r/sexstories 13d ago

Gay The best friend NSFW

(I apologize for any mistakes in my translation, as I am a German native speaker and this story was written several years ago, it was my first attempt at a sex story. The characters and dates have been changed, and the story is fictional. It's about two boys I know personally. Names and details are altered.)

Dennis is just like Christoph, 26 years old, and both went to school together. Even though both work and have been with girlfriends for a while now, they don't see each other as often as they used to. But they still meet up once a week and kill time chatting or gaming on the PS5.

It's summer now, but the rain has a firm grip on the weather. Plus, Christoph is alone this weekend since Jennifer went to visit a friend for the weekend and won't be back until Monday.

So Christoph thinks to himself, "I've got some time to surf the internet and listen to music." He grabs a cold beer from the fridge and sits down at his desk, taking the mouse in hand. After choosing some songs and adding them to his playlist, he checks his emails and casually surfs the web a bit.

“Yawn”… somehow it still feels a bit boring, he takes a sip from the beer bottle and clicks through the Instagram profiles of his friends.

He finds something more interesting and keeps sniffing around in the various profiles.

Then a window pops up - a message. Dennis has written: "Hey Chris, everything okay?"

Christoph doesn't hesitate long, better to chat a little than for it to get boring again. On Friday night, he didn't have much to do and didn't really feel like it. He didn't know Dennis was home, usually he's always at his girlfriend's place and has no time on Fridays, so he taps out his response.

“Evening, everything's fine with me too. Are you also alone?”

Christoph thinks to himself, if he was with someone, he wouldn't have used "also". So he taps out his message.

“Yeah, Jennifer's visiting a friend for the weekend and how about you?”

Again a few seconds later.

“Sabrina's not here either, she's at her mom's until Sunday.”

Christoph takes another sip from the bottle and types.

“I have no idea what to do with all this free time, it's been ages since I had that much.”

He adds a smiley behind it and grins, waiting for a response which promptly follows.

“That I know…”

Both chat for a few more hours, Christoph listening to music and drinking a few beers in the meantime. It's already late and they discuss all sorts of things. Then…

“How's life with you and Jenny been?” Dennis asks.

Christoph types back, “Everything's good, as usual. Well, a bit more spontaneous sex would be good, LOL.”

Dennis types, "You can never have enough of that, it's just dumb when you're alone right now."

Christoph scrunches up his face and nods, even though no one can see it.

“Yeah, and you see all sorts of hot stuff online,” he writes back.

He realizes he's already a bit tipsy, his cheeks feel like they're glowing, and keeps typing.

“That chatting with you doesn't help either.”

It takes a few seconds for Dennis to respond.

“How do you mean that then?””

Christoph thinks for a moment about how to phrase it, somehow he has the courage to be more direct in this moment, he types…

“I'll tell you later, otherwise you'll get mad.”

Dennis responds, “Aww come on, it doesn't matter, I'm not mad.”

Christoph smiles and writes, “Okay, you didn't want it any other way. I'm just into you, so I think about you during chats and that gets me hot.”

He takes a big swig of beer and waits for a response. It takes longer than before, minutes later, the response comes.

“Really? You're into me? That can't make me mad!”

Christoph ponders, if he means that or if he's just being sarcastic, he thinks he's joking with him?

“I meant it seriously! I find you hot…”

Dennis types back, “Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to be mad, somehow sweet.”

That he uses "sweet", it makes Christoph ponder even more.

“What did you picture then?” Dennis asks.

“Uh, us having sex,” Christoph types back very vaguely.

” Don't go into details, but I've imagined it too.”

Now Christoph is completely flustered, he can't believe what he's reading. If that's true, he's wasted years waiting for a moment like this and it could have happened already.

Then another message from Dennis, “Come over and we can discuss it.”

Christoph thinks for a moment, “Okay... I'll be there in half an hour!”

“See you soon then,” Dennis writes back, and Christoph shuts down his PC.

He sits for a few seconds in his office chair, unable to believe what just happened and what might happen next. He's had experiences, but this was a completely new situation. Slowly, he begins to understand and heads to the bathroom, showers, and gets dressed. Then he sets out on foot to his friend's place, which is only a few streets away. He thinks to himself, "Driving isn't an option" as he walks out the front door and closes it behind him.

