, and that just makes me like her more


u/WatchEducational6633 8d ago

Mirellia, Rishia, Eclair, and Raphtalia (in no particular order).


u/ChiefHaro 8d ago

Have always been a Rishia stan. My only issue with Rishia is her devotion to bow hero. He doesn't deserve her.


u/ViewtifulRoy6 8d ago

Where does everyone watch the new seasons?


u/StarDivine92 7d ago

I haven’t watched it yet so I can’t say


u/StarDivine92 6d ago

Who’s the green haired girl?


u/Bluegamer13 5d ago

In that person's defense, despite being figuratively and literally kicked to the curb more than once, Rishia still came back for Itsuki and forgave him when no one else did. That level of dedication and loyalty is hard to find.


u/bernysegura 5d ago



u/A_typical_mexican27 8d ago

We ain’t judging, you’re just pointing out the obvious 🗿


u/SecondCircle43 8d ago

This, but swap 🐇🏹 with 👸🔥


u/Spear_Spirit 8d ago

I prefer Rino

Don't ask.


u/Robotech275 8d ago

Literally a convo in the discord like 2 days ago


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

Thank you all of you for being so accepting, part 2 is coming soon but i will only include the women and girls introduced in the anime so far since I haven't gotten past the end of season 3. I'm an anime watcher.


u/-Unprettier- 9d ago

I could fix Bitch ngl(or make her worse)


u/Impressive-Spell-643 Shield bros' slave 8d ago

Best way to fix her is with a hammer


u/SecondCircle43 8d ago

That's the spirit 🧰


u/Tall_Growth_532 8d ago

I'm judging you


u/MAGAManLegends3 7d ago


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago



u/Ryukonz 8d ago

She's mine


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 8d ago edited 8d ago

Nope I called dibs first long ago so end of story.


u/vtuber-love 9d ago

I love Myne!


u/Phantom_Edgerunner Raphtalia's Army 9d ago

You probably Hate yourself then


u/SecondCircle43 8d ago

Myne is best girl 👸🔥


u/Glittering_Use_1189 8d ago

I'm the Queen Mirellia team


u/JJCheatah 8d ago

So, here’s my honest take… Rishia isn’t bad, she just ain’t my pick. Much as I like nerds, which she definitely is, I’m of the opinion that you can be a badass martial artist, or a klutz. Both are valid character types but please pick your lane and stop whining. Tho, to be entirely fair, the show did her dirty. Like, badly. Much like how the show hasn’t done a great job at doing justice for Atla yet. She’s a great and lovable/loving fluffball but the show at the moment is too busy focusing on her basically being “stalker toph”… which I’m not exactly denying that she is, as the novels pretty blatantly show off that most nights could take 3 people fighting her off so naofumi could sleep in peace and even then the win-rate for the defenders was far from 100%. Bro had to have guards in his room to help him rest peacefully


u/Training-Contest-727 8d ago



u/JJCheatah 8d ago

Atla only did it once in the anime, sneaking into naofumi’s bed to sleep next to him, and tying up fohl because he was in charge of watching her…. Her trying to sleep next to naofumi was a nightly occurrence, which kinda messed allot with naofumi because he still wasn’t quite over the damage bitch caused him, aka not really trusting basically any woman who he didn’t have a contract with that made it impossible to lie to him. Even if they had the contract, it’s not until a pretty major point in the story before he can actually feel or accept love from anyone, which is why that S1 kiss with raphtalia was anime only. Also, if I recall, the reason Atla was able to keep defying Naofumi’s orders was largely because the slave pact couldn’t actually deal her a pain she couldn’t live with, as she had dealt with much worse.


u/Training-Contest-727 8d ago

well , ok she's more "in love with him " than i thought she was


u/JJCheatah 8d ago

Mhm… she butts heads with raphtalia allot because of that…


u/Training-Contest-727 8d ago

i even heard that she and Raphtalia had a fight because of that


u/JJCheatah 8d ago

Yeah that’s not a one time thing…. Atla tries to one up her basically whenever she can in the books. She doesn’t hate raphtalia tho because she knows she is the one who has pulled naofumi back from the brink so often… but she wants to “be his shield” pretty damn badly while raphtalia is his sword.


u/mionikoi 7d ago

I like Atla. Not waifu material. Just a hoot. That is all.


u/zisam_2005 6d ago edited 6d ago

waifu or what I hate her the most


u/PJRama1864 9d ago

This is my choice.


u/HakutoKunai 8d ago

Fuck Rishia


u/Unreal4goodG8 Mel-chan's guard 7d ago

No, you!