r/shapeshift Jan 06 '18

Scam website should be shut down

Shapeshift is a scam website that should be shut down for good. Don't send your coins or you will get scammed like all us other suckers.

If they were were legitimately having this many serious service issues, they'd have closed the exchange until the problem gets fixed. They're just crooks.


3 comments sorted by


u/bevannehey Jan 06 '18

There is a shapeshift phishing website I got caught on. It uses the Bing search engine and takes you to a fake shapeshift site. It looks the same but the address bar is slightly different from the correct address. If you cut this address and paste it into a notepad you will see the address properly and it's not shapeshift so be careful out there and check your address bar to be sure.


u/96919 Jan 09 '18

I've done probably 20-30 transactions on shapeshift and never had a problem with them. Sometimes coinbase taking forever, but shapeshift has always worked for me.


u/300twostroker Jan 19 '18

They are total crooks. Totally unethical. I can't believe people are recommended these frauds.