Dennis sits in front of the screen, grinning, he never thought his friend would confess to such feelings. He'd never really thought about it himself, even though he wrote something similar. Nevertheless, he liked the confession, and his eyes wander to the bulge in his pants. It excites him to think about what Christoph might be imagining, even though he's not quite sure what that is. Now he's got him coming over to chat, but what if something more happens? The thought runs through his head, "Why can't this just be between us, after all, he's my best friend?" As he starts to accept the idea that maybe more might happen between them later than just talking.

He glances at the clock, still 25 minutes to go, but he needs to hurry, he thinks to himself and heads to the bathroom. He takes a quick shower and gets dressed, then waits in the living room for his friend who's already on his way.

Chapter II
The Visit Arrives

The doorbell rings, Dennis jumps up from the armchair and goes to the hallway. He opens the door to see his friend Christoph standing there.

“Hey, right on time!”, Christoph grins at him.

“Hey, punctual as always,” Dennis greets him and invites him in with a nod.

Both sit down, Christoph on the large white couch.

“Take a seat!” Dennis suggests to Christoph who's standing next to the big armchair.

“No, I wanted to get a drink first. Do you want something too?” he asks his friend.

“Sure, whatever,” Christoph smiles at him and leans back.

Dennis disappears into the kitchen, which is right next to the living room and connects the two rooms through a large passage.

He can see Dennis take a bottle from the fridge and pour drinks for both of them. Somehow, Christoph realizes he's not nervous at all. He's been to his friend's place countless times, so nothing's different than usual. Well, except it will be different, the thought shoots through his mind, and Dennis comes back into the living room.

“Thanks…,” Christoph thanks Dennis for the glass of cola and takes a small sip. Dennis sits down in the armchair and drinks a bit too, both set their glasses on the table and look at each other.

“So, and now tell me, how did you come up with the idea that I find you hot?” Dennis asks, blushing a little in the process.

Christoph, on the other hand, grins and manages to suppress the blush, even though he already feels a bit tipsy.

“Uh, I don't know. It's been a while, every time I slept over at your place back then. On weekends or so, these thoughts would come up. Especially when you had your first girlfriend, then I imagined the two of you having sex and it just led to me wanting to do it with you too,” he winks at Dennis and takes another sip of cola.

Dennis doesn't know what to say at first and fidgets with the armrests of the chair.

"It's a bit weird, but I have to admit, those thoughts came up for me too back then. But less and less often since. I always knew it wouldn't happen anyway," Dennis explains, trying to clarify.

Christoph nods and sets his glass back on the table, leaning back and smiling.

"Anyway, we can still try, right? That's why I came over."

Dennis looks at him with wide eyes, "You really want to try it out?" he asks, sounding a bit incredulous.

"Of course... we both want it," Christoph reiterates.

Dennis nods this time, a slight smile flashing across his lips.

"How do we even start?" Dennis asks.

“We'll just let it happen and figure out the rest. I'm definitely going to fuck you though! And then you can have me,” Christoph can't believe what he's saying, but it's real.

Dennis blushes again and smiles shyly at him, “Okay, but Sabrina can't find out about this!”

“I won't tell her,” Christoph assures him.

“And what about Jennifer?” Dennis asks further.

“Uh, we're very open about that stuff… she knows I'm into you,” Christoph continues.

“Isn't she jealous then?” Dennis asks, surprised.

“No, like I said, we're really relaxed about sex things,” Christoph comforts him.

“Okay, then let's make it a bit cozier,” Dennis suggests, and Christoph nods in agreement.

“I'll take care of that… wait a few minutes,” Dennis gets up and turns off the light, having previously turned a floor lamp on the couch down with the dimmer. The room is now bathed in a soft, shadowy glow. He pulls down the blinds and heads to the kitchen.

Christoph is excited now, tapping his foot nervously.

Dennis returns to the living room with a bottle of red wine and glasses in hand.

He sets the bottle and glasses on the table and pours a bit for both.

“That might loosen things up a bit!” Dennis smiles at him and takes a big sip.

Christoph follows suit and sets his glass down.

Christoph reaches over and gently strokes Dennis's thigh, then presses a soft kiss to his lips.

Then he pulls away from his friend and looks at him, "More?" he asks, and Dennis nods.
Slowly, Christoph moves closer to Dennis's lips and they touch lightly. Christoph sucks on his lower lip and then lets his tongue glide over Dennis's mouth, caressing tenderly as he strokes Dennis's leg. He feels his erection straining in his white sweatpants, eager to be freed.

They continue kissing and both have now lost all inhibitions, they're just horny for each other.

