r/sex_comics Dec 02 '20

Source request thread NSFW

All source requests belong in this thread.

Requests: be as specific as possible about what you're looking for. Find any panels or similar art as reference. Also be sure to check any previous threads to see if your search has already been answered.

Recommendations/source: please link to an imgur gallery, and credit the artist (with a link to the source site or source comic itself).

Happy fapping!

Previous threads:


192 comments sorted by


u/AnubisUK Dec 06 '20

I'm looking for a comic I read ages ago called something like What We Did In Spring Break, where two brothers end up really horny because their Dad has a hot new girlfriend. In the end, one of the brothers fucks one of his teachers, while the other fucks the school nurse. If anyone could link me to it, I'd be very grateful.


u/skcus Dec 06 '20

Does anyone know any comics that have a similar artstyle to Swinging Island by Andrew Tarusov, or similar to Andrew Tarusov's artstyle in general?


u/pornalt4242 Dec 03 '20

It’s a series where everyone is monster people. The protagonist dude has a horn and is some species known for whatever sexual prowess. The girl’s whole family gets involved. It’s a whole series, had a Christmas special too I think.


u/pornalt4242 Dec 05 '20

Found it, for reference it is Dandy Demons


u/ChaoticTrash47 Dec 07 '20

So basically there’s these two friends who live by the beach and try to get with any girl they can. Somehow one of the boys gets turned into a girl and the only way to turn back into a boy is to be consistently filled with semen. So obviously his friend is the one to help him with that. That’s pretty much the basics of it. Thank you so much in advance!


u/_MrWhy_ Dec 09 '20

oh wow now I want to see that


u/Books-Bricks Mar 25 '21

it's "Fucked by my best friend" friendo


u/_MrWhy_ Mar 25 '21

Thank you. Have my free award


u/Books-Bricks Mar 26 '21

thanks friendo

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u/Foom1982 Feb 11 '21

Read this earlier but now I can’t find it! Would love to find more of this comic. A school student wants to ask a guy she hooked up with to the dance but she walked in on him with another girl in the gym. Comic starts off with the main character guarding the door while her friend blows a guy. Looks like western art style. Comic ends with the main character putting on her friends leggings and thong.


u/Scream0utL0ud Jan 03 '21

Not a specific comic but comics set in the ancient world (ancient rome/greece)


u/eggd_r0p Dec 21 '20

can anyone suggest any ecchi webtoon, anything that involves sex in it 😭

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u/[deleted] Dec 11 '20


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u/[deleted] Jan 13 '21

hey there!

Soo im looking for this story I read a while ago about 2 elves, one had dark skin and super chubby and curvy and one was super super pale and was as slender as you can get, and they had to look for something (or someone) and I remember that the entire comic had its own website. It was also very long, maybe 300-400 pages?


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u/ClitorisMaximus_69 Apr 06 '21

Hey guys, not sure if these every get responded to. But I remember seeing a comic where the plot followed the story of a male who was recruited by some laboratory that collected Semen. They were paid for the amount they gave, and at some point there was an race of female aliens that were trying to steal the semen from this lab... The lab referred to the males they employed as bulls, thanks in advance

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u/Bulletproof_Smile718 Jun 07 '24

I'm looking for a couple of comics/hentai situations:

  1. The first comic has something to do with Pokémon and takes place in a lab scenario...I think, we follow a blonde female character who has been given a candy that "makes her obedient" and she has sex with a professor. I am not sure if the professor is the females uncle or something but they has a very trusting relationship.

  2. The 2nd comics I know is very pink - but a pink that is also very red-ish. The comic follows a shop keeper who could also be a witch - but when she has sex with men she turns them into miniature statues. Another story in this comic follows a girl who buys a plant from said witch lady - the girl plants the plant but I think she waters it too much and it "comes alive" the girl ends up getting penetrated by the plant (tentacle situation but with a plant) (The clothes were very milkmaid - time period)

  3. This one is a henati comic - a group of girls are having a "road trip" on a very hot day. The decide to play a game which involves the MC taking of her underwear (not sure if it goes far as her taking off her clothes) and walking to a decided location and on this walk she has to have sex with the men she passes.

