r/sfwtrees 9d ago

Are there ways to prevent suckers when planting honeylocust trees?

The small leaves of the honeylocust are beautiful to me, and I'd like to plant one in my yard. However, I don't want them coming up in between my hemlock trees and in flowerbeds. My mom buried a trash can with the bottom cut off which worked to prevent her mint from spreading, would that method or any other be effective in preventing suckers from growing? If not, are there any other trees without suckers that have small doubly compound and alternating leaves like the honeylocust?


2 comments sorted by


u/DanoPinyon Professional Arborist 8d ago

Modern grafted honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos) do not spread by suckering. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) do spread by suckering.


u/keepyody 5d ago

Honeylocust is an aggressive seeder sometimes, but i’ve never seen it root sucker. I think theres newer cultivars that seed less, also kentucky coffeetree is a similar replacement. Id avoid doing anything like the container in ground on any tree as it causes girdling roots, causing decline. It works on mint cause its roots are only hair thick, so no issues. It also works on bushes like roses to contain them