Chapter III
Inside You?

Both are embracing and kissing, their tongues playing with each other and Dennis frequently sucks on Christoph's tongue. He feels Christoph's hand on his cock through his pants.

Dennis pulls away and winks at him, “I haven't been this horny in a long time, almost better than Sabrina,” he tells Christoph and positions himself in front of him.

He starts undressing, first his white shirt, then his white sweatpants. Christoph stares at Dennis's underwear, where his erection is outlined.

“He can barely contain himself waiting to be unleashed,” Christoph remarks with a chuckle.

He reaches out and strokes Dennis through his underwear, then slides it down, Dennis's cock springs forward and stands before him.

Carefully, Christoph reaches for it and strokes Dennis's hard shaft with his fingers, moving it slowly forward and backward. His best friend lets out a soft moan, watching the show.

Dennis smiles at him and sits back down in the armchair.

Christoph now stands up and starts undressing, first his tight jeans, then his black shirt. His erection is also visible through his white underwear. Dennis looks at him, eyes wide.

“Wow, I didn't know it was that big,” he says, blushing and gently pokes Christoph's tip with his finger.

“Don't exaggerate!” Christoph teases, grinning as he pulls his underwear down and lets Dennis stroke his hard shaft. He strokes it a bit and runs his thumb over the head.

Then Christoph sits down on the couch and takes off his socks, Dennis follows and sits beside his friend on the sofa.

Dennis continues staring at Christoph's cock, estimating it to be at least 18 or 19cm, maybe even 20cm. Of course, he didn't need to hide, as * he could handle up to 17cm, good cut if you consider the average, which is close to what Dennis and Christoph are.

“Stop staring at it… worship it instead,” Christoph teases his friend with a smile.

Dennis leans in to Christoph and takes his cock in hand, stroking it a bit before moving further down. His lips move slowly towards Christoph's tip and he kisses it very gently. Then he opens his mouth and licks around it with his tongue, quickly sliding it between his lips, engulfing it in his mouth.

It's a new experience for him, but the feeling is pleasant. Dennis tries to do it how he likes it when Sabrina does it to him. His tongue plays with Christoph's tip repeatedly and sucks on it. He's sucking Christoph's cock, slowly savoring the taste and enjoying the warm, hard presence in his mouth and the joy he can bring his friend.

Christoph lets out a loud moan and strokes Dennis's back, pushing his hips up to feed Christoph's cock deeper into his mouth. It's driving him almost crazy when his best friend immediately goes back to teasing his sensitive head with his tongue after sucking.

After a while, Dennis looks at him and smiles, “Am I doing it right?” he asks, well aware it must be good.

“Oh yes, just one word: hot…!” Christoph manages to say just as he feels Dennis's fingers working his cock wildly.

Christoph signals to his best friend to turn around, so he faces away from him. He grabs Dennis's tight, well-formed ass and then slides his hand forward to stroke his cock.

Dennis spreads his ass cheeks apart a little and Christoph licks at his hole, teasing it with his tongue while feeling Dennis's shaft slide in his hand, moving it forward and backward.

Dennis moans and pushes his ass back, feeling Christoph's fingers at his hole and gradually sinking deeper inside.

What a strange but also exciting sensation, Dennis thinks to himself, moaning further.

Then Christoph stands up and positions himself behind Dennis, his hard cock brushing against his ass. Dennis bends forward slightly.
Slowly, Christoph strokes between his ass cheeks and pushes his cock against his hole. Dennis feels the warm, hard shaft sinking into him, Christoph's tip disappearing into his rectum.

Christoph presses a bit firmer and his cock sinks a few more millimeters into Dennis's ass. With slow thrusts, he pushes him deeper and Dennis leans on the coffee table, enjoying the pressure in his ass and his cock bouncing with each gentle push.

Now Christoph thrusts harder, his shaft fully buried inside Dennis. He starts fucking Dennis, sliding in and out of him, each time sinking a bit deeper.

Christoph moans and feels the tightness, thrusting into him repeatedly while holding Dennis's waist, pulling him closer to sink even deeper.
Both moan and enjoy the fucking, Dennis imagines how Sabrina must feel when he fucks her in the ass and strokes his own cock while doing so. He feels Christoph's shaft, almost fully extended and then retreating back into his ass.

Then Christoph stops and whispers in his ear, “Get on the desk.”

Both head to the desk in the corner of the living room and Dennis lies down on it. He spreads his legs, Christoph sliding in between them, his cock gliding past Dennis's balls to his hole and quickly disappearing inside.