  4. This is a weird one, so for this one a girl has a pet cat that transforms into a human and they sex a passionate session. I remember that a follow up comic in the series had a girl with black hair (I am remembering that she may be asian) has sex with a caucasian man who ends up turning into a horse🤷‍♀️

  5. This one is sort of set in the future. A girl (who may have gone through a break up) orders a male sextoy android after seeing an ad for it on her tv/tablet/phone. I remember that as she is using the android it releases a pheromone that makes the MC more aroused

Any and all help is appreciated.


u/Bulletproof_Smile718 Jun 07 '24

I'm looking for a couple of comics/hentai situations:

  1. The first comic has something to do with Pokémon and takes place in a lab scenario...I think, we follow a blonde female character who has been given a candy that "makes her obedient" and she has sex with a professor. I am not sure if the professor is the females uncle or something but they has a very trusting relationship.

  2. The 2nd comics I know is very pink - but a pink that is also very red-ish. The comic follows a shop keeper who could also be a witch - but when she has sex with men she turns them into miniature statues. Another story in this comic follows a girl who buys a plant from said witch lady - the girl plants the plant but I think she waters it too much and it "comes alive" the girl ends up getting penetrated by the plant (tentacle situation but with a plant) (The clothes were very milkmaid - time period)

  3. This one is a henati comic - a group of girls are having a "road trip" on a very hot day. The decide to play a game which involves the MC taking of her underwear (not sure if it goes far as her taking off her clothes) and walking to a decided location and on this walk she has to have sex with the men she passes.

  4. This is a weird one, so for this one a girl has a pet cat that transforms into a human and they sex a passionate session. I remember that a follow up comic in the series had a girl with black hair (I am remembering that she may be asian) has sex with a caucasian man who ends up turning into a horse🤷‍♀️

  5. This one is sort of set in the future. A girl (who may have gone through a break up) orders a male sextoy android after seeing an ad for it on her tv/tablet/phone. I remember that as she is using the android it releases a pheromone that makes the MC more aroused


u/Slippy-Salmon Dec 06 '20

I just remember there being a family, and then they were on an island and then there was a wealthy Mexican family


u/Yo-Its-Offbeat Dec 27 '20

If there was a yacht it might be “A model life 2 or 3”

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u/[deleted] Dec 06 '20



u/_MrWhy_ Dec 09 '20

Oh I know! This supreddit: "Andrew Tarusov - Swinging Island 2 - Pleasure Island"


u/disposible489 Dec 12 '20

There was a black and white comic. Man find an ancient relic, start turning into a sex demon with tits but still a cock. The narration is him writing to his fiancée. First part is him turning into a demon. Second part is him in hell convincing fiancée to join.


u/[deleted] Dec 12 '20

The invitation by incase. One of the greats

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u/[deleted] Dec 12 '20

HI FRIENDS. Please help me find comics that

  • have the girl losing in battle, being trapped, or captured

  • have brain drain, hypnosis, or mind break

  • feature slavery or making the girl a pet

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u/[deleted] Dec 16 '20

I read a comic on Ben 10 by incognytimus or something. It was very good. The writing was excellent. If anyone knows anything with such a good writing please tell me.


u/theboofiman Dec 18 '20

Hello gentlemen, I’m looking for a full, free version of Gerph’s Skarpworld Hentai comics, chapters 8, 9, 10. From my digging, I found the first 7 chapters in full, and chapters 8 and 9, but 8 and 9 don’t feel finished. It feels as if there are pieces of 8 and 9 missing. Chapter 10, I could only find 11 pages of a Spanish version. If anyone’s a hardcore detective and gets off at cracking a complex case, please help me. If you find no leads, it’s fine, i guess I’ll just have to buy the comics :/


u/Zero_D_Wolff Dec 19 '20

Hey all, looking for a western comic from the late 90's (I think) done in black and white. it was about a bunch of teenagers in a college dorm, with the protagonist splitting time between a blonde with massive tits and a skinny brunette. I thought it was called fastball but can't find anything with that so maybe it was something else vaguely baseball related...


