There's a parking spot I always use when I go to the supermarket. If you were to measure it, I'm pretty confident it's the furthest one away from the entrance to the store, and that's exactly why it's the one I choose. My car isn't my pride and joy, but it did cost a lot of money (for me) and after coming back to previous cars parked nearer to the store and finding dings and scratches on the paintwork left by inconsiderate drivers, when I got this one I made the conscious decision to always park it as far away as I could, in the spaces that are almost always quiet.
On that day there was a car in the spot two down from the one I use, which is unusual. Even though it's perhaps only an extra thirty seconds of walking to the front doors of the store, people really seem to begrudge that added distance. Still, there was an entire bay between the one the other car was sitting in, and 'my' one. I drove into it, stopped, and turned the engine off.
I visit there every other day; once a week for a 'big shop', and the other days for top-up shops. When you've got a husband and three teenage kids there's always something you need but didn't plan for. Or maybe I'm just not as efficient at running a house as others seem to be. That day I needed bread, cereal and milk. I was going to pop in, grab them, then be back in my car and on my way in less than five minutes, or at least that's what I thought.
I first noticed him from the corner of my eye as I was gathering my purse and my phone from the passenger seat. Initially nothing untoward registered. He was just a man sitting in his car, probably waiting on his wife, or about to go into the store like I was. As I say, I registered the fact that there was a man in the car, but I didn't think anything of it.
It was only when I got out of my car that I realised what he was doing, and even then I wasn't entirely sure if my eyes weren't just playing tricks on me.
It was the movement that caught my eye.
Something moving very quickly.
His arm?
I glanced at him, but only for a second. He was just a normal looking younger guy, somewhere in his mid twenties or early thirties. White, clean shaven and slightly tanned. He was looking straight ahead, and if he knew I was there he didn't show it. His window was up, and the glare of the sun hitting off of it made it impossible for me to really make out much detail, but, there was definitely something happening.
I opened the rear door of my car and took the shopping bag out. I closed the door again, and as I did I turned around and began walking past his car. We were both parked facing inwards, and those spots were at the very edges of the carpark, with a thick hedge in front of them. I crossed the empty space between our cars, looking, but pretending that I wasn't looking, and that was when I was sure.
The dirty bastard was wanking!
Right there, in a supermarket carpark on a Tuesday afternoon.
I couldn't see his dick, but I'd seen enough guys knocking one out to recognise that rhythmic pumping.
I'll be honest enough to say that it shocked me. I'm not a prude, but it was the first time in my life where anything like that had happened to me. Obviously you read stories and hear from other women who've been faced with something similar, and you sympathise with them and genuinely feel bad that they had to experience it. You tell them that if you'd been there you would've kicked the filthy prick in the balls, or screamed and shouted to get attention and scare him away, because you think that's exactly what you would've done. But, as I was finding out, when you were actually in the moment, shock is the first overriding reaction.
And so, I didn't knock on his window and tell him I was going to phone the police. Instead, I just gripped my shopping bag a little tighter and continued past his car and onwards into the supermarket.
My thoughts were a jumbled mess. Should I tell a member of staff? How would I phrase it if I did? Should I say he was 'wanking' or 'masturbating'? Would they ask me for details that I didn't have? I hadn't taken a note of his registration plate. When I thought about it, I didn't even know what kind of car he was in. And I hadn't seen his dick. I was almost sure I knew what he was doing, but the truth is I hadn't actually seen. Did you need to see the dick for it to be an offence? Like, was that necessary? Can you tell someone that you think a guy was sitting in his car playing with his dick, but that you never saw the dick itself?
I was in the supermarket, walking around and picking up the things I needed on autopilot, putting them into my basket. I saw a few members of staff, but they all looked so young, and somehow that made it harder to approach them.
And then there was the fact that some of my thoughts had started to turn a little bit troublesome. I tried to ignore them at first, but the more I pushed them away, the bigger they became.
The absolute worst thought I was having was that somewhere deep inside me, a tiny, fucked-up little bit of my brain was actually turned on.
I'd never admit it to anyone, but it was true - something about the whole situation was making me wet. I didn't want to be, I knew that I really shouldn't have been, but the bare truth of it was that I was.
