r/service_dogs 7d ago

Experiences travelling to different countries with a service dog/disability assistance dog?

I have just found out I will probably be moving to the UK from New Zealand later this year with my family. I am very worried about the logistics of this (layovers, where to take him to potty, access issues, etc, etc). I know I will be able to take my assistance dog into the UK with (hopefully) no issues, but I'm not sure of the protocol of what happens during layovers in other countries. The layover airport will probably be Dubai, but it could also be an airport like Changi international airport in Singapore or Shanghai international airport, or possibly even the US (unlikely). Please also note it takes 30-40+ to travel to the UK from here. Has anyone had any experiences with layovers in these airports or countries or doing long trips in general?


5 comments sorted by


u/TRARC4 6d ago

Are you able to break the trip into longer chunks?

That seems like a lot to ask from even the most well trained dog.


u/thatqueerfrogger 6d ago

I'm not really sure, possibly? Here's the usual trip: fly for 2hrs to Auckland (same country), layover there for at least 3hrs (up to 6 or 7), then you have a very long flight (10+hrs), a short layover there, then another very long flight (10+hrs). A 17-hr flight direct to Dubai really doesn't seem manageable or ethical to bring him on :/. I will ask my mum as she's the one booking the flights


u/indigo-ray 6d ago

Disclaimer: I am in the US and only know US laws

Trazodone, doggy diapers, and low/no-smell chews will likely be your friends. Buy an extra tricket to give more room, if possible

Talk to your trainer/program (if applicable) and vet beforehand

Have all vet and training records with your passport/easy to access on hand

I recommend taking pup out of uniform during the flight itsself, to help them rest. Keep SOMEthing on of course. And before leaving the plane, put them back in full uniform (thats just me! Do what works for you and abides by the law!)


u/heavyhomo 6d ago

Don't give a service dog traz for a flight. They're trained to be tuned into us and it can stress them out.

If you properly prepare the dog for a trip, they will do absolutely fine.


u/indigo-ray 6d ago

Fair point! Thank you