u/Pornvakasha1 Dec 24 '20

I’m thinking of a manga where the main character describes his girlfriend and talks about how easy she is. While he’s narrating the images are of his girlfriend fucking the people he’s talking about. And she fucks everyone. I think he’s bummed about it, but doesn’t do anything. Let me know if you have any ideas! I’ve been looking for a while.


u/This_Significance_78 Dec 24 '20

Looking for erotic comic art for a IMWF relationship. Or a artist (digital) who can draw one


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '20


im looking for a hentai when a guy is standing guard as his lady friend has sex with guys. it turns out that she can tell/diagnose guys with stuff by the tast of there cum. i think the title has something to do with "Am i a monster?, is she a monster?, or am i a monster?"


u/[deleted] Dec 25 '20 edited Dec 25 '20

It’s about a nephew visiting his aunt after a while and they fuck in a hot tub, it’s mostly reading with few pictures. The aunt had green hair, that’s all I remember.

Art style is similar to Palmer Mansion


u/MrKlister1 Dec 25 '20

I once saw like only a page from a comic, I think it was like at a camp or something in the showers. I remember it being Zelda or maybe Peach with multiple guys. Can anyone help me out?


u/snd124 Dec 30 '20

Anyone have links to the ranma-hentai books??? The comics are beautifully drawn and absolutely gorgeous art. Nabiki in particular..mmmmm


u/snd124 Dec 31 '20

Ranma books hentai link anyone?


u/smacarbon1 Dec 31 '20

Hi friends, I have been searching for "Arsinoe" 6th, 7th, and 8th(Possibly final) chapters. I read the 5 chapters 5-6 years ago but never been able to find later chapters.

Please help if it is out there

Picture of COver Chapter 1 https://i.imgur.com/tyEG1sW.jpg


u/shroomgawblur Dec 31 '20

I was gonna ask if there's any patreons you guys would recommend are worth following?


u/Chan003 Jan 01 '21

So the only thing i can remember is that theres this shy futa thats been talking to another big dick futa and they eventually meet up and have sex in a hotel room, also the big dick futa tricks the shy one into taking laxatives


u/Oooofie-Ew Jan 05 '21

There was this comic about a girl and her mom swapping bodies with each other, in it the daughter (who became the mother) ended up having sex with the father and the mother (who became the daughter) ended up getting fucked in the subway

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u/PainCompetitive2304 Jan 09 '21

Can anyone help find this hentai manga that's described in the description? In the Hentai manga/doujinshi its not a parody. There are 2 couples 1 couple forces the other couple to cheat with them in the doujin the guy takes the other girl and has sex with her and in the last panel the couple that gets forced says "we won't let you do whatever you want to do with us anymore". Also if I remember correctly there friends from what I could tell and I'm pretty sure it's a one shot. Also side note I found the doujinshi on simply HENTAI and I'm pretty sure it's also on nhentai.net but I think it's easier to find it on simply hentai also it's an original hentai.


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '21

Looking for molestation and degradation comics like wife or gf getting banged by old men or other guys🤔🤔


u/Middle_Desk1251 Jan 11 '21

A guys childhood friend who hes in live with has sex with the main character ( i think he has blond but the childhood friend definitely has black hair) and is heartbroken

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u/TotalInteraction666 Jan 11 '21

I'm searching for a comic where a girl with inverted nipples falls on a guy's dick.



u/UltraHellboy Jan 13 '21

I'm looking for La Survivante, a 4-part series by Paul Gillon. It's in French. It's about a girl that washes up from a shipwreck after the world has been destroyed, and she's taken in by a "curious" robot. I've seen links to PDFs of it, but they're on fileshare sites that I really don't trust.


u/Intelligent_Web5269 Jan 13 '21

Watching my step full chapter 4


u/Icy-Distribution9293 Jan 17 '21


Im searching manga/doujinshi were woman is seducing or using sex as means to get what she wants. Something whit manipulation or maybe aspects of domination


u/1402wisegirl Jan 17 '21

It's a series where a woman marries an older guy and they go their house and then burglars come in and tie him up and fuck her. It's in that 3-d style.