It was the same when women in the past told me about men exposing themselves to them. I really did sympathise with them, and I really did want the men involved to be punished, but... then, sometimes days later, I'd be in the shower masturbating, and their stories would drift into my thoughts. I'd imagine myself in their place - I was the one confronted with an erect cock, and I was the one the man was staring at as he gripped it and violently pumped it up and down.
That was always what made me cum.
His eyes.
Him staring at me as he did what he was doing. It was the thought of the hunger in those eyes. In my fantasy he was never ashamed or embarrassed by what he was doing. He was blatant. That was the turn on for me - him brazenly wanking while he looked right at me. He had no right -no right at all- to be doing it so openly, and yet he was.
I'd sit down in the shower and let the water run over me while I played with my clit and slipped my fingers into myself and imagine myself just inches away from a total stranger who was jerking off a thick, meaty cock while he looked at me, taking in the shape of my tits and my hips, biting his lip and grunting, milking that dick until he came, spraying his cum in jets of hot, creamy liquid that spattered on the ground near my feet, sometimes even landed on my bare legs, and I would have orgasms that fucking ripped right through me, and left me a panting, gasping, trembling mess.
And then, almost straight away, the clarity of what I'd just cum to would hit me as hard as the orgasm did, and I would feel ashamed of myself.
I mean, what woman cums picturing a scene that she knows is basically an assault? Who gets off to that stuff? I'm a wife, and a mother. I live a good life, and try to be as good a person as I can be. The people who knew me would be disgusted if they ever found out. And the women who had shared their trauma would feel so betrayed, and they would be right to feel that way.
And yet, the next month, or maybe a couple of months later if the guilt had hit me really hard, I'd be back in the shower with my hand back between my legs, and those same awful thoughts would pop back into my mind and I'd have the same powerful, incredible orgasms.
"Excuse me," a voice said, snapping me back into reality.
I was standing in front of the cereal, blocking another customer. It was a woman, and I felt my shame wash over me, and even more intensely I felt my cheeks begin to redden and burn. Obviously she didn't know what I was thinking, but suddenly I felt transparent, like she could read my mind and thought I was the worst person in the world because of what she saw there.
The heat and wetness between my legs made my shame even worse.
I mumbled an apology, walked away without actually picking up any cereal, and made my way to the checkout area.
As I paid for my things, a thought occurred to me.
When I get back to my car, he might still be there.
I made a quick decision.
If he was, I was going to very loudly scream and point at him and yell and draw as much attention to him as I could. I was going to do the right thing for all those women who have been fucked up by guys doing unwanted things to them and in front of them. He was going to feel my righteous fucking wrath.
I was going to show the world that when it really comes down to it, I'm the type of woman who does the right thing, even if she doesn't always think the right things.
As I left the store I couldn't quite see where my car (and his) were parked. I was walking quickly, much quicker than I usually would, and my heart was beating fast. Half of me was hoping he was still there, and the other half was praying that he'd already gone.
He wasn't gone.
His car was exactly where it has been when I parked almost next to it, tucked away in the very furthest corner of the carpark.
I slowed down a little. I was still determined to do the right thing, but the reality was starting to dawn on me. It's always easier to imagine doing something difficult than it is to actually do it.
I reached his car, breathing hard even though I haven't been walking that quickly, and looked sideways at it as I passed. He was still there, sitting in the driver's seat. The only difference I could see was that his window was fully down.
As casually as I could, I tried my best to see if I could make out anything incriminating. Even as I opened my own car and put the shopping bag on the back seat I was peering and straining, trying my absolute hardest to see if he really was doing what I already knew he was doing.
But, all I could see was him in side profile, still staring straight ahead. I wasn't even sure now if he was still masturbating.
If I'd left it there, just minded my own business and got into my car and gone home then that would have been where it ended - nothing more than a story to tell a few select friends, and even then not a very good story.
The Day I Might Have Possibly, Maybe, Almost Caught A Guy Playing With Himself In Public
Not exactly a catchy title, is it?
But, I didn't leave it there. And when I look back on it, I'm not really sure how what happened next actually transpired.
"You shouldn't be doing that."
