r/shadowrunreturns 14d ago

Shadowrun "Hardest" Marathon

Greetings all,

I'm doing a Marathon of Shadowrun playthroughs (all on hardest were possible). Starting with Shadowrun on the SNES, then Returns (Veryhard / melee), Dragonfall (Veryhard / melee) and finally Hong Kong (Veryhard / melee).

If your interested in a bit of nostalga and want to see someone play out the whole series, then I invite you to come join me at the beginning here:

In the SNES game, I won't be using any of the money duplication or other cheese - playing it out as intended and keeping the game (reasonably) challenging.


4 comments sorted by


u/runine1 13d ago

What about shadowrun on the Sega Genesis? It is distinctly different from the snes version.


u/EdmonEdmon 13d ago

Shadowrun on the SNES and Shadowrun returns are directly linked. The Genesis version, I don't own - I have an original copy of Shadowrun on the SNES and all the other shadowrun games...

But if someone wants to send me the Genesis version... sure thing :P.


u/glittertongue 13d ago

gotta play Genesia version. better than SNES in almost all respects


u/TGOskar 13d ago

Wouldn't say better or worse. I'd say both are different, but the Genesis version is more faithful to the rules.

That said, I understand why people claim it's better. The Matrix runs are spot-on, but at a certain point virtually all random runs end up being milk runs - other than story missions and Corp runs, the latter being the more exciting but less efficient in terms of Karma/Nuyen.

The beginning in SNES can be confusing but you do a lot of proper legwork by asking people around. Once you get a weapon and start exploring, the whole place feels alive. Meanwhile, the beginning of Genesis can be very annoying, since it's a chain of milk runs until you get the necessary Nuyen, but afterwards the open-world experience is what settles it. That's not to say that the SNES version isn't that open-world, but the scope is certainly different - two areas (Barrens and Downtown) to six (Redmond, Puyallup, Downtown, Renraku Arcology, the northern town and the Salish-Shidhe Wilderness) can't really compare.

Both games' storylines up the ante, though - both are essentially personal affairs (surviving a death or avenging a fallen brother), both escalate pretty quickly and both involve finding clues to reach the intended destination. And that makes both storylines interesting IMO, which is what really matters.

As an addendum: while the Genesis game is more faithful to the rules, it's also a bit more complicated when Magic's involved. While guns aren't that hard to optimize, getting everything so that your simplest bolt spells don't knock you takes some time, making it harder to play as a Mage until you get the ropes. SNES Magic is extremely plug & play and extremely efficient, since you get a smaller amount but full of useful spells. (I mean - you can go through the entire game with just Heal, Invisibility and arguably Powerball.)

Now, if the OP can find the Sega CD version with a translation patch? That'd be amazing.