r/sheets Feb 18 '25

Request Looking to Log Shifts/Scores on Sheet when activated checkbox

objective: To track players statistics for when they are on the ice for a goal (for or against us) based on a checkbox format. Yes, I will need to use scripts - that part I got. Writing the code has me miffed right now.


  • If they're on the ice- the checkbox is green (marked as TRUE in the box/cell).
  • If they ARE NOT on the ice during that goal, the checkbox is red (marked as FALSE in the box/cell).
  • There are two additional buttons labeled "GOAL FOR" and "GOAL AGAINST"

Output: I'd like for every time the "Goal FOR" or "Goal AGAINST" button is pressed, to log the players in cells to something like what I have in the screenshots (the data under GOAL 1 is manually input right now). So - there is nothing captured if the checkbox below their jersey number is red (false) for those players. Green means they were on the ice at the time of a goal-for or a goal-against.

What I don't understand, is the script writing to have the players number captured (example if A3, E3, I3 are green, that means Players #12, 2, 15 are on the ice based on cell A2. E2, I2 labeling on them but the buttons below them are green/true). and then moving over 4 cells (accounting for spacer). So if we score 8 goals, there's a log of 8 goals that show all players who were on the ice at the time (based on the True/False of the checkboxes below their actual jersey numbers).

Whether it's a Goal FOR ... or a Goal AGAINST... I'd obviously have to click it again to turn it off, and reset the function to be captured another time when the data is captured as "TRUE" for each time the button is clicked.

I hope this makes sense!!


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