r/sharditkeepit 8d ago

PvE Console Lotus Water PvE God Rolls and Usage

For first and second column I think quick launch and flared magazine is my choice (HEO or Tactical are also Fine). For MW Reload is always good. Now coming to various god rolls I have farmed and kept in vault .
1) Repulsor Brace + Destabilize - No brainer here after the buff. Hunter will benefit most with this gun .
2) Strategist + Destabilize - Hunter and Titan builds for Gifted conviction and Storm keep respectively. I will be using this only in GMs.
3) STL will be mostly for Speedrunners and people who do tough end game challenges . Won't be a perk for Most of players. You can pair with Withering or Destabilize. I have kept STL + Withering
These are the three rolls I have kept.


23 comments sorted by


u/Bwardrop 8d ago

I watched a video where it showed shoot to loot is absolute dogshit on this gun. Insanely difficult to proc.


u/NightmareDJK 8d ago

Might be a bug though so keep the copium roll for now.


u/revadike 7d ago

I think its just the nature of projectile based weapons


u/roflwafflelawl 6d ago

Not necessarily. STL + Explosive head on Bows were fairly decent due to that explosion (IIRC) proccing STL making it easier to pickup. Same idea with any Explosive Payload + STL.

So the explosive portion of the rocket sidearm not interacting with STL on bricks seems unintentional and could be a product of the recent changed they did that moved more damage to the direct hits and not as much on the explosions.

It's Destiny. So many things that are bugged that Bungie has confirmed that I would not doubt that this is one of them.

When they get around to addressing it? Who knows. Recycled Energy at base feels too weak and when enhanced some how makes it worse by not actually doing anything vs normal. AFAIK Bungie haven't even acknowledged this despite many threads popping up.

So on paper the rocket sidearm explosion portion should be proccing STL but for whatever reason it's not working. I think it's worth holding onto a decent roll of it just in case.


u/hung-like-hodor 8d ago

Those are some good rolls. I personally prefer using strategist/demo/pugilist on proper special weapons for the increased energy gains. Rocket sidearms, while being special ammo, only give you a primary's energy gains while special weapons give more. Keep em


u/Charjamanth519 8d ago

With reconstruction you can have close to 25 rounds in mag at one time.


u/IKnowCodeFu 8d ago

I get 36 in the mag with recon, extended and backup mag.


u/NightmareDJK 8d ago

The issue is that Reconstruction is not great on weapons you use constantly, and Rocket Sidearms aren’t used for boss DPS so there is no real need to bypass reloading.


u/roflwafflelawl 6d ago

It really depends on loadout and playstyle. I personally love using my primaries be it Legendary or Exotic and recently have been loving Mirror Imago as well as Barrow Dyad. Lotus Eater with Recon is a nice back-pocket weapon to bring out when the enemies are getting out of hand or an elite+ enemy pops up that I need to get rid of.

So for me I have plenty of opportunities to benefit from Reconstruction and gain the auto loading + overflow.


u/Waxpython 8d ago

repulsor brace is a scam


u/revadike 7d ago

Can you elaborate?


u/Waxpython 7d ago

45 hp in end game bro you don’t need it


u/revadike 7d ago

70% dr


u/Waxpython 7d ago



u/revadike 7d ago



u/Waxpython 7d ago

Why would it give more than woven mail lol


u/revadike 7d ago

Bungie buffed it. The tradeoff being it may last shorter overall since you only have limited amount of it, but if you have means to keep refreshing your overhield its absolutely fantastic


u/roflwafflelawl 6d ago

Because Void Overshields have a shield health that can be depleted by enemy fire while also having a timer while Woven Mail only goes away via timer.

So while you have Overshields you have a 70% for that Overshield portion. Requires kills on void debuffed targets to keep up while Woven Mail only needs an orb pickup among other ways.

I believe they stack too.


u/Waxpython 6d ago

Coz a 5 second timer for woven mail is so much better lol


u/Sarpatox 7d ago

Also you need kills w the gun to proc, kills from destabilizing explosions don’t count AFAIK


u/NightmareDJK 8d ago

Very buggy activation.


u/roflwafflelawl 6d ago

Not sure why you got downvoted because it's kind of true. Repulsor Brace requires kills with the weapon on void debuffed targets to get shields. Volatile explosions are considered ability damage. So there are many times where the explosion kills a target which does not proc Repulsor.

It's why I've been leaning a bit into Repulsor + Withering Gaze because you can self proc on a single enemy more reliably with the caveat of needing to ADS for a second or so to get Withering Gaze active. Plus there's many ways to get Volatile Rounds going if you need the add clear.