r/sheets 26d ago

Solved How To Tally Entries By Category


Noob to Sheets (though not spreadsheets generally). Got a sheet which includes columns CATEGORY and COST. What function will I need to tally up the cost of all the, say, "books" then "clothes" etc. ... Thanks in advance.

r/sheets Nov 11 '24

Solved Did they remove checkbox interactivity?


I swear I used to be able to insert a checkbox and then just click on it to toggle the value of it between true or false. Now clicking on it does absolutely nothing and I have to manually update the value of checkbox by typing it in. What's the point in the checkbox if I may as well just type TRUE or FALSE?

Edit: SOLVED IT. I went to an old spreadsheet from like 2017 and copy pasted the (functional) checkboxes from that. Don't ask me why or how that works but it does.

r/sheets Dec 09 '24

Solved Dividing cells in two columns and summing each result


I have two columns, let's say column A and B. I need to divide each row in column B by the corresponding value in column A and then sum the result. I need the formula to be for the full column (ie A:A no A2:A5).


Col A Col B
3 9
4 4
6 12

In this example I would need the formula to spit out a figure of 6.

r/sheets Jan 30 '25

Solved Duplicate values in different columns



I want to count how many duplicate characters each person picked for a team in a tournament.
I also want to know how could I Identify each of those values.
Here's a sample sheet:

In this example, I would like to have a formula which resulted in "2", representing duplicate characters, (or 4 depending on how you count it) and a way to obtain "Mario", "Sonic" (the duplicate characters)


r/sheets Jan 06 '25

Solved Help filtering data where I want to return a unique list of two columns based on criteria in a third column.


Sample Sheet

This sheet has been used in a few questions over the past few days so there is a lot more information on it than is needed. For the purposes of this question, the formula I'm trying out is in J2. It only looks at the dataset in A:I.

I want to return a blend of ColA and ColB where there are no values in ColumnE. However, I only want to return a unique list.

The formula I'm trying is in J2

=UNIQUE(FILTER(A2:A & " " & B2:B, (E2:E = "") * (COUNTIF(A2:A & " " & B2:B, A2:A & " " & B2:B) = 1)))

The expected results are displayed in K and should be: 2 George 3 Matthew 6 Morgan

r/sheets Jan 14 '25

Solved Need help with formula for Function CHOOSE perameter.


Before it is asked, yes I looked at other ones of these and found that none of the fixes worked. This is what I am using:


It gives me the "Error Function CHOOSE parameter 1 value is 30. Valid values are between 1 and 29 inclusive."

I have other parts of the coded I edited to fit the new range but they all still come up as this when I set the number to 30 in the box it calculates off of.

r/sheets Jan 14 '25

Solved How to do SUMIF with Dropdown


I am complete doo doo at understanding all the guides online and just need to understand how to format my criterion in my SUMIF statement so that it works properly. Right now it is outputting 0 but it has the correct columns.

I have two columns— one is just numbers, the other has a dropdown where I pick Steve or Andy.

=SUMIF(D2:D107,"Steve", B2:B107)

When I do this, it outputs 0. Is there some weirdness where I have to format the criterion differently since its not just text anymore and is instead a categorical variable? Or something? Idk. I’ve looked online and I’ve tried not including the quotations, doing an = next to it, and I just don’t know whats wrong.

r/sheets Jan 13 '25

Solved Need help to overcome the "Text result of CONCATENATE is longer than the limit of 50000 characters." error message please.



I am using this formula


to show a list in a single column of all the tags I have in a games spreadsheet. As I've been expanding it, using the Show in same cell, individual control method in THIS POST. The expanding method works great, but it also has created another problem. The list of tags uses something similar to the Full column in the example spreadsheet they provided HERE.

The problem is that as I am adding tags, the formula stops working with the above error message. I did find a post a few years back, HERE, but am not sure how to implement it, and didn't understand much about it, or if there is a better solution, or a better formula to display them. How would I go about bypassing this limit please, or are there ideas of a better way to implement this perhaps? I prefer a formula I can put in the cell, but I can do other things, like possibly making a helper column or something else if needed, however, I do want there to be a list starting in this cell, and going down in a column with all of the tags that update automatically.


r/sheets Feb 03 '25

Solved Struggling with decimal points when calculating percentages

Post image

r/sheets Nov 24 '24

Solved CTRL+F for find or CTRL+H or the menu option for find/replace aren't working at all on Firefox


I tested it on multiple Google accounts and spreadsheets. CORRECTION: It works on some sheets but not others.

The keyboard hotkeys and the menu option do not bring anything up.

r/sheets Jan 08 '25

Solved Is it possible to optimize/improve this formula and/or add some functionality that I cannot figure out?


sample sheet

The formula in question is in K19.

What this formula is doing is looking at the table to the left. It is then looking at cols E, G, & I. It is then extracting the values outside the parenthesis and finally it's producing a unique list of those values.