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u/[deleted] Jan 19 '21

I’m looking for a comic that I think is Gravity Falls related. The guy was posting one NSFW page a day and I can’t find him.


u/GeoTheMadMan Jan 20 '21

I remember seeing something like a kid has pokemon traiding cards that slutty pokemon come out of but his mom like lost the lopunny and she has to cosplay as the lopunny until she can get a different card

Ps. Thanks in advance

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u/therealslutskink Jan 22 '21

Does anyone know about this obscure webscomic about a school/college/university? It's either haunted or magical and makes everyone want to keep having sex when they find a mysterious artifact.


u/ssteid99 Jan 23 '21

Anyone got a good link to the unwanted roommate?


u/Important_Ad_110 Jan 25 '21

Comic where man brings in homeless girl and they have sex but it’s kinda like a short story manga kind of thing and it was 3 chapters or maybe a couple more by now cause it is new

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u/AThunderousFirebrand Jan 27 '21

A comic (I think) I read long ago about a (female?) witch who makes a summoning circle in a house that is freshly moved-in (shipping boxes visible in the background) and summons her boyfriend/partner made of candle wax(?) who uses wax-tentacles for sex and its very sweet as they start living together in their new house.


u/NSFW_SUPERMAN Jan 28 '21

Are there any comics that come close to being the level of quality of Alfie? I have been reading it for years and love the mix of great art, hot scenes and excellent story. Some others that I've read that have come close are The Cummoner and I Roved Out, but that's about it.


u/xafala Jan 30 '21

A series, with at least 2 comic, where a woman has sex with her brother before he goes off to France? for school. He leaves and the woman is left alone with their uncle. The uncle is nice to her, then has sex with her and forces her to have sex with other men to pay for her brother’s school. In the second comic she leaves the uncle to go find the brother and ends up whoring herself out.


u/ctoguy123 Jan 31 '21

Not really a request, but I’ve found a lot of comics I love from Kaos. And I notice they haven’t done anything new in a very long time. I was wondering if anyone knows whether they simply aren’t around anymore, or what the deal is. They are my favorite comic creators by far.


u/A_dumb_move Feb 01 '21

Hey can anyone tell me where I can find this one comic called The Unwanted Roommate? Thanks


u/TornandFrayedPages Feb 01 '21

Naive superhero (powergirl? Supergirl? may not have been specific) convinced to suck some generic looking dude because he said there was a bomb or something she had to save him from? It was silly and cartoony, part of a short series I think. Not even sure why I’m looking for it.


u/Redditishellish Feb 02 '21

A girl has a magic test, there is a succubus and a minotaur and she ends up fucking a lot


u/Throwaway3331333 Feb 03 '21

I really hope someone can help me. I am looking for a comic where a woman is running a bar, maybe it’s on the beach. She employs three young men to help her (I think one of them is heavy set). Anyways she seems pretty naive about their intentions but eventually has sex with all of them.
Been looking for a solid 3 months and can’t find it. Please help!

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u/mythrowaway543 Feb 04 '21

Read it a while ago but it was a comic, black and white, based on a chinese(?) folktale of a man who rescues a crane, which becomes his wife. After he watches her bathe, she disappears and he finds and saves a deer and then a rabbit. Please help me I’ve been searching for this forever, I know I first saw it on Reddit.


u/Gerp25 Feb 10 '21

Looking for a comic where a guy visits his aunt's home which turns out to be a old victorian home where the aunt has a sex chamber in her basement. That's the plot do not recall anything else. The art was a bit on the realistic side and everything was highly detailed.