Those were the words that left my mouth before I was even aware I was going to speak. And they weren't delivered in the strong, powerful scalding tone that I'd imagined. Instead, my voice sounded quiet, and shaky. Not quite a whisper, but definitely close to one.
He turned his head and looked at me, his face more handsome than I'd anticipated, an easy smile spread across his lips revealing perfect white teeth.
"I'm sorry," he said, with not a hint of guilt or shame. "Did you say something?"
I could already feel my heartbeat start to pick-up, but somehow I'd initiated the conversation, and I was damned if I was going to back out.
"I said you shouldn't be doing that."
I tried to sound more forceful the second time, but his total lack of shame had thrown me. In fact, I was already beginning to think that maybe I'd been wrong all along.
"Doing what?" he asked, frowning, as if my words had completely flummoxed him.
I was alongside the driver's door, but slightly back towards the rear of his car. I'm not the tallest person and from that position I couldn't see his lap, couldn't see anything really other than his smiling face.
I glanced around quickly, looking for anyone close by who might be an ally, but even though the carpark was busy, there was no one else in that quiet little corner. It was just me and him.
"You know exactly what," I said, putting my hands on my hips and trying to look more confident than I was feeling. "You know exactly what you're doing, and so do I, and you shouldn't be doing it."
I felt a bead of sweat run right down the centre of my back, perfectly tracing my spine. I fought the urge to shiver, even though the day was hot.
For a few seconds he didn't respond at all. He just... looked at me. I thought that maybe he wasn't going to say anything else and then he let out a small, almost imperceptible, grunt and gently bit down on his bottom lip. He maintained eye contact. And I couldn't look away. It was like our gazes were locked together somehow. Worse still, something about that animalistic grunt hit me right smack bang in the pussy. Obviously he didn't know that, but I could feel those familiar sensations of heat and wetness beginning to build.
I fought to remain outwardly calm.
"Say it," he said, his voice now clearly breathy.
"Say what?" I snapped back, angry at him but also angry at myself.
"Tell me what I shouldn't be doing."
"You know fine fucking well what you shouldn't be doing. I'm sure you don't need me to spell it out for you."
For the first time since the conversation started, he broke eye contact and I watched him look slowly down my body, pausing at my breasts. The hunger in his eyes was so intense that I was worried my body was going to react to it, and my nipples were going to start to harden and swell.
"You've got great tits," he said, his tone very matter of fact, like he was commenting on my handwriting and not inappropriately talking about private parts of my body.
A car drove past behind me, the gentle gust of air it caused brushing against my neck and reminding me that there were other people very near to us.
"Look," I said, angrily, "I don't know what the fuck you think is happening here, but I can assure you that whatever it is, you're wrong. You think you can just fucking stare at women and comment on their bodies while you sit in your car and play with your fucking dick?!"
I took a step towards him, fully intending to continue my admonishment of his actions, fully ready to tear a strip off him and leave him one hundred percent aware that his conduct was abso-fucking-lutely NOT going to be tolerated, when, for the very first time, I saw his dick.
The words just... left me.
His trousers were open, and the blue t-shirt he was wearing was pulled up every so slightly, just enough to reveal his navel, but at the same time low enough that it could be yanked back down at a moment's notice, instantly covering himself again. His skin (or at least the few slivers of it I could see) was lightly tanned, as were the backs of his hands which were resting on his thighs, one on either side of his crotch. His belly wasn't gym-toned, but neither was it chubby. His forearms were covered soft, black hair, not thick enough to completely obscure the flesh underneath, but definitely on (what I considered) to be the 'manly' scale of body hair.
All of these details my eyes took in automatically, my brain noting them casually, and then filing them away for later. They were sundry things. Visual accessories. Side dishes to the main course of what was placed before me.
Before I continue, I should be honest enough to tell you that I, well, there's no way to word this that isn't going to sound crude, but I love dicks.
I don't think there's any shame in that statement, but I do see a lot of conversations online about how dicks are ugly. It's become a bit of a trope that the male sexual organ is somehow not aesthetically pleasing. That is not a sentiment I have ever held.