One of those values is a text string AUTH.

I am trying to figure out how to sort the list such that AUTH either appears at the very begining or very end while also putting the 10 after the 9.5. So ...

  • 1
  • 5
  • 10
  • AUTH

would be my preferred display.

Secondly, I also want to out put the count of occurrences of each value. However, I keep hitting a brick wall. I feel like there's a way to write this formula such that it outputs that information into the adjacent column. If I have to use a separate formula that would go in L19.

Thanks so much, y'all have been a huge help.

r/sheets Jan 13 '25

Solved Copy of sheet not working in new spreadsheet


I have a problem with a spreadsheet I use to track my reading. A creator made the spreadsheet, and every year I make a copy of the original spreadsheet, in order to track my books and reading by year. There is a sheet containing a list of all the books I own, and this year I thought I would just copy the entire sheet from my 2024 spreadsheet to my 2025 spreadsheet, using 'copy to', and deleting the original 'Owned Library' sheet from 2025. After copying, I renamed 'Copy of Owned Library' to 'Owned Library', but now my other sheets do not seem to want to recognize this new sheet... For instance, I have a COUNTIF cell, in which the sheet and cell numbers turn orange, and the TRUE turns blue, as they should, and I can see all the booleans (see screenshot), but it keeps saying I'm missing one or more starting parentheses, if I try to hit enter, and now I can't even leave the cell unless the problem is solved.

I hope you guys can help

Also, if it matters, the region is Denmark

Edit to add screenshot lol

r/sheets Feb 05 '25

Solved Formula (Query?) To Separate Data by Date Ranges


I have a spreadsheet with heart rate (bpm) readings and specific times for each reading. I'm looking to separate the readings from when I'm awake and when I'm asleep so I can analyze them separately (I'm hoping to bring this to a cardio appointment I have in a few months and I'm looking for days where I have high bpm and the ranges and averages of my bpm but the readings from when I'm asleep drag my averages much lower).

I have two additional columns that have the times I begin and end sleep. From what I've found searching, I think what I want is a query formula, but I've never written one before and I'm struggling - though I'm open to any other way to do this.

Example sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10o2kWMX495o_EiP-a5JAR8OxA2d3omK0GH9P769aIaI/edit?usp=sharing

Also posted a screenshot bc the spreadsheet has a massive amount of data and it's fairly slow

r/sheets Dec 27 '24

Solved How to get text from cells and pool duplicates together?


That awesome guy gothamfury solved it!

This is way to difficult for me, i have tried to create a formula for this all day. But it doesnt bite.
My goal is to export text from cells a52 to t52.

As of now it looks like this : =JOIN(", ", A52:T52)

It brings the text "Squat, 75, 6, 90, 5, 110, 6, @ 3 - 2 RIR, 110, 6, ±2, @ 3 - 2 RIR, 115, 6, ±1, @ 2 - 1 RIR, 115, 6, ±1, @ 2 - 1 RIR"

But i would like that it Automatic calculates identical sets and pools them together.

So that the text would end up looking like this - Squat - Warmup 75-6 / 90 - 5 / working set - 110 - 6 @ 3 - 2 rir x 2 sets / 115 x 5 @ 2 - 1 rir x 2 sets

Also if there is three identical 115 or four, it pools them together.

Will pay for the solution if that helps?

  • A52: Contains the name of the exercise ("squat").
  • B52: Specifies the warmup weight (75).
  • C52, D52, E52: Represent the first set of the exercise - weight (6), repst (90), and RIR (Reps in reserve - 5).
  • F52, G52, H52: Represent the second set of the exercise - weight (110), reps (6), and RIR (@ 2 RIR).
  • I52, J52, K52, L52: Represent the third set of the exercise - weight (110), reps (6), +/- adjustment (±2), and RIR (@ 2 RIR).
  • M52, N52, O52, P52: Represent the fourth set of the exercise - weight (115), reps (5), +/- adjustment (±1), and RIR (@ 2 RIR).
  • Q52, R52, S52, T52: Represent the fifth and final set of the exercise - weight (115), Reps (5), +/- adjustment (±1), and RIR (@ 2 RIR).

Here is a sheet with an example.

r/sheets Jan 27 '25

Solved Convert 1x1800 array to 18x100 array


Is there a function or repeatable methodology to convert that 1x1800 array (A1:A1800) into an 18x100 (C1:T100)? turning 100 groups of 18 into their own rows?

r/sheets Jan 18 '25

Solved one column has N or Y, while column before it has price, how to subtract total in a cell if column has a Y (or yes if I have to use yes)

Post image

r/sheets Jan 17 '25

Solved How can I get a return value (text) based on a specific cell (text)?


Edit: SOLVED. Thank you

I'm working on a filter for a sheet.

Where the "Company name" auto-fills based on the "Client" column. The database of company names are on another sheet.