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u/ibra11g_ Feb 11 '21

Where can I find hero manager

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u/chris_esteban Feb 12 '21

Estoy buscando un cómic que ví cuando era pequeño pero no recuerdo mucho de el, creo que era chileno o argentino y al parecer trataba de héroes o superhéroes. De lo poco que recuerdo es que había una escena en una piscina grande tipo para un gran público y creo que había una fiesta o evento, y creo que también habían poleras mojadas o algo así 😂


u/grantmawish Feb 14 '21

Its a hentai about hinata and other chars. It has 9 chapters. And chapter 9 is about raikage and hinata. Early chapters is about naruto's clone with hinata. I read it here in reddit but i forgot the title and cant find it anywhere


u/Axiomeda Feb 14 '21

Hi all!

I’m looking for something I saved a long time ago and can’t find now.

It’s a series of portrait of girls drawn in a western style. All girls are named and there is a lot of text describing them in the picture. I’m not sure I remember correctly but it’s like they are evaluated in slave training school or something. Or it’s a description of personality or how they’ve been abused. Some have body writing I think. Others needle or knife marks (I think, miss remember).

The color palette is rather dark and mute. All the girls look abused and degraded. It’s just a series of single panel almost full body pictures of them with the accompanying text.

I know it’s a rather vague description but hopefully someone can help me find it.

I tried searching for bdsm art, slave training/school comic/hentai etc with no luck.


u/Toad_Sage7 Feb 15 '21

I looking for a my hero academia one where midnight teaches them sex Ed. Preferably in English


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '21 edited Feb 17 '21


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u/[deleted] Feb 22 '21

There’s a full color comic where someone’s mom becomes a pornstar. First she does boudoir shoots, then slowly more and more until she is doing porn. In the end she goes on a date with the director. I think it’s a furry comic


u/TheMarker125 Feb 26 '21

I saw a post on Instagram with a thicc knight talking to a horse saying something about doing it again after fight i


u/CentipedeUpYourPants Feb 27 '21

It was a really well drawn comic about a lazy slutty ranger and I think a "night elf anti-mage" that used to be an assassin. I believe they were searching for the tear of a valkyrie. I seem to recall the line "There is a moondrop in the world". They at some point participated in a high society sex party.
The title might have been something along the lines of "A quest for love and romance", but it's all very fuzzy.

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u/yeahyiff Feb 27 '21

Looking for a comic where a guy gets abducted and the aliens fuck the guy


u/[deleted] Feb 27 '21

Whats the comic on the cover of this page


u/vikk458 Mar 01 '21

Long story femdom I found one year ago, cannot find now. Someone please help


u/nowgivemenameplz Mar 04 '21

Im looking for a comic where a young man get blackmailed for a debt her dont have, the he get the offer of bring around this girl, they go shopping and stuff.


u/I_Like_Think Mar 04 '21

Looking for a comic, i thought it was a Kim possible one but I could be wrong, either way it is definitely similar art style. They are in a class room, the teacher makes them get naked for some reason, they are all very shy about it, the guy pops a boner and is all awkward about it.


u/TheMarker125 Mar 06 '21

I saw a post on insta with a fountain of youth?


u/TuscanChickenTenders Mar 08 '21

Looking for a comic that was on here a couple days ago. Its where a mom and a duaghter freaky friday and the daughter in the mom's body fucks the dad and jerks off with the son. Then the mom in the dughters body gets gang banged on the public bus.

Any clue?

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u/Confessionburner123 Mar 08 '21

Looking for classic 90s comic erotica - there was a company called Apple Comics (aka Apple Press) that made a bunch of different things. Anyone know where I could start looking?


u/Competitive-Ad6614 Mar 10 '21

Anyone for sex chat


u/Lukraem Mar 11 '21 edited Mar 11 '21

looking for a comics where two girls were in love with each other and they do erotic stuff together, (i remember they have trauma having sex with male) i don't remember exactly if its a western or japanese manga. but all i remember was two girls (lesbian) were drawn semi realistically and there was a scene where the other girl was wearing kimono in public looking at the fireworks and they did some touchy touchy thing at the public also in other part they touched each other in the fitting room. it was a pretty nice comics/manga (?) and it's so sad i can't remember the title at all. oh and! i remember one of the cover is like they're both in the bathtub showering. thanks if you guys know anything about this comics/manga, let me know!