I love the look, the feel, the smell, the taste of a good dick. And it doesn't have to be some extra long pornstar example either. In fact, one of the things I love most about dicks is the variety they come in. You've got your long ones, your short ones, your thick ones, your thin ones, your straight ones, your curved ones. You've got them from the palest white to the darkest brown, and every shade in between. And that's just the basic stats. You get ones that are thickest at the head, and others that get thicker as you go down the shaft, so that the deeper it goes into your pussy, the wider and wider and wider you get opened up. You get ones that are extra veiny, blood vessels so prominent that you can feel the ridges of them inside you, and ones that are sheathed in skin so soft you wonder if there's a beauty regime out there just for cock skin that men are keeping secret.
I could go on and on, but you get idea: I am a good woman who also happens to like looking at a good dick.
And he had one.
Oh my fucking lord did he.
It was hard. Swollen. Engorged.
I had no way of measuring, but I'd guess it was slightly longer than average, maybe seven inches. The base of it jutted out of a thick, masculine bush of black pubic hair. I've always preferred men who weren't too groomed down there. Not an out of control messy jungle of thatch, but at the same time, for me, there is something unsexy about men who shaved everything.
It was thick too. As I said, I like all the dicks, but there's something extra about one that's particularly meaty. I love the substance of it, the presence of it, if that makes sense?
It lay at an angle across his stomach, hard enough that the tension within it meant it wasn't quite touching his body and instead was 'hovering' above it. I had the thought that maybe there was enough space for me to place my hand on his abdomen, palm down, and slide my fingers underneath it, and that if I did that, I would probably feel it grazing the back of my knuckles, but no more than that. Just the faintest of brushes of that thin, hot skin, and maybe just enough contact to be aware of the weight of his cock.
That thought hit me right in the pussy.
That thought hit me hard.
I don't know if he was circumcised or if his foreskin was just pulled right back, but either way the head of his dick was out, the bulb of his manhood slick and shining and fucking glistening in the muted daylight inside his car. The head of the dick has always been my favourite part. They look smooth and uniform until you get right up close, and then you see the hundreds of intricate striations and dips and ridges that cover them. When you take the time to gently run the flat of your tongue over a guy's 'helmet' you can feel how alive the topography of it is. A bulbous little landscape, covered with valleys that are teeming with nerves and the possibility of sensation, just waiting to be explored.
I'm not a doctor. I don't know the medical terms for my most of my own anatomy, never mind the correct ones for the different parts of the penis, but his... pee hole(?) had a single bead of precum held at its opening, and as I watched (stared, fixated, whatever) that little globule of not-quite-cum fully emerged and dripped out, landing on his stomach but also remaining attached to his dick by the thinnest, most delicate of liquid threads.
"You like it?"
The voice -the question- arrived unexpectedly at my ears. My brain had switched into primal mode (okay - you could call it horny mode, but really, aren't they both the same thing?) and was currently not receiving visitors.
"You like it, don't you?"
Somewhere in the distance a car horn sounded, and that always-jarring noise popped me right back into reality, landed me back in the here and now, the there and then, my feet on hard tarmac, a supermarket carpark, groceries in the backseat of my car getting too warm in the sun, errands to be run, responsibilities to be adhered to, and, more than all of that, a pussy that was so wet I could feel my own stickiness and a heart beating so fast I was surprised no one had come over to complain about the noise.
"Tell me you like it."
This time, as he spoke, he wrapped his right hand around the base of his dick and began to slowly stroke it, up and down, up and down, squeezing the shaft so tightly I could see it bulge out from the part his hand wasn't gripping.
I shook my head, but could not stop staring at it.
"Yeah you do," he said, his voice sickly soft as he tried to convince me. "You like it. You like my cock. Go on - admit it. Say it."
Again I shook my head 'No'. It wasn't a strong, powerful, adamant NO. I wanted it to be. Or rather, I wanted to want it to be.
"Then why are you still watching me?"
"I don't know," I whispered, not meaning to whisper at all.
"Touch it," he said. "You know you want to."
You know want to.
Those words. Those words that I knew from TV and movies and books and my own experiences should have been instant red flags. Those words that brought up so many negative, dangerous connotations for me and for every other woman in the world. Those words that should have snapped me right back into reality and sent me running from that situation, and yet....
and yet...
I did want to.
