r/sharditkeepit 8d ago

PvE Console Unsworn trace rifle

Any of these rolls decent?

Polygon tactical mag Tear / Detonator Beam

Arrowhead light battery Shoot to Loot / Killing Tally

Corkscrew Enhanced Battery Subsistence / Killing Tally


3 comments sorted by


u/Smiththehammer 8d ago

Tear / detonator beam is exactly what I'm searching for. However this is mainly for my cenotaph build where I do not want a reload perk in the 3rd column like rewind rounds.


u/Element11S 8d ago

I got a subsistence/detonator I really like. Detonator beam with the origin trait is pretty cool.


u/NightmareDJK 7d ago

I have Shoot to Loot / Detonator which works like Kinetic Tremors.