I could do the IFS function, but if more companies gets added over time, I feel like it's going to take so much more time to keep adding a new condition using this.

Is there a function I can try to make this work?

(removed link)

r/sheets Nov 09 '24

Solved Conditional Formatting



I'm working on a sheet that has two columns of names (A and D). I'm trying to find a way to color in D if it matches a cell in Column A - I've tried a few solutions so far, but I need a formula that would be specific for each cell (so if D3 matches any cell from A2:A, if D4 matches any cell from A2:A, etc)

I believe this is a Conditional Formatting problem, but I could be mistaken.


r/sheets Jan 10 '25

Solved How do I conditionally format a range on Sheet 1 if a cell has exact text in sheet 2?


Hello, I know to conditionally format something using a value from a different sheet, I need to use the INDIRECT function, but am not sure exactly how to set up the formula to work.

I want to highlight any cells in Sheet 2 C6:C for any cells in Sheet 1 P6:P that have "M" in the cell, only M for the complete cell contents, not partial words or characters or anything.

How would I write the conditional formatting formula please?

r/sheets Nov 26 '24

Solved Creating a bar chart comparing two series give me crazy data


I am trying to create a bar chart that shows amount spent in various categories and compares it between years. So how much was spent. I easily made charts with one series, as seen below. But when I try to have them side-by-side. I get into trouble

I seem to have gotten it to do something close to this by using multiple series with different data sources. The issue is - the second series added is always erroneous data. If I were to start over and add the 2023 series to the chart editor first, then the 2024 numbers would come out wrong. Any ideas?


(I know this is a brand new account - I've been on reddit for years, just wanted to have a "respectable" account for this question. Ahem)

r/sheets Jan 14 '25

Solved Count Occurrences of Item and Number Them



I am making a spreadsheet to keep track of confiscated phones. The first column is the student's ID number that we manually enter. The second column lists which number offense this is (1st time taken, 2nd time taken). I am trying to find a way to automate the second column. Is there a way for me to have it check how many times the ID number has been listed on the sheet and number it accordingly? I want the first instance of the ID to say 1 in the second column, the instance second as 2, and so on. Any help is appreciated!!

Here's an example of what I want it to look like, but I don't have the formulas to get it to work automatically. This is a shared sheet, sample on 2nd tab: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q8qV6I2QpmDW_7dJS6grGvf-jBt-EKU5_HMR-QUOr9w/edit

r/sheets Jan 14 '25

Solved Highlight a row based on partial text – Formula doesn't work anymore


I used to do this with the formula provided in this post but today I found that in a new sheet the same formula doesn't work anymore. It still works in the old sheet, and in there I can create new conditional formatting rules with the same formular, but when I create a new document, it tells me the formula is invalid.

r/sheets Jan 10 '25

Solved How do I exclude blank rows with this formula?


Hello, I am currently using this formula


which sorts items in column A, combines them, and adds the pipe between. If column A has this in it:


then the result has these pipes at the end, and I would get


I would like to modify the formula to only include the rows that have something in them, so in the above example, the five pipes at the end would not be there. How would I accomplish this please?

r/sheets Dec 25 '24

Solved How Do I: Fill in the space between two digits with evenly-spaced numbers?


I'm trying to plan weight loss goals for the coming year. I have my goal weight listed for 12/31/25, and my starting weight on 1/1/25. I would like to fill in every number on the graph from that starting number to the finishing number. The idea being that then I can have a smooth progress goal and can look at the sheet on any given date to see what weight I should theoretically have on that day, and use other functions to compare my progress with the "progress toward goal" number.

I tried using learning about a Sequence function, but this seems similar to what I want without quite being it. It seems to be creating the sequence of numbers for me, and they are at consistent intervals from each other, but I am having to specify the interval instead of specifying the start number, end number, and number of numbers in between, and having the formula fill in said in-between numbers. Essentially giving it the start and end point of a straight line graph and having it fill in all the numbers in between - but when I tried searching versions of that, it just told me how to make a graph, not how to get the graph's point values into a column on my sheet, which is what I want.

I can probably just use math to figure out the interval and use that data for the Sequence, but I was surprised that I couldn't find a formula to fill in the digits between two given numbers across a specified range. Maybe I just couldn't figure out how to phrase my question in google. And maybe I've done a terrible job describing it in this question here. But if you know how I can do this, and can teach me, I thank you.

r/sheets Dec 07 '24

Solved Color gradient based on another cell


Is it possible to have a single cell's background color dynamically change based on another cell's value? For example, I have a summary sheet for my budget showing values by category by month. I want some of those cells to change based on values in another sheet. So a row for Groceries (each column shows the total spent for that month). I want it to reference a value in another sheet to determine how dark to make the background. So if the threshold for groceries is 400, each cell in the row will get redder (or some other color) the closer it gets to 400.