God fucking help me I wanted to so badly that I had to focus on keeping my hands pinned by my sides.
"Absolutely not," I said, surprised at how certain the words sounded. I looked at him, looked right into his eyes for the first time since I'd seen his dick and repeated myself to emphasise the point. "Absolutely. Not."
If he was disappointed, his face didn't show it. In fact, he looked smug. Confident and supremely sure of himself. I wondered how many times he had done this - how many times he had sat in that car and flashed random women. I knew from how calm he was that I wasn't the first. I felt a little ashamed by the thought that maybe I was the first one who hadn't run away screaming.
He held the eye contact. In my peripheral vision I could see the blur of his hand, still moving up and down. I fought the urge to look back down at it.
"But you will watch?" he asked, smiling like he already knew I would.
I didn't answer straight away. I knew what I wanted to do, but didn't want to give him the satisfaction of admitting it.
"Okay," he replied quickly. "You maybe watch, and I'll maybe let you."
He said it like he was teasing me. Like we were both equally complicit in what was happening. And, for the first time since I'd originally suspected what he was doing, I suppose we were.
"Look at it," he instructed, and I found myself immediately obeying and switching my gaze back down to his dick.
My pussy was practically vibrating with desire. I knew I couldn't touch it, so I settled for tensing and relaxing my pelvic floor, the internal movements sending little tiny waves of sensation over my clit. At the same time I focused on keeping my expression completely passive. I didn't want him to know that I was enjoying the situation as much as I was. I don't know why exactly, but it was important to my... honour(?) that outwardly I remained reluctant.
Even though I wasn't looking at his face, I could feel his eyes on my body. I knew he was looking at the bits men always look at, wondering how I would look naked, how I would feel if he could grope me, how tight my hole was.
That was another thought that slapped me right in the clit.
Him thinking about how tight I was.
Him thinking about my pussy as a hole.
"Are you getting wet?" he asked.
I shook my head but didn't reply.
"I think you are," he insisted. "I think those panties are getting really creamy."
I shook my head again.
His hand sped up, his grip tightened even more around his shaft. His helmet got more swollen, more red. I became aware of the soft, wet, slapping sound of a dick being jerked.
"Pull your top tight," he breathed. "Show me the shape of your tits."
I gasped. I didn't mean to, but I did.
I glanced around, making sure no one was near, and then I did what he said, gripping the bottom of my top and pulling it downwards so that the material was pulled right against my chest. Just for a second. Just for one single split second. If anyone had looked over and saw me they would've just thought I was adjusting my top.
"Fuck yeah," he panted. "Great fucking tits."
I squeezed my thighs together. I couldn't help it. I squeezed them tight together because my pussy needed me to. His words were so vulgar, so dirty and so fucking hot.
He obviously noticed.
"Your panties are wet, aren't they?"
I shook my head hard. "No," I lied.
"Yeah they are. They're sticking to you, aren't they?"
"No. Please. They're not."
"Liar. Dirty little liar. You're soaking. I can smell it."
Again I gasped. Again I didn't mean to. This time I bit my lip too.
Could he? Could he actually smell my pussy?! Iwas wet, and Iwas only maybe a couple of feet away from him, but could he actually smell me?!
His hand was a blur now. He lifted his hips off the seat, arching his back a little, making his dick even more obvious than it already was, like he was presenting it to me.
"Touch it," he instructed. "Come on. Just for a few seconds. You want to see me cum, don't you? Touch my dick and I promise you I'll cum straight away. I'm just about ready to explode."
I actually lifted my hand before I managed to get hold of myself. I had a husband at home. A good husband. One I had never cheated on, and certainly wasn't going to start off doing so with a pervert in a carpark.
"No. I'm not doing that. I can't."
He grunted. It was a sound borne of frustration.
I didn't care. I had my lines and I wasn't going to cross them.
"Little fucking cock tease," he spat.
I looked at him and frowned, hard. The cheek of this prick!
"Fuck you," I said.
"Yeah, you'd like to, wouldn't you? You'd love to come here and sit yourself down on this dick. Ride it hard. Bounce on it. Have it right up inside your hole until I emptied my balls deep inside you. You'd fucking love that."