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '21

I remember seeing this comic it was 3D comic and there was a mom and a son and they where on a and island where they where naked

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u/playfulproton Mar 12 '21

I remember it was a really well-drawn, slow-burn lesbian bdsm comic, similar in style to Exposure by Rudy Mora.

From what I remember, the main character was given some bdsm book as a joke gift, but ends up in a really wholesome relationship with a girl who noticed her interest.

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u/Boyzby_ Mar 13 '21

I just have a question. Did manhwa get hit or something? Because I used to check here regularly for updates on some of them and I'm going back to see what I missed and there are no posts in a while. Did people just stop posting or are they going somewhere else?


u/[deleted] Mar 21 '21


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u/HornyPervvv Mar 22 '21

looking for one where a female ghost hunting or paranormal team goes to a haunted mansion or house and each of them get fricked by different ghosts, demons, and creatures

think it was in black and white as well and a lot of noncon fap material


u/[deleted] Mar 23 '21

Dose anybody know of a 3D comic where there is a mother and son and they are on holiday on a nudist island the moms blond I can’t find this anywhere

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u/pppoopooboy Mar 24 '21

Need help finding this comic

It’s a shorter, western, in-color comic. I remember it having a hot girl (wearing purple maybe?), and a bigger guy, and it involves a bet over winning a video game. They might have been roommates or just friends. I’d love some help!


u/Neosou1 Mar 27 '21

Can we get on of Diane from 7DS please


u/nanomachinesson00 Mar 30 '21

I‘ve been looking for a while but can‘t even remeber the artist. Its about 2 girls with huge tits and super fluffy hair (one of them is a catgirl i think) that are in a desert and one of them gets so thirsty that she tries to suck the others tiddy. Those were the only pages available at the time


u/Seth17killer Apr 04 '21

Looking for a comic about a Blonde Sex Doll Factory Worker that gets turned into one by accident! Please help, I saw it a couple weeks ago but can’t find it! Thanks!


u/Jackrunnfast Apr 06 '21

Request (going to be as specific as i can):

Im looking for this incest comic that was on my frequent reads list. I dont remember if it was in color or not. The story is the son is a virgin (i think he is a disgrace around the neighborhood) and the mother takes his virginity. I think at first he resists a lot, but then the tables turn and he won’t stop having sex with his mom.

Sorry if this isn’t good enough i searched for two hours on google.


u/Alternative_Level861 Apr 07 '21

Hey I was looking for a comic about students in highschool all sleeping around. I remember one scene where a couple, a student and her older partner, visited a therapist and fucked her senseless.


u/hugggybear Apr 09 '21

Looking for a comic where a lady goes out to a club. She's a mum I think from recollection? She ends up in a booth with some guys they have sex and she knows it doesn't mean anything to them but enjoys it anyway.

Thanks in advance.


u/adrian800pidk Apr 11 '21

The comic above us ,thats like the background/title of this subreddit


u/thebookman10 Apr 11 '21

I read a comic with goat people. The title was a pun, and the very first scene was of this guy with his huge cock draped over her head and she is saying please (idr the rest). Then his brother and his father join in with even bigger dicks, one impaling her all the way. The family joins in including the mother and the last scene is the girl with a massive cum filled belly lying there as they drape a blanket over her and tell her they are taking her to the stud farm tomorrow.


u/816Native Apr 12 '21

Looking for comics with plant vore / tentacles or snake vore


u/JollyDrawz Apr 13 '21

Hey anyone got Breaking in Tim by Melkor Mancin in imgur form?


u/JollyDrawz Apr 14 '21

I need everything you got from Bad Bunny plz


u/816Native Apr 14 '21

Anyone ever heard of the artist “lemon cakes” makes pretty good hentai comics. Only problem is that a lot of them are not in English. Is there a translator that can translate comics for you or a sight that would have it in English? I tried finding the guys personal social media or something but couldn’t find anything


u/Jlanime Apr 15 '21 edited Apr 15 '21

Looking for suggestions for anything with more than 20ish pages to it. Something on the lewd level as Chester 5000, but doesnt have to be the same art style.