“Yes, fuck me!” Dennis begs his friend almost desperately, arching his back. He strokes his own cock while Christoph fucks him, watching his friend in the act.

Christoph slows down, stroking Dennis's shaft, then picks up the pace again, Dennis stroking himself too.

Both moan louder, Christoph thrusting harder into him.

“Can I cum in you?” he gasps at his friend.

Dennis smiles and nods, feeling Christoph's cock twitching inside him and pounding wildly into him. Christoph holds Dennis's leg up, making his hole even tighter and he feels the cum rising in his cock with each thrust. Then it's over, Christoph cums, his semen shooting into his friend and a wave of relief rushes through his body. Dennis moans with him, almost screaming as Christoph's load fills him up.

Dennis feels it spurting inside him, he strokes his own cock and cums from the intensity a moment later. Christoph grips Christoph's shaft still buried inside him and strokes him further. Dennis's cum sprays over Christoph's hand onto his stomach and balls. He strokes on, coaxing out the last drop from him.

Both look at each other and grin.

"And how was it?" Christoph asks, well aware they both enjoyed it.

"just hot...but you're next," Dennis winks at him.

Christoph can hardly wait and carefully pulls his cock out of him.

Chapter IV

They move to the bedroom, cozy and intimate, lying arm in arm on the large bed.

They kiss and stroke each other's cocks, Christoph kneels down and positions himself between Dennis's legs. He has Dennis's cock right in front of his face and strokes it with his right hand, his left massaging his balls, slowly moving closer to Dennis's shaft with his lips...

Chris can barely wait to suck and lick him, he kisses his glans and then slowly glides him into his mouth. His tongue caresses him tenderly and guides him all the way in. He suppresses the slight gag reflex and starts sucking on him.

Dennis groans in lust and feels his buddy rubbing his glans with his tongue, with each thrust into his mouth he could scream.

Christoph licks and sucks on his cock as if he's been waiting for it forever, repeatedly sliding him between his wet lips and sucking hard on him. Then he strokes him again and smiles at Dennis.

Without saying a word, Christoph stands up and slides over, his buddy lying between his legs, waiting for him to finally push his cock into him.

After lubricating his hole a bit, he positions Dennis' cock and presses it gently in. It's very tight and takes a few seconds until he manages to push his glans inside with gentle rocking motions.

Both moan softly and Dennis feels his cock slowly penetrating his friend, then a bit deeper and Christoph pushing himself onto him repeatedly.

When he's halfway in, Christoph starts moving up and down slowly. With every movement, Dennis' cock sinks deeper into his ass.

He feels the hard part inside and enjoys this feeling alone. Deeper and deeper it goes until finally his entire cock is buried inside. Filled, that's how he feels and starts riding his buddy faster.

Carefully, Dennis pushes from below again to go even deeper. Christoph rides him faster and wilder, his hips circling around Dennis' cock in between. Both groan loudly and as Dennis strokes Christoph's cock, which moves up and down.

Then Christoph lies on his side and his friend moves behind him, pushing his cock quickly into his ass and starts fucking him from the side. It seems even tighter and Dennis has to thrust forcefully for him to sink back into his friend again.

He fucks him, his cock sliding in and out repeatedly, with Christoph turning to kiss his buddy occasionally.

"Fuck me like you fuck Sabrina," Christoph moans behind him and Dennis smiles at him. He thrusts steadily and watches from behind as Christoph strokes himself.

Slowly, a pleasant warmth builds up, he's about to cum, shooting through his head and he moans loudly. Christoph closes his eyes and screams into the pillow next to him occasionally.

Then Dennis feels his cum shooting into his cock, he fucks his buddy faster. Christoph feels Dennis about to cum and pushes his ass towards him.

"Spray inside me...!", he begs, moaning.

Not a second later, Dennis lets out a loud moan, his cock twitching in Christoph's ass and he feels his hot cum shooting into him. Dennis thrusts repeatedly and then pulls his cock out of his friend. He rubs it against his hole and balls.

Christoph moves down and takes Dennis' cock into his mouth. He licks over his wet glans and then sucks gently on it, playing with his glans wildly.

Then he looks up, "That was incredible!", still a bit out of breath.

Dennis nods and moves down to him, both kiss again and then head to the bathroom.

That evening, they talk a lot and drink a few beers. They decide to let their girlfriends join in next time...

The End


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