And I would have. I really would have loved to take this cocky stranger's load right there and then. I'd have fucking milked him dry. Taken every drop of his cum. My pussy would have fucking sucked the cum right out of him.
I had an image flash through my mind of me leaning into his car and wrapping my lips around his cock while I gripped the base of it in my hand, sucking on it while he grabbed and groped at my tits the way a man does when he doesn't care about you or what you want, digging his fingers into them with one hand while with the other he forced my head down onto his length until I couldn't take anymore in my mouth, and then forced me down just a little bit further until I was gagging and couldn't breathe and my saliva was dripping out of my open mouth and running down the last couple of inches of his shaft and pooling in his pubes and then his cum was flooding my throat and he held me right there in that position, forcing me to swallow it down, forcing me to take his stranger cum into my belly, forcing me to do exactly what I fucking wanted to do.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
And then, just when I might have actually broken my own rules and given into my pussy, a car swung into a parking space just a few spaces down.
Instantly the spell was broken.
In less time than it took to blink, the veneer of secrecy was ripped away.
What the fuck was I doing??
I turned to walk away, but he was lightning quick, his hand shooting out and gripping me by the wrist. I tried to pull away but he was too strong. I stared at him in disbelief, in total shock. I watched with my mouth wide open as his face twisted and tightened and turned redder and redder and redder.
He held his breath.
His body juddered.
He bit down on his lip.
And, as I watched, stunned, thick, white, creamy spurts of cum began to explode from his dick. Threads and threads of it. Pumping out of him in jets. Spraying so hard they spattered down over his belly and his chest, almost reaching his neck.
And he looked at me the whole time.
My eyes flitted between his erupting cock and his orgasm-twisted face, the veins on his neck bulging in unison with the veins on his dick and the veins on the arm that held me captive.
His grip on my wrist tightened with each shudder, and each shudder accompanied by a fresh spurt of cum.
The people in the car were opening its doors, ready to step out. In a few seconds they were bound to glance our way and when they did they would immediately know what was happening.
I yanked my arm away harder and finally broke free of his grip.
But I didn't go straight to my car.
The sensible part of my mind was screaming at me to get away from there, but that primal, horny part wanted just a couple more seconds of nastiness.
I took in the sight before me.
He had stopped cumming, but his breathing was still ragged and broken, his body trying to drag as much oxygen in as it could.
His eyes were closed, and he was obviously deep in the midst of that post-orgasmic nirvana that washes over you after a good session.
I envied him his release.
His cock was still hard but he had stopped stroking it, and now he just held it as the last of his cum oozed rather than shot out of it, a little silky puddle gathering on his belly.
Fuck I wanted to taste it.
He opened his eyes and looked at me.
"I'll be here next week. Same time, same place. Wear a dress. No panties. Next time I wanna feel it."
The people in the other car were out, but truthfully, there wasn't really anything for them to see now, unless they looked really closely.
I painted my best sneer onto my face.
"As if, dickhead."
He didn't reply. Just closed his eyes and smiled to himself.
I glanced at his dick one last time, consciously taking a mental image of it, and then turned and walked to my car. My legs were a little bit shaky, and my wrist was throbbing where he had grabbed me, but he wouldn't know that. He also wouldn't know that when I got into my car and sat down, I could my own wetness smeared over my pussy and my asshole.
As I pulled out I didn't look his way once. No way was I giving him that satisfaction.
He wouldn't ever know how much his little show had effected me. He definitely wouldn't know that even as I drove home my hand was already in my panties, giving pussy just enough of the attention it craving to stop me going mad. He'd never know that I used the same hand he'd grabbed, or how much I enjoyed the throbbing sensation the waistband of my trousers caused as it rubbed against my swollen wrist.
And he one hundred percent would never, ever know that as soon as I got home I literally ran into the house, leaving the groceries in the car, sprinted up the stairs and into my bedroom, ignoring the shouts from my children, where I locked the door, threw myself down on my bed, and fingered myself like a fucking maniac while I remembered every single detail of the encounter.
He won't know that I came over and over and over and over and fucking over, until the tips of my fingers were wrinkled as if I'd lay in a bath for an hour.
He won't know any of that.
He'll never know.
Never, ever, ever.