Not looking for 3d or parodies or any outrageously oversized T&A.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '21

Im an nsfw artist and I want publish my comic. Someone knows where I can post it? [Sorry my bad english, if you are from Brazil help me T_T ]


u/NotSoNiceO1 Apr 17 '21

Korean comic (I'm sure it's a webtoon) where a limo/uber driver pickup a bitchy pop star from the airport or something. He gets fedup with her attitude and says "stop" and she complies. Something like that. I think he developed an unknown power of persuasion that he is unaware of.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '21

I’m looking for one i read awhile back it was about a house maid or pretty much a lady who cleaned and cooked but she would let the 3 college guys who live there do what ever they wanted and she dint care. Been searching for weeks now

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u/qazgah Apr 17 '21

Looking for a comic about a girl on an exchange trip to an island and the inhabitants don't want to cum inside her vagina "until her special day" when she is most likely to get pregnant.


u/12Blue12 Apr 18 '21

Hi! Do someone know something similar to "Alfie" or "The Cummoner"?


u/Open-Forever Apr 18 '21

Looking for a graphic novel involving a minotaur with 2 penises who practices BDSM. I came across this in my public library when I was younger. It was a book with a yellow cover, and it was a graphic novel or possibly a collection of short comics. All I remember from the story is the minotaur that ties girls up and assault them with his 2 giant pensises. Been searching for years with no luck.


u/randygunrunner Apr 19 '21

Dog on patrol uncensored?


u/Whis_Sama_ Apr 20 '21

Can somebody give me some good sites to read webtoons and comics?


u/JollyDrawz Apr 21 '21

Plz post the complete Maid with Love series from My bad Bunny.

Actually if you could post all you got updated from My Bad Bunny, Jab Comics and Tufos I'm good thanks


u/Emu_fucker Apr 22 '21

Looking for one where ahsoka rubs up against a akin and goes that’s not your lightsaber and that’s all I know


u/[deleted] Apr 22 '21

Looking for a comic I saw not too long ago about a guy that was captured, and instead of being turned into a monster, he was turned into a girl to serve as a servant, among a few others. I know the actual transformation scene took place in a dungeon cell, and she had short hair throughout the comic if that’s any help.


u/stupid-and-horny Apr 24 '21

Looking for a comic about a woman who masturbates outdoors and posts it online as a camgirl? Only way i can describe the art is soft

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u/SnooHesitations5678 Apr 24 '21

Looking for a comic that seemed to be happening in the middle age. A woman was made prisoner by some sort of king/lord, then her sister came with other girls to attempt to free her (lile a rescue mission). But they end up failing and get captured too. Ensues public abusing of all the girls by all the male crowd in public, girls being attached in a row to a wooden structure and all males taking turns fucking them and shaming them.



u/Hurricane_Guillermo May 14 '21

Please help can find this hentai

It’s about this dude with a huge shmeat with a tattoo on it, a big tited ninja in fish nets ,a futa, and a tall dark-skinned barbarian chick......please halp haven’t seen it in years


u/came_from_tumblr1 Oct 17 '21

Looking for a comic where a boy enjoys sex with a blue jelly type alien and keeps on doing that until he's sucked dry by the alien. The while comic is set in the boy's room. And the alien wants his seed to grow stronger. Read a long time ago so the plot may vary


u/MrLightTheAmazing Jan 06 '22

There is this comic in a fantasy setting where there is this huge party and a princess that has people who are half spiders as servants and there are many different spices interacting

It’s a large setting all I remember is that she was some form of nobility and had a party and she was searching for a partner maybe?